The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, June 14, 1912, Image 2

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EVERY CASE HAS MY MOST Careful Attention • No matter how slight the operation or how small my fee, every case that comes into this establishment has the most careful attention of a skillful dental surgeon. My reputation has been built upon high quality work and I have too much at stake to risk anything less than best treatment. My improved equipment enables me to render the very highest class service in scientific, PAINLESS Dentistry. The patronage of ladies and children is especially invited. I am prepared to give them especial attention. All Work Guaranteed Examination FREE These Are My Prices For Best Quality Dental Work Set of Teeth $6.00 Gold Crowns $4.00 and $5.00 Bridge Work $4.00 DR. H.F.HAMIL Hamil building Opposite Court Houie Barnbridge, Ga. ICITOR GENERAL ALBANY CIRCUIT. {7 AspirinAto re-election to the office or S™ citor General of the Alftiny Circuit, subject to the ensuiDg primary, I announce my candlflacy for that office, which by the grace of the people I have heretofore held without opposi tion. I trust that the white voters of this circuit, to whom my candidacy for re-election is to be submitted in the primary, will regard my experience as pros ecuting attorney as being of some value to the public interests and my record as such officer as meriting my re-election. My attendance on the courts of this circuit and the proper dis charge of the exacting duties of my office will preclude the possi bility of my making a thorough personal canvass of the circuit, but I am sure that these condi tions will be undera^jd and appreciated. 4^ 1 respectfully solicit, and shall be sincerely grateful for a favor able consideration of my candi dacy for re-election by the quali fied voters of this circuit. Respectfully, William E. Wooten. Albany, Ga., April 16, ’12. in************************* 1 PROFESSIONALS J ******** ^** ************ J. C. HALE ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR ..AT-LAW.. General Practice in State and Federal Courts. Hanoil Huilding Bainbridge, Ga «4- >0. .1. *1- ? WANTS t jiv --T- -T-~ Al.BERT H. RUSSF.LL — — WM. V. Cl'STER RUSSELL & CUSTER .. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW.. Office Up-Stairs Allen Building BAINBRIDGE, For Solicitor General. I am a candidate for the office of Solicitor General of the Albany Judicial Circuit, subject to the ensuing state primary. I earnestly solicit from every one a careful consideration of my candidacy. For every vote that may be cast for me, I make the pledge of a fair and faithful discharge of the duties of the office, if elected. Most respectfully yours R. C. Bell. Cairo, Ga., Feb. 26th, 1912. Screen Doors and Windows all sizes at Cliett Hardware Co . BYRON BOWER Attorney at Law Practices in all Courts. Office in New Bower Bldg. Bainbridge, - - Georgia- DR. JNO. I. SPOONER physician and surgeon Office in Medical Building, Don- alsonville, Ga. Calls promptly answered day or night. Residence ’phone 62. Office ’phone 19. Joe H. Gilpin. — — J. D. Talbert. TALBERT & GILPIN. — ■.ATTORNEYS AT LAW I — Will Practice in all the Courts. Bainbridge, Georgia. Automobile Livery Auto Repairing ELECTRIC LIGHT AND WATER PLANTS INSTALLED. FARM PUMPING ..OUTFITS.. WATER TANKS AND TOWERS You Will Save Money by/tealijhf k-fch us. Work done any where. Everytlfp; Appr^kmed. 1. $ ■# ' ' * * "DC OI Bainbridge Auto & V instruction Co. The People’s Garage. T. F. CRAWL J , Mgr. Bainbridge, Georgia. >AA^wwws>vyvywyvN^yvN^wwvvwvw Dissolution Notice. Georgia, Eariy County. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Clark & Drake hereotfore engaged in the cross tie business at Jakin and Iron City, Ga; has been dissolved by mutual consent, J. W. Drake retiring from the firm. H. G. Clark will continue the business and will assume and pay all indebtedness due by the firm. This May 10, 1912. J. W. Drake, H. G. Clark. MONEY TO LOAN on improved farms in Decatur and adjoin ing counties. Low rate of in terest. My many years expert ience insures you the best term- and quickest service to be had. Large loans a specialty. Sup ply ot money unlimited. R. C. Bell, Attorney, Cairo, Ga, FOR SALE—a four passenger automobile, or will exchange for town or country land. Address ‘ Autumobile” Box 382—Bainbridge, Ga. WANTED—10.000 pounds Geor gia Collard Seed. Ehrlich Drug Co. Bainbr dge, Ga MONEY. $35,000.00 to LOAN. Address L. C. Bower. t-f. FOR SALE—Rhode Island Red Chickens, of the Tompkins’ Cock strain. Guaranteed thor ough bred. Pullets and cock erels $1.00 each. Hens and cocks, per pair $3.00. Trio $4.50. B. F. Norman, Diffee, Ga. WAFTED—By Chauffeur, age 18, position on any high-class car; two years experience Sober and reliable. Reference if required. Address, Chauf feur, Care Search Light. F( w SALE-7-Room no, West street, just tut yi feet repair. 140 fett fJU Hi 300 feet deep. Close ft? third cash, thiid u ‘J 9 third 12 months. P ric ^J Townsend Co i FOR SALE—75 Acres Clav t 2 fr V m Bainbridge , graded road. 40 acres L ped. All under wire f!?i *32 50 per acre I he Townsend Co FOR RENT—L 0 veljr~roonT small private family L, every comfort assured ’incU ing electric lights and bait Close in. Reasonable Anri at Search Light office. w FOR SALE—About 2(10 busE of corn near Bells siding on j C. L. railroad. Address Gu H. Bell, Fowlstown Ga. 4tfl WANTED—Position b y man. in country newspa™ 8 years experience, can maH up, set ads and first class man. Ad. RGB P-0- box Bainbridge, Ga. FOR RENT—One store-hoi on West street, formerly « pied by Caldwell Motor o. Co. Building 20x80 feet, el« trie lights, sanitary plumbing Lighted 3 sides next to wh® new postofflee will begin build, ing soon. Rent reasonable! location splendid. See G. Bower. FOR uENT—6 rooms house o Florida Street, front and b porch. $12.50 per month Apply to W. J. Holder, phoif 275. Haying Tools HA1RE & CROCKER BOILER WORKS We solicit a share of your patronage, we are pre pared to repair all kinds of Boilers, make Stacks, Tanks and all other kinds of work pertaining to the Boiler work. We carry in stock Sheet Iron, Flues and all the materials suitable to repairing boilers. Get our prices before letting your contract, we guarantee satisfaction and the lowest prices. Walter A. Wood JACKSONVILLE And Return $4.00 JUNE 13th 1912. Special Excursion Train Will Leave Bainbridge at MOWERS RAKES ^ND BINDERS Gall and see us Leave 11:20 a. m. Tickets good to return not later JUNE IMh, 1612. A good time for everybody-Don’t miss this and Delightful trip. A. C. L Ticket Agents will Furnish Full Information, h. M NORTH, L. P. GREEN. As*t. Gen’I. Passenger Agent, Traveling PuMtenger Agent. Savannah, Ga. than midnight cheap Macdonald Hdw. Company “The Lanark Special” leaves Bainbridge every Sunday at 6:45 a. m., re turning, leaves Lanark 7:OOp.m. Spend the day at the seashore--a whole some and delightful place. Thomasvilk <i*. Wound trip fare $1.50 Georgia, Florida & Alabama Railway Trains Leave Bainbridge Daily For Tallahassee, Apalachicola, Jacksonville and all Florida points. . 11 a. m., 8:30p.m. For Cuthbert, Richland, Col umbus, Atlanta, ,7:30a. m. For Cuthbert, Macon and At lanta *4:40p. m. * Connects with Central of Georeia at Cuthbert. Through sleeper to Macon, Atlanta, etc. Careful attention given re quests for reservations. LANARK SPECIAL ( Su 0 "t y ) 6:45 a.m. C. A. HARRIS, C. J. ACOSTA, Agent. Traffic Mg’r. r. r. coleman, Gen. Manager. Deering Ideal mover The way to get full value for your hay crop is to us* Deering hay tools. Thousands of farmers can testify to the excellent results obtained from using Deering mowers, rakes, stackers and tedders. They are reliable machines, and will do the same work for you that they have done for other farmers we have sold in your community. Come in and see us about a Deering machine next time you are in town. You don’t have to buy, but you may learn some thing of value to you about raising hay. You can make our store your headquarters when you are in town if you de sire. Ask for a Deering catalogue which explains details^ t better than we can. Cliett Hardware Compauy Reduced Rates to =Brunswick and Return Reduced Fares. Convenient j schedules to Brunswick and re- ] turn every Sunday via. Atlantic Coast Line. Rate $3.00. Leave 12:40 a. m. Returning arrive 3:05 a. m. For further information see Ticket Agent or write E. M. North, L. P. Green, A. G. P. A. T. P. A. Savannah, Ga. Thomasville. Ga. Methodist Church Notice. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. t J. C. Hale, Supt. Classes for every body: special reference to young men and women. Preaching 11 a. m.,and8p. m.. by Rev. Walter Anthony, Pastor. Subjects: a. m.. “A Better Bainbridge—Realization.” This is the second of a series of sermons on this interesting topic. Evening Message. ‘‘The Love of God”—an evangelistic ser mon, burning, personal, immedi ate. Everybody welcome. Prayer meeting, Wednesday evening 8 o’clock, Sunday School Room. Pastor’s Residence 209 Shot- well street, phone No. 35. A brotherly counsel and sympa thetic service is offered all peo ple of the city in all matters, religious or moral. Strangers cordially welcomed. Notice change in Schedule of CALLAHAN LINE Effective Monday, July 1st 1912. Boat Schedule will be as x Follows: Leaves Bainbridge every Monday and Thursday at. .10 a. m. Arrives Apalachicola every Monday and Friday at.. .8 a. m. Leaves Apalachicola every Tuesday and Saturday at.. 12 NOON Arrives Bainbridge every Wednes. and Saturday at.5:30 p. M. For Further Information Regarding Freight and Passenger Service Write •J. W. CALLAHAN, President and General Manager. * Bainbridge, Georgia. Will Find it to Their Advantage to Open a n Account in our Saving* Department. They will find the first deposit will act as an incentive to make others and in a s* 10 time they will have a substan tial balance drawing 4 P* r cent interest. Every’ accomodation consistent with sound banking our customers. r ,.ifordti First National Bank Bainbridge. Georgia. Capital $125,000.00