The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, February 24, 1916, Image 5

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We wish to call the attention of the housewives to the fact that we have opened up the West Bainbridge Meat Market and General Merchandise Store. We will buy and sell Beef, Pork, Fresh Fish and Country Produce, We have an up-to-date Refriger ator and preserve our meats in the most sanitary condition in every way. We Ask the Public to Give Us a Trial Order and you will like our way of doing business. We also have a complete line of Fancy and Family Groceries that we' can supply our trade ;at the lowest and most reasonable prices. We offer every article at the best prices that prevail. West Bainbridge Market & Mercantile Co. PHONE 164 WEST BAINBRIDGE, It Always Helps says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman’s n mC i ■ ^‘ ie says further: “Before 1 began to use Lardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I thought the pain would kill me. 1 was hardly able to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles ot Lardui, I began to feel like a new woman. 1 soon gained 35 pounds, and now, I do all my housework, as well as run a big water mill. I wish every suffering woman would give The Woman’s Tonic a Inal. I still use Cardui when I feel a little bad, ana it always does me good.” Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, Jired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs ofwoman- V trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman’s } cnic - You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui •or your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. Get a Bottle Today! MERCHANTS ARE ENTHUSED OVER • CRERinUREAU Twenty - Seven Mem bers of Association Have Line on Every Credit Customer of City. There was a time when Mr. Dead Beat, Mrs. Dead Beat or one ot the smaller members of the Dead Beat family, could get credit with any of the Bain bridge merchants and then calm ly refuse to settle the honest ac count. That time is past. The Dead Beat family must move on to new fields if they would continue their past performance. For the credit rating bureau of the Merchants Association has put the quietus on such practices. Debts contracted now must be settled promptly. Old accounts must be paid or there will no new favors extended. Every member of the associa tion, twenty-seven in number, has been furnished with a com plete rating of every person in this city who does buy on credit. Every one of the merchant mem bers knows whether Mr. Brown, or Mrs. Smith pays up promt- ly and is a good customer. The merchant does not have to learn from personal experience if they will pay. They can be guided by the experience of their brother merchants who have done business with the party in question before. In all there are fully 1,000 names on the books of the as sociation. These are rated Good, Slow and Bad. The fact that a large majority of the names show up Good speaks well for this i city and the people here. The list includes many out of tbwn shoppers who find Bain bridge an attractive trading center. The credit rating bureau of the Association is working nicely not only for the merchant but also for the good customer. The man who pays his bills promptly | already sees improvement in the I service given him. The good pay customer will no longer be forced to pay the debts of the fellow who skips his bills. The association has establish ed relations with out of town organizations of a similar nature can obtain information on a new party at a months notice. In formation is.exchanged with all leading cities of the south. Glyceriene And Bark Prevent Appendicitis. The simple mixture of buck thorn bark, glyceriene, etc., known as Adler-ika, astonishes Bainbridge people. Because Adler-i-ka acts on BOTH lower and upper bowel, ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost any CASE constipation, sour stomach or gas. It removes such surpris ing foul matter that a few doses olten relieve or prevent appendi citis. A short treatment helps chronic stomach trouble. The INSTANT, easy action of Adler- i-ka is astonishing. For sale by Ehrlich Drug Company. (1) Wood’s Productive j Seed Corns. Our Virginia-grown Seed ] Corns have an established j reputation for superiority in productiveness and germina- ii ting qualities. Wood’s Descriptive Catalog j tells about the best of prize-win- I ning and profit-making varieties in I both White and Yellow Corns, j Cotton Seed. We offer the best and most im- ; proved varieties, grown in sections absolutely free from boll weevil. Our Catalog gives prices and infor mation, and tells about the best of Southern Seeds, 100-DAY VELVET BEANS, Soj. Beam. SUDAN GRASS. Dsllij Grata >| and all Sorghuma and Milleti. Catalog mailed free on request. T.W.WOODO SONS, SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va. ’ Grocery Bills Smaller; coffee better and more o£it —that’s what comes of using Luzianne Coffee famous for its flavor and economy all over the South. Try the entire contents of a one-pound can according to directions. If you are not satisfied with it in every way, if it does not go as far as two pounds of any cheaper cpfFee you have ever used—tell your grocer you want your money back and he’ll come straight across with it. Write for premium catalog. The Reily-Taylor Co. New Orleans WHTPRINCEALBERT WINS Patented Process Is Re sponsible for Its Interna tional Popularity. Smokers so much appreciate the flavor and coolness and aroma of Prince Albert pipe and cigar ette tobacco that they often marvel that this one brand could be so different from all others. The answer to this question is to be found on the reverse side of every Prince Albert package, where you will read: “Process Patented July 30th, 1907.” That tells the whole story. Prince Albert is made by a patented process that cuts out the bite and parch, which makes the tobacco so mighty agreeable and satisfy ing to men of every taste of every civilized nation on the globe. Smokers should realize that this patented process cost three years’ continuous work and study and a fortune in money to perfect. But the result has prov en to be worth all that was ex pended upon it, because it has set free men who believed they never could enjoy a pipe or a makin’s cigarette. Prince Albert makes it possible for every man to smoke a pipe or to roll his own cigarettes. And, no matter how tender the tongue, Prince Albert cannot bite or parch. That is cut out by the patented process, leaving for the smoker only the joys of the fragrant tobacco. It is a fact that sicne Prince Albert “arrived,” just about six years ago. it has made three men srnoke pipes where one smoked a pipe before! THIS IS THE LAST WEEK Globe Tonic Demonstra tion Closes Saturday Vote for Wiley Griffin for Tax Receiver. He is a Decatur’county boy, one armed but competent and deserving. He will appre ciate your support. The man that can fill ’a job is the man that understands and likes the work and in that event vote for Roland Bower for County School Superintendent. PROFESSIONALS DR. E. C. SMITHf —DENTIST— Office Upstairs, Belcher Building Bainbridge, Ga. H. B. SPOONER ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Will Practice in all State and Federa. Courts Except City Court Bainbridge OFFICE 225 BROUGHTON ST. Bainbridge. - Georgia. M. E. O’NEAL Attorney - At - Law general practice Bainbridge, - Georgia J. C. HALE Attorney - At - Law GENERAL PRACTICE Bainbndge, - Georgia W. M. HAKKKLI, JNO. R. WILSON HARRELL & WILSON Attorneys at Law GENERAL PRACTICE Bainbridge, - Georgia The Globe Tonic Demonstra tion at 101 Water street, next to the court house, will close next Saturday night. The Globe Tonic has done a wonderful lot of good here in Bainbridge, as many nervous 1 wrecks have been re stored to health, and numerous cases of rheumatism, catarrh, in digestion and kidney troubles have responded to the soothing, healing and tonic properties of this great medicine. Many have reported that after using many other kinds of medicines with out benefit the first bottle of Globe Tonic has such a healing, strengthening and nerve-settl ing effect that they, were certain that a few bottles would make a permanent cure. Read what Mr. C. L. Pan tone of 538 Craw ford street says: “My wife has had indigestion for about 12 years she has used everything advertised or re commended for indigestion and Globe Tonic is the only medicine that has done her any good. She has gained 6 pounds from the use of one bottle. Give me three bottles. I am satisfied this will cure her.” i Remember after Saturday of, this week Feb. 26, Globe Tonic will be $100. But all this week { you can get it for 50c (3 for $1.25). It is worth a trial. Get it now. The Best Recommendation. The strongest recommendation any article may receive is a fav orable word from the user. It is the recommendations of those who have used it that makes Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy so | popular. Mrs. Amanda Gierhart, j Waynesfield, Ohio, writes, “Cham- | berlairPs Cough Remedy has been used in my family off ar.d on for twenty years and it has never failed to cure a cough or cold,” Obtainable everywhere. W. V. CUSTER Attorney at Law Practice in all Courts Albany Circuit and all Federal Courts Office Opposite Court House Bainbridge, . Georgia. D. R. BRYAN Attorney At Law office in court House Bainbridge, Georgia. Dr. S. Ehrlich Physician and Surgeon Phones 358, 46 and 18 Office 312 Clark St. Bainbridge, .... Georgia. C. W. Wimberley, Jr. Attorney at Law Office in O’Neal Building, Next to Court House. Bainbridge » Ga. H. G. BELL ATTORNEY ATLAWi PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS Office* In Cltavon Building Bainbridge, Georgia. Quarterman’s Pressing Clnb —Is the Place for Good Work.— Clothes, Hats and Kid Gloves Cleaned All Kinds of Busheling Work. —All Work Guaranteed— Phone No. 264-L. nainbndge, ga. F. E. Strickiand Attorney at Law Office with Hon. H. B. Spooner Bainbridge, Ga. FARM LOANS Our connections have an abundant supply of ready money to loan for 5 years 6 and 7 per cent, per annum, with usual commissions. You do not have to pay any of the principal on our loans annually unless you desire, but interest must be paid promptly each Fall. We can give prompt at tention to business entrusted to us, and want large loans ranging in amounts from $1000 to liO.OOO or above. We want applications from only good men on well-improved farms. Barrow Loan & Abstract Co. Pelham, Georgia. FREE FLOWER SEEDS Hastings Catalogue Tells You All About Them N T o matter whether you farm or only plant vegetables or flowers In a small lot you need Hustings i 910 Catalogue. It is filled (100 pages) from cover to cover witli useful farm und gurden infor mation. It tells of seeds of kind and quality that you can’t buy from your merchant or druggist, seeds that cost no more but give you real satisfaction und a reul gar den. It tells bow every customer ran get ab solutely free five puekets of easily grown, yet showy and beautiful flowers. Hastings is both the best and largest seed f.rm in the South, the only firm that you should buy seeds from. When you plant Hastings Seeds, you meet ‘‘Good Gurden Luck” more than half way. Write today for their big 191d Catalogue. It is free. A postal card re quest will bring it. H.G. HASTINGS CO., Atlanta, Ga.—(Advt.) W. M. Arline COUNTY SURVEYOR Decatur County P. O. Stricklan, Ga. Will run levels for Terracing Ditching and Draining. All lei tersandinqu rues willbeprompi ly attended to. DtTp. a. Kish Specialist IN STOMACH AND NERVOUS DISEASES office Belcher Building Phone Nos. 419—103-L BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA. J. M. FLOYD Lawyer and Dealer in Real Estate office 2nd. Floor Racket store BAINBRIDGE, -:- -:- GEGRGIA. Telephone your bicycle troubles to the Motor- Bike Co., Shingler Bldg:.