The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, May 18, 1916, Image 5

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preliminary Showing of Practical and Authentic Wearables For Summer L vvee k we are adding to our stock timely merchandise demanded for summer wear. The fashions this year offer a wide variety of designs to choose from, allowing each person to dress in the particular style that is most becoming to him or her. Novelty Hosiery *• Seried'in colorlper pair $1*00 boot pattern, flesh §1.00 >*»« “ 50c and white a/— ins b!ack, gray and wh‘ te 25C clocked 5 black and white Lisle 25C at. Palm Beach Suits Im Beach c uits for men in natural, Navy, light and £ gOTPi n. strip “ $6.00 to $7.50 sKool Kloth Suits in Tan and S5.50 "Grays at ■ l VISIT OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT (er? you will find at all times strictly Fresh Staple Jbothemost completeassoi tment of Crockery, Glass- lire and Tinware in Bain bridge. T|VE and let live prices my motto (shoes FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Womens Dress Shoes in black, white, bronze, gray j black and white. ■ray and white, black and bronze combinations |from $3.SO to $5,00 her Shoes for women in the seasons best styles and heathers $1.75 to $3.00 New Dress Goods White Velvet Corduroy (Washable) 36 in wide at 65c 36 inch black Chiffon Taffetta per yard $1.50 40 inch Crepe De chine all colors Georgette FA Crepe to match 3>JL«eJU Novelty stripe Shirting Silks 33 inch (washable) at 50c A Dress to please every one in white and colored Voiles, Organdies, Batiste, etc., including white and colored em- broideried Voile, wide stripe Voiles and floral combinations of rose, pink, blue, green, etc. trom ISc to 50c 36 and 40 inch white skirtings Gabardines, Piques Oxfords Honey Comb and Beach Cloth per yard 25c and 30c Style-Plus Suits for Men at... $17.00 New Shipment of Waists Wash Voiles and Organdies, lace trim at $1.00 White Jap Silk at $1.25 Colored Stripe Pongees at $2.50 White Crepe De chine and Georgette Crepe at $3.00 A. BOEN BELCHER Bainbridge, . . . Georgia. Straw Hats Genuine Panama Hats $3.50 Genuine Leghorn Hats $3.00 Yacht and Leghornette Hats $1.75 Palm Beach Hats and Caps at DVC AND /DC Little Gents straw and cloth Hats 50c SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Paff Shoes for children, patent white gunmetal from $1.00 to $3.00 W. L. Douglass Shoes for Boys in black and tan from $1.75 to $3.00 W. L. Douglas Shoes for Men all styles and leathers from $3.00 to 85.00 IR. E. C. SMITH DENTIST Bridge Work $4.00 Set of Teeth $5.50 t Extracted Without Pain. Office Belcher'Block LOOKS GOOD DOESN’T s fresh, ready to serve and will Eighty well. He is one of that ^ got from Andrews Fish Stand ' are always very fine and all to do is to phone 254 and to you in time. Andrews Fish Stand ,^ Strect ’ Bainbridge, Ga. Hon. R. J. Bacon of Albany was in the city attending court this week. Judge Johnson of Camilla was in the city a short while the early part of the week. Blankets, Quilts and Lace Curtains nicely done, at the Dixie Steam Laundry. Miss Effie Lofton of Arlington spent Monday in the city with her sister, Mrs. Watkins. Judge R. D. Bush of Camilla was in the city a short while this week on professional business. Palm Beach Suits properly done for 50 cents. The Dixie Steam Laundry. Messrs. B. H. McMurria and Roy Powell of Arlington were in the city a short while Monday afternoon. . Messrs. W. H. Vanlandingham and T. E. Roberts of Donalson- ville were in the city a short while Monday attending Super ior court. If your baby carriage or bicycle needs new tires, let the Factory Man, at the Bicycle Hospital, exe cute the job, and it will be done right. Mr. McPherson, of the Record of Tallahassee was a most pleas ant caller at the office ot the Post-Searchlight Monday after noon, The genial Florida journ alist is a pleasant and affable talker and has the very spirit of his state of Florida imbued in him. W. S. Strong and Mr. Smith of Blakely were in the city a short while Monday taking in the ball game. HAYNES AT BARGAIN One 5 passenger Haynes Car in good running con? dition and with good tires for $250. See it. P. T. Rich. Clothes dusty, wrinkled and baggy in the knees? Send them to Gus Maxwell. Firestone 30-3-1-2 Tires for $12.06 all special bar gains. Bainbridge Motor Company. Palm Beach Suits cleaned “the right way,” for 50c. Gus Max well. The new fire Truck reached Bainbridge this week and the boys are practicing out with the big Auto. This will be a marked improvement in the old method of fighting fire and ought to be a saving to the city as the main- tanance of the truck ought not to cost as much as feeding two horses. Get the best feed in the world. The Velvet Bean Cow Feed that is sold by Ralph R. Belcher. Dr. Brawner and wife of Whigham were among the visitors in the city the early part of the week. Raise the beans, raise them in a short while. Buy Ralph Belchers 90 days Velvet Beans. J. B. Reynolds of Donalsonville was among the rooters here this week attending the ball games. Mr. John Bush of Colquitt joined the colony of rooters from that city here Monday. R. E. L. McFarlin of Quincy was among the fans from that city in Bainbridge this week taking in the opening game of the Dixie League. Whooping Cough. One of the most succqssfu preparations in use for this disease is Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. S. VV. MeClintcn, Blan- don Springs, Ala., writes, “Our baby had whooping cough as bad as most any baby could have it. I gave him Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and it soon got him well.” Obtainable everywhere. FOR SALE—500 bushels of corn. See B. B. Bower. FOR SALE—Splendid right new piano that has never been used at all. Reasonable prices on a guaranteed instrument. See or phone Mrs. Edna Williams. ' FOR RENT—Building near Post Office and a good business loca tion. Terms resonable. G. G. Bower. WANTED—We will pay 5 cents each for cotton seed hull sacks and oat sacks. Bainbridge Ice Company. VELVET BEANS—50 bushels of hand picked velvet beans tor sale. J. C. Hale, Bainbridge, Ga. FOR RENT — Nice residence, close in to the business portion of the city. For information see or address, W. J. Holder. FOR SALE—Good milch cows. See I. L. Willis, Fowlstown, Ga. FOR SALE - 20,000 to 30,000 Early Red JJersey potatoe draws at 75 cents per thousand. See or write Thomas W. Bell, Brinson, Ga. STOP IN ATLANTA AT HOTEL EMPIRE Opposite Union Depot on Pryor St. Renovated and refurnished throughout. Reservations made on application. Hot and cold water, private baths, electric lights and elevator. Flrat class accommodations at moderate prices. r* ert.PKRiuy AND Ul* JOHN L. KDMONHHON, Prop. {RUB-MY-TISSVa Will cure your liheucoetiNm Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 25<' W&to Read? are the Forman Farm Loans. Ten years time, annual instalments if desired, and reasonable rates. Write or see me for in formation. R. G. Hartsfield, Bainbridge, Ga. Rheumatic Pain Stopped The drawing of muscles, the soreness, stiffness and agonizing pain of Rheumatism quickly yield to Sloan’s Liniment. It stimulates circulation to the painful part. Just apply as directed to the sore spots. In a short while the pain gives way to a tingling sensation of com fort and warmth. Here’s proof —“I have had wonderful relief since I used your Liniment on my knee. To think one applica tion gave me relief. Sorry I haven’t space to tell you the history. Thanking you for what your remedy has done for me.”— James S. Ferguson. Philada, Pa. Slaon’s Liniment kills pain. 25c at druggists. (3) OffiHfgSTEB SPILLS LADIES t Ask your I>r%urjpfH for CHI-CHBS-TljR 8 A DIAMOND SUTro rm.S lu Rbd nad^^\ Gold metallic boxia, bcalcd-wild BlurO) Ribbon. Takb 1*0 OTHER. Buy ©F tout W Drutrtfit nnd a* It for CII1-CUEB-TEU S V DIAMOND B»AN2> PILLS, for tweatr-fiwl years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS . gffln EVERYWHERE x«stS;