Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 21 NO. 6
Many Interested in
Georgias Future
South Georgia Being Looked to as Great
est Farm Section in the South.
Way cross, Ga., Feb.
Twelve different sta tes and the
Philipines are represented by in
quiries received here to-day, all
seeking information of this coun
try, and showing much interest
in the resources of the Waycross
The states represented by to
day's batch of inquiries are
Michigan, Ohio, Maryland, Mis
souri, Texas, Colorado, Georgia,
Washington, Illinois, Virginia,
Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
There were several letters from
Missouri, and one had the fol
lowing statement: “I have a
farm of 130 acres in Missouri
but have placed this on the mar
ket for sale as I have come to
the conclusion that the South is
the right section for a farmer.
I am interested in South Geor
gia, which I hear talked of as
the greatest farming country of I line composed of Mrs. Boozer,
An Elegant Reception
Mrs. Edward C. Walker and
her daughter, Miss Mabel Wal
ker, of New York City, have
been the recipients since their
arrival in Bainbridge of many
socials favors, but none more
beautiful than the elegant re
ception given in their honoy
Wednesday afternoon by Mrs.
Walker’s sister, Mrs. Donald
Owing to the charming person
ality of their lovely visitors and
popularity of their hostess, their
visit is a continual fulfillment of
social engagements.
Mrs. Boozer’s lovely home,
which is conveniently arranged
for entertaining, was a' bower of
loveliness, enhanced by shaded
lights and decorations of calms,
ferns and smilax.
The lovely hall was a mass of
palms and ferns attractively ar-
arranged. Master Baxter Boozer
stood at the door and Mrs. A. L,
Townsend guided the guests in
her usual happy fashion. Mrs.
Sumpter Bradwell met the guests
Words of Encouragement Have Come in Which Cause the
Management to Feel Very Grateful
The Search Liffht has received a large iiuRlbe? of encouraging
compliments this week. Tkefce have come from friends Who have
been watching the paper thf&tfgh its recent struggle. Now that
the whole thing has been closed a fid the paper has gotten into the
bands of Mr. Ross Moore, a Decatur dSfiAtfnty man, and with the
further fact that it has been announced tfert the paper would come
out in better form than ever before, the people are speaking words
of encouragement and praise Furthermore, they are coming with
promises of support that give the present management much en
With such encouragement we promise the good people of De
catur county the best paper they have ever had published here.
The people are entitled to that kind of paper and we are sure they
will support it. The Search Light will be one of the main factors
in building up the communities and in development on every line.
Mr. Moore and the editor want to thank the good people of
the county who have voluntarily come in person, or sent the word,
that so encourages us. How could we think of anything else but
as they * e n tere tT "the ^ parlor ** and doin * our best *> S et out J^stsuch a paper as you would want in
introduced them to the receiving y° ur homes > and aa y° u would want to welcome there as your
county paper.
any ssetion in the South. ,f
Mrs. Walker, Miss Mabel Wal-, While we are thanking you for the support and encouragement
Wpv w M Hnrw.ll an d I we again promise the people that they shall have a paper of which
Mrs. Ed'Perry. ' Mrs. Boozer jthesr wil! be proud. It will require a little time to bring all this
handsome in about ’ but the time neea not be ver y long coming. Even this week
' you will notice the paper much improved. You will continue to
Teacher’s Meeting Saturday ...
° J looked unusually
A spledid meeting of the teach- pink foulard; Mrs. Walker was , . .......
ers of Decatur county was held | stunningly gowned in white chif-1 not * such improvements until the work comes cut as near perfect
New Furniture Firm
Attention is called to the ad
vertisement in this issue of Wil
liams & Co., the new furniture
firm composed of C. E. William?
and Norman Gaidding.
This new firm has started out
to put real life and hustle into
their business. They expect al
so, to let the people know what
they have by advertising liberal
ly. This is the only way the
business world can successfully
get before the people. This
flffflt recognizing that fact, has
started on the right line.
You may look for their ad
from time to time. They will
always have something to say
that will interest you.
They will carry a complete line
of furniture of the latest styles
and best makes, and their their
terms are such that all can buy.
These two young business men
are well known to the people of
Bainbridge and Decatur county,
Mr. Gaulding having been with
the mercantile business of L. C.
Toole and Mr. Williams having
been connected with the Nuss-
baum Furniture Company for a
number of years.
Will Give Concert
in Bainbridge Saturday.
Mrs. Gordon Chason read a
very interesting paper before
the meeting on the subject of
“Hygene in Public Schools.”
Mrs. Shular followed with an in
terests g paper entitled "Hygene
with special reference to Alcohol
and Narcotics.”
Faimers Meeting.
fon. Miss Mabel Walker, who
is an exceedingly lovely young
girl, wore white brocaded satin
as it is possible to make it.
With these remarks let us join hands with the people of the
whole county in the developement of its resources, and let us show
trimmed in lace. Mrs. Harrell | the ° utsida world tha J w< : hav , e the ,, land {or ' he ho ™ 8 ? eker : tha *
wore an elegant blue velvet
gown trimmed in gold lace.
Mrs. Perry was handsome in
mulberry chiffon with steel
The guests were invited into
the dining room where a de
licious course was served Ly a i
we have the water, the climate and everything else to make of
this the richest section of country and the happiest people in
the whole wide world.
Few People
Apperciate the favors extend-
_ | ed them bv the merchants of our
The farmers meeting at Atta- j bevy of girls: Misses Clara Suth- cit V- AH tbe merchants in this
pulgus Monday is said to have;g[-]and, Grace Hatchel, Miriam city with one accord say that if
been a most interesting occasion, i philpot and Lida Lee Bruton. all customers would pay their
A large number were in atten- The dinjng room was especially monthly accounts when due, it
dance and the addresses by the! lovely in its color scheme of yel- ness.' Now alt whose accounts
experts who were present elicited j ] 0 w. The table was covered are past due are requested to call
much favorable comment. These |with an exquisite Batten burg at the Flint Siver Store and pay
meetings will go a long way in: i acc doth and the center piece l, P> thereby making the proprie-
bringing Decatur county to the; V vas a large cut glass bowl of i tor smile.
front in the development of her! narcissus on a reflector around: ~
Mrs. Patterson to Speak
Mrs. T. E. Patterson, L tate
Hresident of the W. C. T. U.
will speak in Bainbridge Sunday
afternoon, Feb. lfith.
Mrs. Patterson will be pleas
antly remembered by Bainbiidge
citizens, as she was here about
about two years ago and address
at the Methodist church.
great natural resources.
Mr. Wright Entertains
Mr. W. W. Wright entertained
an Auction Bridge for Mrs. E. C.
Walker of New York Tuesday
evening at the home of Mrs. W.
R. Newsome.
The home was beautifully
decorated and Mr. Wright was
at his best, dispensing hospitali
ty in his sweet, gracious man
The guests were Mrs. E. C.
Walker and her daughter, Miss
Mabel Walker, of New York;
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hill, Mr. and
Mrs. E. T. Hines, Mr. and Mrs.
E. J. Perry. Mr. and Mrs. D. D.
Boozer, Mr. and Mrs. Newsome
and Mrs. Allen Ramsey.
The game of Auction Bridge
vvas played, Mrs. Walker making
the highest score, Mrs. Hines
the next highest score; Mr.
Hines the highest score of the
gentlemen and Mr. Newsome
the consolation.
Mr. Wright awarded prizes to
these: a 22-lb gobler to Mrs.
Walker, a beautiful smoking set
to Mr. Hines, an exquisite mani
cure set to Mrs. Hines and a tin
horn and rake to Mr. Newsome.
The guests were filled with admir-
which was placed sprays of j
fern. The silver candle sticks i
were shaded in yellow. Mrs. C.!
C. Harrell in old rose satin and j
Mrs. D. T. Sutherland in black I
lace presided at this prettily ap
pointed table.
At six o’clock a number of
gentlemen were invited to call.
Mrs. Boozer’s party for Mrs.
Walker and Miss Mabel Walker
will rank as one of the prettiest
ever given in Bainbridge.
bowl to Mrs. Hill, two handsome
brass candle sticks to Mrs. Per
ry, a solid gold coat chain to Mr.
Newsome, a beautiful vase to
Mrs. Newsome, a fern dish to
Miss Walker and a beautiful si’-
ver overlaid three-piece tea set j
to Mrs. Ramsey.
It was a veritable santa claus I
party and each guest was made
very happy by his beautiful
gifts. Mr Wright has always
been noted for his hospitality 1 ,
and kind generosity and never '
was it more strikingly shown
than on this occasion.
The refreshments were deli
cious, being prepared by Mrs.:
Newsome and Mrs. Hill.
Mrs Walker, the guest of 1
honor, was beautiful in white
ation at these lovely gifts, when satjn and ch) ft on with pearl j
Mr. Wright came in with an arm
full of interesting looking pack-* .
ages. He then gave a beauti- 1 was a picture ol
ful solid silver carving set to in blue satin and lace.
her daughter,
ideal girlhood j
Mrs. Walker, a half dozen solid
silver fruit knives to Mrs. Booz-
or, a hand painted mayannaise
It was an occasion that will
live long in the heart of every
guest present.
Place Your Order Early
If You Wish to Secure De-
livery Within Two Months
Our Sales of The
•T* *^3" •'f* - •'j'* wssrvp. •*|'» *fr
Are far in Excess of the
ability of the Factory to
supply them. : : : :
It is the Best Car in the Wdrid
Model 32 with the
Long Stroke Motor,
$1000.00 Delivered. J
Caldwell Motor Car Co.
Bainbridge, -
Prof. F. Clark Perry, with the
music class he has been teaching
at the Baptist church here for
several weeks, will give a con
cert Wednesday night of next
week, February 12th. The class
has made excellent progress un
der the teaching of Prof. Perry,
who is one of the finest musical
instructors in the country.
The concert will consist ol sa
cred songs, cpmic songs, funny
songs, and a variety will be given
that will keep everybody inter
ested the entire time.
One of the best quartetts, ev
er heard here is connected with
the class, Professor Perry him
self, being one of this quartette.
They also have a quartette of
younger people who have made
remarkable advancement during
the time.
Everybody is invited to attend
the concert. No admission fee
will be charged, but a silver ofr
fering will be taken during the
evening. The exercises will be
gin about 7:45.
Savannah Had Big Blaze
Fire broke out in the docks on
the river front at Savannah ear
ly Sunday morning and be foi
could be checked had des
a million and a half dollars
worth of property.
The heaviest loss fell on the
Central railroad, the docks
of that company being en
tirely destroyed. Some of the
property was partly covered by
insurance, others however, had
very little.
Thousands of dollars worth of
freight, which had been unload
ed from the ships on the docks
only a few hours, were destroy
ed. The flames swept the
width of two blocks for a quar
ter of a mile along the river
It was the most destructive
fire in Savannah in a number of
The South is Growing.
Married on Thanksgiving
Kept Secret till Last Week |
1 Young Students who Mamed in Atlanta: j
i Hart at Last Mad] Fact Known
When Miss Alma Tucker, a
pretty school girl at Cox college,'
became the wife of N. H. Lo- j
zlcr, a junior at the Atlantal
School of Medicine* in the early j
part of last November the only j
people who knew it were the j
bride and groom and Dr. John I
E. White, who performed the
They have kept it a secret
ever since. The bride went
home to her parents in Sanders-
ville, Ga., and the groom follow
ed to be near her at his own i
home just a few blocks around j
the corner.
When school started again af
ter Christmas, the groom return
ed to Atlanta, but the bride de- I
cided not to go back to collage.
This wasn’t their idea of a honey-j
moon at ali, however, and when
Mrs’Lozier wrote her husband j
last Monday that her family in- |
tended to move to south Geor-1
gia, he sent her word to come.,
She came, first making it plain]
to her family that she was going’]
on a visit to friends in Colum
bus, Ga.
Saturday morning Mr. Lozier]
said that he expected his young
wife by the afternoon train. He]
laughingly told the story of the
He and Miss Tucker had been]
frier ds for years, it seems, and |
they decided to take the oppor
tunity while both were in Atlan-I
ta to fix it up for good 'and all. j
So when Miss Tucker stepped of
a College Park car one bleak day]
last November, she was met by]
her fiance. An hour later the
left the residence of, Dr. White,]
22 Peachtree circle, man and
Except among a few intimat
friends the marriage was no
known. The newlyweds
just now announcing to their
many friends in Atlanta and]
Sandersville and have yet to ask
the blessing and good will of
thsir parents.
The above is a news clippir
from the Atlanta Journal of Fri
day , and is of interest to man]
in Decatur county, her parent
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Tucker hat
ing just moved to Bainbric
>m Sandersville.
r. Tucker is the new Superb
tendent of road work in Decat
county and has entire charge
the convict force.
In speaking of his daught
Mr. Tucker said that the family
was altogether in the dark as
the marriage of their daughter.]
They are taking it good nature
edly however, and Mr. Tucke
joined the newspaper man in the
laugh, when they spoke of the
plans the young couple adopt
in getting married and keepin|
it a secret so long.
Mr. and Mrs. Lozier will make!
their future home in Washing
ton county.
More people are looking to the
South for future homes than was
ever known before. Meat of
these people are doming from
the northwest. Great companies
of homeseekers are going through
the various states of the South
in search of suitable places in
which to locate. This is the time ’ any reasonable way to bring ImL
for southwest Georgia to look outgrants to this s:ctian.
for these immigrants. They are
a desirable people and will jx
good citizens anywhere. Jhet
is room in Decatur county for]
several thousand of them and wel
hope’nothing will be left undone]
to turn them this way. We
lieve the railroads rurl
through the county would
operate with the people here in