The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, April 27, 1916, Image 2

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LEGAL NOTICES Georgia, Decatur County :- "Vill be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainuridgc in said county on the firBt Tuesday in Mnjf du ring th y uii tuc mot i utiwoji — , „. e .he Ic-gal hours of sale the follow ing described property to wit; 200 bushelscorn, more or less. levied on as the property of A, Ii. Boutwell to satisfy a fi fa in favor of the Stand ard Oil Company. This April 6, 1010. S. W. Martin, Shcrilf. Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Baiobridge in said county on the first Tuesday in May du ring tne legal hours of sale the follow ing described property to wit; | All of one (1) acre of land on the west side of the west half of block T in the survey of west Bainbridge now 1 called DifTee, Oa. and being part of land lot No MO in the 15th, district of | Decatur county, Oa. Levied on as the property of J. I. Stringer to satisfy a fi fa in favor of K. If. Milton vs J. I, 'Stringer. Tenant, in I’oscBSion notified. I This April 5th, 1916. S. IV. Marlin, Sheriff. Gorgia, Decatur County W ill be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in May du ring tne legal hours ot sale the follow ing described property to wit; All of 167 1-2 aeres of land more or less of lot of land No. .'Ill in the Pith, district of Decatur county, • ieorgia tin' 1 lying on the west side of said lot and living all of said lot except, till 1-2 acres, more or less, of land in the middle of the east 1-2 of lot of land No. •" in the U>tll,district of Dccatureonnty,(Ieorgia and being all of said east one half of said lot except In acres more or less, on the south side of said 1-2. Levied on as the properly of S. 1$. Boutwell (o satisfy a fi fa in favor of George M. Forman \s S. B. Boutwell. Wrilten notice gisen tenant in |x>ssession. This 4th day of April liflfl. S. W. Martin. Sheriff. Georgia, Decatur County-; Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in May dur- follow- ing the legal hours of sale the j ing described property towit; Gin house and lot in the city of Bainbridge, said county, bounded on i llie north by Cemetery street, on the east by Albany road, on the south by : the A. C. L. railroad, and on the west I by Helen street, Levied on as the j property of T. 1 Thomason to satisfy ) a city tax li fa issued by W. O. Flem ing, city clerk for city taxes for the year 1915 due arid unpaid. This April fitli, 1916, I). It. Barber, chief of police Georgia, Decatur County:- Will lie sold before the court house door in and for said county on the first Tuesday in May 1916, within the legal hours of sale for cash to the highest bidder ail of the following proficrty, to-wit: One Kodu Fountain bought, of the Liquid Carbonic Company. Levied on as the property of .1. A, Wells to satisfy H fa in favor of Liquid Carbonic Co. This April 6th, 1916. S. W. Martin, HherilT. Georgia, Decatur County, Whereas, .1. It. Wilson, Adminis trator of Bcttie Itankin represents to the Court, in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that lie has fully ydaninistered Kaiil estate: This, is, •nerefore, to cite all |K>rsons concern ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, Why said ‘ ' ‘ ‘ old administrator should not be discharged from his administrator, and receive letters of dismission, on First Monday in Mnv 1916. T. B. Maxwell, Ordinary. Georgia, Decatur county, Will be Mid before the court house door in the city of Hainbridgc said county on the first Tuesday in May next during the legal hours of sale, the following described property towit; 960 acres of land lot No. 112 in the 21st, district of Deeatureounly. Levied on as the property of (’. M. Mock to satisfy a tax fi fa for state and county taxes for Ihe year 1916 issued by T. M. Battle, Tax Collector Decatur county. This April 5th, 1910. .S. W. Martin, HherilT. Georgia, Decatur county, Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in May dur ing the legal hours of sale the follow ing described property to wit; One vacant lot in the city of Bain bridge, said county, bounded on the north by property of Dickenson, east by property of Collins, on south by the eorimration line and on the west by West street. Levied on as the proper ty of Ada Randall to satisfy a city lax fi fa issued by W. O. Fleming, city clerk for city taxes for the year 1915, due and unpaid. This April 5th, 1916. D. It. Barber, chief of |iolice Georgia, Decatur County, Will be sold before the court house door in the city ot Bainbridg, said coun ty on the first Tuesday in May next, during the legal hours of sale, the fol owing described property to wit; Mouse and lot in the city of Bain bridge, said county, bounded on the north by property of I’ringely, eust by ‘ ‘ ' Col- iro|>erly of NuHsbaum, south by lege street and on the west by liruton street. Levied on as the property of W. K. Hhuw to sutisfy a city fax fi fa issued by W. (>. Fleming, city clerk, for taxes for the year 1915, duo and unpaid. This April 5th, 1916. I). It. Burlier, chief of police. Georgia, Deeatureounly the court house Georgia, Decatur (,’ounty:- Notlce is hereby given that M. It. Martin, H. Jackson, J. I*. Inlow and others, have applied for an order estab lishing a new road and a public ferry across Flint river, which has been laid out and marked by Reviewers, and a report thereof made under o.illi, said road commencing on the Bainbridge and Newton road at the intersection of the land line between lots 280 end 259, in the 15th district. and runningtlience east to a continuation of said land line accross 260, 246 and 240, crossing Flint river, and thence on across lots 165 and 164, to un inter-section with the Bain bridge ami Albany road. If no good cause is shown to the contrary the order es'ublishing said new road and pnblic ferry will lie granted by the Commissioners al their office on the first Monday in May, 1916. Done by order of the Boaiil, this April, 1916. L. BALL, Chairman. Georgia, Decatur county:- By virtue ot an order from the court of Ordinary will tie sold at public out cry before the court house dcor in said county on the first Tuesday in May next, during the legal hours of sale the foflowingdescribed property, to-wit: That house and lot in bainbridge, Decatur County, Georgia, on the Hast side of West Street and being number Four Hundred and Fifty-one (451), said lot fronting on West Streettwenty- seven (27) yards and running Fast from said street, same width tv> front, ninety yards (901, said Iract or parcel of land being bounded as follows: On the West by West Flreet, South by property of J. K. Wilson, Fast by Bower, North by property of .1. C. Hale. Terms cash. This April 5th, 1916. E. .1. Berry, Adm. Estate of W. 1!. Newsome. Will be sold before door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in May dur ing (he legal hours of sale the follow ing described property to wit; One house and lot in the city of Bainbridge, said county, bounded on the north by Water street, on the east by Donnlson street, on the south by property of A. S. McBride and on the west by property of Floyd, Levied on as the projierty of C. 1,. Glover, Agt., to satisfy a city tax fi fa issued by W. <). Fleming city clerk, for city taxes for the years 1914 and 1915, due and unpaid. This April 5th, 1918. I>. It. Barber, chief of police Georgia, Decatur County:* Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in May dur ing the legal hours of Hale the loliow- Ing described property to wit; One house and lot in the city of Bain bridge, said county, hounded on the north by property of Jones, on the east by propert y of Bower, on the south by properly of Thomas and on the west by Scott street. Levied on as the property of Jane Baxter fo satisfy a city tax li fa issued by W. O. Fleming, city clerk for taxes for the year 1915, due and unpaid. This April 5th, 1916. 1). H. Barber, chief of police. Georgia, Decatur County:— Will bo sold before the court house door in and for said county on the first Tuesday in May 1916, within the legal hours of sale tor cash to the highest bidder all of the following property, to-wit: One house and lot in the city of Bainbridge, said county, bounded on the north by property of Munnerlyn, east by Scoit street, south by Camp bell street and west, by property of Wade. Levied on as the property of Flora Young to satisfy a city tax ti fa issued by W. (>. Fleming, city clerk, for city taxes for the year 1915, due and unpaid. This April 5th, 1916. D. R. Barber, chief of police Georgia, Decatur county Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in May du- of sale ■n ring the legal hours of safe the follow ing described property to wit, House and lol number III in Block 4 of the I’aulette Subdivision of the city of Bainbridge, said county. Levied on as the property of Hannah Willing ham to satisfy a city tax li fa issued by W.u. Fleming, city clerk, for taxes for flic veur 1915. due and unpaid. This April 5th, 1916. D. R. Barber, chief of |xiliee eorgia, Decatur Will In m, i Hxiiiui' county I be soli! before the court house n the city of Bainbridge on the 'uesdav in May 1915 during tl.e door in m May 19b> during tt i legal hours of sale, ihe following descri bed property to wit; House and lot No. 5 in Block B of the Tnngc sub-division of the city of Bainbridge, said county. Levied on as the properly of Hosier Wooten to t\ tax ti fa issued by \\ atisfy r*4* i ini \ il ill \ lilA II 111 | _ ... ... Fleming, city clerk, for taxes for the year 1915, due and unp 5th, 1916, l>. U, Barber, chief of police Will be sold before the Court House door in said county, on the first Tues day in May 1916, within the legal hours of sale, the following described Iroperty to-wit: House ouse and lot In the city of Bain- ide bridge, said county, bounded on the north by property of Donalson, on the east by property of Hearcy, on the south by Greene street, on the west by property of Nancy Overstreet. Levied on as the property of Lou Ellen Hill to satisfy a city tax fi fa issued by W O. Fleming, city clerk, for taxes for the year 1915, due and unpaid. This April 4th, 1916. D. It. Barber chief of poliae Georgia Decatur County:- Will be sold before the court house door in and for said county on the first Tuesday in May 1916, within the legal hours of sale for cash to the highest bidder all of the following property, to-wit; One certain vacantcity lot in thecity of Bainbridge, and bounded as follows: On the North by Dickenson, on East by Wooteen, on South by Co-oporation line, on West by West Street. Levied on as the property of Joe Collins to satisfy the within (i fa. Levy made by J. M. Vereen, L. C. and turned over to the ShcrilT for advertising and sale. This April 5th 1916. S. W. Martin, SherilT. Georgia, Decatur County; Balmur I-ouuk Thornton vm. C. C. Thornton. Libel for divorce, in Superior Court, Decatur Connty. Filed in offiice 7th day of March 1916 To the Defendant, C. C. Thornton: You arc hereby required in person or by attorney to be and appear at the next term of Decatur County Superior Court to be held in and for said county of Deca.ur on the 2nd, Monday in May 1916 next, tiien and there to answer the plaintiff's libel for a total divorce, as in default of such appearance, the court will proceed according to the statutes in such cases made and pro vided, Witness the Hon. K. E. Cox, judge of said court, this 14th day of March, 1916, C. W. Wirnberley, Clerk S. C. D, Co. D, K. Bryan, Attorney for Petitioner. Georgia Decatur county;- Whereus, Jno. K. Wilson Admin istrator of J. W. Buttsestate represents to the court, in his petition, duly tiled and entered on record, that he has fully administered said estate; That is, therefore, to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said ad- ministrntor should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission, on first Monday in May, 1916. T. B. Maxwell, Ordinary. CITATION Georgia, Decatur County: To all whom it may concernec. Mrs. David Mathis, having in proper torm applied to me for permanent Let ters on the estate of David Mathews, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin ot the said David Mathews, to be and appear at my office on the first Monday in May, 1910, and show cause, if uny they can, why permanent Ad ministration should not be granted to said Mrs. David Mathews on said Da vid Mathews' estate. Witness my official signature, April 2rd, 1916. T. B. Maxwell, Ordinary. Georgia, Decatur county: Will be sold before the court house door in and for said county on the lirst Tuesday in May, next within the legal hours of sale for cash to the highest bidder the following described property to-wit: 250 aeres of land in lot 112 in the 21st district of Decatur county, Ga. 250 acres of laud in lot 8S in the 21st. dis trict of Decatur county, Ga 50 acres oir of lot of land No. 113 in the 21st district of Dtcatur county, Ga. SO aeres of land olT of lot 87 in the 21st district of Decatur county Ga. Levied on as the property of c. M. Mock to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Lune-Suller Furniture company and other li fas in my hands. This April 6th 1916. H. W. Martin, SherilT. | Georgia Decatur County:- F nder and by virtue of a power of sale vested in the undersigned by deed made and delivered to him, by Elijah Wilson, dated March -Ith, 1911, and recorded in the ollice of the clerkof the -Superior Court of Decatur county, I Georgia, in Book K-3, folic 376, the i undersigned will sell at public outcry, I to the highest bidder foreash, on the first Tuesday in May, 1916, before the court House door at Bainbridge, De catur county, Georgia, between the legal hours of SherifT's sales, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: I All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the 14th District of the county of Decatur, ' State of Georgia, consisting of Seventy- I five (75) aeres, more or less, off the 1 North part of the East half of land lot Number One Hundred and Forty-one (141), bounded North by lands of Donalson and Becker: East by lands of Gibson; South by lands of J. J. Barber: West by lands of McKinley. Being the lands whereon Elijah Wilson resid ed at the time of executing said deed. Said land will be sold as the property ofsaid Elijah Wilson, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness referred to in said deed, and more particularly described as follows: One principal note for the sum of $650.00, dated March 4th, 1911 and due March 1st, 1916, with interest thereon from maturity to May 2nd, 1916, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum; also one interest coupon note for the sum of $45.50, dated March 4th, 1911 and due March 1st, 19 ti, with interest there on front maturity to May 2nd, 1916, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum; and all cost of this proceeding. Said notes being mnde and delivered to the un dersigned by said Elijay Wilson and ihe amount of principal and interest due to day of sale being $704.77, and the cost of thiH proceeding. Default having been made bv the said Elijay Wilson in the payment of said in debtedness, the jiower of sale contain ed in said deed has become operative. The proceeds of said sale will be applied first to the (>aymerit of said indebted ness, and the balance, if any, paid to the said Elijah Wilson. This 4th day of April, 1916. Henry A. Todd. A FAMILY LOA of bread, from the best flour, scientifically prepa baked, is guaranteed tovrJ our bakery. We specS this—the staff 0 f ]jf e / elusive home consumptia a loaf for Easter and be con and then come back for m we will deliver it if you 3 , 3( The Whiteway Ba Atlantic Coast Line ] To ‘‘The Standard Railroad of the Z5or*h’ Excursion Fares Account Dates Sate Atlanta, Ga. Amerieus, Ga. Ashville, N. U. Augusta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Birmingham, Ala. Louisville, Ky. Orlando, Ela. Philadelphia, Pa. Saratoga, N. V. Music Festival April 23 to 28 Inc State Convention Elks April 2o-26th Sou. Baptist Convention May 13 to 17, ine Annual. State Convention Ga. Sunday School Assn. May 1*2-3 Grand Lodge I. O. 0. F. May 21-22-23 Annual Reunion U. C. V. May 13 to 17 ine General Conference A. M. E. Zion church General Assembly Presbyterian church General conference A. M. E. church General conference Methodist Ep. church 25th congress D. A. R. May 1-2-3 May 15 to 19 ine May 1st, ine Jui Washington, D. c. For further information as to schedules, fares, etc "s May 9 and 16th April 12-14-16 Jun H. M. DYKES, Ticket Agent A. C. L 7 Bainbridge, Ga. ^VVW WWVW WWW wvwvvvs ...THE... Georgia Decatur County. Brit West, | vh Libel for divorce Emmie Carden West | In Surperior Court Decatur County lUth, day of March. To the defendant Emmie Carden West. (You are here by required in person or by attorney to be and appear at the term of Decatur County Superior t'ourtjjto be held in Said County on the second Monday in May next then and there to answer tlie plaintiff libel for a total divorce, us in default of such appearance, the court will proeede according to the statutes in such cases made and provided. Witness the Honorable E. E. Cox Judge of said court. This 17 day of March 1916. C. W. Wirnberley, Clerk. J. M. Floyd, Attorney for petitioner. PARTITION SALE BY COMMISSIONERS Cnder and by virture of an order of the Judge oi the Superior Court grant ed in tile partition proceedings of John T. McClendon vs. I). Porter, Willie l'orter, Roy Porter, Eddie Porter, Kustice Porter, Mitulell Porter and Jewell Porter, (tending in the Superior Court of Decatur County, we the under signed, wereinppointed by the Court to advertise and sell the [iroperty liere- in-after described; Whereupon, there will be sold before the Court House door in the city of Bainbridge, in Decatur county, at public out cry for cash, to the highest bidder, on the first Tuesday in May, 1916, the following described real estate, towit: A certain house and lot in the City of Bainbridge, County of Decatur anil State of Georgia, said house and lot known as the W. G Broom Home Place, and situated on the Southeast corner of the intersection of Planters I of his and Independent Streets, in the City of Bainbridge. said property fronting Georgia Decatur County: By virtue of the powers contained in a deed made and executed by .1. B. Bivings to Bainbridge State Bank on Dee. 16th, 1914, there will be sold be fore thecourt house door in said County on the first Tuesday in May 1016, be tween the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing described real estate to-wit: A certain house and lot in the town of Brinson, Decatur County, Georgia, bounded on the South by Waynehursl Bainbridge Hospital | Well Equipped Prices Moderate > 527 527 E. Shotwell Street (NON-SECTARIAN) \venue, East by property ol J. A. B. Sikes, North by [iroperty of Oscar King and West by property of Oscar King, said lot being ninety (90) feet front and running back same width a j distance of One hundred and fifty feet.' Said (iroperty will be sold for the pur pose of satisfying a note executed by J. B. Bivings to Bainbridge State Bank for the principal sum of Three hundred eight and 20—100 Dollars, on which there is a balance due of Two hundred twenty-two and 58-100 Dol lars, besides interest and attorney's fees. The proceeds derived from the sale will be applied to the satisfaction of the principal and interest due on said note and theexpenee of sale, and the balance, if any, will be paid over to the said J. B. Bivings as his interest may appear. This 15th, day of April 1916. BAIN BUI DOE STATE BANB, By FI. J. Perry, President. Harrell & Wileon, Attorneys. In one of our neighboring towns the leading women were holding a big missionary meeting and were trying to raise funds to keep a missionary in China all year around. The local laundry- man who happened to be a China man was very much interested in the work being done in behalf nation and he begin to Georgia, Florida & Alabama | ‘QUICKEST ROUTE” TO ATLANTA, GA. Account—Music Festival. Dates April 23 to 28th, inclusive. I Trip $7.75. Limit May 2nd. AHERICLS, GA. Account—State Convention of Dates sale: April 25 and 26th, inc ive. Round Trip $3.70. Limit April BIRMINGHAM. ALA. Account—Annual Reunion Confedarate Veterans, May 16 to inclusive. Dates sale May 13 to inclusive. Round trip $5.65. Fina May 25th. For further Information, Schedules, Sleeping Car Reserve etc. See Ticket Agent or Communicate with Office, Traffic ager, G. F. & A. Railway Bainbridge, Ga. ItB* take in the meetings and show « on Planters street one hundred and I fieep interest in them. He pui on i - twenty nine G29) feet and on Iiulepen- ... • , ., dent street one hundred and ninety one (191i feet, the meets and bounds of said property being: I'ommeneing at the western end of t lie fence around said property on Planters street and running east one hundred and twenty nine U29> feet, thence south one his American clothes, high hat and half-naked vest and went to each meeting until the ladies notified him that that they did not want to rub elbows with hint hundred and ninety one (191) feet, | anc j he was not wanted. This thence west one hundred imi twenty MUSTANG GENERAL GRANT Character in “The Birth of aj Nation” For Sprains, Lameness, Sores, Cuts, Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast 25c. 50c. $1. At All Dealers. k> m t 1 '-*' ^ar pnrh at TLe LINIMENT nine (129i feet, thenee north one hun dred and ninety one (191> feet to the starting point, said property being bounded as follows: On the North by Planters Street, on the east by property of Sapp, eti the south by properly of Dick Jones, and on the west by In dependent Street. The same being sold as the [iroperty of John T. Mc Clendon anil D. Porter, Willie Porter, Boy Porter, Eddie l'orter, Kustice Porter. Mindell Porter and Jewell Porter, under and by virtue of the partition proceedings (tending in the Superior Court of Decatur County. E. J. Willis, F. S. Jones, L. 11. Tonge, Commissioners. Pa.m Beach Suits cleaned and pressed according to directions. Diji lie Steam Laundry. 0 TEN 0 YEAR Loans of $50,000,00 and on up negotiated 1 improved Farm Lands in Georgia. No loan t< to handle provided the Security is alright. If you w - will be glad to have Representati ve call o Commuhicate with FRANK SCARBORO COMPANY PHONE IS actually happened and the same j Of all the damnable farces that we have confronting us is this; missionary proposition and this ! shows that there is very little j sympathy that the social bug-1 wugs have for the Chink but i they must forsooth have some! avenue to let their social aspira-j tions grow. No wonder that men in that town have positively re fused to contribute another dollar j to foreign missions. HOG CHOLERA SE i a Made For Georgia* Farmers, Under Georgia Conditions, FromjG eorgia Hogs. Wo raj Serum^is a standard product, endorsed by both F ederal and Sta*e officials.^ «>roduct of High quality, thoroughly tested. We Also carry a full 6to«*k thermometers. Syringes and disinfectant that are especially adapted to Hog ur.oi« Shipments are made immediately upon receipt of order. When ordering g° nogs ana approximate weight. Complete instructions furnished with each oru«-y orders sent c. o. d-. unless accompanied by certified check* cash or money c-'d£-/ wire or telephone. GEORGIA SERUM COMPANY, P.O.Box U« MOULTRIE. GA. Tolopheno* X7S