The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, February 07, 1913, Image 2
Grand Theatre To-night, Feb., 7th ter Cohen & Harris’ Great Coo iady-2 Years in N.Y.I Millions Have Re Millions Have Set ad the Book *n the Play. ....SEE THE GREAT RAIN STB Hi.... All Special Scenery-Original Metropolitan Cast-A Thousand Laughs and r _ ... m nr TTa 1 • rswjifr Tn Not a Single Blush-Seats Now Selling; Phone W. Brackin or Willis Drug Co. prices $1.50. $i-OP : MONDAY, FEB., 10 One Night Only—Monday, February lOth-Seats Now Selling-Geo. B. McCutcheon’s Book Dramatized by Geo. Baker, Solid Car-Load of Special Scenary-The No. 1, and Only “Goose Girl” Company-Big City Production-Special Prices $1.50, $1.00 AMD 50c BBxnMHMBennsisasaKiXKaKx^asi iKtaKiBBifflSBiBawBiEMHBMW WEaaaasBa bbo—Kafl—II Professional Cards R. B. FRANKLIN PHYSICIAN & SURGEON All calls promptly at tended to day or night. OFFICE; EPFS BUILDING, ELDORKNDO, GA. Episcopal Church. At Methodist Church. J. c. HALE ATTORNEY AND'COUNSELOR ..AT-LAW.. General Practice in State and Federal Courts Hoiril Building Bainbridge, Ga' DR. JNO. 1. SPOONER physician and surgeon Office in Medical Building, Don- aisonville, Ga. Calls promptly answered day or night. Residence ’phone 62. Office ’phone 19. Daniel M. Carter Physician and Surgeon Residence 355 East Shot well St. Phone 102 L Office ’phone 103 Born Building DR. J. C. NEELY Physician and Surgeon Office West Broughton St. Next to Public Libary Ojficelphone 198. Res. phone267 Joe H. Gilpin. — - .1 JI). Talbeit TALBERT & GILPIN, The following services will be held in St. John’s Episcopal Church during the Lenton Seu- son. The public is cordially in vited to attend these services. SUNDAY Holy Communion (Except on the 1st and 3rd Sunday) 7:30 a. m. Morning Prayer ar.d Sermon (Except on 3rd Sunday) 11 a. m. Holy Communion on the 1st Sunday 11:00 a. m. Evening Prayer and Sermon (Except on the 3rd Sunday) 7:30 p. m. WEEK DAYS Tuesdays and Thursday:, Evening Prayer 4:30 p. m. Wednesdays and Fridays, Evening Prayer and address 7:30 p. m. HOLY WEEK (MARCH 17 to 23rd) Morning Prayer with Devo tional Reading, every day except on Gocd Friday 10:30 a. m. Evening Prayer(except Wed nesday and Thursday) 4:30 p m. Wednesday, Evening Prayer and Address 7: r 0 p. m. Thursday, Holy Communion 7:30 p. m. GOOD FRIDAY MARCH 21st Morning Prayer and Sermon 11:30 a. m. EASTER SUNDAY MARCH 23rd Holy Communion 7:30 a. m. Morning Prayer. Serm n, ar.d Holy Communion 11:00 a. m. Children’s Easter Service 4:30 p. m. Evening Prayer and Sermon 7:30 r- m. —; ATTORNEYS AT LAW : — Will Practice in all the Courts. Bainbridge, Georgia. Next Sunday morning, Feb., 9th, Rev. Walter Anthony will deliver the first of a series of three sermons dealing with the intimate problems of the Chris tian Life. The topics cover the themes: 1st, Prayer: 2nd, Bi ble Reading: 3rd, Christian Ser vice. The subject Sunday morning is to be: “The Supreme Essential. Prayer. The development and expan sion of the work of the Metho dists during the past months' is gratifying and inspirational. It is planned now to secure the remainder of $4,000 in debtedness due upon the new Church building, and to dedicate the Church free of debt early in the fall. The subscriptions have been coming in at an encourag ing rate, and only about one thousand more remains te be se cured to cover the entire amount. The congregation has recently set the mark for attendance up on the mid-week prayer meeting at one hundred, and are working forward to this as a goal. To all the services as announced the pnblic generally is cordially invited. Dr. Toole Much Improved. | Notice Rural Schools Notice is hereby given that I hne ? Since Florida has school con solidation in 30 out of 46 connties and there is no instance of the abandonment of a completely consolidated school distnci to re turn to the smaller school dis trict, why shouldn’t Decatur County try a consolidated school ^ "yf £'given! system on .his side of the state The Search Light received during- the week a very interest-: ing letter from Dr.John E.Toole.; who is now in Maryland for a 1 few weeks. The Doctor writes j that he is improving very fast and believes he will -soon entirely; regain his strength. Incidentally the Doctor discus- j sed some things in the letter cen-1 cerning the city and county) touching the bond question that, was quite interesting. The edi-| tor intended publishing that part! of the letter and had it hanging on the “hook,” but in rc-arrang- j ing the office Saturday th$ letter, with a number of other write ups was lost. the editor re grets very much losing the com munication from Dr. Tocle, and he is writing the latter to send another letter for publication. In the meantime, the many friends of the Doctor will be glad to learn that he will soon be himself again as to health and strength. Special Notice Our Job Department Is one of the most com plete in this section. We are prompt in filling all orders. We pay express charges on out-of-town orders-large or small. The Bainbridge Search Light DISINFECTANT AND INSECTICIDE r H. Rmcu - - W». V. Cram RUSSELL & CUSTER .. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW.. Office Up-SUlrt Allen Building BAINBRIDGE, .... GEORGIA have this day sold my interest in the furniture business formerly known as the Williams & Co., to BYRON BOWER Attorney at law Practices in all Courts Office in New Bower Bldg. Bainbridge, • • Georgia. Have you read the pamphlet, “Consolidated Rural Schools” by „ „ Geo. W. Knorr? If not. write Williams&Gaulding ahrmcom- Hon. s . A Roddenbery, member KSrman f Gauging! who will Congress, Washington, D. C., continue the business, collect for this free booklet, and see if and receipt lor all bills due the something can't be done along ^ ( c lulure said Williams & Co and pay all j these lineB for jour community,! the Searchlight from 'now*' on! I ° 1 ’v£ a iV° n8 *!a e (v, y th<? 88,1 firm to further thorough education in They will get the legal ads, the ° 1 8 Jnn, 6. 1813. loth common and high schooljbcit news, an 1 the best paper in W. B. Shaw. grades. I tin-, spot of Georgia. 1 Beginning with the first week in March the Search Light will carry all the Legal ads each week. This announcement is made to assure the readers that the legal ads will be earned »n this paper from the date men- j tloned, so that they need have no uneasiness on this line. Not only will the Search Light carry the legal ads, but the cream of the news over this sec- The Search Light force is now better pre pared than ever before to get out just such a paper as the peo ple of Bainbridge and Decatur county have been wanting. it wiil require a little time for Mr. Moore and the editor to get things back in their old time working order, but the readers need not fear for the future of The Most Powerful Disinfectant Known to Science Kills Flees Right Now. For Mange on Dogs. For Hog Cholera For Wire Cuts For Lice, Fleas, Itch. For Chicken Cholera. For all Disinfecting. USE FOR SALE ONLY BY ih. CA lich *Drug Co, u*H • t Bainbridge, <*»• mid 75 Cento Per Bottle. i JA X