The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, May 11, 1916, Image 9

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ESkffls '*•<* $>&, ids ,) ^5 Prince Albert gives smokers such delight, because — its flavor is so different and so delightfully good; — it can’t bite your tongue; — it can’t parch your throat; — you can smoke it as long and as hard as you like without any comeback but real tobacco hap piness ! On the reverse side of every Prince Albert package you will read: " PROCESS PATENTED JULY 30th, 1907'' That means to you a lot of tobacco en joyment. Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality I Albert right 1*18 . Reynold* the national joy smoke Albert is riflhi there — at the first place . »ns that sells tobacco ! The toppy red bail sells for a nickel and the tidy red tin fora dime; then there’s the hand some pound and half-pound tin humidors and the pound humidor with •ponge-moistener top that keeps the to bacco in such banup trim all-the- Lgoodness and. in pipe satisfaction is all we or its enthusi astic friends ever claimed I for it! It answers every smoke desire you or any other man ever had! It is so cool and fragrant and appealing to your smokeappetite that you will get chummy with it in a mighty short time! Will you invest 5c or 10c to prove out our say- soon the national joy smoke? R.J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. 0BACC0 IS PREPARES FOR SMOKERS UNDERTHE PROCESS DISCOVERED IN MAKING EXPERIMENTS TO PRODUCE THEMOST DE LIGHTFUL AND WHOLE SOME TOBACCO FOR CIG- AREUf t| A)IOglBE’S.Vn|<ERS. PROCESS PATENTE? JULY 30?19070 RJ.RW?18ffiSW!K!ML0HPANY pi Winston Salem.N.C.U.$.A. DOES NOT BITE THE TONGUE 1 !: L. ■ This is the reverse side of the Prince Albert tidy red tin. Read this " Patented Process” message- to-you and realize what it means in making Prince Albert so much to your liking. rt \1 & iCife- Saver after shopping You can get your Chero-Cola “In a Bottle-Through a Straw” at Soda Fountains and other Refreshment Stands. Everybody knows it by its name SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT Friday night, May 12 at 8:15, an interesting opperetta will he given at the school building by the S : ght Singing pupils of the City schools. The Opperetta has been prepared under the direc tion ot Miss Bessie Mayes, Supervision It will be enter taining, well worth both the price and attending. Gladys Russell will have a leading role as Pocahontas, Lin ton Baggs as Powhatan and Paul Hardage as John Smith. Prices of admission 15 and 25 cnts. Quite are large number parti cipate in this excellent program. Don’t fail to see it. P. 4 H. TEA., EAST MONDAY The news that the P. & H. railroad is now operating a train from Cairo to Havana, Fla., will be received with pleasure by the citizens of Cairo and surround ing territory as well as by the traveling public. The following schedule was put on last Mon day: Train leaves Cairo at 2?30 p. m. arriving at Havana, at 5 p. m., connecting with the G. F. & A. train south bound for Talla hassee and Carrabelle, which leaves Havana at 8:30 p. m. P. & H. train leaves Havana for Cairo at 7 a. m. after the pass age of north bound G. F. & A. train from Tallahassee to Cuth- bert due in Havana at 6:30 a m. P. and H. arrives at Cairo at 9:10 a. m. This furnishes very good connections with the G. F. & A., both north and south bound and will prove convenient to the people going to and from Rey w p Cato fiIled his P °Tb P n r« F ° nd f; r * , Aguiar appointment at Pine he P. & H. enters the G. F.& G rove g atur( j ay and g unday A. railroad depot at Havana and track connections have already Mr. A. J. Rawls and family been completed. A double were the guests of their parents, passenger train is put on for | Mr. ar| d Mrs. Charlie Pope Sun- Sundays. In a short time the | day. new rolling stock for the road I Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lane and Ah! That's what I Call Coffee Everybody that tries Luzianne votes it the best of all coffees. You try it—at our risk. If, after you have used the entire contents of one can ac cording to directions, you are not satisfied with it in every way, throw your can away and ask your grocer to refund your money. He’ll do it willingly. Write for premium catalog. IPifflll COFFEE Tfee Reily-Taylor Co. New Orleans PINE GROVE i Firestone 30-3-1-2 Tires 1 for $12.00 all special bar gains. Bainbridge iVlotor Company. 5UFB EKING AND SURGERY can be avoided by using. lil DR/N/C TfTADE MARK PILE REMEDY Relieve yourself of this ailment at home. Easy to use and thoroughly dependable. Sold only by us 50c and $1.00. MILLS PHARMACY ! Callahan Bldg. Bainbridge, Ga. AT and n ew engine, passenger coaches, etc, which have been ordered for sometime, will ar rive when a double daily train service will be inaugurated— Cairo Messenger. W. J. HARRIS LEADER “The Man of the Hour” at the recent state democratic con vention at Macon was Hon. William J. Harris, member of the Federal Trade commission. He came down from Washing ton simply to mix and mingle 1 with his friends and in no sense expected the unusal and tremon- dous ovation that he received, ‘‘bill Harris, as he his familiary known, likes his friends, is al ways seeking to serve them, is close to President Wilson and is about as popular in Washington as he is at home. When Chairman John W. Ben nett in the course of his speech mentioned the name of Mr. Harris, the convention broke into loud and prolonged applause. Later the convention broke into unanimoulsy adopted resolutions not only praising President Wil son himself and commending his policies, but passed a separate and distinct resolutions com mending his appointment of W. J. Harris first as director of the U. S. census and later as a mem ber ot the Federal Trade Com- misson. The signal honor bestowed on Mr. Harris was undoubtedly one of the striking features of the convention. “Speech, speech,” cried many of the dele gates, but when they went to ! look for Mr. Marris he had es caped to the sidewalk. He makes no pretensions as a speech maker and simply ran away. The dele gates, however, after the con vention was over swamed about his hotel and he was kept busy CHOLERA SERUM ,lie Cn 0 » r i« or * ,a ' F,rn,#r *> Und*r Georgia FromjGeorgia Hogs. 'fProx i ^ y u o° n receipt of order. When ordering *i*e number of rsss ssk 9ss ^S, GIA SERUM COMPANY. MOULTRIE. GA. “ / TtlMhenM 17» Rubber Goods of Quality onlv are to be had at this phar macy. Our hot water bags, fountain syringes, nipples, gloves, sponges, sprays, etc., are all made from the best rubber and are both durable and strictly sanitary. They cost no more for their superiority. A moderate profit suffices us. Mills Pharmacy Callahan Building children Alberta and J. D. Jr., visited relatives near Colquitt last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. M. A. Lambert is on the sick list this week. We hope for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. and Mrs. Allen Rich spent Saturday night and Sun day with their sister, Mrs. J. R. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Nawls and little son, Clarence visited relatives in Boykin Saturday and Sunday. D. W. Lane attended preach ing at Flat Creek Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. Wright Roberts and Bowen Hester, of Blakely, came down to preaching Sunday, and took dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lovett. Mr. H. Heard and family visit ed relatives in Cyrene Sunday afternoon. Misses Pearl and Jewell Craw ford, Neater and Mennie Brown, were the guests of Misses Re becca and DeLacie Lovett Sun day. Mr. Henry Cloud and family spent Sunday with Rev. Cato and family. IT HAPPENED IN BAINBRIDGE And is Happening to Bain bridge people every day in the week. The case told below is not an uncommon thing. The same oc- AS gx Fleet As The Bird on the wing, one of our motor cycles will take a long or short distance in record time. With out a bit of work on your part either. Owning one will make you independent of railroad, time or space. Better see them and try one just for sport. THE MOTOR-BIKE CO. .1. Robert llaire, Proprietor See F. A. Preston for cleaning and pressing, dyeing and altera tions. Ladies work a specially. Palm Beaches made like new for 35c. Phone 237. are the Forman Farm Loans_ Ten years time, annuaF installments if desired,, and reasonable rates. Write or see me for in formation. R. G. Hartsfield, Bainbridge, Ga, frequently and will continue to happen as long folks have kid neys and overtax the kidneys. ... , , . i .u i W. O. Charlton, 225 Academy j shaking hands throughouth the c . „ • i_ • i u.* : . c , . „• , I St., Bainbridge, says: My day. Someday, when the nation s,, , , , ., . J , ... . ., , back so sore and lame that I 1 cheif gets though with this popu- ,, , . . .. , . , , . , icould hardly sleep. In the lar Georgian and loyal democrat . , , . . morning, my back was stiff, I the folks at home may want to place liimjin the governor’s chair. It would please a whole lot of people, and no one doubts his ability to‘‘hold down the job.” 8HICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND _>ND PILLS in Wr.D lad/A Gold metallic bozea, scaled with BludO) Ribbon. T/.KS no 07BI». B«y M 7.wY/ DnmM tai Mk ter CUI-CHEA-Tf* S V DIAMOND BRAND PII.I.R, for twftllT-fiB years regarded aa Best,Safest, Always Rellabla. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIME rUCRYWUrRP WORTH \ *jrp-Ym% ci"n i wrpnc teited felt tired and languid and could not bend over or lift anything. I was getting worse each day. Plasters and liniments didn’t help me, but two boxes of Doan’s Kidney Pills made a permanent cure.” i Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t 1 simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan’s Kidney Pills — the same that Mrs. Charlton had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buf falo, N. Y Palm Beach Suits cleaned ‘‘the right way,” for 50c. Gus Max well. Assist Your Stomach To Get Rid of the Poisonous Gases and Fermenting Food. A good Ion* fast will do this sometime*. A trip to the moun tains. Tramping. Roughing it. Yes. very good remedies. Hut are you going to avail yourself ot either one ot these remedies. No? Then the next best thing Is to try a, bottle ot Peruna. Take It according to di rections. You will have a natural appetite. All ga* and fermenta tion In the stomach will dis appear. Head what Mrs. Emma Bell, Box 204, Fort Pierce, Florida, says: was taken suddenly with swelling ot the stomach and bowels, and great distress. Very painful. Three doctors gave me no relief. Canid net eat any thing. Everything soured, f was starving to death. 1 began taking Peruna and waa soon strong enough to do work. After taking five bottles I can truth fully say 1 am wall. I twenty pomade."