The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, October 18, 1912, Image 1

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20 NO. -ll BAINBRIDGE, DECATUR COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY. OCT. 18, 19111 $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE ONTRIBUTIONS I Bainbridge Woman’s Club. Democratic National Committee for Bainbridge—District, De- talor County, Georgia. Mays. 1.00; W E Smith. F Patterson, 5.00; J W ni 1.00; C S Hodges, 1.00; nge, 1.00; W R Webster, ',V Wimberley, 5.00; F A 1,00; B H Colbert, 1.00; J land, 2.00; J C McCaskill, dHNussbaum, 1.00; J D i,00; T B Maxwell, 1.00; artsfield, 1.00; H F Hamil, C Norris, 1.00; R L Lane, The meeting of the Woman’s Club, October 10th, was exceed ingly interesting. Good reports were made by the committee on health and education; also the final report on the work of in stalling a drinking fountain in the city park. Convention matters were dis- .! cussed, and a distribution of $5.00 each was made to the Tal lulah Falls School and the Stu dents’ Aid Fund. The papers were excellent the subject of the afternoon was Georgia. Mrs. M. E. Nussbaum’s paper on “It’s Men and Women’’ began with Oglethorpe and 1733, H Baughman, 1.00; Mis^ | and f ve rflmpses o f Georgia’s 1 great pioneers, soldiers, states- ■ber, 1.00; E N Edwards, j me "’ wr ‘ ters , and wome "‘ . , 1 Bovett, 1.00; H J Mad- Hine ® P^er on Georgia’s 1,00; Jack Curren, i.oo : ! Tobacco and Turpentine’’gave iCohen, 1.00; G H Fields, I * he . hlst01 T of ° ur ^ co m ' H V Tonge, 1.00; B Ehrlich, dustry ’ and e J x P lalIied Uie B Belcher, 1.00; G H , P roved methods now in use by 1.00; Robt Culbreth, 1.00; our workers in turpentm iott, 1.00; H G Born, 1.00; son, 1.00; M E O’neal, Yeats Bros. Donalsoville, )F Crenshaw, 1.00; L A nan, 1.00; G B Toole, 1.00;. . . . , „ Funderburk, 1.00; M L 1 commissioners of Roads and Rev- inn-A H Parker 1 oo-! enue of Calhoun county, were H J eS here Monday to look over the IB Brackin, .50; Jno E, roads * Decatu f c ° unty ; and on, 5.00; V Berry,' l.00; study the methods of work be- Came to See Decatur’s Roads Mr. Buge of Leary and Mr. Bass of Edison both members of Lumber Co., 1.00; Mrs itterson, 1.00; Mrs E Pat- Griffln, 1.00; Max Nuss- 1,00; J. G. Garrett, 1.00; rackin, 1.00. lesolution Passed. ing done. Chairman of the county Com- mmissioners J. W. Callahan, took them in his car and carried them over a number of the roads, showing just how the work is being carried out and the grades of the roads, &c. . _ . The visitors expressed them- mee ing of the ®ca ur 8e lves as highly pleased with ,ty Bar Association held Oc-1 what they 8aw and ^ they , . The o owing w0ldd send the superintendent ihon was unanimously of road WQrk m that county down , . I here to make a more thorough iet>me ago we read a story: of the work bei donein a woman who had spent Decatur ’ ,n mmistration to her The of Decatur county v.™j ™ I hardly appreciate just what they Death of Miss Sauboro. Miss Annie Sanborn, one of the best known women of Bainbridge died early Wednesday at the home of Judge and Mrs. B. B. Bower, Sr., after an illness last ing for some time. She had hundreds of friends who loved her for her Rind, dis position. She was the daughter of the late Ira Sanborn, who came from the North before the war and located in Decatur county. He built the first cot- r ton mill in this section and was among the leaders of progress and enterprise in this part of Georgia. Besides a number of other rela tives Niss Sanborn is survived by three sisters, They are Mrs. B. B. Bower, Sr. and Mrs. Louise DesVerges, of Bainbridge, and Mrs. Euzema Bower, of Los An geles, Cal. Interment was in the city cemetery Wednesday afternoon, Revs J. E. Ward and Walter Anthony conducting the service. The revival services being conducted at the Methodist church by Rev. Walter Anthony, assisted by Presiding Elder, J. M Outler. will come to a close Sun day night. Those who have ap plied for membership will be re ceived into the church at the eleven o’clock service Sunday. The meeting has been one of the best held there in a long time. More than forty have been ad ded to the church. The exhibits by the girls and boys of the com clubs and can ning clubs of county have attracted wide attention. Full notice will be given next week. The Search Light has been troubled the past two weeks for the want of help m the mechan- cal department. Arrangements will be made by which that will be avoided in future. A Well Deserved Honor. The presentation to Judge W. M. Harrell Tuesday afternoon of a beautiful gold headed cane by the local Bar Association was an appropriate tribute to a man most dese In his Judge Har: thf^pve an: not only thi in every way. ent from office ,rries with him est esteem of, ,r Association, but s people throughc% the good of Decature. gift is a tribute from men now Judge Harrell to be every time of trial and to tood on the right side of Restion that touched upon »ce, morals and good ip of our people. Jenandfriendshad notap-'have in thewayofgood roads. Bated her ,n her life but as Jt iaa fact that outside people look upon Decatur as in the very from ranks in good roads work. The fame of Decatur’s roads has gone out over Georgia and a large portion of the United States. lay in her coffin “Many ten dings was said when she dead.” believe that the time to say and tender things is when abject is alive. Life is of- arid desert and the basis greets the traveler and life itself worth while is dly word and a touch of ciation from man and Notice her, 'day we thank God that at Donalsonville. J. A. Evans, U. S. (lent of Agriculture, of jton, D, C., will visit .jon and will speak to the j ■’ T Vt Donalsonville on ■ '■ vth. Wing ranks high in this work e pulpne of the leaders in the Ag-^o(Jural Department and is said, te, 5 one of the best speak ers in the county. Everybody in the county is cordially invited to be in Donal sonville on,that day and here this noted ag Ifural expert. Loans Vt We# five yei^ prope- \ WeV especially shall be p^ , or write ut} proposition. ’,;d to negotiate -roved farm J *• * ■exhibit/ ral prod « *s and j 1 oranges MINUTES Of Decatur County Teacher’s Associitkn. The Association met at, reg ular time in S. S. Room, Presby terian church, Bainbridge, Ga. Meeting called to order by Pres ident. Plans for the year’s work were discussed. A program committee com posed of Misses Cavenor, Daugh try, and Coker was appointed: also a finance committee on which are Misses Parker and Whitta ker and Mrs. Bateman. A membership committee is to be appointed by the president. The object of this association is to strive for the mutual benefit of the membership and the up lift of the rural schools of the county. We need the co-operation of every teacher in the county. Some of the ladies of Bainbridge were out last Saturday to give us the glad hand. Among the number were Mesdames Donal- son, Friedman and Fleming. The next meeting is on the first Saturday in November. H. H. Wood, Pres. Miss Ruth Vorhieu, Sec. FOR SALE—Farm of 168 acres one and one-half miles from court house. Partly improved. 5-room dwelling and gpod ROOSEVELT SHOT Ex-president wss Fired Upon by Ato*4 sin Just Before Making Ids Speed at Milwaukee. Col. Theodore Roosevelt was shot by a would-be assasin Monday night as he was on his way to the auditorium to make an sddress. He had left his hotel in an auto and while the great throngs were cheering him along the way he stood up in the car and waved his hat. At this juncture a man pushed his way through the crowd and fired at Roosevelt. In an instant one of Mr. Roosevelt’s secretaries sprang from the car and bore the man to the grown, at the same time wresting the revolver from his hand. The crowd was terribly excited and there was strong' talk of lynching the assassin, but Col. Roosevelt asked the crowd to be quiet and not to hurt the man. Mr. Roosevelt did not know for some minutes that he had been shot. It developed however, that the bullet entered the right breat just to the right and below the nipple and ranged upward. ‘ It proved not to be a dangerous wound, though a painful one. Col. Roosevelt, against the advice of his physicians, went on to the auditorium and made his He was then carried to »«/* ''ctedj Bell & Weathers, bam. A bargain in this pk s T m Js He then to the quick buyer. Gd O. Vl feU^d given irea; Pq*prms._ Call at Bainbrld, .™‘>th»g Cai i kr‘l Drug Co. ‘ • ’• 4 my customers '&na»r nvt\ he jfz H^ iAlien''<iasJ^ 0 Y , ffllT ..wi' who did the V 1 «Manage^' ^footing. He is said to live in c0 ! lh/ Fail; -Asspcb^-'-Gl New York, and that he is crazy. ; f fair t*> latter NOTICE. . , — There will be no Band Concert, ' A nth ’ a " d act a8 ,^’u\ judges of, the exhjr h managemeSixcbuld few/ lected a hpr or A* tent man. Tlhe wri\Iall Sunday afternoon on account of ths illness of some of the mem bers. Castle Hall Decatur Lodge, No. 32 K. of P., Bainbridge, Ga. Tuesday night Oct. 22,. is the time for we have work to do that Harrell is not dead. We'quires your help Fresh t to let him and the public | Meat ,n abundance. If you wish ’ how much we think 0 f, a good time do not fail to be there how much we respect him,l at Eight Oclock sharp, there much we love him Judge! wil1 ^ something doing with o U r II is about to retire from * oat in attendance. Be sure nch after two terms 0 f; yourcard reads 1912 - ,f I 1 doe * *ul service. He has been| notyou Had better see Brother j 'hed in the balances and not J - G . reene and have bim wanting. He has been ekange it for you. ■n the furnace and found 1 After we are through with the gold. His career as Judge , Victims all will proceed to feed, been marked by his earnest ^ ths inner man. to do right He has chords — make-up which always ^ back m U8 ic to the touch; Mrs. Chas. Parker and Mrs. ® nt and justice. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Ausley, Mrs. Chas. ■dedthJ ^w^' .u • Mercer Baggs, left Wednesdry “onoft^ ° P " I in an auto for a trip of several, Petedt^ . g ’/ e ' days to Macon and Atlanta. ! , th e strong from the ______ and hatred of the weak. ’I f( *t tread the path of justice FOR RENT -In exclusive neigh-1 equity. HiilSS jTIi borhood, 2nd floor apartment, Id to thp inn J? 40 * T eTG j consisting of 3 elegant rooms, he aocent and arod ! large hall and front veranda, , ® m| ty. His whole being I including electric lights and 1 * c * 8 in truth; truth in its en-1 telephone, $17.00. References 'Mh e W h0te Phon.360., h’uth. His administra-; victories and oetter things are M clean, his heart was still in store for you." ‘ and we say to him “Well *«Mand faithful citizen, Vfc f ou *ht and woa many LADIES As long as they last, we w ill sell you for CASH a pair of WICHERT & GARDINER’S FINE SHOES Regular $5.00 Shoe Regular 4,00 Shoe Regular 3.50 Shoe For $3.00 For 2.75 For 2 50 A. H. Russell, Vice-President J. R. Wilson, ' Secretary. POSITIVELY 35 io 50 cents a pair less than New York cost and bran new Shoes- George H. Fields Co. 1 "THE SHOP Op FASHION” Bainbridge, : : : : Georgia anl ie wrf work of I i j^llen for and ifjj */ng last fall. LgAor tt .j. Allen put in the fa B have been the s^ c If Decatur county^,- an( j#ew more men who believ 11 ' fairs and everything to encourage the stimulate agriculture^ fair would bej^ld nerj, fall, as is beii >u qne^llaf. Thomas, and i t |iech; Ain ' :5r this section of G Georgia. Decat^ r By virtue la « ^d/in^ - exgf l r 0. i| Mfl tHSti'llI on N6vr bidder f STATEMENT of INCOME and DISBURSEMENTS For the City of Bainbridge, Month Ending Sept. 1912 Balance on hand Sent.1,1912, <77,489.64 RECEIPTS. Ad. Valorem tax School fund.. “• “ •• Ex.Ordy.... •* “ “ Ordy City taxes <306.62 Electric Lights 1161.40 Water rents 487.68- Finee 67.00 Licenses 118.00 Dog Tax 12.00 Street taxes 126.00 Impound fees 24.25 Tapping water mains Plumber fees Water Metere 28.90 on certificate 188.84 ; on Time Deposit l water inains wood uetery r eof Junk crued interest. . . REM Hater & Light plant fuel “ “ “ •• labor All of 61 acres of land, X do with all improvements V situated, lying and beiriL. fy- Number 371 in the 20th V. *~pt of Decatur County, and BbAg the same land a3 is described in a deed frm J. J. Lynes to A. P. Jones and C. F. Jones, dated Aug. 31st. 1907, recorded in Book E-3, Folio 413 of deed records in the Clerk’s office of the Superior Court of said county. Said prop erty will be sold to satisfy a note for $1,000.00, besides inter est, executed by A. P. Jones and C. F. Jones to Bainbridge State Bank on Jan. 2nd, 1909. This Oct. 19th, 1912. Bainbridge State Bank. By E. J. Perry, President FOR SALE— 200 acres fine tim ber 5 miles from good town. Good location for small mill More timber near that can be bought For particulars write J. D. James, P. O. Box 265, Bainbri Jge, Ga. DISBURSEMENTS. <412.90 470.00 R. & M. 224.3o M. & S. - 85 25 Equipt.... 447.07 1,699.62 231.28 77.84 16.93 ; Labor. Feed ) 1 the j . Labor. ring Extstfgefr M. &S. < 326.00 70.30 15.36 89.88 < 226.68 810.00 34.6 299.86 TotaJ - - - Pdfrca Sewer Cemetery Gen. Expense School Fund Legal expenses 8.84 CityHall Building Bonds and Interest street Paving Bonds 5,888.96 School Mouse Bonds 6000.00 Interest on Borrowed money Water extent)on Bonds Public Buildings Impound Refund Refund on sale of Junk ToUl - - <13,231.69 Balance on hand Oct. 1,1912, 66,662.99 Only a few more days, and then you will see just how long the horns of the bull moose have grown.