The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, February 17, 1916, Image 4

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mfraWrEratf nTiirwMr Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Davis was called to S. C. to pay the last tribute of love to Fletcher’s fath er and shortly after their return to their home in Eldorendo their little son Harry, age three years 2 months and 6 days was called home to heaven. The parents and friends did everything in their power to keep him with us but God had a vacant place and He had to take this precious one to heaven. He was a sweet and loving child and his little face is greatly missed in the Sunday school and many other places but “the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, Blessed be the name of the Lord.” Little Harry was a bright and affectionate child and we hope his going away will be the drawing of some one closer to thee. A precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is stilled. A place is vacant in our home, Which never can be filled. Ood in his wisdom has recalled, The boon his love had given. And though the body slumbers here, The soul is safe in heaven. Before leaving this earth to go to his eternal home he fixed his eyes on Jesus and we know he is at rest on the banks of the Crystal River awaiting his loved ones and friends. He leaves mother and tather and one little brother and many loved ones and friends to mourn his loss “There are none except the pure in heart, that shall ever !see God.” Written by, Mrs. W. L. Huggins. Or Will Have To Depend on Safety Pins or Binder Twine. White buttons will soon be used on overcoats, buisness suits and in fact, in every place a col ored button is usually worn. Either that or the wearer will depend upon safety pins or bind er twine to hoid his garments together. This is the condition which is fast appraching according to Emil Weicht, of Philadelphia, one of the largest ivory button man- facturers in the coutry. The recent embargo on longwood has intensifed an already critidal situation in the vegetable ivory industry, as the longwood dyes were the last hope of the button makers in the general dye situat ion. How Appendicitis Can Be Prevented. Bainbrldge people 9hould know that a few doses of simple buck thorn bark, glyfttrine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka, often relieve or prevent appendicitis. This simple mixture removes Weh surprising foul matter that ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CASE constipation, sour stomach or gas. A short treatment helps chronic stomach trouble. Adler- i-ka has easiest and mort thor ough action of anything we ever sold. Ehrlich Drug Co. For A Billions Attack. When you have a severe head ache accompanied by a coated tongue, loathing of food, consti pation, torpid liver, vomiling of partly digested food and then bile, you may know that you have a severe billious attack. While you may be quite sick there is much consolation in knowing that relief may be had by taking three of Chamberlain’s Tablets. They are prompt and effectual. Obtainable every where, Seed Irish Potatoes, N C., Seed Peanuts and feed sjuffs. At lowest whole sale prices. Ralph R Belcher, Wholesale Groc er. Belcher Block. ri* The Next Issue of The Sell Directory COES TO PRESS SOON ItVfcFJ Re 11 subscriber, almost without exception, is able — to buy the goods advertised in this directory. Reserve your epace today. AaSt the Manager for ra.«a. Supplements your other advertising but does not conflict with other mediums. Changes and corrections in listings should be made at once fot the new book. NOTICE! All the permissions heretofore given in writing or verbally to i hunt on the lands formerly own ed by Ausley & McCaskill and now owned by C. K. C. Ausley i in Decatur county, Georgia are hereby revoked and cancelled. All Game Wardens are hereby notified and directed to prose cute any and all persons hunting on my lands unless the person present a written permit signed by me. No person other than myself is authorized to give permission to hunt on my lands and notice is expressly given that no verbal consent by me is valid or bind ing. I offer a cash reward of Five Dollars to any Warden or person prosecuting to conviction any person hunting on my lands. I do not wish to prosecute any one so kindly be governed ac cording to this notice. C. K. C. Ausley. Severe Cold Quickly Cured. “On December first I had a very severe cold or attack of the grip as it may be, and was nearly down sick in bed,’’ writes 0. J. Metcalf, Weatherby, Mo. “I bought two bottles of Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy and it was only a few days until I was com pletely restored to health. I firmly believe that Chamber- ! Iain’s Cough Remedy is one of I the very best medicines and will ; know what to do when I have another cold.’ ’ Obtainable every - j where. W. T. H/1RR1S, Mfcnbger, Berinbridge, Ga. T ^ _ _ and Bad Colds are caused by germs. I | VJilppC Quick relic' take The Uiant Urip Uerm KL **« «a4 Me. aa4 TiUiu Me Johnson’s Tonic RUB-MY-TISM Will cureyour Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 25c.; High quality soda crackers, parent of line ef 122 crackers) and cakes. One for every taste) and every need, afferding delightful mealtime ehantea. GEORGMS TESTIFYS TO MAYR’S REMEDY Lives Redeemed and Fortunes Health Are Recovered Most of the problems of health originate in the stomach. Most of these ailments can be cured. Thousands of people right in the state of Georgia are needlessly suffering from stomach trouble, while thousands of others have found health by the use of Mayrs Wonderful Remedy. The first dose of this remarkable remedy is proof. Here are the words of two Georgians who have used it: B. Duncan, 136 W. Peochtree St., Atlante, Ga.—”1 took one bottle of Mayr’s Wonderful Rem edy and it did me so much good I must continue the treatment 1 ' Salista Thomas, 55 La France St., Atlanta, Ga. —“I have ta ken vour remedv for five weeks. I feel like I hardly know my own strength—my appetite is fine. Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy gives permanent results for stom ach, liver and intestinal ailments. Eat as much and whatever you like. No more distress after eat ing, pressure of gas in the stom ach and around the heart. Get one bottle of your druggist now and try it with an absolute guar antee—if not satisfactory money will be returned. or a Full lablespooi WHICH? A scant tablespoon of Luxianne goes ex actly as far as a big heaping table spoon of a cheaper coffee, for you use only half as much of Luxianne. That's so positively guaranteed that if, after using an entire can of Luxianne as directed, you are not entirely satisfied with its ecqnomy and goodness, your grocer, on your say-so, will gladly return your money. Write for our pre mium catalogue. The Reily'Taylor Go. New Orleans ChaJnver,s is Gelatine W A WHOLESOME DESSERT Post-Search Light, Bainbridge, Ga. Dear Sir:—I see the columns of your most excellent paper are open to the public for a discus sion on the county unit plan. Mr. Editor if I understand any thing about our land any school district in this county can vote a local school tax if they so de sire it. I feel sure the common voter of Decatur county will put his stamp of disapproval or. '”v such unjust and unfair thing Ta^ e our ^ ve large towns in our county ar dnote the nura ' ber of public school c.’!’ ldren * n them and then look at five of tne rural districts and see who it is paying the most tax the towns or the rural districts. 1 believe in a fair method, any district that wants a local school tax can vote it in. Mr. Voter let this be stuted close by you before you before you cast your ballot favor ing any such method as the County Unit will work on you. It will add fuel to the blaze that is already blistering you Why should you desire to in crease your own burden to help those who are able to help themselves. I believe in education. But, if all our boys and girls have to stay in the school room from the age of 6 to 18 years of age, who will dt> the farming brick-laying and all other public work. Nine months hard study in books each year for twelve years is barbar- ious to any race of people, and renders a boy unfit for manhood with undeveloped muscle. I think six months each year is enough time to spend in any school room. I know that all will not agree with me neither do I wish them to. Too much district money al ready has been spent on a class of school keepers in this county who are only for a fat time and looking fora hubby. And the sooner we begin to look into our affairs and not trust it all to the other fellow, the better it will be for us. Mr. Voter, study well see if you are able to educate you own boys and then help the other fellow educate his. This is the full meaning of the county school unit plan. L. D. Bledsoe. Iron City, Ga. For Children’s Coughs You cannot use anything bet ter for your child’s cough and cold than Dr. King’s New Dis covery. It is prepared from Pine Tar mixed with healing and soothing balsams. It does not contain anything harmful and is slightly laxative, just enough to expel the poisons from the sys tem. Dr. King’s New Discovery is antiseptic—kills the cold germs —raises the phlegm—loosens the cough and soothes the irritation. Don’t put off treatment. Coughs and Colds often lead to serious lung troubles. It is also good for adults and the aged. Get a bottle to-day. All druggists. (3) STM-JONES The many friends of the tured Miss Ethel Clare Jor daughter of Mr. A. P. Jones Faceville and the host of friei and admirers made by Prof. A. Stanton during two years a citizens of Decatur Coun will be pleased to know that announcement of their appnoa ing marriage for June is given to each and all the frier of th§se twq pouter y 0tt people. Miss Jones’ mother d; when she was but a child t\f> years of age, has since that ti had the responsibilty of „ father’s home. Even during t three y<2SY8 that she was aw for her education, ri6V6f@fieeft getting or losing "sight oi h responsibility to her home, s! worked at all time to the fittii herself for the duties of hom( She was graduated with fin honors from Cyrene Institute 1914, Since that time she hi taught music in the Facevili High School. Professor Stanton is know throughout South West Georgi as a teacher and educator ability, push and ambition. Hi many friends are glad to learn o his success in the City school Butler, Tennesee. The town o his birth and the place of his exi perience as a teacher befor” coming to Decatur County, Here’s congratulating Professo: Stanton, and hoping his per manent citenship for Decatur County. Don’t Leave Bainbridge No Need To Seek Afar. The Evidence Is at Yoar On door. No need to leave Bainbridge to hunt up proof, because you have it here at home. The straightforward statement of Bainbridge resident like that given below, bears an interest for every man, woman or child here in Bainbridge. G. P. Cliett, Bainbridge, says “I was almost down and out with kidney trouble. My back had be come so lame and sore that I could scarcely move about. I was so helpless that I couldn’t bend or straighten my back or lift my arm to my head. It took in all about six boxes of Doan’s Kidney Pills to rid me of the trouble and I haven’t suffered a bit sines.” Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy —get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Cliett had. Foster.Milbum Co., Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y. VOTE FOR TUCKER; He is worthy, honest, up right and perfectly re liable.