The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, March 16, 1916, Image 3

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NEGRO GIRL MURDERED is the real tobacco for jimmy pipes and makin’s cigarettes Tobacco Co. Get a Fresh Start! For men who got away to a false start on a pipe or home-made cigarettes Prince Albert has a word or two for what ails their smokeappetites! Forget you ever tried to smoke, for Prince Albert is so different, such a fine flavor, so cool and cheerful and friendly, you’ll get a new idea of smoke joy 1 The patented process fixes that — and cuts out bite and parch! And this little preachment is also for men who think they’re on the l ight track. All to be said is that the sooner you lay out a nickel or a dime for a supply of Prince Albert, the sooner you’ll make a discovery that’ll be worth a lot to your peace of mind and tongue! Get the idea of smoking all you want without a comeback—that’s P. A.! R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winiton-Salem, N. C. 1 Buy Prince Albert all over \he civilizedworld! Toppyred bags. 5c. tidy red tine, 10c: pound and half-pound tin 'tamidoTS—and—that classy rystal-glass pound humidor vith spongc-moistener top ' keeps the tobacco in iuc/i fine shape—always ! On tlie mens ait!* of thU tidy red tin yon will read: “ Process Patented July 30th, 1907,’* which haa mad* three men aaoke pipes whcta one smoked before 1 Aluminum Ware is Free to Our Customers We will give away absolutely Free to customers of this store, a com plete set of The World’s Best Quality Brand Aluminum Ware. Guar anteed for twenty y ears. Every time you make a cash purchase you will receive a Free Aluminum Coupon corresponding to the amount of your sale—you save these coupons, when you have the necessary amount of coupons to entitle you to the one (or more) pieces of Aluminum Ware you desire, bring the coupons to us and take away the Aluminum Ware they en title you to, Absolutely Free. In this way we share our profits with our customers. We know our regular trade will appreciate this, and continue to trade with us, and undoubtedly favor us with greater patronage because it will pay you to buy every thing here. Then too, many who have not traded with us will be glad to secure a set of this beautiful Aluminum Ware Free also, and this will increase our trade considerably, so in that way we both benefit, the store and the customer. Call at our store at once. See this beautiful ware and get started for a set. Asa further Consideration we will give these coupons to our thirty day customers that pay their bill not later than the Fifth Day of each month. Get your set as quickly as you can. TONGE BROTHERS Phone 119 217 Broad St. Bainbridge, Cia. *Vhere Draughon Graduates Are ...Employed.... Go to the banks, and you will find that Draughon graduates are their cashiers. Go to the factories, and you will find that Draughon graduates are their accountauts. Go to the wholesale Houses, and you will find that Draughon graduates are their man agers. Go to the Railway offices, and you will find Draughon graduates are their chief clerks or officials. Go to "Uncle Sam, ” and you will find that Draughon graduates are his most trusted servants. Go wherever business requires the most efficient office help, and there you will find Draughon graduates. The aggregate annual income of the graduates of Draughon's great chain of Colleges, at an estimated average salary of #75 a month is One Hundred and Eighty Million Dollars. ndorsed by more Bankers than all Other Business Colleges in the South Combined-Enter Any Time—Catalog Free. CBAUCHON’S PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLECE ar Forsyth and Mitchell Sts. H. R. TODD, Supt. Atlanta, Ga. New Presses and New Type Just Received. % not have your Job Work Done Right? Bessie Hadly, a negro girl that lived near Amsterdam was drag ged from the river a lew days ago and one Jake Peterson was arrested and jailed charged with her murder. iThe girl had been missing a few days and the police were notified as also the Sheriff’s office and a search was made for her. Her slipper was found on the bank of the river and the officers had the river dragged near near there and found her body. The police who had been work ing on the case in conjunction with the Sheriff had evidence the Jake had something to do with her disaperance and when the body was found Chief Barber and Sheriff Martin went out and landed Jake in short order. Both departments doing good work in the quick apprehensipn of R;? crime and the perpetration, it seems that Jake had been living with the girl illegally and when he found out that she was going to marry he killed her, fooling her off down on the river and broke her neck and threw her into the water. It is a bad case both white and co’ored people are worked up over it. A more foul murder could not be com mitted. The negro is in jajl and| will be punished for his offense. FIRST GHAUTQUA WAS RIG SUCCESS FOR BAINBRIDGE BUM PARADE PRETTY The first Annual Bainbridge chautauqua closed on last Satur day evening. From every stand point it was a success and the ladies of the Womans Club are being congraculated on promot ing such an event. , Next years chautauqua will be larger and better than the one this year. The committee in charge of the work is planning to secure one of the large six day chautauqua companies for next spring. That Bainbridge enjoyed the three days is evident by the number of fpeople who attended the exercises, and asked thfit tjie ghautauqua be tp^e an annual affair The bicycle parade on Satur day was a pretty feature of the Chautauqua. Forty boys and girls rode in the parade. The bicycle were decorated for the occassion and presented a pretty view. Little Elizabeth Moore won first prize for girl, and little Marion Jackson won first in the boys class. Sign of Good Digestion When you see a cheerful and haypy old lady you may know that she has good digestion. If your digestion is impaired or if you do not relish your meals take a dose of Chamberlain’s Tablets. They strengthen the stomach, improve the digestion and cause a gentle movement of the bowels, Obtainable every where. ... When lo Take Chamerlain’s Tablets When you feel dull and stupid after eating. When constipated or bilious. When you have sick headache. When you have a sour stomach. When you belch after eating. When you have indigestion. When nervous or despondent. When you have no relish for your meals. When your liver is torpid. Obtainable everywhere. The Motor-Bicycle Co; will repair your wheel, be cause we have the man and material. SINCE TAKING PERUNA I can say my bowels are much more regular. My heart is stronger. My appetite is much better. w My throat is much better. Mrs. William H. Hinehliffe, 20 Myrtle St., Beverly. Mass., writes: “I have taken four bottles of Peruna, and i can say tb& N it has done me a great deal of good for catarrh of the head aod- throat. I recommend Peruna to all sufferer* with catarrh. I do not think I ever felt much better. I am really *urp»i««d at the work I can do. I do not think too much praise can b* said for Peruna.” <* Those who object to fluid medicines can now procure Peruna Tablets. FREE FLOWER SEEDS Hastings Catalogue Tells You All About Them No matter whether you farm or only plant vegetables or flowers In a smull lot you need Hustings 1916 Catalogue. It is filled (100 pages) from cover to cover with useful furm and garden infor mation. It tells of seeds of kind and quality that you can’t buy from your merchant or druggist, seeds tiiat cost no more hut give you real satisfaction and a real gar den. It tells how every customer can get ab solutely free five packets of easily grown, yet showy and beautiful flowers. Hastings is both the best and largest seed l.rm in the South, the only firm that you should buy seeds from. When you plant Hastings Seeds, you meet “Good Garden Luck” more than half way. Write today for their big 1916 Catalogue. It Is free. A postal card re quest will bring it. H.G. HASTINGS CO., Atlanta, Ga.—(Advt.) WiWi vw< ...THE... Bainbridge Hospital i; Well Equipped Prices Moderate 527 E. Shotwell Street J ► We Give Peofit-Sbabing Godsons Reduce the High Cost of Living by Trading with 5 CATALOG TALOG Willis Drug Co., Bainbridge, Ga. CALLTODAYANO INVESTIGATE HOW YOU CAN PROCURE BEAUTIFUL AND USEFUL ARTICLES BY REDEEMING OUR COUPONS AND CERTIFICATES ISSUED WITH EVERY.CASH PURCHASE ?Vl?* : -V ^