The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, March 30, 1916, Image 3

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IN DONVIGI GAMPS State Senator Pat Haralson, of the fortieth district, who has just returned from south Georgia where he, with other members of the legislative committee has been investigating convict camps has the following to sav in the Northwest Georgian in regard to deplorable conditions found by the committee: “When the old convict lease system was abolished, we were told that the conditions would be bettered and that the con victs of the state would receive more human treatment. If con ditions under the old iease sys- t'. m were worse than we visited in southwest Georgia God save the mark. “In the majority of the counties we visited, we tound conditions good especially in Grady, De catur, Terrell and Dougherty, but in the others we found them bad, and in a number of instances our committee recommended that withdraw the convicts from the counties and place them at the state farm, or in other counties [ where they will be given human treatment.”—Atlanta Constitu tion March 9th 1914. Tax Rounds 1 will bo at the following places on dates given below the purpose of Receiving State and County Tax Returns the year 1916. First Round lorendo Mon Feb. nson Wed Mar. sk Pond Thurs ring Creek, Friday ndrick Saturday nalsonville Mon. p. m. ,m Mill Tuesday lualsonville .., Wed. a. m. n City Wed. p. m.8th, and Thurs. a. m. inbridge Saturday :overy Tues. :evi!le Wed. a. m. tstown Wed. p. m. ftistown Thurs. max Friday apu'gus Monday nso Ps Store Tues. a. m. 1 (at Bird’s Store) Tues. p. m. cher Thurs. ker Friday Second Round nalsonville Mon. p. m. “ :eam Mill, at Court House Tues. mi City Wed. “ nn Station Friday ™ s °n Saturday April “every Tuesday iceville Wed. wlstown Thurs. “ l ® ax Friday “ ttapulgus , Monday > ' “ . '. Tuesday . c.; “ elehe r Thurs. * l ark er Friday ** ock P°nd Monday “ pring Creek Tuesday “ endrick Wed. .28 . 1 2 . 3 . 4 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 .11 .14 .15 15 .16 .17 .20 .21 21 .23 .24 .27 .28 .29 .31 . 1 . 4 . 5 . 6 7 .10 .11 .13 .14 ..17 .18 .19 "ill be in Bainbridge the last two weeks in April. The ax Books will close May 1st. T. J. JACKSON, T. R. ANY NEW BOOKS RE CEIVED AT PUBLIC HOARY FOR SALE — Florida Speckled Velvet Beans at $1.50 per bushel, also Red Spanish Pea nuts at $1.50 per bushel. River Bottom Hay Farm, Jakin, Ga. 4t. FOR SALE—Potatoe, Cabbage Tomatoe plants. All varities Also field peas and velvet beans all varieties ready to ship now. J. Q. Dorris & Co. Valdosta, Ga. White Wyandottes:—Winners at Georgia State Fair, 1915, eggs, $3.00, per setting of 15,— Choice Utility, $1.50, per sett ing of 15, and stock at reason able prices. 123 River St. Telephone, 297. FOR SALE—One 8 h. p. National gasoline engine, and one corn mill, and one wood saw outfit. All new at a bargain. Mill located in West Bainbridge. Apply to G. B. Yawn, Bain bridge, Ga. 2t. FOR RENT—3 connecting rooms all newly papered, and close in to the business portion of the city. Phone 327. LOST STRAYED OR STOLEN —Dark Bay mare colt about 3 years old, white spot in face, another spot in side. Finder notify W. C. Dodson, Bain bridge, Ga. FOR RENT—-Two unfurnished rooms on Potter street. Close to the business portion of the city. Apply to Mrs. H. Rosen berg, at New York Store. FOR SALE—Good horse and buggy and [harness for much less than its value. J. D. Halstead. Phone 204-J. Statesboro Minister Gets Real Help Miss I. Y. Yarrington, liberar- ian of the city library, has furnished the Post-Search Light with the following list of new R ev . J. p owe n Tells How He Found books received at the library New Strength to , 0 during the past month. The | . , Bainbridge library is a popular 18 a ors institution and the scope of it’s influence is growing every day. ‘‘Black Eagle Mystery” by Bon- Rev. J. Powell of Statesboro Ga., suffered from stomach ner; “Life and Gabriella” by'troubles so seriously that they Glasgow; “Boy With Wings” by'affected his work. Ruck; ‘ ‘Mildew Manse” by j He struggled on under the Marriates; “Held to Answer”, handicap as best he could—hardly by Macfarlane; “Persuasive realizing, ' perhaps, just how Peggy” by Webster; “Clipped much his sickness was hurting Wings” by Hughes; “Mr. Mar xis Secret” by Oppenheim; “A Warwickshire Lad” by Martin; “The Side of the Angles” by Basil King. and Bicycles at the Motor- Bike Company ® Broad Street. FARM LOANS Our connections have an abundant supply of ready money to loan for 5 years 6 and 7 per cent, per annum, with usual commissions. You do not have to pay any of the principal on our loans annually unless you desire, but interest must be paid promptly each Fall. We can give prompt at tention to business Entrusted to us, and want large loans ranging in amounts from $1000 to *10,000 or above. We want applications from only good men on well-improved farms. Banow Loan & Abstract Co. Pelham, Georgia. him. One day he learned of Mryr’s Wonderful Remedy, He took the first dose—then decided to take the full treatment. He wrote: “Since using the six bottles of wonderful remedy I feel like another man. It has been quite a wonder to me to know how one could have a stomach disease like mine and live and do the work I did. I just escaped the operating table. “Now l can eat what I please and it dosen’t hurt me night or day.” Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy gives permanent results for stomach, liver and intestinal ail ments. Eat as much and what ever you like. No more distress after eating, pressure of gas in the stomach and around the heart. Get one bottle of your druggist now and try it on an absolute guarantee—if not satis factory money will be returned. Boys and Girls wheels from $15.75 to $25.00 at The Motor-Bike Co. Well Equipped Prices Moderate | 527 E. Shotwell Street Tinley’s 10c Store ••• Specials... Full line Beautiful Flowers. lr. ch . oice 10c 2 qt. Stoneware Pitchers, value 25c, tfBl'f Ca Only JLmv. Large Decorated salad bowls value 25c \ tZf* only ivv 4 Oz. Peroxide of Hydrogen Sir. 25 ' 10c Peroxide Cold Cream, the 25c size -fl Only lVt Beautiful line Crepe Paper, all colors BW* Only Childrens Mexican Sun Hats Value 25c V Only 10 and 12 qt. Tin Dish Pans K e25c 10c And thousands of other articles too numerous to ment : on that we are selling at a great saving to the buyer who ap preciates REAL VALUES and is willing to spend his money to the very best advantage to himself. Remember it pays to pay CASH when the difference is so great as you find it here. - REMEMBER THE PUCE Tinlcy’s Ten Cent Store CALLAHAN BLOCK Bainbridge, ..... Georgia. HUSBAND RESCUED ! DESPAIRING WIFE Alter Four Years of Discouraging Conditions, Mrs. Bullock Gave Up in Despair. Husband Came to Rescue. Catron, Ky.—In an interesting letter from this place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock writes as follows: “I suffered for four years, with womanly troubles, and during this time, 1 could only sit up for a little while, and could not walk anywhere at all. At times, I would have severe pains In my left side. The doctor was called in, and his treat ment relieved me for a while, but I was soon confined to my bed again. After that, nothing seemed to do me any good. I had gotten so weak I could not stand, and I gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle ol Cardui, the woman’s tonic, and I com menced taking it. From the very first dose, I could tell it was helping me. I can now walk two miles without its tiring me, and am doing all my work.” If you are alt run down from womanly troubles, don’t give up in despair. Tr| Cardui, the woman’s tonic. It has helped more than a million women, in Its 50 years of continuous success, and should surely help you, too. Your druggist has sold Cardui for years. He knows what it will do. Ask him. He will recom mend it. Begin taking Cardui today. Write to: Chittmooga Medkln. Co.. UdlM 1 Advisory Dept., Chattanooga. Tenn.. for Special Instructions on your case and 64-page book. Ho mi Treatment for Women.'* sent In plain wrapper. J-6d INSURANCE : BONDS REAL ESTATE Our Companies are the Strongest and Oldest in' 1 the world, we can give you the very best protection at the lowest rates, take care of your interest in ever y department of Insurance, Bonds of Real Estate. We want you to feel at liberty to call on us at any time for information whether you are concerned or not. WE WRITE FIRE, CASULTY, ACCIDENT, HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE ANDSHANDLE ANY AND ALL REAL ESTATE AND RENTING BUSINESS. ——— —If in the market for any thing in this line it will pay you to see us before placing your business- - ■ - Rear FIRST NATIONAL BANK DECATUR COUNTY REALTY AND INSURANCE COMPANY bainbridge: geukuia. <