The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, July 26, 1912, Image 2

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EVERY CASE HAS MY MOST Careful Attention No matter how slight the operation or how small my fee, every case that comes into this establishment has the most careful attention of a skillful dental surgeon. My reputation has been built upon high quality work and I have too much at stake to risk anything less than best treatment. My improved equipment enables me to render the very highest class service in scientific, PAINLESS Dentistry. The patronage of ladies and children is especially invited. I am prepared to give them especial attention. Examination FREE These Are My Prices For Best Quality Dental Work Set of Teeth $6.00 Gold Crowns $4.00 and $5.00 Bridge Work $4.00 DR. H.F.HAMIL Hamil building Opposite Court House Bainbridge, Ga. - -Jr '1- WANTS foVVTi hs $35,000.0(Uo LOAN. Address L. C. Bower. t-fa J, WANTED-Four foot split pint! *»*»v**«»«**************** | PROFESSIONALS ^ ***#******.*****«***■**♦*« J. C. HALE attorney and counselor Some Cool Items wood, green or dead heart. Bainbridge Oil Co. WANTED—Any kind of build ing, wood, brick or any con struction. All jobs large cr small receive personal atten tion. PELHAM & WILLIAMS, Box 223 Bainbridge, Ga. ..AT-LAW;. General Practice in State and Federal Courts. Haroil Building Bainbridge, Ga Albert H. Russell — Wm. V. Custer RUSSELL & CUSTER * .. ATTORNEYS-AT- LAW.. Office Up-Stairs A.Hen Building BAINBRIDGE GEORGIA & MONEY TO LOAN on imp 1 farms in Decatur and adj ing counties. Low rate of in terest. My many years expert ience insures you the best term- and thickest service to be had. Large loans a specialty. Sup ply ot money unlimited. K. C. Bell, Attorney, Cairo, Ga. FOR RENT— One store-house on West street, formerly occu pied by Caldwell Motor Car Co. Building 20x80 feet, elec tric lights, sanitary plumbing. Lighted 3 sides next to where new postofflee will begin build ing soon. Rent reasonable location splendid. See G. G. Bower. WANTED-25 pounds Collat'd j seed. In answering mention price. Oak City Drug Co. Bainbridge, Ga. BYRON BOWER x Attorney at Law Practices in all Courts. Office in New Bower Bldg. Bainbridge, - - Georgia. Electric Fans Electric Irons Blue Flame Stoves Mazda and Gem Lamps Beiifgla, Floriduiy Railway 1 Trains Leave Bainbridge For Tallahassee, ApalacfeJ Jacksonville and all F iori 7 points. .11a. m.. 8:S0 P J For Cuthbert, RichlandivJ umbus, Atlanta 7-<tn„ I — ■ For Cuthbert, Macon and^ lanta *4:%. jjl DR. JNO. 1. SPOONER FHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office in Medical Building, Don- alsonville, Ga. Calls promptly answered day or night. Residence ’phone 62. Office ’phone 19. MCDONALD Hardware Co. * Connects with Central ,™ Georgia at Cuthbert. Throull sleeper to Macon, Atlanta, I Careful attention f?ivenre-1 quests for reservations. LANARK SPECIAL 6:45^ C. A. HARRIS, C, J. ACOSTA, 1 Agent. Traffic Mgl R. B. COLEMAN, Gen. Manag Screen Doors and Windol all sizes at Cliett Hardware ft] Joe H. Gilpin. — — J. D. Talbert TALBERT & GILPIN. —: ATTORNEYS AT LAW : — Will Practice in all the Courts. Bainbridge, Georgia. Daniel M. Carter Physician and Surgeon Residence 355 East Shotwell St. Phone 102 L Office ’phone 103 Born Building Calls left at Willis Drug Co. Answered day or night. H JIE & (LOOKER BOILER WORKS We solicit a share of your patronage, we are pre pared to repair all kinds of Boilers, make Stacks, Tanks and all other kinds of work pertaining to the Boiler work. We carry in stock Sheet Iron, Flues and all the materials suitable to repairing boilers. Get our prices before letting your contract, we guarantee satisfaction and the lowest prices. HAIRE & CROCKER, Bainbridge. Ga. FOR RENT—Two nice rooms, gentlemen preferred. Mrs. C. C. Harrell, Shotwell St. GlNNEtt WANTED An experienced man to operate and take care of two gins and necessary machinery in Doug- erty county during the ginning season. Apply at once, Juiy 24th, 1912. JOHN E. DONALSON. . ‘•The Lanark Special” Igives BajqJ^ridge every Notice change in Schedule of CALLAHAN LIN Effective Monday, July 1st 1912. Boat Schedule will he as Sunday at 6:45 a. m., re luming, leaves Lanark 7:00 p. m. Spend the day Jseashore--a whole- and delightful filace. MfctripT _ A CtRiportan f Leaves Bainbridge every Monday ami Thursday at. .10 A. Arrives Apalachicola every Tuesday and Friday at.. .8 A Leaves Apalachicola every Tuesday and Friday at 12 noon ~~i[ , Arrives Bainbridge every Wednes. and Saturday at. 5:30 i*. ‘ ——kind of a bond For Further Information Regarding Freight am! Passenger Service Write . W. CALLAHAN, President Bainbridge, G« and orgift. General Manager. Subscribe tor the Search Light d to* bond i represent the ’ ance Company i partment, and C Bond on short of vour* business V ciated. 7-12-3-m J. P. Automobile Live**, §| Good Drivers and Good Cars TELEPHONE, No. 36 Expert Repair! DR. J. C. NEELY Haying Tools Physician and Surgeon Office West Broughton St. Next to Public Libary Office phone 198. Res. phone 267 Notice of Local Legislation Notice is hereby given that at the next session of the Legis lature a bill will be introduced providing for an amendment of the charter of the City of Bain bridge, providing for the election o‘f Chief of Police by popular vote of the electors. This June 11th, 1912. Citizens. Deering Ideal mower > _ The way to get full value for your hay crop is to usi V’ Deering hay tools. • Thousands of farmers can testify to the excellent results obtained from using Deering mowers, rakes, stackers, and tedders. They are reliable machines, and will do the same work for you that they have done for other farmers we have sold in your community. Come in and see us about a Deering machine next time you are in town. Yon don’t have to buy, but you may learn some thing of value to you about raising hay. You can make our store your headquarters when you are in town if you de sire. Ask for a Deering catalogue which explains details • better than we can. Cliett Hardware Compauy “The Lanark Special” leaves Bainbridge every Sunday at 6:45 a. m., ire turning, leaves Lanai k 7:00 p.m. Spend the day at the seashore--a whole some and delightful place. Round trip fare $1.50 Reduced Rates to Brunswick and Return Reduced Fares. Convenient |' schedules to Brunswick and re turn every Sunday via. Atlantic Coast Line. Rate 83.00. Leave 12:40 a. m. Returning arrive 3:05 a. m. For further information see Ticket Agent or write E. M. North, L. P. Green, A. G. P. A. Savannah, Ga. T. p. A. Thomasville, Ga. House New shipmeut of the late type Drawn-wire tungster lamps. You can use them on the ordinary drop socket. They give you more light for lees money. Delivered to you. Just telephone Bainbridge Auto & Construction Co. T. F. CRAWLEY. Mgr. 1 he People'* Garage. T. F. CRAWLEY, Mgr. bainbridge, Georgia. A « A A . * - ^ ^ * - A. I "rTvWV 'W'WWWVW Real Estate Prepositions To offer by the Real Estate firm of D. R. Bryan Small farm of 23 acres, 20 acres in cultivation, small house and barn only two miles from Bainbridge, on public road price $750.00. See me quick. 1 have residence property rang ing from $600.00 to $6,000.00. I have vacant lots ranging from $250.00 to $3,000.00. I have vacant warehouse lots ranging from $500.00 to $3,000.00. 1 have other farms of different siz?s and grades. In addition to the above I have 42 acres unimproved land 4 1-2 miles from Bainbridgs that 1 can sell for $500.00, this is dirt cheap. Any one who’expects to invest now is the time for real estate noth city and country property is u< vuncing every Cay. Will Find it to Their Advantage to Open an Account in our Savings Department. They will find the first deposit will act as an incentive to make others and in a short time they will have a substan tial balance drawing 4 per cent inttrest. Every accomodation consistent with our customers. sound banking afforded First National Bank Bainbridge, Georgia. Capital $125,000.00 CYRENS INSTITUTE ‘ yiene, Georgia A preparatory gc'nooi for boys and girls Fall term opens September 2nd 1912 Lot- ated in Decatur County. Fine surroundings healthful Climate, completely equipped with steam heat, electric lights, steam laundry, artesian water, and sewerage system. Courses offered in Bible, Literature, Art. Music, Elocution, Bookkeeping’ Typewriting and short hand. Strong faculty, discipline unexcelled. Cost small ($150.00 a year), work thorough. The lead ing school of Southwest Georgia. An ideal loo*' tion in the Country for a boarding school. Free from distracting influences. Teachers live in dor mitories with pupils. Fine school spirit. Before placing your boy or girl write for cat a- logue and full information. J. M. Stovall Cyrene, Pres. Georga d