The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, May 25, 1916, Image 9

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y ”1) iLih,C/' l i\/.L s it !l u \ ^'i-r • . -^(V*»J ■■. ' 1 'r /,' V 'T&yy r '*~ ' The Greatest Rubber initiative, of the Age have been developed in GOODRICH Laboratory,,-a group of budding, purpo.ely i, i.olated, and remote from the Factory. Jin i INTEGRITY—-and the behind the Tire a>V; »Dpi;" \ T HE greatest Word in the whole Lexicon of Commerce is NOT “Service!” It is “INTEGRITY!” / Because, that term embodies Good-faith,—Depend ability, the Intention to play fair, at any cost, as well as good Service. Its essence, so far as business is concerned, consists in living-up to the last letter of that Americanism, —“The Square Deal.” It demands from its practitioners not only a due respect for the Rights of Others (whether they be strong enough to enforce these Rights, or weak enough to be at the mercy of the strong) but goes further. It implies a charitable attitude toward those well- meaning persons who see “Rainbows,” and who cannot live up to promises they really intended to keep. An old-fashioned Virtue is this “Business Integrity,” —sometimes crowded close to the Wall by that modern idolatry called “Business-Expediency.” But,—there being something MORE than Money, worth striving for, in Business-Expansion, (as well as Money) this old-fashioned Virtue lives on, thrives and Nourishes, in many quarters, like the Folk-Songs of a Nation that never die. May we here pay tribute to “BUSINESS-INTEG RITY,'’ wherever it abides, and,—with all due modesty,— CLAIM it as the Watch-word which has ruled Goodrich Activities over 47 years of Rubber Manufacturing, Selling, and DELIVERING? B' ‘ 4 T> UT,—does this Policy of Business-Integrity pay, in Dollars and Cents?” the Cynic may inquire. From even that cold-blooded standpoint we may answer (to the growing youth of this country) YES!— it HAS paid even in material Success. -Witness the Goodrich growth from a very small "Acorn’’ indeed, to the 90 Square ACRES of Floor Space in the largest Rubber Factory of the World,-—at Akron,- - re quiring 15 Square ACRES of Window-Glass alone to light tne-e Goodrich Factory buildings. Witness the Tire Output of 1915 which, if the Ti r es were placed flat on the ground in a row, would reach more Ilian 1,400 Aides,—from New York City to Omaha, although Tires are only one of the 267 lines of Rubber Goods made by Goodrich. Witness the present Staff of 18,147 People, who produce the 120,000,000 pounds of Rubber Goods, manu factured, marketed, and shipped, during the year, by freight, from this Goodrich Factory, in addition to the 10.000,000 pounds manufactured and shipped by Express, from same Factory during same period. t Contrast this Goodrich Rubber Goods Output, with the total Imports of Crude Rubber into the entire United States, during 1915,—viz:—172,068,428 pounds,—and the, total WORLD Consumption of Crude-Rubber for same Lear, viz:—142,000 Tons, or 284,000,000 pounds! 1 hen, who shall question that the Goodrich Watch word and Policy, cf “INTEGRITY FIRST” pays, even in material Results. 'll* ■—This, exclusive of the Good-will, Prestige, and Public Con fidence that flows from 47 years consistent practice of such a Policy, which may well be worth as much more, in personal satisfaction, to each Goodrich Stockholder, each enthusiastic Officer, and each loyal Employee of the B. F. Goodrich Co. - But, “How does this Concern YOU, the Consumer?”—you now ask. It concerns you, first of all, as a proof that Square-dealing, Straight-thinking,—and Business-Integrity PAYS,—even in Coin of the Realm. , It concerns each Parent,—and the Son and Daughter of each Parent,—as a vivid demonstration of the fact that the modern god of “Expediency,” is a false god,—and that all the brilliant feats, and dexterous manipulation of facts, which pass current as “Expediency” ars needless, for permanent'Success. I It concerns the Consumer of, or the Dealer in, Rubber Goods because he knows that, in dealing with a House of Integrity he can TRUST the Statements, the Products and Trade-Marks, of such a House, implicitly,—can save Time and Trouble and can abandon that costly and unpleasant Watchfulness which is necessarily involved in buying anything under the. old Law of Caveat Emptor, (let the Buyer beware). V W HEN, therefore, the largest Rubber Factory in the World (with a 47‘year Experience in Rubber-Working) and 47 years of Business-Integrity, Good-faith demon stration, and Square-dealing, TELLS you that Money can't buy BETTER Fabric Tires, at any price than Goodrich Fabric Tires at their very moderate “Fair List” price,—you can well AFFORD to believe it. When they tell you that nothing bid Business Integrity prevents their charging you prices as high as those charged for other Makes of Tires, of no better quality, you can rely upon this:— The difference in price is then a REAL Saving. It is the Cash Value, to you, of dealing with a House which has made “Integrity” its Watch-word through 47 years of Rubber Manu facturing and "Selling, and which has never yet sacrificed Principle to Profit, nor Good-faith to Expediency, Then accept this SAVING which Goodrich Integrity brings to you every time you buy the best Fabric Tires in America, at the following “Fair List” prices: w v ' Goodrich “Barefoot” Tires L IGHT in weight, and close grained,—because relatively free' from inert substances or A “fillers” that give excess Weight to Rubber, at the expense of Liveliness, Springiness and Endurance. Goodrich Safety-tread Tires, of black “Barefoot” Rubber, are therefore Lively, Springy, Clingy, and Long- lived. Through their high Pneumatic quality, they give “Pep” to Car-Action, while stretching out Mileage, per Dollar invested, in a way that sets Users thinking. More than 200 different Makes and Brands of Auto Tires were made anfc} sold in U. S. A. last year, 1915, to the total extent of about 12,000,000 Automobile Tires. Of that 12,000,000 total Tires, the B. F. Goodrich Co. made and sold one-fourth. Yet Tires are only one of the 267 different lines made by the Goodrich Rubber Factory. This indicates why Goodrich Best-in-the-Market Fabric Tires can be, and are, sold to Consumers (via Dealers) at the lowest price in America per delivered Mile of Performance. Compare price-list on left column and see! i €> N Goodrich Truck Tires R EPLACEMENTS of other Makes of Truck Tires with Goodrich Truck Tires during last four years were as follows:— 1912 Change-overs to Goodrich 3,590 1913 “ “ “ “ 6,357 1914 “ 10,725 1915 “ 14,000 These Change-overs to Goodrich tell their own story to the thinking Truck Owner. Goodrich Bicycle Tires' Goodrich “Fair-List” Prices BLACK “BAREFOOT” SAFETY-TREADS 30 x 3 \ ' 30 x 3V2 > Ford Sizes ($10.40 <$13.40 32 x 3V 2 - . $15.45 33x4 ... $22.00 34 x 4 . $22.40 36 x 4V2 ... $31.60 37 x 5 . . .. $37.35 38 x 5V2 - $50.60 H ERE, in America, the B. F. Goodrich Co. was the first and largest Maker of Pneumatic Bicycle Tires, developing, among other types, the famous “Thread-Fabric” Tire called the Palmer Bicycle Tire. “Integrity” of Construction, and Square-Deal in Treatment of Consumers and Dealers, results in our hold ing this largest business in America on Bicycle Tires, as well as on Truck Tires, - and Automobile Tires. G ET a sample cf black “Barefoot” Rubber to day,—from your nearest Goodrich Dealer or Branch! Stretch it a thousand Times, to its extreme limit, but BREAK it you CAN’T! That is the sort of “SERVICE” which Goodrich Integrity of Purpose and Policy, translates into. T HE B. F. GOODRICH CO., Akron, O. GOODRICH AFETY- rr rrrrrr r rrrnT r rrrr TIRES qtftrJrrrrrr | irrrnrirrrr , ip»rwrrrprr iiririimrr tiiaurrrrrti inw wster ewr. SStif: w M IPS r sag nr 2K±8T “nrtn SBS SP m V m. r m Hi 4 il, r * • * ■ ^ A Quarter Section, only, of the Goodrich Rubber Factory,—at Akron, O.,—the LARGEST in the World,—with more than 90 Square Acres of Floor-Space ^