The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, October 04, 1912, Image 2

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FIT- in ordinary Shoes comes after days of painful r « “BREAKING IN” ‘ Thanks to Us you can now get TO HAVE AND TO HOU) HpHE patronage of discriminating wo men our Garments must be RIGHT. immediate FIT in KORRECT SHAPE’ SHOES For Men or Ladies Every Pair Guaranteed They must meet her idea of Style above ggjiing else. And she knows Style, too.^fue Trimming and effect must be neat and rich. < And lastly, to n d her patronage, we must get down ter!)hat homely word— but it’s an imp&tant one in Ladies vocabulary—WEAR. No matter/-o\*y^etty and stylish the ( v garment is, k.*' ;T wear. Our Gar ments arS Stylisl Sid made to WEAR. We have the latest line of Garments; evre shown and at Moderate Prices. You areasked to see them. HENRY J. BRUTON Flint Rfrver Store Bainbridge,: Swicord School Notes. (Left over from last week) School opffit'd up Sept. 30th with Miss Jet.r as principal, and Hiss Egleton assistant. We are looking for a better opening than ever before. This community was shocked last Saturday when a negro went into Mrs. FuHer’s house armed with pistol and walking cane and demanded something to eat. Mrs. Fuller being at home alone, gave him what she had cooked and immediately sought help. An officer was summoned but has failed to And the negro. Messrs. Allen Phillips and Don ald Swicord left a few days ago for college. Mr, Phillips went to Athens and Mr. Swicord went to Blackshear. We hope a good many more of our young people may be able to enter college by next fall. Gur farmers have been busy marketing their cotton, but the rainy weather is interfering some. Mr. S. M. Dixon and family are the pleasant guests of Mr J. J. Dixon and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. F. Bray, of Winter Garden, Fla., are stop- j ping with friends and relatives in this community while on their return from an extended trip through the Carolinas. Last Sunday was a rainy day and a great many were kept from attending the protracted meeting which is being conduct ed by Revs. Blewett and Win chester at the Baptist church in Climax. There were ten baptized by immersion at the Callahan mill last Sunday. “Eldorendo News” jfiP u ai. revival services at the Mr earil i s t church, conducted by Hr,V ^Shimh 0 f PavO, Ga., closjj^^mday night. We feel th^ much good was accomplish ed and that a revival will remain in the hearts of many. Mrs. J. H. Dean, who was tip- pointed delegate to the annual W. M. S. at Cyreue, attended, and reports a glorious meeting. The gin of Mr. C. L. Smith is kept busy every day, ginninache cotton f«f tarmg£8. 7 Mr. Wifllferown and'fjo daughters, v ;es Bessie and Adel, atteniL:;* services here Sunday nigh/ Quite a xJ~ of our young people atteV.^ he Georgia. A MAN IS JUDGED BY HIS We are now displaying unus ually Smart new creations in Hiph Art Clothing for Men and Boys Early Fall and Winter Wear- Tailor made Suits and Over coats, embodying the exclusive characteristics which have made the HIGH ART Clothing name synonimous with last word of Fashion. The prices are low; the stock immense, with best Workman ship and Finest of Material. We want your patronage, This showing demonstrates our Com mercial Supremacy. regret to lose this ftp u among us, but feel like our loss will be Colquitt's gain. The program for the Orphans rally day at the Methodist church next Sunday morning at 10:30, has been carefully arranged by Mrs. J. D. Epps and Miss Hattie Davis. Every body is invited to attend. Sunday Program by Bainbridge Concert Band Tramp “A No. 1” Dead. , Union meet ing at ThompSS Town church Saturday and Sundoy. Mr. E. E. Franklin, who has been Agent and Operator here for several years, left a few days ago to accept a position with the Central railroad at Blakely, Ga. Mr. Maurice Valentin»' / ‘«^ cock, attended servi 1 Sunday night. The painting of t church will begin thi which we will feel p it is finished. Mr. Blanton of Moye. Gax ^ _ accepted the position of Agent and Oj v —'‘T- hor»«*“- Golden Ca illie Darby for upC^—- tbt^nery and cut plefe E. V. Gerth, Director. 1. March—American Soldier. Myers. 2. Serenade — Summer Night. Sutton. 3. Waltz—A Southern Dream. Lincoln. 4. Medley March—I Want to Be in Dixie. Berlin & Snyder. INTERMISSION. 5. Medley Overture—Bits of Remicks Hits No. 12. Lampe. 6. Song From the Chocolate oldier. Strous. Sacred March—Ravenwood. ARE, PM t arch—The Aviator. Wy- tice. —Our Sunday Concerts begin promptly at 4 p. m., .1 further notice. prices, Mr. V.^TjSmith has his pretty- home almost completed. The Barbecue and Land Sale, conducted here last Saturday by Our school is delighted with; w . the success we made in securing] Mr. J- D. Lpps, was quite a sue the prizes offered by the W. C. icess. T. U. of Bainbridge. The recip- FOR SALE.-Good farm of 123 acres. About 90 acres in cul tivation. Bounded on west and south by good public roads. Land extends into village, and on it is a good store with fine established business. This is offered with the farm. Farm has splendid improvements of every kind and is one of the | gested to J. A. A No. 1, the famous hobo who has traveled over more miles of railroad than possibly any man living, has stolen his last ride. Beating his way on a passenger train in Texas last week, the tramp, riding on the truss rods under the car, lost his hold, fell to the rails and was crushed to death by the trucks. The acci dent occurred near Houston. The traveler was in St. Peters burg last spring, visiting the city in April. His monaker is on sev eral places in the city, the prin cipal one being on all four sides qf the warehouse at the end of the Electric pier. The date on this shows that he was in the city April 7th, and that he was then enroute north. The mona ker is also on the wall in The Times office and again in Lind sey’s barber shop and pool room. The tramp had quite a bit of amusement out of railroad men running into this city, telling them several days in advance which train he was going to ride on. He left for the north over the Coast line from here and was seen at Tarpon Springs, Trilby and several other places between here and Jacksonville.—St. Pe- ersburg Times. NIGHT TRAIN NAMED BY RAMBLER Houston Post: The recent death of A No. 1, the famous rambler, who during his life traveled far ther on the rods of passeng r trains than any other man who has ever lived, has brought to the minds of officials of the Trin ity and Brazos Valley the fact that it was he who named the night passenger train for that company Shortly after the train had been put into service he sug- Hulen, general that the train Notice change in Schedule of CALLAHAN LINE Effective Monday, July 1st 1912. Boat Schedule will be as Follows: Leaves Bainbridge every Monday and Thursday at. .10 A. M. Arrives Apalachicola every Tuesday and Friday at.. .8 A. m. Leaves Apalachicola every Tuesday and Friday at ... 12 NOON Arrives Bainbridge every Wednes. and Saturday at.5:30 p. M. Foi Further Information Regarding Freight and Passenger Service Write W. CALLAHAN, President and General Manager. Bainbridge, Georgia. borne that name ever since. The idea of naming the train occurred to the noted rambler after he had had a ride on it. Without detection he came down from Dallas to Houston and was so pleased with the ride that he inquired the name of the train. Finding that it had just been in stalled and had not been named he suggested the name it still bears. ienteconsider it q^ite an Er Wo have a good Literary schoo 1 ‘ ^ in this section . Good ; passenger agent, to receive a prize on such impor- , en ? ”°) v * conduced by M,bS churches and school. Healthy be called the Sc: L tant subjects. We hope th s community will take prists at the fair. that more Ruth Coker. Mr. W. J. Prigden and family w.1 soon move to Colquitt We “Seashore Special.” section. Best of reasons for,So pleased were the official* that selling. Address Box 45, R. ] they complied with the suggts- F. D., No. 1. Faircloth, Ga. .tion ar.d the fast night train has Georgia, Decatur County. Whereas, W. H. Harrell, admin istrator of the estate of J. E. Harrell, represents to the Court, in his petition, duly filed and en tered on record, that he has fully administered said estate: This is, therefore, to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his ad ministration, and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in October, 1912. T. B. Maxwell, Ordinary. of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in Oct. 1812. J. M. Vereen, Admr. of the estate of B. C. Thomas. -CALL AT- Oak City Hotel It has been thoroughly renovated and is under new management. If you don’t want to take rooms or meals, make us a social call. We wHl treat you right. Lodging, - 25 and 50c Meals, - - - - 25c Special Rates by the Week Hot and Cold Water Baths 25c. Mrs. Bessie Graham, PROPRIETRESS. LEAVE TO SELL. Georgia, Decatur County. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has applied to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell land belonging to the estate of B. C. Thomas for the purpose of distribution. Said application will be heard at bhe regular term of the Court Last Special Trip Lanark Sunday, Sept. 29th. The Georgia, Florida & Ala bama Railway announce that the Lanark Special, leaving Pa ,n ' bridge 6:45 a. m. on Sundays will be discontinued for the sum mer of 1912 after Sept. 29th. We are the guys that put U > n Furniture. Lane-Salter Furniture to.