The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, February 03, 1916, Image 2

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Luzianne Coffee will satisfy you in every respect. We further guarantee that one pound of Luzianne will go as far as two pounds of cheaper coffee. If, after using the en tire contents of one can ac cording to directions, you are not absolutely satisfied on both these points, throw the empty can away and get your money back from the grocer. He will give it to you with out quibble. Buy this better and cheaper coffee today. Write for premium catalog. •UfflWKMB . COFFEE TThe Reily-Taylor Go, New Orleans Successful Evangalist ARTHUR MOORE To Arthur Moore belongs the honor of having conducted more successful revivals in his short career as an evangelist than any other worker in Dixie. Arthur has startled Georgia and the ad joining states with his effective work in the pulpit. He has been dubbed the "Biilie Sunday of Dixie” and like the erst while ball player is a star. Bainbridge will have the op portunity ot hearing Moore for three weeks beginning next Sun day morning. Two service will be conducted daily by this talen ted young evangelist at the local Methodist Church. C( SI itton Seed For Sale ...WE HANDLE... MPKINS PROLIFIC C P It F )ne of the earliest and most rolific varieties. Endorsed by wading growers. Will help you 1GHT the BOLL WEEVIL. F RICE $1.50 PER I il’SHEL n dlahan Grocery Co. Bainbridge, Georgia. t OESSEH ITEMS The Sunday School at this place is doing fine. There was a large crowd present last Sunday and everyboy seemed interested in the lesson. The Sunday School at Lake Hinton is not as large as this one, but it is improving and the mem bers |feel encouraged in their work. | Our school is progressing nicely since we moved in the new house, and although our average this month was only sixty-five the children are doing fine work. The match between the school and the neighborhood last Friday night was well attended, but al though the match was announced four weeks ago, there only one person on the neighborhood side who |was will to stand against thejschool, land as the teachers wish to thank Mrs. Wallace for her interest in the school. We think she deserved all the praise which one of our Trustees gave her, and even more, for after all those on her side and sat down she stood untill the last, and we know that she deserved the blue ribbon which she won- But on the other side I think the five which stood on the school side deserve just as much credit as she does, for they were not res ponsible for the others on their side missing, and those five would rather have stood against twenty people than one, for they knew the County seats perfectly, and they wouldn’t have missed one under any circumstances. It is true that those five have no farm, hogs and children of their own to look after like Mrs. Wallace, but they help their teac hers clean up the new school grounds, are taking the full seventh and ninth grades taught in the Donalsonvill school, and ate preparing for the commen cement excercises in March. Their teacher thinks they are smart to stand last in all mat ches against the neighborhood, and she wouldn’t be afraid to put them against anybody, for even the Sheriff of Decatur County refused to stand against them. If Mr. Martin will come to Desser school we will teach him the county seats of Georgia. Miss Hannah Barineau visited friends in Cyrene Saturday and Sunday. Mr. C. E. Gandy and daughter Miss Ethel, were in Donalsonvill a short while Saturday. Mrs. Wilkes of Donalsonville is visitins her daughter. Mrs. H. C, Wallace. Miss Ruth Voorhies spent the week end with homefolks at Lakeland. Mr. Alva Saunders, and sister Miss Nellie, and Miss Onella Eag- erton of Fairchild attended Sun day School at this place last Sun day. Mr Harlow Messrs Raymond and Oscar Hunter and sister, Miss p auline of Cyrene were in our midst a short while Sunday after noon. Several of our friends have given candy drawings and cake cuttings during the last month. May Bell Odum, who has been quite sick, was able to be at Sun day School. GLOBE TONIC THE BREAT RESTORATIVE TOR THE IIVER, KIDNEYS, STOAIACH AND Big GLOBE TONIC has made so many wonderful cures all over the South and done so much in Bainbridge, that any sensible person after investigating, will be convinced ot its great merit you suffer with your Stomach, Blood, Liver, Kidneys or Nerves or any trouble created by a weal, ed or disordered condition of these organs, GLOBE TONIC is the remedy you need. It absolm. removes the cause of bloating, sour stomach, constipation, sick headache, bachache and indigesti! It has cured your neighbor and it will cure you. Ask them, for we prove what GLOBE TONIC do. What GLOBE TONIC has done is proof of what it can do, and to sell a bottle means to another. We Give Free Samples Every Day at 101 Water Si While Demonstration is in Progress we TJVv-#* dM A sell the regular $1.00 size bottle for OUCj J. Ill tJvJ X 1 Ul tJJ> X While demonstration is on can be had at advertised rates from all drug store Valdosta Drug Company, Wholesale Distributors. Valdosta, Ga q GUARANTEE—Get one bottle of GLOBE TONIC, use it as directed, and if not return the bottle to the store and your money will be refunded. Six bottles is a full course'll make a permanent cure. A few of the many who have been cured by Qlobe Ton All Say the Same Mr, D. G, McLellan, the pop ular agent of the Coast Line was asked how he liked Globe Tonic, and he said: “Globe Tonic is the finest Tonic I ever used. It is a fine appetizer, tones the nerves, makes you feel good, and is one of the best 1 have ever used to regulate the bowels. My whole family is using it with good re sults. and I am glad to recom mend it.” For the Blood Mr. T. B. Brady, who is with the Dixie Steam Launday, says: ‘‘I am using Globe Tonic for the blood and find it to be a valuable remedy. I have several friends who are also using it and all say they are well pleased with the results.” Rheumatism J. M. Adams, who lives on east Water street, and well known in the city has been a sufferer from Rheumatism for a long time. His ankle and foot was swollen to twice its actual size. Had not been able to put on a shoe in a long time. He has been using Globe Tonic about 3 weeks and reports the swelling is gone and he feels better in every way. Kidney Trouble “1 am using Globe Tonic for kidney trouble and find it to be of great benefit to me”, said Mr. W. H. Morrow of east Brough ton street. From Coolldge Ga. Mr. T. L. White of Coolidge, Ga., R. F. B. No. 1, says: “I don’t think any one has suffered from indigestion and kidney trouble like I have. When I would arise in the morning my back was so sore I could hardly put my clothes on without assistance. I would have to get up four or five times, my kidneys were were weak, everything I ate would lay in my stomach like a lump of lead. I would bloat and belch and my heart would palpitate, my breath was short and I would have dizzy spells, if I did’nt use pills, pel lets, salts or some purgative to force my bcwels to move. I would go days without having an action of the bowels, just think, I have suffered for ten years, most everything I ate would disagree with me, I had to live on a soft, light diet and sometimes this would go against me. A friend advised me to use Globe Tonic and am glad that I did, I have only used one bottle of Globe Tonic and I can eat anything I want and not suffer from it. The pains in my back are gone and I don’t have to get up at night. Your medicine is simply wonderful, I think it the best in the world and I’ shall recommend it everywhere I go. I want six bottles for myself, and I have three friends that want me to bring them three bottles each.” Dyspepsia Mr. J. J. Adams, who resid on east Water street says: ^ have used many remedies sour stomach and dyspepsia bi none of them seemed to do any good. I would have t. stomach and spit up my fo hours after eating it, but since have used one bottle of Glo| Tonic, I can eat anything anil am not troubled with sour ston ach any more.” Worms M. J. H. Hancock, the vn known Policeman of Bainbrid purchased a box of the Glo Worm Candy which he gave his two children according directions and both of them pelled many worms. Mr. H. J. Patterson, R. F. I No. 3, LaGrange, Ga., g; Globe Worm Candy to hip children and all of them ex: ed worms. Mr. Patterson, sSf “That the Globe Remedies gii grand satisfaction in his homei they are also using Globe Ton with fine results.” Conclusion Now, when you read abon your friends who report the goo they nave received, how can ar. sensible person be skeptical Proof, nothing but proof, it’s o all sides; every hour of the da comes praise for this wonderfi remedy: You want facts an that is what we give you. GLOBE OIL Globe Oil instantly relieves Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Sprain Cramps, Catarrh and Sore Throat. Price per bottle, 50c. Testimonials on application. Advertisin price 25 cents. GLOBE COUGH CURE It is a cure that cures Coughs, Croup, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and all affectionsi the Throat and Lungs. Price 50c per bottle; while advertising only 25c. Testimonials on applicatioi GLOBE HERB OINTMENT Cures Ulcers, Bruises, Eczema, Tetter, Erysipelas and Fever Sores. As a pile remedy it ha no equal. The most sensible treatment for the diseases of the rectum which years of experience ha proven to be the most complete, practical and painless method of curing. Piles are permanent cured in a few weeks by the use of this treatment. Regular price, 50c; advertising price, 25c. GLOBE WORM LOZENGERS SYMPTOMS—Feverishness, unrest, colorless lips, furred or coated tongue, foul smelling breath in the mornir irregular appetite, costiveness, bloating pains in the bowels, spasmodic twitching of the stomach, the child's upper li is somew hat swollen, a disposition to pick at the nose, unnatural appetite, the child often craving food. These eond tions often lead to convulsions, and frequently death is the natural result of inattention to the symptons and neglei of procuring tlte proper remedies. Worms will cause convulsions, epilepsy, hysteria, 8t. Vitus dance, etc. Thread i pin worms are easily detected by itching at the rectum. These worms are always very troublesome at night and ofte taken for itching piles. Cases huve been recorded of children contracting these worms from one child to unothf Worms arc the prolific cause of most ills of child life, causing them to be fretful, nervous, pale, puny and spasraodi Many remedies used fail to cure because they do not remove the worm nest. Regular price, 50 cents; advertisin price A) cents. Testimonials on application. GLOBE TAPE WORM REMEDY It may be understood in the first place that tape worms may, and frequently do exist without giving rise to an; symptoms whatever. They undoubtedly cause a great variety of symptoms, which will be mentioned below, but nr in evety case and not any of them enable us to say certainly that the complaintant has a tape worm. The tape won inhabits the human system more than is generally supposed and is very tenacious of life. Some persons may' troubled for a long time with this monster parasite and not know what is troubling them, at the same time it is gr>ai ing their very vitals, and not removed is liable to produce inllamation of the bowels, causing death at any time. Ti head of the tape worm is a minute object, provided with small, sucking disks, by which it fastens itself to the innrt wall of the intestines: nutrition is carried on by absorbing the strength of the food eaten at every joint. The only poc five evidence of the existence of tape worm is the discharge of pieces or joints, which are of a yellowish cast and a alive when passed, sometimes resembling guard seed, and at other times are an inch or more in length A person i»a pass 20 to 50 feel, and if the head is not removed, it will grow full length in 110 to 90 days. See the many specimens our office. TAPE WORM SYMPTOMS—Pain in the side, back and shoulder blades: headache dizziness, loss of memor cramping in the stomach and bowels: dry cough, weak eyes, great nervous debility, appetite variable, convulsions an" epileptic tits. While Advertising $5.00 per Bottle. Office open from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m daily. We will be pleased to answer all ques- tions and give information as to the application of our remedies. GLOBE REMEDY COMPANY Corner Water and West Sts. Next to Court House BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA We are glad to report Mrs. Mathew Alday as being much Inl and we wish for her a speedy re covery For A Billious Attack. When you have a severe head ache accompanied by a coated tongue, loathing of food, consti pation, torpid liver, vomiting of partly digested food and then bile, you may know that you have a severe billious attack. While you may be quite sick there is much consolation in knowing that relief may be had by taking three of Chamberlain’s Tablets. They are prompt and effectual. Obtainable every- ‘ where. Coughs & Golds are Dangerous Few of us tealize the danger of Coughs and Colds. We con sider them common and harmless ailments. However statistics tell us every third person dies of a lung ailment. Dangerous Bronchial and Lung diseases fol low a neglected cold. As your body struggles against cold germs, no better aid can be had than Dr. King’s New Discovery, j Its merit has been tested by old and young. In use over 45 years. Get a bottle to-day. Avoid the risk of serious Lung ailments, druggists. (1) LONG LOANS I have been appointed corre spondent of George M. Forman & Co., of Chicago, to succeed J. L, Williams, deceased. This is one of the best long loan com panies. Their terms are easy and treatment considerate. I ( shall be glad to receive applica- | tions for loans on improved farms in Decatur county, Ga., and Gadsden county. Fla. R. G. Hartsfield, Bainbridge, Ga. Seyere Cold Quickly Cured. “On December first I had i very severe cold or attack of the grip as it may be, and was near!; down sick in bed,” writes 0. J Metcalf, Weatherby, Mo. ' bought two bottles of Chamber- lam’s Cough Remedy and it was only a few days until I was com pletely restored to health, firmly believe that Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy is one « the very best medicines and win know what to do when I have ano .her cold.’ ’ Obtainable every where.