The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, February 10, 1916, Image 4

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To buy Cheaper is to pay more. Don’t forget that a coffee cheaper than Luzianne in the end actually costs more, for you are guaran teed that there are twice the usual number of cups in a pound of Luzianne. It is guaranteed to please you, too. Buy a can today, use it all according to directions, then if you are not satisfied, if you are not dead certain it has gone twice as far, your grocer will return your money without question. Write for our premium catalogue. For Dismission. Georgia. Decatur County:* \V. \V. Harrell, guardian of Stella Harrell having applied to me to be dis charged from such guardianship. all persons concerned show cause be fore ,ne at the court house ru said county on the first Monday in March next, if any they have why such ap plication for discharge should not Ire granted. Witness my olficial signa ture Feb. Till 1911). T. it. Maxwell, Ordinary. THE POWER OF A WONDERFUL REMEDY HAS STARTLED THE PEOPLE OF BAINBRI ipziANi COFFEE The Reily-Taylor Co. New Orleans FOR LEAVE TO SELL Georgia, Decatur County: Notice is hereby Given that the undersigned has app.ied to the Ordinary of said, county for leave to sell land Belonging to the estate of Levia Myers for payment of debts and distribu tion. Said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in March, 1916. This Feb. 10, 1916. J.-H. McFarland, Administrator of the estate of Levia Myers. The Past Five Weeks Have Proven Beyond a Doubt that Globe Tonic Rertp are the most Wonderful Remedies Known for Sufferers of Rheumatism, arrh, Kidney, Liver and all Blood Troubles. Read what These Local Pe Have to Say About the Globe Tonic Remedies. The demonstrators of the Globe Tonic Remedies are still here, and they are proving every day to the most stubborn and skeptical people that the Globe Tonic Remedies are doing all and even more than they claimed for them when they came to Bain- bridge about four weeks ago. They no longer have to promise results, but they are now pre< I would not rest well at and had no appetite. I usei Tonic and now rest well at and have a good appetiti must say Globe Tonic resides on the Whigham road and who gets his mail at Climax said: "I come to Bainbridge especially to get 3 more bottles of Globe Tonic, the first bottle I got from you about two weeks j best medicine I have ever ago certainly has worked vvond- for catarrh or stomach trou ers on my son and I am satisfied i it will cure him. Before he start- j the thousands who have fe ed to use your Globe Tonic he wonderful powers of th< would have3 to 4epeleptic spells land only one medicine that pared to show the names of hun-!a week and just think, he has ively cures where all dreds of Bainbridge people who will cheerfully certify to amazing Georgia Decatur County. By virtue of an order of his results received from the use of Honor, E. E. Cox, Judge of the Globe Tonic Remedies. They can Superior Court of said County, ] also give you the names of people ion of J.l. , . . , . CARTWRIGHT SAYS HE SUFFERED F08 28 YEARS “Smothering Spells Al- GO ID SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY FEBRUARY 13TH. made upon the application E. Clarx to sell toe one tenth un in every village and town within divided interes: of Luetta Clark 180 m iles from this city, no in lots of land Numbers 168 and [matter where you live. If you 193 in the 27th, District of pe-1 wish to investigate write or call Sunday, Feb. 13th, 1916, most Set Me Wild,” He “Go to Sunday School Day” Says -Takes Tanlac and ! over the State. We need you and [you need us. Have you been do- Says He Is Now Well, ing your duty in the past? Have you attended the services of and Strong. “For twenty years I have suf- God’s house as you promised to I do when you joined His church, ........ , , or as you know way down in your fered with catarrh in my head), . ,, : ... . ...... heart you should do it you are throat. Everybody who , „ and knows me, and I know a great [ many ni p rp’e, snows inis to be! a fact,” said C. F. Cartwright, who lives in Alton Park, Chatta- noirga, Term. "Every night my head would be so stopped up I could hardly breathe, and I would have a choking feeling and shortness ot breath that nearly drove me wild. I guess I had catarrh of the stomach, too, because I had indigestion most of the time. In fact, I have not had a well day for years, and have been so nervous and restless 1 simply dreaded to see night come, be cause l could not sltep, and to j tell the truth, I was so weak and rundown I have not been able to not one ol His people? Come ouc and join us on this particular day. Good music and singing, an interesting session. You will enjoy it. We shall look for you. G. C. Butler, Supt. E. A. Wimberly, Asst. Supt. Leroy Waters, Sec’ty. catur County, Georgia, consisting of 418 acres, and all lots of land I Numbers 203 and 238 in the 27th, I District containing 500 acres, on the demonstrators, and they will refer vou to some neighbor who has been cured of rheumat- more or less; Also 83 1-3 acres ism, catarrh, kidney, liver, and being the middle one third land lot Number 108 and 6 2-31 van j s h acres being the middle one third • of twenty acres off the east side | \ g , in land lot 93 and 111 acres stomach or blood trouble, which like a mist before the Among the many callers this land lot. Number 208, there will jweek was Mr. A. J. Harrell who he sold before the courthouse not had a spell since he cornmenc- i have failed. Take no chant ed to use Globe Tonic. Most of [ this or that medicine if ydi the people in Bainbrigde know [sick: get the Globe Tonic how my son has suffered. I j medicine that your neig! bought lots of medicine anl none, recommend. If you suffer of them seemed to do him any j stomach, catarrh, kidney, good. I had a specialist in At-! or blood troubles, bloating, b lanta to treat him. he was also ing, dizziness, shortness of treated in Milledgeville all to no breath and headache; stai avail. 1 must praise Globe Tonic using Globe Tonic and see for it certainly is a wonderful ; wonderful change a few b( medicine.” [will make. Call and try Another of the many pleased samples of Globe Tome, callers Saturday, was Mr. A. J. j Remember Saturday Febi Parker who lives near West 26th, is the last day to ge Bainbridge, who said: ‘‘I have SI.00 bottles for 50c (3 for suffered a long time from catarrh Globe Remedy Co., 101 1 of the head and stomach trouble, street, next to the court hou door on the first Tuesday in March all ot said one tenth un-i divided interest as aforesaid for ! the purpose of maintenance and education of Luetta, the!I minor ward of J. E. Clark, then said sale being subject to approval! by the court. This 10th, day of Feb. 1916. E. J. Willis, j Commissioner. To Whom It May Concern This :s to certify that T. J. Tucker is competent to fill the position of tax receiver, if elec ted, I beleive he would exercise every care to do his duly. Mr. Tucker has assisted me in my office and his work convin ced me that he would be fully do any woik tor I dont know how j LOm P eten1, Tong. No kind of medicine, and 1 took nearly everything, seemed i to help me a particle until 1, heard of this Tanlac. My son-' in-law induced me to try it, he! said he had Coen hearing lots about it. Yours very truly, B. A. Bi awiet Agent A, C. L. R. R. Brinson, Cu. Jan. 2,<-1916. For Judge ol City COurt. I hereby announce my candidacy for I re-election to the Judgeship of tire City Court of Htiinbridge. I wish to thunk the voters of the county for their past favors and assure them that I appre ciate their confidence If I am re-elec ted I will endeavor to render the best | service that 1 um capable of. R Very ! ptCili! 11 }'. It. H. gpfiSriM. FOR SALE— Single combed White I am showing the largest and most reasonable priced Valen- ‘T have used two bottles of t ' nes this week, ever shown in the medicine, and am proud to Bainbridge. Norris The Jeweler, say I believe I am as well ami Mrs. Everette of Atlanta is strong as I ever was. My appe-, spending a short while with her tite and digestion have improved ;und J am gaining right along. J sleep good at night ana van breathe fine. 1 no longer have those choking, smothering sensa tions like I used to have. ‘‘Everybody certainly ought i.o know about tats medicine, tor it surely has done Wumieis tor me. The only thing 1 hate is that 1 did not hear about it years ago, as i believe it would have sa\td me lots of suffering ” Tanlac is sold in Bainbridge exclusively by Willis Drug Co., and m Donalsonvilie by the Pal ace Drug Co., and Climax by the Climax Pharmacy. i mother Mrs. Oesverges. VOTE FOR TUCKER; He is worthy, honest, up right and perfectly re liable. Dr. Herbert L. John on, tf Argyle, Ga., was the guest of Miss Ruby Horton, Sunday and Monday. T. K. Roberts of Donalsonvilie was in tne city a short while Tuesday afternoon. To Cure Children's Golds FREE FLOWER SEEDS Hastings Catalogue Tells You All About Them orn Cockrels front the famous Tom Barron strain. The world’s heaviest layers. Address Box 46, Bainbridge, Ga. FOR SALE—a complete Dry Cleaning Plant fthe new way) at Bainbridge, Georgia. Will sell at a bargain lor cash, or will give terms to a responsi ble party. Address Post-Search Light, Bainbridge. We will turnish you Seed Irish Potatoes, North Carolina Seed Peanuts and feed stuffs at lowest whole sale prices. Ralph R. Belcher, wholesale Grocer in Belcher Block. The first quarterly conference for the Attapulgus circuit will be held at Mariola Church Saturday Feb. 12th. Those interested will please take notice. FOR QUICK SALE—Hupmobile Touring Car. Good Condition, $325.00. Address Hupmobile. Care this paper. I he Motor-Bicycle Co; will repair your wheel, be cause we have the man and material. «>•••• Announcement p wish to announce thavt ve hkve purchased the stock * of the 0&.k City Drug Company in the CaJlavhan Block and will continue the business in the savme building. We Are re-plenishing the stock and within the next few davys will havve av complete line of Drugs, Toilet Articles, Druggist Sundries, Stavtionery and Rubber Goods. We wish to avsk our friends and the travde generavlly to give us av chance act the business. Prices being considered we will compete favvoravbly with any firm in the savme line. Phone No. 86 MILLS PHARMACY A. H. MILLS, Prop. Callahan Block if AT Vo mntter whether you farm or only • plant vegetable* or flowers in a small lot Keep child dry, clothe com- * you need Hastings 1916 Catalogue, fortahle. avoid exposure,and give ’ it is tilled (ioo pages) from cover t.> Dr. Bell S Pine-T ar-Honey. It_is cover with useful farm and garden infor- pleasant, southing, antiseptic,j mutton, raises phlegm and reduces infla- mation. The first dose On account of the absence from file City of Mr. Sams, there will b> no services at the Episcopal Church next Sunday, except th • Sunday School at 10.00 o’clock. It tells of seeds of kind and quality that gives T ou can't buv from tout merchant or Repiesentatives of the G. F. & A. Ry., Messrs. R. B. Coleman and T. J. Acosta, also Mr. T. M. 'True, of the A. N. Ry., met with 3SSS We Give Profit-Sharing Coupons Reduce the High Cost of Living by Trading with 5 § K FOR O U R CATALOG CATALOG WillivS Drug Co., Bainbridge, Ga. CALLTODAYAND INVESTIGATE HOW YOU CAN PROCURE BEAUTIFUL AND USEFUL ARTICLES BY REDEEMING OUR COUPONS AND CERTIFICATES ISSUED WITH EVERY CASH PURCHASE OR ON ACCOUNTS TO BE PAID BY 5TH.0F MONTH. relief, continued treatment with druggist. seeds that cost no more but a committee this week and went proper care will avoid serious illness or a long cold. Don't de lay treatment. Don’t let your child suffer. Get a bottle to-day. Insist On Dr. Beil S 1 ine-Tar-l showy and beautiful flowers, Haney. 25c at druggists. (2) 1 give you real satisfaction and a real gar- into the matter of running special den. trains to handle the crowds that it tells how every customer can get ab- are booked for this year’s Mardi solutely free five packets of easily grown, Grag As lt looks now> we ^.jn have more people than this city Ctadn\er,s Gelaiiive ^ * -VnOLESOME DESSERT Hastings is both the best and largest seed l.rm in the South, the only firm that vou should buv seeds from. has ever had at one time. The Steamer Callahan has aireadv ROOMS FOR RENT—2 or rooms for rent, furnished or unfurnished.Phone 379 J. Mrs. J. L. Causey. MUSTANG when you plant Hastings Seeds, you [been engaged to bring her ea-1 meet “Good Garden Luck" more than half way. Write today for their big 191S Catalogue. It is free. A postal card re- AUaaU. Gt—(Advt) paeity, several hundred are com- ing from Tallahassee, Quincy, j Mariana, and it has been repor-1 For Sprains, Lameness, I) Sores, Cuts, Rheumatism ! Penetrates and Heals. | Stops Pain At Once [j For Man and Beast 25c. 50c. $ I. At All Dealers. ! 3 Capt. T. N. Buckner, of Bain bridge, was in Appalachicoia Tuesday shaking hands with his numerous friends—all of whom wish to see hun make more fre quent visits.—A ppalachicola Times. quest will bring it H.C. HASTINGS CO., j ted that large crowds are coming from St. Andrews bay cities. LINIMENT VOTE FOR TUCKER: He is needy, by reason of personal affliction, that unfits him for heavy manual labor, has a large family and heavy respon sibility and one of your truest citizens. For Sale 10.000 pounds of K bed-Wire. Cheap for Cash J. Thomas. Phone 75 CHICHESTER SPILL brand LADTE3 I Art yo.r I>nnlrt for CHI-CHB9-THR DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in RRD an Gold metallic boxes. aealed with Ribbon. Tails no other. Bit Drtifdit and art for CHMHEMtl DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twes T years regarded as Best,Safest, Alwaya SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST; EVERYWHERE