The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, March 30, 1916, Image 6

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Read This Without Fai FIRST SPRING AND SUMMER GUN - - SPRING NINETEEN-SIXTEEN OUR NEW SPRING GOODS IS THE BEST SELECTED, AND THE BEST YOUR MON] WILL GET FOR YOU. 8c Towling per yard 4c 10c Embroidery at 4-ic 0 Ladies Dresses at $1.19 Ladies Fast Black Hose at;... 9c 36 inch heavy Domestic *71 ** at I 15c Brown Linen at 9c 15c White Linen at 9c 15c Mens Sox, all colors per pair 9c Millinery at very low prices. The new goods coming in daily consists of the best line of Mens Clothing, Ladies Ready-to-wear, Misses and Chil drens Dresses and the biggest and most up-to-date line of Shoes to shoe the whole family. VISIT THE BUSY CORNER Saturday April 1st, and Monday April 3rd. FOR SPECIAL BARGAINS $15.00 Mens Suits fancy Worst eds at <&© QC only $10.50 Mens Suits, ©-f A QC Blue Serge . . $5.00 and $0.00 Mens ©Q A/? Pan ts «/ V $3.50 Mens Pants—1000 pair to select from $2.39 $1.00 Boys wash Suits age 3 to 8 48c .50 Ladies Skirts, AC blue and black. 50c Cnee Pants, sizes 3 to 10 $1.00 Ladies Waists at only 59c Look over our $2 Mens Felts and Straws, its < $3.00 values. 200 pair Misses and Girls L Leather, Baby Dolls and] Janes. During (j»-| r Bargain days at. A strictly $3.00 value Slippers all makes and] going at C only < 500 pair Mens Shoes andSliJ Button or Lace, Black Tan S3.00 and £ $3.50 values « 100 pair Misses, Childs and £ girls, white buck, Mary] Slippers at $1.23 AND 3 Buy when the stock is first offered—when its new-plenty to select from and you will ways be satisfied. Attend these special Bargain Days, Saturday and Monday at the Buj Corner THE US Y Corner Broad and Water Streets Bainbridge, Georgi i Jirsi-’-^Wr^ /> RUB-MY-TISM Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps. Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally atid externally. Price 25c. March 31st, A Big Theatrical Day for Bainbridge. DISSOLUTION NOTICE The firm of Lane-Salter Furni ture Company having dissolved, the firm of Lane Funiture Com pany assumes all indebtedness and all accounts are payable to them. This March 15th, 191(5. Lane Furniture Company. We Stick To Our Point A man is happy only in proportion to his com fort. You will be comfortable and happy if you wear the— Arrow Shirts — They Are Made to Fit. We carry a full line of all sizes in a variety of patterns. PRICES $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 SILK SHIRTS FROM $3.00 to §6.00 Come in and look through our furnishings when you want the correct thing. We Handle Everything a Man Wears (&P0. If. ifttplfrs Th § ' Fashionable Haberdasher. FAIRCHILD FACTS Mr. and Mrs. D. Turnage visited Rev. aud Mrs. Sheffield, at Miriam last Sundav. Quite a crowd attended the excursion to De Funiak Springs Saturday. Among those were Misses Ozella Eagerton and Velma Turnage, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McMullen, Messrs. Jody Watt, Alva Boyd and Neely Turnage. Mr. Charlie Coleman attended the Desser school closing Fri day night and reported the entertainment very good, Mr. and Mrs. Saunders and family attended the minstrels at Donalsonvfile Friday night. Mrs. J. T. Saunders and Mrs. J. A. Hill visited friends at Inwood. Fla., last. Mrs. C. G. Coleman is guest of Mr. and S. Mulaney, of Brinson. Miss Susie Lingo at De Funiak Springs, Fla.,entertained a large number of Georgia friends at the Sellers House. Dr. Coleman, of Doerun, Ga., was a visitor at Fairchild, last week Miss Clyde Powell was doing well learning the art of driving a Ford last week. Bainbridge People Get Instant Action. Those who have used it in Bainbridge are astonished at the INSTANT action of simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka. Because it acts on BOTH lower and upper bowel. ONE SPOONFUL Adler- i-ka relieves almost ANY CASE constipation, sour stomach or gas. It removes such surprising foul matter that a few doses often re lieve or prevent appendicitis. A short treatment helps chronic stomach trouble. Ehrlich Diug Company. HERE’S PROOF A Bainbridge Citizen Tells of His Own Experience •JAX BISCUIT You have a right to doubt the statements of people living far away but can you doubt Bain bridge endorsement? Read it: • W. W. Nisbet, merchamc, 512 Broughton St,, Bainbridge, says: “I am on my feet a good deal and I believe this was the cause of the severe pains I had across the small of my back. On two different occasions when having such a spell, Doan’s Kidney Pill3 have brought me relief.” Price 5oc at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy —get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Nisbet had. Foster-Milburn Co., B u ff a 1 o, N. Y. Healthful, economical,nourish ing. Children like them and many others of our 122 kinds. Of high food value, better for young folks than confections. How to Prevent Croup. When the child is subject to attacks of croup, see to it that he eats a light evening meal, as an overloaded stomach may bring on attack, also watch for the symptom—hoarseness, and give Chamberlain’s Cough Rem edy as soon as possible after the child becomes hoarse. Obtainable everywhere. ORlOrt LODGE rto. 8 F. & A. M. Meets Every First and Third Thursday Nights Out of town Brethren Especial ly Invited. GEO. H. FIELDS, W. M. BERKY, S«c’y. SLYVANIA ITEMS Farmers down in this section are all rejocing over the rain we have just had, because we can start [back to work. It had gotton so dry that we had noth ing to do but, to sit down and look lazy and every body knows we are not. Mr. O. R. Smith and father, C. J. Smith made a pleasant business trip to Bainbridge, last Monday. Among Ithose attending the surprise party at Recovery last Wednesday night were Messrs. Lucious Cobb, T. J. Howell and W. P. Howell. They all report having the time of their lives. We are very sorry to report the illness of Mr. Elijah Howell. We hope for him a speedy re covery. Mi. H. A. Howell came up from iChattahoochee, Sunday to set his father. Messrs. ! Walter and Willie Howell made a flying trip to Chattahoochee Saturday last. Mr. Arthur Johnson and Miss Alma Hanna attended devine services here from Hannaville Sunday night. M Hinton Smith who has been in Virginia for some time has returned home for a short time. COLDS & LaGRIPI 5 or 6 doses 66G will brl any case of Chills & Fever, CL & LaGrippe; it acts on the ill better than Calomel and docsf gripe or sicken. Price 25c, j Yours, 4 for those light] } brown breads and 4 pastries, with the | tantalizing odoi 4 and delicious fla-| | vor, } Rising Sun] 8 Flour | Self-Rising and i Ready Prepared J First aid to tedi- f ous baking and lag- J ging appetites. \ Your Grocer | Knows 0