The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, May 04, 1916, Image 11

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NEW THINGS TO GREET YOU “Correct Dodge” Shoe for women $3 ,o $5 Mtti Daily Visits to Boen Belcher’s »» "I J 1 1 11 L < TT T • T“1 11 I 1 i*1 11 1 * lowing’ , the unprecedented demand by “Warring Europe” for all manufactured articles, thereby creating a ’ l . a rcity of raw materials, we are daily receiving belated shipments of merchandise that were bought to arrive weeks ago. Hence, No War Prices on the Following Items. sc Wash Skirts in a variety of styles to please every one. White and Palm Beach colors. Corduroys, Oxford Cloth, Gabardines Piques, Etc. With apron pockets, pearl button trim. $1.25 to $3.00 New Oxfords Are Here This week’s freight brought us a late shipment of „The Correct Dodge” shoes, with O’sulivans rubber h els “The Shoe Complete”. In dull Kid, Bronze, and Patent Medium long vamp, kidney heels. This com pletes our stock for women, children, men and boys. “We Have Your Number” Kimper Made Middies “ot the better kind’’, all white and combination collar and cuffs, fast colors and good quality of Middy Jeans. 50c, 75c, and $1.00 Wash Skirts in a variety of styles to please every one. White and Palm Beach colors. Corduroys, Oxford Cloth, Gabardine Piques, Etc. With apron pockets, pearl button trim. $1.25 to $3.00 Spring Shirts Our standard of excellence is maintained in this de partment. White grounds, with neat black and colored pin stripes. Also the wide novelty colored stripes, made up in Negligee and Sport styles for men and boys' Don’t Fail to “Look ’em Over” Hosiery For All White, Black and Colors. Also Embroidered combi nations in Black, Bronze, Gray and White. W. L. Douglas Shoes For Men and Boys Shirt Waists Straw and Palm Beach Hats Wast Voiles, plain and Embroidered $1.25 For Men d!0 OO SOcts to $CaUU Crepe Dechines, white and pink 2.50 For Boys 1 OO 25ctsto 1 »UU Wash Silk Pongeeand georgette Crepe 3.50 Straw and cloth hats for COf* little Gents www Silk and Wash Ties in a bewildering as sortment of colorings. ...Visit Our Basement... 50c 15c and 25c DR. E. C. SMITH DENTIST Gold |Crown { Work $3.50 $4.00 Set of Teeth $5.50 Teeth Extracted Without Pain. Office Belcher^Block HE LOOKS GOOD DOESN’T HE? : is fresh, ready to serve and will t mighty well. He is one of that we got from Andrews Fish Stand e y are always very fine and all 11 have to do is to phone 254 and -Y will get to you in time. Andrews Fish Stand LYNN STATION The warm May sunshine has brought us out of our winter quarters. The farmers around here have their cotton chopped, and are preparing for a great feast on plums and blackberries. We have school teachers to spare in this place as Misses Nasta Dukes, Arrie Hatcher, Sally YeatesandMr. R. C. Reed have all returned from their schools. The Debate Friday night was just fine. Everybody come baci( Friday night week, the subject is ‘Resolved that the U. S. should declare war on Mexico.’ Miss Annie Mae McLeod is visiting Miss Marie Ussery this week. Our Sunday School is just fine, but lets have everybody come and make it better. Mr. T. E. Rich and friends made a trip to Florida last Sun day. Messrs. A. Phillips and Harvy Parker went out to see the fair sex Saturday night. Miss Marie Ussery visitea Miss Maud McGlamory one night last week. We are preparing for two Dig picnics on the same day. one at Pine Hill, Friday May 5th 191G, Mr. B. F. Phillips made a trip to town Monday. STEADAM DOTS The farmers are needing rain, very much on their crops, its awfully dry. Mrs. M. A. Inlow has returned back from Whigham where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. A. Johnson, and grand daughter. Mrs, W. W. Jordan is spend ing a while with her sister, Mrs. J. P. Inlow. Miss Eula Dysart was in our little town on a visit last Satur day and Sunday. We are al ways glad to see her any time. Miss Dysart’s school will close Friday. How glad we will all be. She is going to visit our little town again. We will be always glad to have her with us, as we all love her so much. Mrs. J. E. Steadam and sister, Miss Opal Rodgers are going back to Edison Sunday to spend a week or two with their parents. Mr. Bruce Keer is not much better with his rheumatism, he has been in bed for six weeks Hope he will soon be up again. ater Street Bainbridge, Ga. STOP IN ATLANTA AT HOTEL EMPIRE Opposite XTnion Depot on Pryor St Renovated and refurnished ihroughout. Reservations made on application. Hot and cold water private baths, electric lights and elevator Fi ™tclas« accommodations at moderate prices Council met in regular session Monday May, 1 1916. Those pre sent were Mayor pro tem Laing, Aid Lane, Carter,Fields, Wheeler, Nussbaum. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. J. H. Helms was re funded $2.00 impound fee he living out of town and his cattle not having been impounded pre viously. Upon motion made and carried the Mayor was request ed to get prices on not less than one dozen benches for the City | Park. There being no further busi-' ness council adjourned. Blankets, Quilts and Lace Curtains nicely done, at the Dixie Steam Laundry. Does It Run On Kerosene? / ~pHE most important feature of a farm power engine today is the fuel it uses. I That, more than anything else, determines its usefulness and economy. At present prices of gasoline and kerosene, you could not afford to accept a gasoline engine as a gift, if you had to use it. You could better afford to pay a big premium for a Mogul kerosene engine. . See the Mogul work on kerosene. Ask your dealer to show you the difference in fuel cost between a Mogul in any size from 1 to 50-H. P., and a gasoline engine of the same size. The figures will surprise you. I International Harvester Company of America (Incorporated) CL1ETT HARDWARE CO., BMnbridge, G*. HOG CHOLERA SERUM Made For Georgia* Farmers, Under Georgia Conditions, FromjGeorgia Hogs. Serum Is a standard product, endorsed by both Federal and State officials. We make a ■product of high quality, thoroughly tested. We also carry a full stock of accessories, "Thermometers, Syringes and disinfectant that are especially adapted to Hog Cholera work. Shipments are made immediately upon receipt of order. When ordering give number of hogs and approximate weight. Complete instructions furnished with each order. Serum orders sent c. o. d., unloss accompanied by certified check, cash or money ord^ Write, wire or telephone. GEORGIA SERUM COMPANY, P. O. Box 566 • * Unfuarwirr rniftitMiam—— MOULTRIE, GA. >' Tolopbonos 178 aatfBBB