The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, February 24, 1916, Image 2

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* Hold the Fort For We Are Comang So Thas Space Next Week SEEING GEORGIA PICTURE COAAING HERE ON FRIDAY Arthur Moore s a limit, Virtue Let us furnish your office or store with clean towels Only $1.00 Per Month. We furnish the rack and towels. —=========== SEE ===== dime; sun uiinky H A IN OK IDG K, GEORGIA. Local Board of Trade will show big feature picture at Callahan Theatre. See Georgia First. The opportunity wiil be given you on Friday to travel from one section of your state to the other until you have traversed every nook and cranny of your native state. A special nine reel feature moving picture of Georgia and her resources has been secured by the local Board of Trade and will be shown Friday at the Callahan theatre. This picture was produced un der the supervision of State Chamber of Commerce and being shown in all of tl}e princi pal cities of the stsflfe. Every loyal Georgian should see this j wonderful production. I The picture will be shown three | times on Friday so as to accomi ! date the Crowd that is sure to ! want to see it. A matinee in the 'afternoon at 3:30, and two shows 'at night, 7:00 p. m. will be shown. Despite the fact that this feature has been shown in other cities for $.50 secretary Melton has been able to secure the! picture from the State Chamber I of Commerce on terms that will j allow it to be shown at 10 and 20. cents. See Georgia First. Get ac quainted with your home state. If it is laundry, send it where linen last. Dixie Steam Laundry. Few men have worked harder than Wiley Griffin in this race and he de serves your careful con sideration. Vote for him. He will appreciate the Tax Receivers job. Roland Bower is highly quali fied to fill the position of County Superintendent of Schools. Vote for him and get the best of ser vice. The Motor-Bicycle Co; will repair your wheel, be cause we have the man and material. rAWAWAWA' I L Rising Sun Flour OW READ! V-# SELF-RISING AND READY PREPARED. JUST TEN DAYS MORE About March the first I go home for a stay of four weeks. If your eyes are giving your any trouble you cannot afford to neglect them. I give you the very best ser vice because I have made a very close study of the human eye for years. I devote my en tire time to examining and fitt ing eyes to relieve eye strain and nervous headache, and I guarantee to do it right. See me at Willis Drug Co., for free examination. Dr. J. P. Parks, Eye-Sight Specialist. NOTICE TO VOTE ' Decatur c i app f J Successful young evangalist who is conducting revival at the First Methodist Church. The chance to get a man in charge of the county schools that loves the work is now in your hands Mr. Voter. Try Roland Bower. FOR CORONER I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Coroner of Decatur County, sub ject to the action of the Demo crats Primary of March 1st 1916. I will appreciate the support of the voters, and if honored with the office will discharge my duties to the best of my ability. Yours truly, W. A. Cooper. Vote for Talbert He is worthy and well qualified. He will make an efficient Ordinary without years of experience. We are carrying an advertise ment this week for the West Bainbridge Market and Mercan tile Company. A firm composed of Messrs W. S. Nix and T. J. Fain both well known in the city and section. These gentlemen have both an up-to-date market and grocery business just across the river and they are asking the people for a fair division of the business. Their phone no 164 will get a quick response. We keep bicyles in stock for boys and girls, see them before buying. The Motor-Bike Co., Shingler Bldg. NOTICE To the Trustees and Teachers of Decatur County: S. W. Freeman, J. P. Speight, B. B. Thomas, R. E. Dasher, H. A. Gee and Watson Taylor having enjoined the Board of Education from any futher pay ments of the Salaries now due the teachers and the schools of the county, this is to inform you that I do not know when any further payments of the school funds of the county can be made. J. S. Bradwell, Co., Supt., of Schools. Something Good. Those who hate nasty medi cine should try Chamberlain’s Tablets for constipation. They are pleasant to take and their t'fect is so agreeable and so nat ural that you will not realize that it has been produced by a med icine. Obtainable everywhere. To The Voters of ] mi and all others concerne Brinson, Ga., Feb. 7, account of a report that ha circulated through the that Mr. S. W. Martin outside influence failed fused to do this duty in u, ing the murderer of* lu , John Reynolds at Brinson, (. the 12th, day of March ig| In justice to Mr. S. W. i, the present sheriff of this” and his deputies, I f ee l should try to put at rest ai] all such unfounded and ing reports against Mr. m3 I being the father of Mr.] Reynolds, the most inti party of this terrible cri] wish to say, that Mr. Martin at the time of this! did every thing and even] than could be expected, have reason to know, that] yet doing every thing possi aprehend this fugitive, spent his own money in out of the State to take . clue or indentify any suspe] For the reason that Martin has done his <L thoroughly in this matter, I that I would be very ung. if I did not defend him anl to the citizens of the count}! he is a very capable, officieif ficer and under the Demof principals, is entitled to as term as SHERIFF OF TUR Co., Yours very t R. A. Reyno (adv.) ORlOrt LODGE rto. F. & A. M. Experience counts in every line. Vote for for O’Neal for Solicitor City Court. He has the exper- erience and the ability. Your support and influence will be ap preciated. Meets Every First Third Thursday m Out of town Brethren Esp ly Invited. GEO. H. FIELDS, W.M. V. BER Made of choicest Red Winter Wheat, ground and prepared according to the superior qual ity that has made the old RED MILL, Nash ville, Tenn., nationally famous. Sa;/ RISING SUN to any good grocer. You’ll be pleased. \ Many People Don't Know A sluggish liver can cause a person an awful lot of misery. Spells of dizziness, headache, constipation and biliousness are sure signs that your liver needs help. Take Dr. King’s New Life Pills and see how they help tone up the whole system. Fine for the stomach too. Aids digestion. Purifies the blood and clears the complexion. Only 25c at your druggists. (3) Where Draughon Graduates Are l We Have on Display Our New Spring ...Employed... Go to the banks, and you will find that Draughon graduates are their cashiers. Go to the factories, and you will find that Draughon graduates are their accountauts. Go to the wholesale Houses, and you will find that Draughon graduates are their man agers. Go to the Railway offices, and you will find Draughon graduates are their chief clerks or officials. Go to "Uncle Sam,’’ and you will find that Draughon graduates are his most trusted servants. Go wherever business requires the most efficient office help, and there you will find Draughon graduates. The aggregate annual income of the graduates of Draughon's great chain of Colleges, at an estimated average salary of $75 a month is One Hundred and Eighty Million Dollars. Endorsed by more Bankers than all Other Business Colleges in the South Combined-Enter Any Time-Catalog Free. DRAUGHON’S PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE A Big Reduction on all Winter Goods Cor Forsyth and Mitchell Sts. H. R. TODD, Supt. Atlanta, Ga. iRanhattau fCnlu (Quarter Knox anh Shirts Slides Stetson ifats In fact new goods are coming in every day. Gome in and Make Your Selection Huntpnatpin, Skills Sc GJo. The Only Exclusive Haberdashers in Bainbridge, Georgia.