The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, March 16, 1916, Image 10

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COUNTY STOCKADE AND FARM K HUE H GAINS 19 POUNDS IN ONLY FEW WEENS Was Sick in Bed for Eleven Months and Only Weigh ed 96 Pounds. Still another comes forward and adds her voice to the hun dreds who have already indorsed the wonderful medicine, Tanlac. Mrs. Mamie Hall, who lives at 805 Fourth Avenue, South Nashville, says she suffered for years and the trouble was finally pronounced cancer of the stomach. She also states that she had fallen off as a result of the trouble until she weighed only 96 pounds, but that she now weighs 115, a gain of 19 pounds. ‘ ‘I had a bad form 'of stomach trouble." said Mrs. Hall in re lating her remarkable case to a Tanlac representative, “and had suffered from it for years. 1 lost so much flesh and was so weak that I was confined to my room and bed for eleven months and my head ached so bad I could hardly stand it at times. “Yes," she continued, "they actually had to prop me up in bed to take a drink of water as I just couldn’t help myself at all. I lived on malted milk and crackers. The steady pains in my chest made me afraid I had lung trouble and my head ached so bad it seemed like it would burst. “My husband was terribly out COUNTY STOCKADE We are publishing scenes and views of the county roads, the county farm and other cuts that will give some small idea of just what the county work is in old Decatur county. The road work under the supervision of Captain George S. Tucker has been so well appreciated by the public that no complimentary references are needed. It is conceded all over the section that Decatur is the mother of good roads, having more miles and better worked than any that go there and see what is'requirements of the county and being done go away with a more complete grasp on the affairs of the county. Foodstuffs are the main things raised on the farm and they are for man and beast. Syrup, meat, meal, com and hay being about all that is given attention. A complete sec of books is kept at the farm and things run just as accurately as any store or business house in the country. Aside from the great farm work and the keeping up of the said nothing would save me but ,^° uld do eredit to more than an operation. We had spent a I mi? average of country hotels, lot of money for medicines and • ar / angem entsfor the keep- it seemed like nothing would do'' nS \,° f Y 1 ® convict8 are more me any good. "Well sir j 1 modern than any of our citizens happened to see a piece in the £ visrt to the farm paper about Tanlac, and it told 1 , b ? a rev ? ,atl0n to the 1 people of the section. Farmers . . J nvvpiiiu UU OI LflP other county on the map in the stockade the county is doing its C °Tb/ y f\.,mi r • u • ° Wn bridge building. Captain The County Farm is shown in Tucker will have charge of the the cuts below and ,t !8 a credit putting in of the road bridge to thejpeople of the entire sec-j that is going to be put across thT iT’i a re ' RnS supreme -1 the river at this place right are , so ! awa y- No foreign engineer will have charge of this big under nuoudiiu Wda LcITiDiy OUt _i , . ^ 1 of heait about me, as the doctor, , y ! n appearance that the y . . I Wntilrl r n nmril * ... *i_ about a woman in Louisville that was suffering exactly the same way t was. I begged my hus band to let me try it and he said that he had no faith in it. but he would get it if I wanted it. So he got a bottle and kept it a secret from the doctor. “That was the best thing I ever did in my life, for I began to feel better and gain weight with the very first dose. 1 had gone down so I didn’t weigh but 96 pounds, but now after taking four bottles, weigh 115—five pounds more than I ever weigh ed in my life. I now feel strong and well and can do all my housework. I Cm eat anything—why, I had, been taking Tanlac only a week ^ when I actually ate a tomato and .that is something that never would agree with me before, have no more of those terrible pains and I am doing fine in every way. “I got a letter yesterday from my husband at Chattanooga, and he said he had taken two bottles of Tanlac and was doing fine. I am going to Chattanooga Sun- day, and I will sure take a bottle of Tanlac in my grip. This medi cine just about saved my life and kept me from having an operation. “Yes." she continued, you can print it I want everybody to know about it, I don’t think a growing section, to take care of the people and twenty years of progress. The county is making wonder ful strides along these par gressive lines and all the work that is being done now in all sections is work of a permanent nature, work that will not have to be done every year. The convicts are kept in good shape and given the very best medical and sanitary attention, an es cape is a rarity? There has been very few deaths among them in this county owing to this atten tion and care. Shower baths and everything that tends to wards cleanliness is installed, and laundry is done in the same shape. No disease can spread with the present arrangements . , ,, , , =• — ....... mv. ijicocui, ariangements taking, but the local Warden'that they have. The lighting whose experience as a bridge builder in this case will save the county thousands of dollars. There will be on this river two passages for pedestrians, two for wagons and two for automobiles and it will be made to meet the system is perfect, one ot the very best that can be gotten. A dairy, a blacksmith shop, the latter heretofore done at local shops. A regular monthly statement of the cost of maintaining the men and mules is issued by the Warden. Last year it cost about 6 dollars per man and twelve dollars per mule. The accuracy of the book system is beyond question and at any time the commissioners know just where they stand, how much each mile of road cost, how much each man cost, both sick and well. There is no guess work about it. A recent legislative committee investigated the camp as its their annual custom and they pronounced it the very best system they had seen and the roads superior to those of any section of the state. The crops are diversified, no cotton raised as every things goes to the keeping up of the men and mules on the roads. They have planted this year at the farm 130 acres of oats, 10 of cane, 10 of potatoes, 10 of garden, 100 acres of corn and peas, 10 ot sorghum, 5 of water melons. They have 150 hogs, 65 cows and calves and twenty milk cows. The farm feeding everything there and keeping up roost of the road work. A good 250 acre f a „ f' 50 per acre. Loqi, two short miles west Faceville, Ga. aboutgo in cultivation. y ari soil-Stiff clay, bottoi fine loam. A n ex Ce spring with good f a i[ able for driving a ’ vane for irrigation. ~ SEE MR QUICK J. B. L. Barb Office opposite Court House Hamil Bldg bainbridge. . * Foolishness. ^ on occasionally g a g •hat colds do not result cold weather. This rank j ness. Were it true colds be i as prevalent in midsi as in midwinter. The t that causes colds flouri damp cold weather. To i, of a cold take Chambe Cough Remedy, It ; s e |] and is highly recommend seople who have used many years as occasion ret and know its real value. 0 able everywhere. White Wyandottes.-Wi at Georgia State Fair eggs, $3. 00, per setting of Choice Utility, $1.50, per ing of 15, and stock at re able prices. 123 Rive Telephone, 297. COUNTY FARM | Yours Ij for those ligl 11 brown breads ai \ i pastries, with tl | tantalizing odo 4 and delicious fE | vor, I Rising Sui II Flour folks ought to too modest to pre vent all the suffering they can.” Surely this is a most convincing case of si’fferring and distress being alleviated by the use of a stomach corrective and tonic which relieves the condition that that gives rise to so many differ ent symptoms of deadly diseases. It is not claimed that Tanlac alone produces flesh. This great medicine frees the system from poisons arising from the improp er digestion of the food and helps nature turn the food intostaength and puts the body in good working order. Then the body Tanlac is sold bv leading druggists in all principal cities of the south. tanlac is sold in Bainbridge exclusively by Willis Drug Co., and in Donalsonville by the L ain natu a r C n n ° rma ' Weight | Pala <* *>rug Co., and Climax by down hm y 33 WatCr flows th e Climax Pharmacy. Iron City I ^ a -- by Strickland & Cordell. CARD OE THANKS 1 Wish to thank my many friends over the county for their kindness extended in my race in the contest. I appreciate their votes just as much as if I had won, and shall always be grate ful therefor. Zudie Mills. Self-Rising and Ready Prepared $ First aid to ted | ous baking and J ging appetites. | Your Grocei I Knows j INSURANCE : BONDS : REAL E ST ATI Our Companies are the Strongest and Oldect u . ===?- ■ ats.-itassa-wisMBaiSSiS ” w “- ss ssp— ~ — »■»» -»-.1.. £££...... HEAR FIRST NATIONAL BANK RCP A Tl in " - = <TUR °° U " TY REtLTY ihsurance COMPANY