The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, November 01, 1912, Image 2

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IJMH^Wdg^eaTCIM^K heating contractors I Sr:i!<-(1 bids will l»'l Published Every I ridey by The Search Light Publishing Company. P. B. BUTLER Editor. Official Advertiaing Medium ol Decatur County and the City of Bainbridge. I he lownsend U. be received at| the Council Chamber iainbridgej / 1912 for ’Tail to .City Property.. Entered et the Poat-Office at Bainbri^t 1 M eecond-cJaM mail matter. bainbr:dge, ga., nov 1, 1912. The Race For J. P. It will be noticed that Judge D. R. Bryan and Mr. J. H. Boyett have announced for Jus tice of the Peace. The race is growing lively al ready. There is likely to be something interesting about the race in these columns after the National election is over, Save Your Meat Special attention is called to the ad of the Nussbaum Ice Co. in this issue. Every farmer, who does not have a cold storage plant should bring his meat here for curing It will save thousands of pounds of meat from being spoiled by hot weather. NOTICE-to Stockholders and Directors ot the Georgia, Florida & Alabama Ry. Co. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stock holders and directors of the Georgia, Florida & Alabama Ry. Co , will be held in the of fices of the Company at Bain- bridge, Ga., on Tuesday. Nov. 19th, at 12 o’clock, noon, for the purpose of electing officers, and for the transaction of any other business coming betore the meetiug. This meeting is called and notice given by J. P. Williams, President, this 22nd day of Oc tober, 1912. L. G. Papy, Secretary Ga, until noon Np the construe 1 be erected ini Each bid fL ■ ■■ .action of the buildinj accom panied vrity ch^-fc in the amou^ / and each bid for if of Steam Hea- \ing\e v**ar is~ -ed check in tkiambT ,00. payable to J. W. C4 ,U 1 Mayor, as a guarantee awarded the contractors the successful bidders will promptly enter into contract and furnish a surety bond as re quired by the specifications. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Drawings and specifications may be seen at the office of William A. Edwards Architect. 632 Candler Bldg. Atlanta Ga. Contractors wishing to bid may obtain drawings and specifica tions from the Architect by immediately applying for same Subcontractors wishing to gel drawings and specifitions are re quired to pay the Architec- $10. cash for the use of sam“ J. W. Callahan, Mayor E. T. Hines, Chairman FOR SALE-136 acres of land, 11-2 miles from city on Fowls- town road, 65 or 70 acres under wire fence and in cultivation, the rest in woods, has 2 room cottage, the place known as the Capt. J. S. Desverges plan tation, its nearness to the city makes it a bargain at the price asked for it. If you want one of the most desirable places near the city of Bainbridge, call on or address Mrs. J. S. Desverges, Bainbridge, Ga. The Styleplus Clothing ads, being run by A. B. Belcher are attracting considerable attention. Special leased wire furnishing election returns direct to Grand Theatre Tuesday. I VWWWBWWWWWWWWlww%. Hie UL On Evans street. Beautiful building lot, high elevation 105x210 $600 On Shotwell street. The prettiest building lot in the city, 105x140 $1,500 On Broughton street. At corner of River street. Easy terms, lot 75x300.. .$400 On College street. Six beautiful lots, close in near school, 52 1-2x210 $300 On corner of Florida & Troup Sts. 7 room cottage. All modern conveniences. First class re pair. Rents $27.50. Easy monthly payments $3250.00 On Broughton street. One small cottage in good col ored section. $500. $50. cash $10.00 per month on balance. OWN YOUR HQME. »Ve will sell you a lot $10 per month; when you pay for your lot, we will build you a home, fee us at once. The Townsend Co., write vour fire and tornado insur- .nce. They will look»t'ter your ‘interests. West street. One 7 room dwelling, recently Dainted and put in first class repair with, lot 140x310 feet Price $3,000.00 On Water street. Lassiter House. 20 rooms. Best located boarding hou: e in Bain bridge. Water in evtr/ room, Hot and cold baths. Fully fit ted with every modern con venience. »'7>7¥¥y I ANNOUNCEMENT. To the voters of the 513th Dis trict, G.M., Decatur County: I take this method of notifying the voters of my district that I will appreciate their votes for re- election to the office of Justice of the Peace, Bainbridge District Democratic offices ' should be filled by the people. If you de sire that I fill the office I will appreciate your votes. • Respectfully, . D. R. Bryan. irice, smashes ah' s. It even totally Overland values, which he world. 40,000 O- in 1913. This enom makes possible j As the J down, at year. Is* / ometimes ° ficance ojlpo !ti u, S l land plants is r only proves the ful and efficient Here r the bare 4 « powerful,- self-startif senger to' aay for v ce. Mr' te to anufacti rdinary, ‘Fit depat- is car off comp*lodes, the econoi;^ ^^iVorkman- v ^ ~ of today of incess in selecting She profits obtain in ment the best Material ship. And it jAne.'.perfect Combi nation df all 'these elements^ which make it woman 'of to( Examine models at our Stf] ml me I ANNOUNCEMENT. To the voters of the 513th Dis trict, G. M.,of Decatur County, Ga.: At the request of my friends ar.d citizens, I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the election io the office of Justice of •K* -of the 513th District, JEatur county, Geor- ne election for Justice of - >v»ce to be hefd on Saturday cember 7,1912. • -In making this announcement I have only one pledge to offer, and that is to do mv very best to discharge the duties of a Jus tice of the Peace as required un der the laws of Georgia in as- cordance with the oath that is required to be taken by every Justice of the Peace: To admin ister justice without respect to person, and do equal rights to the poor and the rich.. This is my platform and upon it 1 must stand and be elected or fall and be defeated. Owing to my business engage ments I will not be able to make any formal canvass, but I re spectfully solicit tha votes and support of every voter of the District. I am Yours very respectfully, J. H. Boyett. Everybody Inquiring about What? PERIDENEASE The Famous Dental Discovet y Now Bp. ing used in his office practice byDrHamil I th ! Dr. Crowley’s Dental Discovery,is a boon to humanity and for that reason the papers are being used to let the people know and understand just what it is. Every one that uses it bids fare well to fear and pain There is no need to longer fear the dentist or to put off that needed den tal work. You can do so now with the assistance of Peridenease and not be inconvenienced. Have you inquired about it? If not, you are the only one that has not. It is interesting to learn obout it. For More Information and better Understanding, See Dr. H F. Hamil Bainbridge, Gi ^ AAA AAA fsshionsjfexpandinar otfitate of Georgia,— Decatur Co. / wheels. Insid, Whereas, R. G. Hartsfield Ad- ... , . yl you will taka tj\ TRIBUTORS *LY AND MILLER COUN Verned, 1 of Elizabeth Peters to the Court, in his duly filed and entered that he has fully ad- said estate: This is, cite all persons con- kindred and creditors, ^DFNCOUN fY, IN FLC quality ward having h* dress for yourself. The prices afe low, considered. £ Henry J. Bruton Bainbridge, G?, I FLINT RIVER STORE FOR o show cause, if and they can, vhy said administrator should ot be discharged from his ad- inistration, and receive letters if dismission, on first Monday in November, 1912. T. B. Maxwell, Ordinary. The defendant Coleman Wade is hereby requested, in person or by attorney to be and appear at the next SupeKor Court to be held in and tor said County of Decatur on the second Monday in November next, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s Libel for divorce, as in default of such appearancra the Court will proceed according to the statute in such (ages made and provided. Witness th * Honorable Frank Park, Judge o' said Court this What Does “Quality” Mean In Shoes Clerk. W HEN you speak of “quality” in shoes, you don’t merely refer to the material in the shoe—“quality,” when applied to shoes, also means quality in style, quality in fit, quality in comfert, quality in workmanship, and quality in service. II a shoe does not contain these “quality” features, it is not a good shoe. We offer you only shoes of “quality” — quality in every feature, and we can prove it if you will give us a call. The “Craddock” at $3.50 and $4.00, the “Craddock Special” at $4.00 and $4.50, and the “Craddock Bench Made” at $5.00 are three grades from' the celebrated LONGWEAR line, and are “quality” shoes throughout. UfE want you 1 shoes a test. to give these By looking at them and examining their superb material and workmanship you can be your own judge as to style and make-up, but you will have to rely on our judgement as to service, and we tell you positively, that if you find a sin gle defect in either material or workmanship, we will give you a new pair without question. We have some new and nobby lasts this season—every size and all leathers—for old and young- We can fit any foot—come here f^r “quality” shoes. Longwear Shoes Wear Longer C. B. SCOTT Bainbridge, Georgia.