The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, March 30, 1916, Image 8

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We Absolutely Guarantee Luzianne Coffee will satisfy you in every respect. We further guarantee that one pound of Luzianne will go as far as two pounds of cheaper coffee. If, after using the en tire contents of one can ac- ___ cording to directions, you are not absolutely satisfied on both these points, throw the empty can away and get your money back from the grocer. He will give it to you with out quibble. Buy this better and cheaper coffee today. Write for premium catalog. mgfan ne. COFFEE Tlie Reily -Taylor Go. New Orleans BAND TO GI VE FREECONCERT NEXT SUNDAY The Bainbridge band will give a concert Sunday afternoon in the square at 3 o’clock. The public is invited to turn out and hear the boys. Bainbridge now has a eighteen piece concert band, the equal of any in south Georgia. The boys have organized and are now ready to give weekly concerts on the square, provided the music lovers of the city want them. Dr. E. C. Smith was elected president of the new organization at their meeting on last Monday night. J. F. Kodatt was elected vice-president and leader. Ross Rich was elected secretary- treasurer. Sunday afternoon band con certs will liven Sunday afternoon and give the people of Bainbridge good clean amusement and re creation. The band boys are anxious to perfect their organiza tion and to develop a band second to none. All they ask is the co operation and support of every music lover in the city. The concert Sunday will be 1 free and everyone in Bainbridge 1 is invited to be on hand at 3 o’clock. GARAGES TO CO-METE The garages and repair shops of Bainbridge have organized and [after April 1st. all repair work will be strictly for cash. The boys who keep the buzz wagons moving have also agreed that they will refuse to handle any ones work if the party owes anything to any other garage man. In this way they hope to clean up all old accounts and put their business on a paying basis. The local garage men are a clever set of boys and have been “ridden to death” in the past by a few who prefer to change repair men rather than settle accounts. But these self same good natured men have de cided to call a halt to matters and begin anew. Beginning April 1st. all repair work is cash and all accounts with other repair men must be settled before any other man in town will handle your repair work. BAD STOMACH? ONE DOSE OF M AYR’S Wonderful Rc= medy Will Convince You Suffering is Unnecessary. The Swiss Dairy, Bainbridge’ Ga. Attention: Mr. Luchsinger. Dear Sir: Enclosed herewith please find check for *22.05 in payment of 108 lbs. of 30 per cent cream at $1.25 per pound and 76 pounds of cream of 27 per cent analysis at $11.25 per pound. We figure cream on the basis of 8.4 lbs. per gallon, the U. S. government standard for cream showing per- centage between 20 and 30. The i cream which you sent Saturday! will be settled for next week, j that is this next Saturday. Re- j ceipts are enclosed herewith. 1 We trust that the same may be found to be satisfactory. We wish to compliment you on the way you conduct your business also the condition of your plant. If you know of any other compe tent men in dairying please let us know. We have two places open. Very truly yours. Sou itary Dairy Association. L. C. Busch, Sec’y-Treas. Col. 0. M. Tillis, of Havanna, Fla. candidate for the state senate of the orange blossom state, spent several hours in Bainbridge Monday. Mr. Tillis is making a strong race for the state senate and his many friends in Bainbridge will be pleased to learn that he is being doped an easy winner by the wise ones down in Gadsden county. A million people, many right in you own locality, have taken Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy for Stomach, Liver and Intestinal ailments, Dyspepsia, Pressure of Gas around heart, Sour Stomach, Distress after eating, Nervousness, Dizziness, Faint ing Spells, Sick Headaches, Constipation, Torpid Liver, etc., and are praising it highly to other suffers. Get a bottle of your druggist today. This high ly successful Remedy has been' taken by people in all walks of life, among them Members of Congress, Justice of the Sup reme Court. Educators, Lawy ers, Merchants, Bankers, Nurses, Manufacturers, Priests, Mir i* sters, Fanners, with lasting benefit and it should be equally successfully in your case. Send for tree valuable booklet on all Stomach Ailments to Geo. H. Mayr, Mfg. Chemist, 154-156 Whiting Street, Chicago, 111. For sale by druggists every where. I Insure Automobiles—Liberal Policy. E. J. Perry. SPRING GOODS AT—— BOEN BELCHERS Every year I devote more time and study to the careful selection of merchandise. Not being influenced entirely by cheapness in price, thereby eliminating all undesir= able goods. But collecting together from the worlds best markets only merchandise of known merit and proven worth. You are invited to examine my stock and com* pare my prices. Dress Goods All the Seasons Wanttd Materials, White Voiles, Flaxons, Rice Cloths, Organdies at, per yard 15 20 25 AND 30c White Shirtings, Gabardine, Oxford Cloth, plain and stripe, Beach Cloth 30 in. -• fA A P. K. per yard 13 TO Fancy Voiles Tissues, Crepes, Batiste, Flaxons, Organdies etc., in lovely color combination of floral designs, stripes and two-tone embroidered color combinations 1 Ol CAa at, per yard I Cl TO DUC For Girls and Womens Dresses and Boys Wash Suits of the more servicable kind. Another case of that good 32 inch Chambray in solids, checks, stripes and broken -i Toiledu Noid, a heavier Ginghams -i at, per yard JL*d2\, Jack and Jill Galatea in neat stripes and -i solids to match, per yard IwL For mens shirts, boys waist and house dresses. Yard wide fast color Madras 4 C OC* at, per yard I O AND C3C 36 inch Percale white grounds with neat stripes and checks, per yard 4A 4 Ol** 1U AND IC2C Laces French Vais, round thread in JE 4 matched sets, per yard D TO I DC Real linen, German and French‘Torchon laces, dainty narrow edges headings and linen cluneys per yard at .DC Novelty laces in picots, orientols, shadow points etc., per yard 10c to 25c ■ points to 50c Clothing only Spring Silks Taffetas, in black, white and colors £4 Off 36 inch per yard I iCD Crepe de Chines, all wanted colors 40 ^4 Cft inch at per yard $ I ,9U Georgette Crepes and Chiffon cloths to match at " ySrd $1 AND $1.50 Mens and Boys Clothing is my Hobby. Years ago I experimented with different lines of clothing with a view of finally carrying in stock only suits of dependable qualities. You have the benefit of these experiments. The clothing I offer you today is backed by my guarantee. STYLE-PLUS Suits for men It'1*7 rtrt (World Renowned) at «p I | «UU Three piece English Suits, strictly for the young man, form fitting, patch pockets g QQ Cleveland Woolen Mills, every thread wool, suits. You cannot buy a better suit at the price. Serges, invisible checks, grey mix- A A-| A turesand plaids at cpJLU AND Boys Suits. Blue Serge and novelty mixtures $2 to $12 Norfolk coats and peg trousers Prices Shoes For The Whole Family The Seasons Best Novelty. A grey kid pump, long vamp, turn sole, louis heel at $4.50 The shoes I am offering you today are lines that I have sold personally over the counter from two to sixteen years. Could I say more? W. L. Douglas Shoes for men and boys all styles and leathers. For Bo\s, sizes 111-2 to 51-2 $1.75 to $3.00 For Men, 3izes 6to 11 $3.00 to $5.00 If. C. Godnian—That all leather shoe. Sixteen years continual handling guarantees this shoe. Mens $1.75 to $3.00 Boys $1.25 to $2.50 Womens $1.50 to $2.75 Childrens $1.00 to $2.25 Womens Dress Shoes THE ‘CORRECT DODGE,” with O’Sullivans rubber heels. “THE SHOE COMPLETE” in Bronze, Grey, Tan, Black and White, alsopippings and color combinations $3.00 to $5.00 A. BOEN BELCHER Bainbridge, , . . . Georgia. RECOVERY NEWS Guess that you think old Re covery is dead, but she is still living enjoying this fine spring weather. People down here are very busy planting their crops still it is very dry weather here. The surprise party at Mrs. M. J. Whiddon’s last Wednes day night was enjoyed by all present. We had some fine music by Messrs. Howells’ of Sylvania. We had a nice little shower of rain down here Sunday morning and was very glad to see the rain, but we rather would have had it another day. We are glad to say that Miss Emma Davis who has betn very sick for several weeks past is now improving very fast. Brother Jordon preached a very very interesting sermon at Recovery Sunday p. m., but there was no preaching Sunday night on account of the bad weather. There will he a school picnic at Ellis Mill Saturday April the first. We hope that everyone present will enjoy the day and I think that they will if it is a pretty day which we hope it will be. Mr. Charley Johns has left our midst and is missed very much. We all hope he will soon come back. Mr. Cobb has found some thing very attractive down at Mr. Gray’s these days he sure is a lucky fellow. Mr. Montie Whiddon and Miss Evelyn White his been to ride for the last several Sunday afternoons. MONEY TO LEND On improved Farm Lands in Decatur and Gadsdf Counties. On five or ten years time. Can be paid.bac in annual installments if desired. Address for terms and particulars R. G. HARTSFIELD, Attorney At Law Bainbridge, Ga. LOST One Pedant with blue set in center with a very fine chain, broke in three or four pieces in a brown envelope inside of a light blue box with Christmas tags on the box. I think it will be found in or about the Bain bridge Drug Store. Finder will get reward. Please notify Miss Nellie Smith, Bainbridge, Ga, Route 3 West, Box 125. The most important the week in market math renting of one of the cold rooms by the people' for the storing of their other commodities. They ing to give the people best that can be gotte WANTED—Position by ladv Stenographer be: ence. P. 0. box 591. M 1 Georgia.