The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, January 13, 1916, Image 1

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vi r PUE POST-SEARCH LIGHT ■JME. 1. NO. 42. BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA THURSDAY JANUARY 13, 1916 $1.00 PER YEL^R REE--A 1916 5-PASSENGER FORD AUTOMOBILE FARMERS MEETING GALLED FOR NEXT SATURDAY JANUARY 15TH, AT THE COURT HOUSE CIAL PROGRAM HAS BEEN ARRANGED FOR THE MEETING. rmers and Business Men to Discuss Campaign Against the Boll Weevil. Decatur County Must Organize for Fight Against Pest. FDR SCHOOL SUPT. e The announcement of Mr. Ro- ld Bower for County School ipt. will be seen elsewhere in is issue. Mr. Bower is one of the st educated men in the county id is thoroughly qualified for le position to which he aspires. holds a diploma from the University of Georgia, where he jfctended four years, and received ft B. degree in 1904. f He taught as Assistant to the Principal in the Bainbridge Gra ced and High Schools for the two ears of 1905 and 1906, and was lected Principal of the Bain- ridge High School for 1907, but esigned to take up other busi- ess. However was again ac tively in touch with the school lystem from 1908 to 1912 as mem ier of the Board of Education uf vhich body he was Chairman, ie made the race in 1912 against ;he present incumbent, and was lefeated by the small majority of fifty-five votes. Mr. Bowers friends are predic- A big mass meeting of the farmers and business men of Decatur county has been called for next Saturday, Jan 15, at the court house in Bainbridge. The meeting will be called to order promptly at 11 o’clock. Pratical talks by farmers and business men will be on the pro gram. The purpose of the meet ing is to organize the county in a systematic campaign to ifight the boil weevil when he gets here in earnest. No one denies the fact that the pest is beginning to be felt in this and adjoining counties. The farmer who prepares for the coming will not be hurt. The man who serenely sits and waits half believing there is no such animal anyway, is usually wiped out ir, a year or more. It is essental that the farmers IF YOU ARE A HUSTLER, THE POST- SEARCH LIGHT SHOWS YOU HOW A NEW 1916 FORD AUTO IS YOURS You are Invited to Take Part in the Greatest Sub scription Campaign Ever Inaugurated by a Weekly Newspaper in This Section. See Last Page tor Full Details. Start NOW, THE PRIZE LIST A Ford Five Passenger Automobile A $400 French Piano A $100 Business College Scholarship , $25 in Cash Prizes A Cash Commission to all Non-Prize Winners MOULTRIE PACKING PLANT HELPING FARMERS SUBSTITUTE HOC RAISING FOR COTTON HERE THEY GUN FIND A MARKET FOR THEIR SURPLUS KB6S. The Packing Plant at Moultrie is one of the Biggest Assets Farmers in South Georgia Have in a Cam paign a Fight the Boll Weevil, ting that he will be elected by a join with them in a campaign safe majority. against the pest. The following is an article from! The time for spring planting the pen of the gifted Ex-Con- '■ is not far off and many haveal- gressman Ben E. Russell in the 1 ready begun to make plans for Argus of June 1904 on the occas-1 the coming year. It is high ion of the election of Mr. Bower) time that the farming and busi- BOUGHT OF LOCAL PEOPLE The Ford Auto was purchased of the Bainbridge Motor Co., and is on display at their ware rooms. Including freight, this car cost $475 laid down at Bainbridge. The $400 French Piano is manufactured by The Jesse French Piano Co., Montgomery, Mr. J. D. Halstead, Bainbridge, Local Agent. This piano is widely and favorably known in this section a beauty in finish, of finest tone and splendid workmanship and material. The $100 Scholarship is a life scholarship in the DRAUGHON BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, Atlanta. It includes shorshand, bookkeeping, and typewriting and is a thorough business education. $1,000 IN PRIZES The Post-Search Light inaugurates the greatest circulation campaign ever launched by a weekly paper in Southwest Georgia if not in the whole state. The proposition is simply phenomenal as $1,000 in prizes (not to mention commissions) is to be given and business men of this county j away) absolutely free, within the short space of six to eight weeks, get together and formulate ef- p or g enera i 8CO pe and extreme elaborateness, this offer finds fensive and defensive plans with f ew p ar alels in the annals of Georgia journalism outside of which to meet, the coming of the metropolitan centers, and before many days roll by it will have arrested the attention of this entife section. SPARED NO EXPENSE The Post-Search Light has spared no expense in getting up this contest and the list of awards is headed by a 1916 Model Five Passenger Touring Car, and the second and third prizes are in proportion. Believing in fostering home business this newspaper did not go outside of this city and vicinity in the purchase of its prizes. The houses that handle the goods and the goods themselves are standard in this section. Who Has Not Wished For an Auto? Who has not wished for an auto to take their friends or their family, out in? With the splendid roads of Decatur and surround weevil. If the fanners are to substi tute other crops for cotton they must be assured of a local money market. The business men must as Assistant to the Principal in j ness interests get together an< ^ j | n g. counties, an auto is a joy forever. Who has not longed to I OWN AN AUTO ALL YOUR OWN? Well, through the gerieros- the local school. [formulate plans for 1919. ^ M „„ mtamnvm . MR. ROLAND BOWER. A great opportunity faces the j ^ Post-Searchlight, your wish of owing an auto CAN BE The Board of Trustees have,South to become the richest fortunately succeeded in secur- 1 center of the union. Dixie is just ing the services of this talented now coming to he own. |Georgia young man tor the third place on is on of the richest states in the the faculty of the G. S. M. C. [south and Decatur county is Mr. Bower is a recent graduate certainly the banner county of of the University of Georgia and-the state as far as natural re- comes unusually highly recom- sources go. The farmers of this mended by the whole faculty of. county can set the pace for that State Institution, not only I all Georgia. Decatur county is for his Literary acquirements | not a one crop county. Cotton and proficiency, but also tor j flourishes here, but so do other his high moral character and crops. , gentlemanly deportment and ad-1 Decatur county can sit back dress. We quote specimens of and laugh at the boll weevil, his high endorsements that it'provided the tanners and husi- may be seen how he is esteemed ness men organize and fight the by those he has been in contact with for the last four years. Letter of Prof, Lustrat: To the Board Of Trustees, Georgia Southern Military Col lege, Bainbridge, Ga. Gentlemen: Hearing that Mr. Roland Bower is applying tor a teachers position in the public schools of Bainbridge, it gives me great pleasure to say a few words in his behalt. Hard and faithful student, high-toned and polished gentle man, true and deep scholar, Mr. ^ Bower has by his untiring work j man leaves his family and efforts won the esteem an( * L^hout Life Insurance? So get admiration of all the members of. gelf interested and take out the faculty of the University and j y ENG- has made a particularly fine rec-! a Policy m THE New ENG ord in the school of Romance, LAND MUTUAL LIFE JNSUR- pest by growing other crops than cotton,. The only successful! way to fight the boll weevil seems to be destroy his boarding house, to starve Iran out by substituting hog, hominy, etc., for cotton, the money crop. The meeting Saturday will be called to order promptly at 11:00. Every thinking fanner in the county should be on hand. SOMEJK OF INTEREST would not care to be like Languages. After a thorough; ANCE COMPANY, of the best course of two years in French, he has fully mastered that lan guage, and is now able to read at (Continued on page two) and oldest companies. PROTEC TION IS WHAT YOU NEED. E. S. Varner, Agent, at Bainbridge State Bank, GRATIFIED NOW. All that it takes to earntnis Ford Auto, or anyone of the valuable prizes, is a little work done during your spare time between now and Saturday, February 26, at 2 p. m. (This contest will close Saturday. Feb. 26, at 2:00 p. in., but the publisher reserves the right to postpone the dosing date to Satur- eay. March 11, at 2 p. m., providing two weeks notice is given all candidates prior to Feb. 26.) Mnsle For The Home Anylperson wishing a piano of REAL MERIT for their home can have that wish fully gratified NOW. And without a cent of of expense, either. The French Piano is known the world over wherever good music is appreciated, aud the one The Post-Search Light offers will be welcome in ANY home. An Education of Worth Many there are who finish the common or high school and wish to equip themselves for the battle of life with a thorough business education, but have not the means. The Business College Scholarship offered by The Post-Search Light, gives you just the opportunity longed for. An Equal Show EVERY PERSON TAKING PART HAS EQUAL SHOW OF WINNING ANY ONE OF THESE PRIZES, and the competition is open to ANY MAN, IWOMAN BOY, OR GIRL, white, and of good character, residing in Decatur or surrounding counties. Object of the Contest This campaign is a subscription campaign, and the primary object of this expenditure ot *1,000 and more on the part of the Post-Search Light is to secure NEW SUBSCRIBERS and RENEW ALS to this newspaper. Friends who subscribe, or renew, lo assist a candidate in this contest to win a prize, PAY BUT THE REGULAR RATE OF ONE DOLLAR THE YEAR FOR THE PAPER, hence the prizes are FREE. At no time will it cost any one competing one penny to take part. All information, receipt blanks, etc., furnished absolutely FREE. The person with the least means at their command has absolutely the same feeling of a square deal as any person of wealth and standing in this section. A Square Deal ~A Short Campaign. An absolutely square deal will be given each and everyone at all times and all that take part have an EQUAL SHOW of winn ing, whethel* they iive in Bainbridge, or in a nearby town, or in the country districts The plant is a marvel and a credit to Moultrie and South Georgia. Hogs from every sec tion of the state are being ship ped there and turned into sau sage, backbone, lard and chit- tlings. Recently a party of Bainbridge people visited the plant and saw it in operation. While there two car loads of hogs from Decatur county arrived and were slaught ered. The two cars were from Fleming & Hines and Dr. J. D. Chason farms. One could not fail to be im pressed with the magnitude of the work. Raising hogs for the packing house beats raising cot ton for the cotton mills. When a steady market can be found there is greater profit in hog raising. The manager of the plant stands sponsor for the statement that Decatur county hogs rank high among the shipments re ceived. He said “Our best hogs come from the Roddenberry plantation near Cairo, our next best from Decatur county, the next from Brooks county, and so on.” Aside trom the car load ship ments from other sections twenty or more wagon loads of hogs from the immediate neighbor hood were brought to the plans during the short time the Bain bridge party was at the plant, Colquitt county farmers do not have to wait for a car load be fore they can market their hogt, DOLLAR DINNER PLANNED AS BIG SOCIAL EVENT Members of Board of Trade will Give Banquet to Start the New Year. Wives and Sweethearts will be Present. IIBUNBRIDEE SUITE BANK i- KAII7FS PIE CLUB In Co-operation with Local Board of Trade will Place Twenty-five Re gistered Hogs with Boys of the County. A big social session of the Board of Trade and allied organ izations is being planned for Fri day night Jan. 21 at the Hotel Callahan. President Carter has appointed a committee consisting of Fields, Blumenstein and Gray to arrange all particulars and everything bids fair to be a signal success. The meeting will be in the nature of a banquet, or dollar dinner. Every member of the Board of Trade, Retail Merchants Association and Boosters club, will be expected to attend and bring their wives or sweethearts. An elaborate program of enter tainment will augment the ex cellent menu manager Brantley can be expected to spread for the guests. A pleasant evening will be in store for everyone. Tickets for the Dollar Dinner can be secured from any one of the committee. The sale closes Thursday night the 20th, so as to enable the hotel to prepare fof a certain number of guests. i ThiB is planned as a get-to gether meeting and every true booster for Bainbridge is expect ed to be on hand when the cur tain goes up. Dress suits will be considered extreme bad taste co the part ot the men, as this w essentially a meeting of buabuas men working for the develop ment of Bainbridge and Decatur county. The Bainbridge State Bank has twenty-five registered Duroc Jer sey pigs to give to twenty-five boys of Decatur county. President E. J. Perry of the bank has notified the Beard of Trade that the bank is ready to finance a pig club tor this county. The plan as hit upon by Mr. Perry and secretary Melton is to place twenty-five gilts with twenty-five boys. These boys must raise the pigs according to pig club specifications and make reports to demonstration agent Pittman and to the Bainbridge State Bank. Every boy will be required to return two pigs from the first lit ter to the bank. These in turn will be placed with fifty more boys. These return two pigs by the Bainbridge State Bank was suggested by Prof. Downing head of the pig club work of the state. It has been worked out in other counties to advantage, al ways resulting in great benefit. Usually several different parties put up the money to back such a pig club, but in this instance Mr. Perry, seeing the great good that would result for Decatur county, agreed to finance the whole deal. Demonstration agent p ittman will have active charge of placing the pigs. Boys who want to join the Bainbridge State Bank Pig Club can obtain particulars by writing President Perry of the bank. etc. In time this will give every There are no strings attached to this offer. [ ^° y ‘ n COl J nty a througher- bred sow to raise pigs from. (continued on page two) j The plan that will be 'followed BOX SUPPER There will be a box supper at the Bethany sch xil house Friday night, Jan 21st for the benefit of th3 school. Everybody is in* vit'd to attend. / A imt: