The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, February 10, 1916, Image 6

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THE POST-SEARCH LIGHT Published Every Thursday at Bslnbridge, Georgia. E. H. GRIFFIN Editor and Proprietor Entered at the Pontofflce in Bain- bridge, Oa., as second cIbbs mail matter under Act of Congress March 18th, 1897. Subscription Ratss ONE YEAR *100 BIX MONTHS 00c Advertising Rates Advertising rate depends on position, number of insertions and other requirements, and will be furnished at the business oftice. OFFJCIAI. OHOAN OF TIIK CITV OF BAINBRIDGE AND DECATUR COUNTY. Telephone No. 239 Did you ever hear the story of Thomas Cants, whose wife nightly robbed his pants? Not poetry but stem facts. Dispensing justice with sixty guards around the court-house while the dispensing is going on is a little straining isn’t it? The wise man now reaches alter his trade through his home paper. He gets his wares right before him and helps the reader to reduce the cost of living. The head of the anti-saloon league of Florida has resigned. That Jacksonville gang must have been a little too hefty for the brother. it ■ T.-pf The dope fiends of Atlanta must be hard put when they be gin to use guns to get it. Have seen a man wear out several pair of shoes hunting Tige but they wont get to the gun period until after May 1st. Georgia has had some freakish politics in her day but she has of late had some things injected in to her polities that will never be equaled as long as the old world stands. Horrible things. The Atlanta authorities suspended one their city ordinances without getting permission of the Elberton Star. That Elberton fellow loses many sleepless nights about Atlanta’s affairs. The church question has but ted into Florida politics good and hard and from all reports they are going to have some time down in that country. Man if you want to get into a loud cam paign get into one with religion injected into it. o- ■ Mr. Advertiser, this paper is going to hundreds of folks that have not been getting a paper before the last thirty days and you have splendid fields to adver tise in. Will you take advantage of them? The Post-Search Light wants to call the attention of the coun try correspondents to the very important feature of their not sending in anything to this paper as community news that will in any way injure the feelings of any one. They are talking about trying Tom Watson out of the state be cause of the fact that Tommy usually runs the gauntlet pretty successfully. Tom will come nearer getting justice where he is known than where he is not. Mary Pickford, Bill Bryan and Teddy have all been backed off the front pages by said Tommy. He is the best press agent of them all. The Georgia Free Lance may be a little PECULIAR but he is nobody's Sis Hopkins. The Worth county crowd that that pulled off that star killing must have felt very little indeed when they found that a jury of their fellow citizens recomm ended the star actor to the mercy of the court. They hit a gnat with a sledge hammer. To see one of these short-dress old sisters from the back, walk two blocks to see if the chicken wa9 a pretty one, have her turn around and see that you have been following an old hen is un lawful, aggravating and annoy ing. is’nt it Freddy?. Our old friend A1 Spence was sworn in as Mayor of Pelham last week. Now what we want to know is what it will cost us to celebrate Al’s inauguration in that town in the old fashioned way. If the price is not too High we will pay it, and pull of the celebration. The Editor of the Thomas- ville Times-Enterprise having joined the baud of the wed we have been wondering if he will exercise the old Biblical privilege of not working for 12 months. If he does we want our subscrip tion money to that paper back right now. Decatur county is to be con gratulated on the class of men that are running for their county jobs. They are all a high mind ed set ot men and not one of them have indulged in any news paper controversy nor has any one tried to. Our friend Culpepper, of the Camilla Enterprise wrote us a very nice letter and registers a complaint about missing the Post-Search Light. We herewith now and instanter raising the devil with our devil about not sending it and will see to it that it went hererfter. See where a suffragette wants the girls to be equal to men. The old she-cat must surely hate the girls, to want to drag them down in such a way. If a nice girl is not superior to a dozen of the he Variety and then some, we are ready to move even to Jesup. The church and lodge organi zation who have been preparing their* matter for the Special Edition will please send it in now as quickly as possihle. The edition comes out in the early part of March and the copy should be gotten in as quickly as possible. What is a department of Fur- tation? Notice where they are going to have one and be durned if we know whether we are for it or “agin it”. Will some kind “pusson”, please tell us. Will the Richland News please eluci date? Mr. Voter, the law requires you to register in person and if you stay at home and tell some other man to register you, you will miss your vote sure as shooting. If you don’t care enough about your citizenship to register in person you are not such a very good citi zen. carelesness in these matters leave all questions to be disposed of. by those that do register. Five Bainbridge Merchants put on sales last Saturday. How all of them can expect results from their special advertising on the same day is more than we can figure out. Each will conflict with the other, they all will fail to do what they expect and then stand on the curb stone and say that advertising dont pay. Well, that kind cant well pay. When one sees the other putting on a sale, he ought to bide his time and then both would do better in the end. We want all us can get but we know what will be the result of such conflict. Woodrow Wilson says that he will keep this country out of war if he can. We believe that he will, but he takes the Mexican situation too seriously. He can send a brigade to the border and settle all those differences in a very few minutes. Tret's lick the little first and then tackle the big. That’s not exactly military glory but its safer. A1 Jennings the Convict Lec turer says that a lawyer cant make a living and tell the truth. Al’s knowledge of the truthful ness of lawyers is a little peculiar. Does he mean to intimate that the lawyers demonstrated this in his case and while trying to get him out of the pen ? Some sweet day President Wil son may do something that will meet the approval of the Florida Time-Union but we fear that we will never live to see it. The President evidently failed to ask their permission to be nominated in the first place and would not let them appoint his cabinet in the second. Can you blame them for bellyaching. J. L. Hand retired from the City Council of Pelham last week after a service of 35 years. Take the life and work of J. L. Hand out of the history of that very thriving little city of Mitchell and it will not read so very progress ively. He has not only been useful to his home town but to this part of the state. One of the best and safest business men in this country. The circulation of this paper is about the largest of any weekly in the state that is not connected with a daily paper and the merchant that wants to reach the people of this section has the best advertising medium that they can get. Had you figured Mr. Merchant that this paper finds its way into homes that are not reached by circularizing work. The friends of the progressive movement throughout the state to advertise the different resour ces of Georgia can well take heart from the results that have been garnered in. More people are looking this way than ever before. Decatur county must get busy and get her portion of it. The recent mob stunts in the state have been very deporable and all good citizens teel bad over it but we can’t see that our papers are doing much good by raising so much noise about it. That gives the outsider a chance to hold his hands up in assumed holy horror and make it appear really worse than it is. We can get enough cheap notoriety with out our own tolks feeding the gossip trough. There are two more issues of this paper before the county Primary. We wish at this time ,to announce that we will not publish anything for any man that in any way reflects on any other candidate, or that would require a reply. This would not be fair nor just to any man runn ing. If there is anything at all that would in any way impair a man as a county officer it ought to have been brought out before now. Unless it will stand the light ot day and careful investi gation by the voter it is worth less and should not be printed in a county paper at the eleven- hour and we will not be a party to anything of that nature. If the friend of any candidate knows something that will make it plain that another man is not fit for an office, he should have brought it out before the last issue of the paper. If he did not it is not worth reading and is jnot germane to the campaign. They are trying to get Stanley Bennett of Quitman into the race for Congress from the elev enth districh. Go to it boys. He is the biggest and best man in the district and we could never understand why he has never been there all these years. But you folks down there have got to send him, he will never play penny policits to get there. You can stick that under your hat, Mr. Voter of the 11th district. The Eleventh District again seems to have woke up and will send a mans size to congress from that old district again. Stanley Bennit is being urged to make the race. If the Tall Boy from Brooks County is sent, there will be one man there above the little variety of thinkers. Bennet may not make any of the old Websters or Clays turn over in their Graves with eloquential envy but he will give them a sample of old fashioned Georgia cracker out thinking that is worth a sight more to his people and the state. If we lived in that district we “sho” would whoop ’em up for the Brooks county man. The following new dispatch from Kansas City appears in the Savannah Morning News. Bain bridge merchants will do well to read and absorb the truth ex pressed therein. “Merkle Thorp, dean of the School Journalism at the Univer sity of Kansas told the conven tion of the Southwestern Lum bermen’s Association recently the editor was the natural comm unity leader and urged the mem bers to support the home publi cations. Mr. Thorp spoke at the closing session of the convention.” “Every editor has four princi pal aims,” he said. “They are to make a living, unify his district, prevent dissension and create local pride. He will |do the last three without pay, if the merch ants will releive him ot the wor ry of a hand-to-mouth existence by a proper patronage of his ad vertising columns. Mr. Voter, have you looked in to the County Unit School system. This is one of the real strange problems that are confronting us. It is the first matter that we have any knowledge of that ever be came important enough to go be fore the people and no one has advanced any argument in favor of it or given the voters any in formation thereon. Voters have called on this paper for informa tion on the subject. This paper has earnestly invited discussion on the subject and not one line has yet appeared on the matter. The subject being avoided by those that should be informed on it are at a loss as to what is best to suggest to the voters. We cant set any theories before them, we want facts, tacts from one or from those that have seen the law in operation and know the workings thereof. Failing to get these we refrain yet from discussing the matter and the voter will have to follow his own half-informed convictions on the subject of education. Did any man ever see just such a peculiar state of affairs. There is not one single voter in Decatur county that would not vote to benefit our school system but they cant well vote unless they know what they are doing. Will somebody please rise “and talk out in meetin” on this matter. Cotton-Stocks-G rain Bought and sold on a com mission basis; also carried on conservative terms. Direct wires to all markets. Members: New York CoNoa Exctaagc Chicago Board of Trade G. D. Cates & Company Jacksonville, Fla. Augusta, Ga. Kla. Lite Bldg. 104 Jackson St References: bradstreets, Florida National Rank, Jacksonville Fla. N«v York corrMflrit. E. F. Hutton ACo. WITH THE EXCHANGES Can’t ever convince us that a bow-legged girl invented the short skirt.—Macon News. Why, where and how do you know? At any rate, Adam never told his wite that he got that white powder on his coat by leaning against a whitewashed wall.— Macon News. No, but the old liar started that Red Apple tale that caused a sight more trouble. Tampa will not extend half as hearty a welcome to the sham pirate as she would have exten ded to the real one if he had brought the gold with him.— Jacksanville Times-Union. Bud you dont mean to ‘ ‘sinuate” that “Tampie” welcome the filthly lucre whether it is stained or net. A Muscogee ccunty legislator would stop political piggling at conventions. Does he want to knock all the fun out of the game? —Savannah Press. Huh! What yer mean by “po litical piggling?”—Early Couuty News. What do you guys think a political convention is any way? A bridge party or sewing circle? Hail to sweet womanhood. Without her we would’nt have any kind of a hood.—Edison News. Now the man that pulled that on an unsuspecting public ought to be hamstrung. What does that fellow mean any way. Bigger Bainbridge Bainbridge is spread out, the latest stunt being the purchase of a big auto fire tmek, with all necessary apparatus. —Thomasville Times Enterprise You’re right Ed., Bainbridge is right in line when it comes to progressivness watch our steps Bro. Jerger. His Cross. Judge D. P. Dyer tells the fol lowing; At a recent examination of 151 men who wished to become citi zens of the United States he had asked one applicant the usual questions and had received satis factory replies, although it was evident that the man had a hard time fathoming some of the questions. At last he asked: “And now, do you belong to any society or organization ini mical to the government of the United States? This was too much for the man, and he was silent. Judge Dyer explained the meaning, and again asked the question. A gleam of understanding over spread the face of the man, and he replied: “Yes, judge, I’m a Republican,” - St. Louis Globe Democrat. That guy was very much quali fied for citizenship. He had learned something in a few min utes that millions of benighted Americans dont seem to have learned yet. Despite the preach ing of Bill Bryan and the pran cing of Roosevelt. A Chattanooga minister prayed God tc strike all dancers with rheumatism. That sounds more like a doctor of medicine trying to get a job than a doctor of di vinity.—Ex. ^ These lines and similar re marks made by ministers all over the country do more harm than actual sin. They make the man out of the church wonder if such brutal spirit should prevail among the followers of the lowly Nazarene. Nine times out of ten such remarks are made by preachers who become exaspera ted because they fail to draw large attendances. If they will note their remarks they could very often locate the cause of lack of interest. A Maplewood, Mo. lunch roo has the following advertismj over the door: “If w jfi e caj cook,don’t divorce her. Eat ht and keep her for a pet.” Exchange— This pet business has been woi edovertime. Doubtless am that reacs that advertiam, thinks of the time when he thui wifie was sweet enough to and then wishes he had eat her. NOTICE! All the permissions hereto! given in writing or verbally hunt on the lands formerly oi ed by Ausley & McCaskil] ; now owned by C. K. C. Aus in Decatur county, Georgia hereby revoked and cancelled All Game Wardens are hen notified and directed to pro cute any and all persons hunt on my lands unless the per present a written permit sigi by me. No person other than myi is authorized to give permiss to hunt on my lands and not is expressly given that no vet consent by me is valid or bil mg. I offer a cash reward of F Dollars to any Warden or per prosecuting to conviction : person hunting on my lands. I do not wish to prosecute i one so kindly be governed cording to this notice. C. K. C. Auslei UCH! CALOMEL MAKES you my si Stop using this dangen drug before it salivate you! It’s horrible! You’re bilious, sluggish’ con pated and believe you need v dangerous calomel to start j liver and clean bowles. Here’s my guarantee! Ask y druggist for a fifty cent bottli Dodson’s Liver Tone and tak spoonfull to-night. If it dose start your liver and straigli you up better than calomel i without griping or making sick I want you to go back to store and get your money. Take calomel to day and morrow you will feel weak sick and nauseated. Don’t l( a days work. 1 ake a spoonfu harmless Dodson’s Liver 1 tonight and wake up feej great. It’s perfectly harmlj so give it to your children time. It can’t salivate, so them eat anything afterward Money to Loi and Farms to Si I will assist you in securi money on your farm land city property, 6 per cent, int est. I have listed several t bargains in small farms tl must be sold at a sacrifice price on account of past c mortgages. I shall be plea to quote prices and descriptii and take you out to see tb farms. I am also Special Ag for the Penn Mutual Life surance Company. J. B. L. BARBER First National Bank Buildii Bainbridge. Ga. For Rheumatism As soon as an attack of Bi matism begins apply Sloan’s iment. Don’t waste the t and suffer unnecessary ag< A few drops of Sloan’s Linin on the affected parts is all need. The pain goes at once A grateful sufferer writes: was suffering for three w with Chronic Rheumatism Stiff Neck, although I tried n medicines, they failed, and 1 under the care of a doctor. 1 tunately I heard ot Sloan’s 1 ment and after using it threj tour days am up and well. 1 employed at the biggest def ment stores in S. F. where j employ from six to eight 1 dred hands, and they surely hear all about Sloan’s Linimj H. B. Smith, San Francisco,' Jan. 1915. At all Druggists.