The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, May 25, 1916, Image 3

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^Tkxchanoes .(•at singie an'| hich is the ver> •Sfwhote am- - 1 where she t/r" that nothing V «’ t £ writer. That known the season (have r ^- if" p eop !f w X‘d tayandaded L hustleine S° ut, ‘ fcity a boost '• t a he Ltial g» me 0 u Le, Though he game it was contest and a one to the spec «to the reports here’s hoping , w j|l “kop the ■Caihoun County ks old boy, we were with us in this old town ja ve “drunk of the fount on the Lj will come back [ay concern if you lunjustto me; it is fair that I am kind It is not for me J neighbor; nor is it (dictate the line of th ; jt is my part to f own angle of action Lj to keeping my |pt clean.—Grace M. The Tifton Gazette is in favor ot the rooster, even if he is isri’t anything but an ornament to the nenyard. — Thomasville Times Enterprise. How in the name of common sense can you have a chicken yard that is composed of old hens alone? Did you ever see them pull off anything that the ornament was not need ed to at least climb the step- ladder and hang tne decorations. Miss Valkenburg, the beauti ful Huntsville, Ala., woman who suicided in Atlanta Sunday night because of unrequinted love, said a note left: ’‘I aimed too high; If I had been a queen I would have lived.,' In tnose few words is a great sermon. She traveled too fast, and ranged too high. “There is a way thatseemelh right, but therefore is death.”—North Georgia Citizen. The mad de sire of most of the woman to emulate a worthless element known as society is sending many- more to hell that don’t choose the suicide route. The wild runn ing after fine clothes that is not discouraged enough by our sup posedly best people is more dangerous than a poisonous gas to the young woman of our country. Even our church offi cials ignore the presence of the simply clothed often. Ever taste Virginia sunshine? % Wising manager of (largest mail order ply in a speech on advertising said: la large number ot lers from all over the | which the merchants rtise are immediately hour catalogues and Using literature. Re in excess of our Iforth in communities [local merchants ad- [Richland News. This iainly the case and merchant that |rertise begins to howl ®c paper because it «all its space to fight Ner business. When pants use the local ? medium they break |mail order business in nun ify. If a local smailorder advertis- wdest kicker is the does not ad ver bal paper at all. Is It Mere Coincidence? Our business in the main con sists in securing advertising from our local business folks. Natur ally we keep in more of less close touch with almost all lines of business in the town. There is one fact that we have had thrust upon us, not one time but almost daily, and that is that the people who advertise are not hard to and we read them’secure an advertisement from iking note of those j if they can find the time to write rhich the merchants!one, but the people who never tertise. These com-1 advertise always seem to have abundance of time to write an ad, but they always put us off with the excuse that times are too hard and business too dull to advertise. When will people learn that there is real connection between cause and effect? Now and then there is successful business that does not advertise along the re gular channels, but even those if you will take the trouble to find out, are depending on some formot advertising. Advertise honestly, consis tently and steadily and our word for it you are going to reap the harvest. If your business is be ing killed by advertising it is be cause yohr competitor is doing the advertising and you are not. —Grady County Progress. Our experience too Bub. NOTE.—It ,« octan frtight, and import duty, and wasteful handling which make ordinary foreign-grown tobaccos cost more than they should. That '• cigarettes mado of this foreign-grown tobacco cannot have in them as good tobacco as Piedmonts, which are rnadeof highest-grade Vir ginia, grown right here in the U. S. A! Y OU did—if you ever smoked a cigarette of Virginia tobacco. Virginia, you know, is “the tobacco man's tobacco", because it gives to a cigarette the one quality no other tobacco can give —that refreshing liveliness called ^character”! And smokers want "character” above all else. Piedmonts have “character” in full measure—they’re highest grade Virginia. ALL Virginia! Golden, lively, mellow as southern sunshine! Next time, buy your regular brand— But say “Piedmonts", too, just so you can know them for yourself! (Hr. The ALL Virginia cigarette— jTedtnont; Otf Cigarette of Quality lO for 5* cAlso Packed 10 for 10$ valuable coupon in each package Georgians Testifys To Mayr’s Remedy Lives Redeemed and Fortunes in Health Are Recovered UCHELIN MICHEL1N universal treads and RED TUBES are not high-priced! Just compare these P icej with those you have been paying. \\ i’llnR.J universal tread casings AND RED TUBES Inch Sues Q. D. Straight Side Q. D. Clinche; Red Tube*. $3.55 4.65 4.25 5.00 5.30 11x3 S18.30 32x4 33 31 35 34x4Ja 35 36 37 24.90 25.65 25.95 27.95 33.00 34.75 35.70 $24.90 25.65 25.95 27.95 33.00 34.75 35.70 36.60 6.55 5.90 6.90 6.30 6.55 8.35 35x5 37 40.50 41.90 40.50 41.90 Also made in toft Wad clincher »te 31 x 4. price $22.25. I He Mici , Ik?",:* 1 * l»cf hrith Tfead combine, all the advantage* I tS' lr ' 1 H Tube, . ? r . a,5 *d-tread and suction-tread types. 1*0,; 18 Cf 'cbinrtion ,f Ir ve * T ®ty softness indefinitely. | i: :« or ”; Michelin cosing, and tube, make the ' t,rc equipment, 1 T. WATT & CO. Most of the problems of health originate in the stomach. Most of these ailments can be cured. Thousands of people right in the state of Georgia are needlessly suffering from stomach trouble, while thousands of others have found health by the use of Mayrs Wonderful Remedy. The first dose of this remarkable remedy is proof. Here are the words of two Georgians who have used it: B. Duncan, 136 W. Peochtree St., Atlante, Ga.—"I took one bottle of Mayr’s Wonderful Rem edy and it did me so much good f must continue the treatment” Salista Thomas, 55 La France St., Atlanta, Ga. — “I have ta ken vour remedv for five weeks. I feel like I hardly know my own strength—my appetite is fine. Mayr’s * Wonderful Remedy gives permanent results for stom ach, liver and intestinal ailments. Eat as much and whatever you like. No more distress after eat ing, pressure of gas in the stom ach and around the heart. Get one bottle of your druggist now and try it with an absolute guar antee—if not satisfactory money will be returned. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY to LOAN in amounts rom ten to fifty thousand dollars on ten years time at 6 per cent per annum. See G. G Bower, Rower Building, West Street Bainbrldge, Ga. No. 666 This is ■ prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS A FEVER. Five or six doses wi'.l break any esae, end if taken then as a tonic the Fever will no return. It acts on the liver better then Calomel and does not gripe or sicken V ICE SERVICE We are just commencing the second year ot our ice service in Bainbridge. Although we labored under the dis advantage of not having a plant last year, we endeavored to give good service and trust that our efforts met with the ap proval of our customers. This year our service is backed up by a modern plant, together with new and improved delivery facilities, and we expect to render a first class service in all that the word SERVICE implies. We respectfully solicit the co-operation of each individual customer in our efforts to serve the com munity. Any unnecessary delay in serving an individual customer must result in a corresponding delay in serving the community. SSainbridye See Company Ice, Coal and Cold Storage Telephone 1S2 BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA.