The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, February 24, 1916, Image 8

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INSURANCE : BONDS REAL ESTATE Our Companies are the Strongest and Oldest in 1 the world, we can give you the very best protection at the lowest rates, take care of your interest m every department of Insurance, Bonds of Real Estate. We want you to feel at liberty to call on us at any time for information whether you are concerned or not. WE WRITEIFIRE, CASULTY, ACCIDENT, HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE AND.HANDLE ANY AND ALL REAL ESTATE AND RENTING BUSINESS. .-——If in the market for any thing in this line it will pay you to see us before placing your business— — REAR FIRST NATIONAL BANK DECATUR COUNTY REALTY AND INSURANCE COMPANY BAIN BRIDGE. GEORGIA* WWW wvvwwvv^ ...THE... Bainbridge Hospital Well Equipped Prices Moderate 527 E. Shotwell Street i 'WW A AAA A^A Low Round Trip Fares WILL BE READY Will kill 500 hogs and 75 head of cattle daily. De tails will be announced shortly. VIA The announcement that a modern meat packing plant will be erected in Bainbridge has met with public approval. Farmers who have been worried over the local situation because of the coming of the Mexican boll weevil, are smiling once again. Raising hogs for the packing plant will solve the problem. T The committee of twenty, ap pointed to engineer the organiza tion of the company to operate j the plant has been hard at work Atlantic C oast Line Ry\ for the , pa8t ‘ hree weeks an ^ now makes the announcement “The Standard Railroad of the South" -ACCOUNT - MARDI GRAS /Mobile, /A.»k.rch 5L — 7 th, 1916 Mew Orleans, La., Mfcrch SL - 7 th, 1916 Pensfccolfc, FIa., March 2.-7th, 1916 Tickets on sale February 28th to March 6th inclusive limited to reach original starting point returning prior to midnight March 17th, 1916. Extension of final limit to April third 1916 may be secured by personally, depositing tickets with Special Agent not later than March 17th and upon payment fee of $1.00 per ticket at time of deposit. For schedules and further information, see H. M. DYKES, T,ck « A ra tA -c- L - ’ Bainbridge, Ga. Cotton Seed For Salo ...WE HANDLE... SIMPKINS PROLIFIC One of the earliest and most prolific varieties. Endorsed by leading growers. Will help you FIGHT the BOLL WEEVIL. PRICE $1.50 PER BUSHEL Callahan Grocery Co. Bainbridge, Georgia. Help your Liver—It Pays When your liver gets torpid and your stomach acts queer, take Dr. King’s New Life Pills and you will *>nd yourself feei- ing better. They purify the Hood, give you freedom from constipation, biliouseess, dizzi ness and indigestion. You leel ’vie—just like you want to leel. ■ '!•>•>? thp complexion too. ?5ets at iiuggists. (1) l Few men have worked harder than Wiley Griffin in this race and he de- 'serves your careful con sideration. N ote for him. He will appreciate the Tax Receivers job. i Biggest. Busiest, Best Laundry in South West Ga. Dixie Steam Laundry. that the plant will be ready for killing by November first of this year. This announcement comes from some of the leading mem bers and is authentic. Of course their is the possibility of • some unforseen hinderence springing up to delay building operations but the plant will be rushed to completion early in the fall. A plant that will kill 500 hogs a day and 75 head of cattle is to be erected. This will be large enough to care for the output of Decatur ana the a'd j o i n i n g counties. Highest market prices will be paid by this plant. The men behind the project are anxious for thfe farmers to begin growing hogs for the plant. If the farmer will make it a point to fatten hogs every month in the year the plant will be a suc cess. If the hogs of the county are to be marketed three months out of the year the plant will not live long. The men who are putting their money into the packing plant be lieve that the fanners of south west Georgia are sensible enough to see the advantage of fattening hogs every month of the year for market.. Hogs bring batter prices at other times than when the market is glutted. It will pay both the farmer and the plant handsomly is hogs are brought to market 52 weeks out of the year. Definite plans, as to location, stockholders, etc. cannot be made public just at this point. But twenty of the strongest men in the county have said ‘‘We’ll build a packing plant and have it ready bv the fall”, and that stands sponsor for this entire article. A packing plant operated in Bainbridge Jfor the farmers of this and adjacent counties, will mean a bigger better Bainbridge, Decatur county, and Southwest Georgia. Packing plants and prosperity go hand in hand Packing plants furnish a market for practically anything that can be raised on the farm. Vote for Talbert. He is worthy and well qualified. He will make an efficient Ordinary without years of experience. NOTICE TO VOTERS It has been circulated in cer tain parts of the county that if eleted I would continue to teach and let some one else fill the school Superintendants office. Now anyone on a moment's thought would know that I would have to fill the office myself. That is the one promise I am making. If I am elected I shall give my entire time to the work and give the schools of the county my personal supervision. D. H. Wood. Boys and Girls wheels from $15.75 to $25.00 at The Motor-Bike Co. Money to Loan and Farms to Sell I will assist you in securing money on your farm land or city property, 6 per cent, inter est. I have listed several big bargains in small farms that must be sold at a sacrifice in price on account of past due mortgages. I shall be pleased to quote prices and descriptions and take you out to see these iarms. I am also Special Agent for the Penn Mutual Life In surance Company. J. B. L. BARBER First National Bank Building Bainbridge. Ga The retail merchants in Quincy Fla., have organized a Retail Merchants Association. The association was perfected last week. It will be operated as a branch of the Gadsden County Board of Trade. The newly organized Mer chants Association will be operat ed along lines similar to the Bainbridge Merchants organiza tion. Secretary Lloyd, of the Quincy board of trade recently visited Bainbridge and conferred with secretary Qulmby Melton, of the local commerial body, be fore organizing the merchants of his city. The constitu ition, bylaws and regulationa it operation in Bain- pridge will be used by the Quincy association. The two bodies will co-operated in every move. This will strenghten both organizations. NOTICE Confederate Soldiers and Widows, Pension money receiv ed. Any Pensioner not able to come to my office. Send order giving authority to sign receipt. T. B. Maxwell Ordinary Ice and sleet make thinj slippery, but do not let it si your mind that Saturday of thj week is the last day to get tl regular $1 bottle of Globe Ton for 50 cents. The medicine tli your neighbor uses and recoi mends. Experience in education 1 ma ters coupled with energy « proper conception of duty w make a good County School Su erintendent. Vote for Rolai ; Bower and you will get the ! Colds Need Attention Internal throat and chest trn bles produce inflamation, irrit tion, swelling or soreness ai unless checked at once, are like I to lead to serious trouble. Caug in time Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-Ho ey loosens the phlegm and d stroys the germs which ha' settled in the throat or nose, is soothing and healing. Pine antiseptic; honey is soothing- both together possess excellei medical qualities for fightii cold germs. Insist on Dr. Be!! !Pine-Tar-Honey. 25ctsatdrui gists. Wile> Griffin want vour vote for Tax Recelvei He will appreciate it an long remember your con sideration. He is a need son of old Decatur an competent to fill the job. Aluminum Ware is Free to Our Customers We will give away absolutely Free to customers of this store, a com plete set of The World’s Best Quality Brand Aluminum Ware. Guar anteed for twenty years. Every time you make a cash purchase you will receive a Free Aluminum Coupon corresponding to the amount of your sale—you save these coupons, when you have the necessary amount of coupons to entitle you to the one (or more) pieces of Aluminum Ware you desire, bring the coupons to us and take away the Aluminum Ware they en title you to, Absolutely Free. In this way we share our profits with our customers. We know our regular trade will appreciate this, and continue to trade with us, and undoubtedly favor us with greater patronage because it will pay you to buy everything here. Then too, many who have not traded with us will be glad to secure a set of this beautiful Aluminum Ware Free also, and this will increase our trade considerably, so in that way we both benefit, the store and the customer. Call at our store at once. See this beautiful ware and get started for a set. As a further Consideration we will give these coupons to our thirty day customers that pay their bill not later than the Fifth Day of each month. Get your set as quickly as you can. TONGE Phone 119 217 Broad St. Bainbridge, Ga. GARDEN SEED Bush Beans per qt. 40c Pole Beans per qt. 25c Velvet Beans, Pape, Sorghum and all kinds of SEED Chrlich *Druff Company The UtessMi Store \ WAM ’MW WA’, V'”* •".V* V “P** l ,l «” ftfFFP ****** W*