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'slcp 1 *
on Farms
ts^c per Month and Up
!i there is no telephone on your
farm write for our free booklet
telling how you may get service at
small cost. , ——'
i ■ r. Jr'P'^0-'
Addrest 'J "
duthern bell telephone
Ik 4J w©0
life a a f m
Will Find it to Their
Advantage to Open an
Account in our Savings
They will find the first deposit
will act as an incentive to
make others and in -a short
time they will have a substan
tial balance drawing 4 per
cent interest.
Grand Theatre
“The Fortune Hunter,” which
comes to the Grand to-night is a
clean cut, wholesome American
comedy that has the aroma of,
the simple ] : fe and the force of a
moral essay combined under cir-;
cumstanees of ger.uT.e fin Les-;
sons 1 ar led while we laugh, j
st'ek Sometimes tighter than the
other kind. The story Mr.
Smith tolls is a simple one wov«n j
Every accomodation consistent with sound banking afforded
hr customers.
First National Bank
Bainbridge, Georgia.
'Capital $125,000.00
9 .5 Sf
■ of ■
All Kinds
Cut Price Druggist and Poor Man’s Friend, Bainbridge, Georgia, jjj
co. It
around the life of a young fellow ;
who has gone through college |
without -learning anything use- j
ful and wh -, in the end, finds j
himself the victim of idleness, j
and habits and, through the
death of his supposed rich father,
penniless. Mr. S n.ill’s comedy
teems with good humor, brother
ly love and human interest that
is as powerful as any sermon,
and his methods of ] lay construc
tion are woven around a brand
new plot through which fun and
pathos run with enduring cer
tainty and the moral lesson is so
obvious that it might be prac
ticed with profic by young and
old. Se^ts for “The Fortune
Hunter” now on sale at Willis
Drug Co. *
Coning lo thi Grand
Theatre-geers and book read
ers who are familiar with Har
old MacGrath’s famous novel,
“The Goose Girl” will welcome
the announcement that the elab
orate production of George 0.
Baker’s stage version v of the cel-,
ebrated story will be the attrac- J
tion at the Grand on next Mon
day, Feb. 10th. Those who have
read the book can appreciate its
possibilities as a plaj — ;o entire
ly different in theme and treat
ment from any other work of
fiction and yet so possible and so
intensely dramatic- “The Goose
Girl” marks a distinct triumph
dr.smat.ic achievement and
scenic embellishments. The
country in which the scenes of
the play are laid gave to the
artist opportunity for c -loring of
which he has taken advantage,
giving to the Dublic one of the
most beautiful scenic production
on tour this season. Seats now
selling 50 cents to $1.50.
Six 1913 FORD Touring Cam
o r cl <*•»-
“Handy!” It’s the “handiness” of the Ford
that establishes its unbounded popularity—
especially with those who have driven
heavier and more cumbersome cars. And the
new low price makes it as “handy” to buy as
it is economical to maintain.
Every third car is a Ford. Nearly 180,000 have been sold and
delivered. New prices—-runabout $525—touring car $600--de-
livery car $625—town car $800—with all equipment, f. o. b.
Get Particulars from
Bainbridge, Georgia.
|USTEN—Only $1.00 Weekly
Buys a Nice Spring and
Summer Suit—Our Line of
Samples have just Arrived
and are of the latest styles
and colors.
I Kaufman Tailoring Company,
Belcher Block—Bainbridge, Ga,
Cadillac Electric Cranking Device
Unusually Eficient
A recent investigation by the
Cadillac Company developed
some very interesting informa
tion c:ncerning the efficiency of
their electric cranking device.
Out of 617 replies received,
528 owners reported that in not
one single instance had they
been obliged to crank their cars
by hand, while only 89 owners
had done so. Among the rea
sons assigned were a number
who said they had cranked tneir
cars by hand just to see how it
was done. The total miles trav
eled by the 617 cars were
1,468,385 arid the total times
cranked by hand 166, showing
an average of one hand cranking
to each 8,665 milej of travel, or
one in about what is equal to
two years’ average use.
Another question asked was:
“Has your electric system been
thoroughly efficient?” Every
reply, without exception, was
Get a demonstration of the
1913 Cadillac now on exhibition
at Baughmun Automobile Co.
Our prices are right and the terms we give are
the best. Our goods are of the latest styles. '
Furniture, Rugs, Art Squares-Special Line of Chairs
We Handle the Famous
George Washington Stoves
and invite your special attention to them.
Don’t buy your Furniture until you examine our stock.
Williams & Co.,
OUR MOTTO: “Your Money’s Worth, or Your Money Bac’.c”