The Bainbridge search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1903-1915, February 07, 1913, Image 4

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n . . .« n i 1* L» Several thousand car loads of BaniDTlugC oCJUTCn UjDI white onions are being m irketed from south Texas. That part of the I/me Star State is now recognized as one of the greatest onion producing sections in the world. Published Every Friday. ROSS MOORE. Publish i Entered at the Poa!*Offic at aecond-clnaa at Rainbinlfe til matter. COMING TO BAIHBRIDGE OR. FARPOW ARRANGING TO VISIT BAINBRIDGE EVERY 28 DAYS at the BOX AIR HOTEL TUESDAY FEBRUARY 18th BAINBRIDGE, GA., FEB.. 7. 1913. WHY NOT CELEBRATE? Why couldn't Bainbridge have a big day either in March or fn April? This question has been asked a number of times, of course the dates given above not being mentioned, but a number of people have asked why it is that, Bainbridge could net have a big day to celebrate the improve ments that have been going on for the past several months. The magnificent school build ing .will in all probability be com pleted by April, or a* least by some time in that month. 1 he City hall will lie nearing comple tion, if n t already finished by that time. The street paving has already been completed. The great white way has been installed. The extenti ;n ol the water works system was finished months ago. Both the Callahan and Bon Air Hotels have had great improvements made Many other buildings and im- provemented have been going on during that time. Many things have happened to Bainbridge during tin* past year that should put the "celebrating” spirit in the people. Yet no move in that, direction has as yet been made that we know of. Other towns and cities gener ally have big days to celebrate such occasions. Albany had such a day on the completion of her white wny and other im provements last year. Other towns and cities could be men tioned where they had a regular barbecue day, or something of the kind, to let the outside world know that the people in these cities appreciate the work of im provement and progress. Bainbridge should not be a whit behind on this line. Her paved streets are as beautiful and solid as can be found in any city in the state. Her White Way is one of the most complete to h§ seen anywhere. Her new school building will be second to none in the entire South, especially in a city the size of Bainbridge. Her waterworks system, since the extension has been installed is as near perfect as could be made. Her city hall will be a beauty, and would do credit to a place much larger than Bain bridge. Her handsome resi dences—those which have been built before, as well as those re cently built or now being complet ed are second to none. Her mag nificent hotels are the pride of all the people. Why can’t we celebrate? Suppose we set apart a day. some time in the near future! and invite everybody in Decatur and surrounding counties to come in and help us rejoice and cele brate Such a day would mean an an nouncement to the wcrld that The big National Corn Show in Columbia is bringing the South to the front as the great corn producing section ol the country. T he south may at. last, ho a factor in feeding the nation, ah well as furnishing the cloth ing. If every Democrat in Congress had the backbone of Anderson Roddenbery of the Second Con gressional District of Georgia, marriages between the races would not be known any more in these United States. We wish even all the other southern con gressmen had the same grit as our own Roddenbery Atlanta is having her usual mayor and alderman scrap. This is almost, an annual occurrence in that town. They are bound to keep up with the procession in that line. The biggest guns now are being fired by Mayor James G. Woodward and Alderman John S. Candler. Of course, each one believes the other is wrong. You may look out for this to be the banner year for hog and hominy in Decatur county. Tht farmers aie going to raise corn, ground peas, and other food lor hogs; and then they are going to raise the hogs; and more than that, they are going to build cold storage and save their meat. Prices of meat this year will be a great incentive to the movement. Besides the hogs, more cattle than usual will he raised by the farmers. At this writing (Tuesday), news lias been flashed over the world that the guns of the Bal kans are again thundering against the Turks at Adrianople. It is believed that this stage of the war will he short, but dread ful in slaughter of human life. The Balkan allies believe their future existence is at stake and are fighting to the death. The Turks, who have had the Balkan States under their rule so long, are making a last desperate ef fort to save their national pres tige. The Federal income tax law has at last been ratified by sufficicient number of stat?s to make it a part of the constitu tion. This is said to be the first amendment to the constitution of the United States since recon struction days. Incomes of $5000 and up will be taxed. The state of Wyoming acted on the amend ment Monday and its ratification made the sufficient three-fourths bT the states to ratify the meas ure so that it would become a provision of the constitution of the United States. The Search Light wants to re- icement to the wcriu mat reive letters* from corrcspond- ainbridge had indeed started cuts in every section of the coun it to keep pace with the march j ty. For some months the form- f progress-that she intends toler management had to discon dd to her natural beauty such i ti nue this feature, but the pres- an(?yworks as will put her in ent management is fully able to he iOre tront as the little "gem take care of all on that line that f the South.” may be sent in. Please do not j Let us celebrate. wait for anot ^ or invitation, but i send in the letters at once. In 1 writing, give the news ot thej community, visitors an all. I f J there have been deaths, mar riages, accidents, new buildings! or improvements in any line, send it in. It is good news. Sometimes the correspondents can make the paper more inter esting than the editor himself. A great many things happen __ Catanh,! Ear, Nose and Throat troubles; and Bronchial and Lung Diseas es, Rheumatism, Headache, Sciatica and Lumbago, Blood Diseases, Deformities, Spinal Troubles, Piles and Rupture without cutting. No matter what your trouble may be, we would suggest that you call upon the Doctor and have a friendly talk with him, as his opinion might be the means of saving you a great deal of suffering. Hundreds of peo ple have found health and happi ness in his treatment, and so Bainbridge is to be congratulat ed,Dr. Farrow, the Jacksonville Specialist, is coming, not for one visit, but is arranging to come regularly every 28 days. This doctor is no stranger, as he has treated and cured some of our best citizens at his office in Jack sonvilie. This fact has had much to do in inducing him to j “J E 7 EMBER _ Dr . Farrow > 8 ! L °This is certainly an exception- j f'f Treatment offer is good on-, al opportunity for the sick and ! [v for this visit. He afflicted to secure the services of: If services tree to the first 25 the foremost Specialist of the | that call during his first™, day at their very door. The charging only for the medicine. Doctor has devoted years to the The tree offer will not be given study and treatment of chronic'W /™. T p g and special diseases of men and treatment after this will be re women. He is a graduate of a to pay, tat not one.cent leading college and hospital of will be asked tor t.iese first 2o of the world, and offers to the «*ses commencing treatment sick and afflicted the most ad ., during this offer. except tor the vance treatment that the world medicine necessary to effect a affords j curc - Those having long stand offs success has been the mar-lias fd complicated diseases vel of Jacksonville. He has ef-; who have failed to get cured and fected cures that seemed but lit- J ™ve become discouraged, are tie short of miraculous, but the fpeoally mvit-d to call, as doctor modestly denies the super-! thousands who have given up natural, but attributes it wholly nil hope can testify to the per- to the mastery of the cause of manent cures obtained. Plumbing | THAT IS PLUMBING S We Don’t do The THAT WILL DO KIND. WE DO IT RIGHT. f W. G. SCHULTZ p Phone 162. a 1 i j j \ i i > WATCH THE Bainbridge Drug Cos. ANNOUNCEMENT mm#. % % % % ""mm Don't You Want a Trim, Aristocratic Looking Foot? Of course you do, and you may have it. You know, it is^ all in the shoe you wear—all you have got to do is get the right kind of a shoe, and we believe we have got that shoe for you, at just the price you are willing to pay for it. Come by and inspect our LONG WEAR SHOES Just try on a pair and see how dainty they look, how com fortable they feel—and the price! Well, anywhere from 252.00 to $3.50 will buy a pair of these celebrated shoes. It doesn’t make any difference how your fancy may run, we have them in every style and all the latest leathers—Tan, Gun Metal, Patent Leather, I Vici, White Buck and White Canvas. Long Wear Shoes are dependable. They hold their shape and wear longer than other shoes for the same money—made of only selected leathers and superbly finished. Call by today, while you think of itj' C. B. Scott Wonder why Decatur county ands are not brought to the 'ront in the matter of pecan cul- aire. Other sections of Georgia ire reaDing a great harvest in the way of investments and im migration from the fact that the fine pecan lands are being ad vertised and pushed to the front. The lands of Decatur are among the finest in the United over the m-- *> that would make States for the culture of pecans I in* ' • . -.vs, that the editor! There are something like a half Jr < h-p iv r kosrs about at million acres uncultivated in th< •dots, it may he too county. If the proper methods late to : . rows story. From are adopted a great deal of mon-1 now on r.> carrv paws' will h" spent for tiK-S’ l...d- '' t.s.oii . v. • ci.ju of the Lin the iKxt.wo j{■. tacit . • Is *3 /*•••• v :?-m' r Eainb idp, Ga. BROAD ST. ■ N -X vY ■ >> * t 'V vf;; ; ■* ' o - 1 Look for the Red Bell on die Box L