The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, January 13, 1916, Image 3

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SEPTEMBER 11” “September Morn”, the cyc lonic girl and song show coming to the Callahan Theatre Fridny night Jan. 14th is one of the brightest, cleverest, wittiest, pret tiest entertainments ever seen on any stage. It sparkles. It has humor, melody, color, spirit, and a score that holds the auditor with its swinging lilting airs. The book by Arthur Gillespie, is the kind of fooling that encour ages worried people to forget their troubles. It has spice. It is not like stale soda water, The fizz is there. At the same time there is nothing to offend. It all gets over the footlights because it is very much alive. You never have time to sit back and rest, so contageous is the humor and so persistant is the merry revel ling. One of the striking fea tures of “September Morn” is the remarkable chorus, these i clever girls work in perfect hnr-1 mony a revelation to the theatre-! _ goer. The cast is composed of an< members who have been seen in some of our best musical success Adopted by The Teachers Institute of Decatur County, Georgia. WHEREAS: The Honorable J. S. Bradwell, who for the last twenty-four years has been at the head of the educational in terest of this county, and who has signified his intention to re sign at the close ot his present term of office, and, WHEREAS: That during his long and faithful administration . of the affairs of his office, he has JVlcin IS always been kind and courteous toward us his corps of teachers, and, WHEREAS: He has by his gentlemanly conduct endeared himself to us his teachers and the patrons and pupils of the public schools of flie county; automobile assure them that as we turn the pages of our life’s history some of the most pleasant and happiest days of our lives will be found to be those spent in their beautiful city by the Thronateeska Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be furnished Super intendent Bradwell and also one to the Post-Searchlight for publi cation. Respectfully Submitted, J. L. Gilmore, For the Committee. Rescued In Time Resident of Woodstock Finds Himself Restored After His Physi cians Failed T A. Therefore, be it resolved that;Route Lewis, who lives out Woodstock, Ga., was the victim of stomach troub’es we regret very much to lose th services of this honored official'for a long time, J-jfi Trio< to assure him that liis., treatments of many and treatment to us both official- y and socially will be ever ap- AVe have the exclusive selling rights for this Trial size, 10 cents. EHRLICH DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE great laxative. es and the production readily ac-1 Predated by us and he will al- counts for the marvelous success [ wa - vs have a warm place in our thepU,SM»h.l e »ed. Seats oil l lKarts " fIe ' l « os ' al .’ d w ? sale Wednesday ffiOfnlng at Wil lis Drug Store. HUSBAND RESCUED WIFE lUl n After Four Hears of Discouraging Conditions, Mrs. Bulloch Gave Up in Despair. Husband Came to Rescue. i for. hilil and his the choicest blessings which God can bestow upon them/ Resolved, that to Miss Parrish, who ln\s so successfully and pleasantly conducted the exer cises of the Institute we extend our hearty thanks and beg to as- j sure her that we will as far as practicable put into practice the —_ thoughts presented to us by her Bad Habits i :inc ^ we wish her an earnest and Those who hpve ’ breakfast at | h ^ r ty God speed in the work j eight o’clock or later, luncli at j WiJlc ^ So neai * lei 'twelve and have dinner at six! That to Mr. Dowling, Miss Phone 153 for yonr house and stove wood. Prices reasonable and de livered promptly at any time. J. 1. Reynolds *5: Co, Catron, Ky.—in an interesting from this place, Airs. Bettie Bullock -writes as follows: “I suffered for four •years, with womanly troubles, and during '.this time, 1 could only sit up for a little while, and could not walk anywhere at all. At Times, 1 would have severe pains in my left side. >». , The doctor was called in, and Ms treaty’t relieved me for a while, but I wAs i mead it. Begin taking Cardui today .soon confined to my bed again. After Ad J Shat, nothing seemed to do me any good, j tI‘1 I had gotten so weak I could not stand, and I gave up in despair. At last, my husbaild got me a bottle of Cardui, the woman's tonic, and l com- are almost certain to be troubled Horn and Prol. Powell we feel Wit'll i 1*1 T f rr c 1 i r. *-i fin lirvL ; Ct'pt’Cltil I V inCM'DlX Cl 101* t.ilCll* menced taking it. From the very first . r 1 ^“kCSuon. • Lnc ^ 00 no H . - . , . , 1 , . . allow tune for one meal to digest I )rac - lcal demonstratioria dud ad- oose, I coukl tell it was helping me. J , . . , . . *, -,1,.,r,d mist fffiif- tho rpptillc h before taking another. Not less uiussts anti uusc emir tnc results can now walk two miles without its pjj an five hours should elapse | °f their earnest endeavors shall letter tiring me, and am doing all my work.” between meals. If you’ are be shown in the general uplift ot If you are all run down from womanly • troubled with indigestion correct the vat i ms phm '■ ol school life troubles,don’t give up in despair. Try|y° U1 ' habits and take Chamber-j as esented by them, Cardui, the woman’stonic. It has helped s tablets, and you may „ ,, „ .... . reasonably hope for a quick 1 more than a million women, in Us bO ' „ , ‘ , , ’ covery. Ih isetabletsstrei ■ hti years of continuous success, and should Lj^ «t cma cli anti enable the if pertora its fundio sold Cardui for ycilrs. He knows wiiat J Obtainable everywhere, it will do. Ask him. He will rcconw ! j Let us repair you I Wheel, 'ihe ftloto [Co., J. Robert Maire tried all sorts of remedies, sufferings were a serious handi cap to his work. Then he tried Mayr’s Wonder ful Remedy. Just as it a does the first dose i rov him whai could be done f ailment. He took the full brief;t - then ytote: That to the officials and mem K-i r.f the Presbyterian Ghurcf aid to the cidzcns 'Cnv-rally, not t’org remedy and am feelii*„ J?ctter than 1 have felt in tour years “Your remedy does just what you claim it will do. “I tried several doctors,, but they did me no good. I am glad that I have found your wonder ful remedy. I have recommend ed to some of my neighbors who need it.” Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy gives permanent results for stomach, liver and intestinal ail ments. Eat as much and what ever you like. No more distress after eating, pressure of gas in stomach and around the heart. Gel. one bottle of your druggist now and try it on an absolute :. earantoe—if not satisfactory Bainbridge I money will be returned. Liard i - our if 1 rude dent fling its live :retary of the . Melton, also Pf-Creh Medicine Ci. Sfke; t in plain wrapper* JR .and lor ,. Qi thar pleasant afterr FOR SALE—-Any amount of I kind on easy terms off College I Mill on'College Street, Block 14 Lihot.well Street, Bainbridge and I lot 185 below Fowlstown and lands below Faceville, i L. C. Bower, Birmingham. at x c.u-.mizj xair.: •’«v r/<uus.. i rp 1 V X fnr* r I— j i l anan i £> as ricdrirc 4 < s? r’i F* V <« IP T rp> 11 f 11 f i I O jLmd V its S 6 th y* at 1YL 'if* CLif* •F and Expensive Musical Attraction on Tour The Original The Boston English Opera Co* Offers All Star Cast JOSEPH F. SHEEHAN AS THADDEUS MIRTH CARMEN AS ARLINE ELAINE DE SELLEM AS THE QUEEN ARTHUR DEANE AS THE COUNT ROBERT A, WHITE AS devilshoof PHILIP FEIN AS FLORESTEIN EUGENE CROWFLL AS THE CAPTAIN LILLIAN HALL AS BUDA BASIL HORSFALL CONDUCTOR For His First Tims Ouiside of fa York anti Chicago THE Original ALL STAR Revival OF THE BOHEMIAN THE WORLD’S GREATEST COMIC OPERA Prices: 50c, 75c, SI, $1.50 and $2 Read what the Critics say about this Attraction Seats on Sale at Box Office Saturday, January 15th. Ttue Famous Singing Chorus mors William Young Fred Goodwin Clmrles Reed William Burkely Christian Smith Alfred Hartman Joseph La Verne Charles Riley Sopranos Thresa Evans Nellie Bodington Irene Little Lucy Every Ruby Brock Arline Davidson Rose Dumont Basses Adolph Seigel Dave Cronberger Maurice Bodington John Alcott Frank Reihman Edward Gibson Henry Davies John O’Neil Contraltos Ruth Dye Mabel Nelsone Helen Smith Geneva Smith Thora Noble Caroline Baldwin Alice Darlington Premiere Dancers Misses Bodington and Hall DR. E. C. SMITH \ ' —DENTIST— \ Office Upstairs, Belcher Building Bainbridge, Ga. H. B. SPOONER ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Will Practice in all State and Federa. Courts Except City Court Bainbr'dge OFFICE 225 BROUGHTON ST. Bainbridge, - Georgia. M. E. O’NEAL Attorney - At - Law GENERAL PRACTICE Bainbridge, - Georgia J, G. HALE Attorney - At - Law general practice Bainbridge, - Georgia \V. M. IJAKRKLE JNQ, H. WILSON HARRELL & WILSON Attorneys at Law general practice Bainbridge, - Georgia W. V. CUSTER Attorney at Law Practice in all Courts Albany Circuit and all Federal Courts Office Opposite Court House JJainliridge,’ . Georgia. D. H BRYAN Attorney At jLaw office in court House Bainbridge, Georgia. Dt\ S. Ehrlich Physician and Surgeon Phones 358, 4G and 18 Office 812 Clark St. Bainbridge, .... Georgia. C. W. Wimberley, Jr. 7ilt(*rney at Law Office in O’Neal Building, Next to Court 1 louse. lia'tnhvidtjc • da. | . HOLLY CAMP NO. 28. j Woodmen O* World S Meets Second and Fourth Monday Nights. : Visiting Sovereigns Always Welcome. 1 .m. i.. o'.n-i ii. council commatider. j. h. Hancock, clerk. ■ ■■ 1 i' ■-! 1 • r i.. \ u H. 0. BELL ATTORNEY AT LAWj PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS Olliccs in CtiHson Building Bainbridge, - - Georgia. Quarterraan’s Pressing Club —Is the Place for Good Work.— Clothes, Hats and Kid Gloves Cleaned All Kinds of Busheling Work. —All Work Guaranteed— Phone No. 2S4-L. Bainbridge, G*. F. E. Strickland Attorney at Law Office with Hon. H. B. Spooner Bainbridge, Ga. w. M. Arline COUNTY SURVEYOR Decatur County P. 0. StrTcklan, Ga. Will run levels for Terracing, Ditching and Draining. All let ters and inqu’rues will be prompt ly attended to. COLDS & LaGRIPPE 5 or 6 dotes 000 wiil break any case of Chills & Fever, Coldt & LaGrippe; it acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. Price 25c.