The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, January 03, 1913, Image 3

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CLEAN SWEEP SALE Just a Few of the many bargains we are offering in Ladies Skirts. $6.50 Serge and Panama Skirts go at , •. $5.00 Whip Cord Skirts re duced to.. ...t $10.00 Skirts, assorted styles, to go at . ... Ladies $6.00 Rain Coats, only Childrens $3.50 Rain Coats only All Children Cloaks at Half Price.- Misses Cloaks 1-3 off. Children Dresses at less than cost of material—All extraordinary large. SEE THEM. $4.34 3.10 6.15 2.90 2.08 Extra Values 150 Fast C.olor Percale Shirt Waists, made to sell at 50c, sale price 26c $1.00 Empire Shirt Waists, only 69c $1.25 Lingerie Waists, cut to $1.06 Soft finish $1.50 Nainsook Waists, now 1.08 All Linen Waists, collar attached, $1.50 values, at 1.22 Kimonas, good and warm. $1.50 kind now at 1.23 Outing Kimonas, worth $3.50, reduced to 1 2.48 Silk Kimonas at less than cost. Sorosis Petticoats, $1.25 value at 88c Muslin Und rwear. Immense quantities to select from, at less prices that-you can buy the material to make them. ill More Bargains Extra size White Blankets, £4 $2.50 value, 9 I All $4.00 white Blankets sale O QC price CmwO Your choice of all $6.00 Blan- 4.20 ..90c c 9 kets for. $1.25 gray Blankets-at... A $1.15 Comfortable for. Ladies’ $3.50 Sweaters Out to*’! Ladies’ $6.00 Sweaters, sale* price ....... Ladies’ Shopping Bags, $1.00 4Q* quality . . Shopping Bags, $2.00 quality.. Shopping Bags, $3.00 qualtity. v A full size Dress Suit Case, brass Qi* lcck & catches, bargain at $1.15.,. 0*#y Bargains in every stock, all marked in plain figures. 99c 1.68 Here is Saving for You Ladies’ $1.50 Shoes for $1 .29 Ladies’ $2.50 Shoes for— 1.97 Ladies’ $3.00 Shoes for Ladies’ $4.00 Shoes for. ... u \' . < ■-. r; j Mens’ $1.60 Work Shoes at 2.45 3.18 1.28 Mens’ $2.50 Dress Shoes a}/;' iTO;' All Mens’ $1.00 and $£fe0" Q' QO Shoes go at .weWW. 3,000 or 4,000 pairs of shoes ' to select from; all marked in plain figures; and all styiish, up-to-date best made Shoes Every pair of them warranted—consisting of Patents Leathers, Gun Metals, Vici and Russian Calf. Buy them now and save' money; A Stupendous Slaughter of high-class merchandise' for the express purpose of cleaning out our entire stock, and raising funds to meet maturing bills, will begin Wednesday, Jan., 15th, and continue for Ten Days Only. No goods .will be charged during this sale. Store will be closed Tuesday January 14th, for the pur pose of marking down goods for this Clean Sweep Sale. Reduce tha Cost of Living Harvest Kins Flour, 24 lb sk for 74C Pansy Flour; none better for 79c 6 lbs good, green Coffee for $1.00 19lbs granulated Sugar for.. 1.00 7 bars Octagon Soap for.. 26c Water groud Meal per peck.. 20c 100 lb sk of Bran for... 1.58 Dry salt Meat, the best, only— 14c All groceries reduced in price for this g.eatest Spot Cash Clean Sweep Sale. No ’phone orders accepted. Come in person. We want you to see how we can save you money. This Store Will be Closed all day Tuesday, January 14, for the purpose of marking down every article in our mammoth es tablishment. This great Sale of first-class mer chandise begins Wed,, Jan. 15 and last only 10 days. The early shoppers will get the best selec tions. Goods sold for Spot Cash only. To Sweep Them Glean Out All$1.00 and $1.50 American Beauty Corsets; the latest Styles 83c American Beauty $4.00 Cowets, • short ■shapes • 48c 4 pair Gents* 12 l-2c half hose.. 25c 4 pair Ladies 12 l-2c hose ... 25c Lathes,’ 50c and 60c lisle Hose in bright colors 24c To dean out our entire stock <of Laces and Embroideries we have maiiked them to half values. See them. For Men Who Save You can buy the best 60c shirt for 446 A fine $1.26 Dress shirt for."... 96c 60c Flannelette Night Shirts at 48c Imitation Striven. Drawers, worth60c, for....... 42c The best 50e blue work shirt for — . ' 43c Best Overalls ever made, per MMV. 90c Tremendous Reduction IN PRICES ©F DRY GOODS FOR THIS SALE. 10 yards of yard-wide Sheeting ifor B8c Your choice of the best 12 1-2 Dress Ginghams for 10c Bleached Sheets, 60c values for ; 42c Extra Long Sheets worth 80c, new only :....■ — 82c Large 25c Bath Towels, each 1 Be Yard-wide Percales, fast colors, «nly . 7 1*2c 12 1-2 Outing, now only 8 1“2c SEE OUR LARGE CIRCULAR FOR FULL PRICE LIST. Not a Few Small Catch Penny articles, but all high- class goods, and worth twice the price we ask for them. Double-fold Plaid Dress Goods, cheap at 25c now oniy l£c Silk Velvets, $1.00 and $1.25 values....... v ..... 1. 79c Corduroy Velvets, extra wide , $1.00 kirn! -«9e All yard wide $1.00 Messaline Silks...-.......' 89e $1.00 value fancy Dress Silks.... 79e Yard-wide Shirting Madras, was a bargain at 18c. now only 12 1-2 All White Quilts must go, price no object. Remember The Day and Date. Sale begins prompt ly at 8:30 Wednesday morning, January 15th. The store will be closed the day before to complete marking down every article in the store. Notice that this Sale is for Spot Cash. We need the money, wj will not charge anything during the Sale. Also remember that there are thousands of small articles marked down to small prices for you to select from. BE ON TIME. Tiie Half Has Never Been, Told And never will be, as ouKstock is so immense, with so many values of high- class merchant to choose /from. S> it is impossible tG*Lgive mow prices of every article. AllJve askJ is that you visit us and see the many many bar gains we are offering during this Clean Sweep Sale, for Spot Cash only. Re member this sale last but TEN DAYS. So be in time and save money. This Dees Net Appear in our prUn list. We overlooked it. But if you are now in need of a Hat, or will be in the future, you can buy Stetson's $6.00 Hats for $4.95 Stetson’s 5.00 Hats for 3.99 Stetson’s 4.50 Hats for 3.66 Stetson’s 3.50 Hats for 2.88 All our $2.50 Hats go at 1.97 All our $1.50 Hats go at 99c Boys’ Hats and Caps, all at Clean Sweep Sale Prices. * Ts the Ladies We are offering every one of our high- class, latest style Tailored Coat Suits, $22.60 to $40.00 values, of which you can take your choice for t > Another lot Suits at $t5.00 offrkbo to $22 00 Coat '.90 ®l|ece Dress at exactly Every sing half price. This is your greaopportunity to buy high-grade goods foJ*/small amount of money. • i All FUSR reduced one-third in pr ce Come quickly and secure bargains. Gooil Dressers Savings A lot of $2.50 Pants, per pair $1.96 All $3.00 Tffcusers jfflfl&ced' to • 2.69 Gent’s all-wool $12.50 Suits at 8.24 suiS'l? * 20 : 00 .“" d .^: 60 15.00 $12.00 Cravanett Overcoats.. 8.26 "‘High Art” OverMfctT, worthy A A A $22.60 ......... I Boys’ Overcoats $8.00 value at 1.49 Boys’ $6.00 Overcoats now 4.00 The largest line of Fleeced Lined and Ribbed Underwearevershown, all marked down to Clean Sweep Prices. Don’t forget to see them, Genuine Scriven Drawers, per pair OOv SALE BEGINS Wed., Jan., 15 AND CONTINUES 1P DAYS H AND IN FOE bpot cash only Henry J. Bruton FLINT RIVER STORE bainbridoe, On Wednesday Jan uary 15th this Great Clean Sweep Sale begins and last i o ie , days, Everthmg to ., X . ' be sold, nothing GEORGIA. Preserved. Come get f) jl bargains. .. % «-"J V