The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, June 01, 1916, Image 6

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» ft ft ft m m f> m ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft n ft i ft i Swings and Hammocks elp You to be Comfortable During the Long and Hot Summer Months. We have a complete line of these that are worth looking into. You will need rest from the long hot days and there is nothing that will add as much to your home as a nice swing or a ham mock during the summer. Keep Cool and Install One of Our REFRIGERATORS A great addition to any home and a real economy as it enables one to save everything that is liable to spoil in hot weather. Porch Rockers and Ice Cream Freezers com plete this list of summer necessities and aside from these we are receiving every day a new line of goods that is meant for the best trade. LANE FURNITURE COMPANY Cash or Credit Phone No. 79. Bainbridge, G a V L Where Draughon Graduates Are ...Employed... Go to the banks, and you will find that Draughon graduates are their cashiers. Go to the factories, and you will find that Draughon graduates are their accountauts. Go to the wholesale Houses, and you will find that Draughon graduates are their man agers. Go to the Railway offices, and you will find Draughon graduates are their chief "clerks or officials. Go to “Uncle Sam,” and you will find that Draughon graduates are his most trusted servants. Go wherever business requires the most efficient office help, and there you will find Draughon graduates. The aggregate annual income of the graduates of Draughon‘s great chain of Colleges, at an estimated average salary of $75 a month is One Hundred and Eighty Million Dollars. Endorsed by more Bankers than all Other Business Colleges in the South Combined-Enter Any Time—Catalog Free. ’S PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLECE Cor Forsyth and Mitchell Sts. H. R. TODD, Supt. Atlanta, Ga. 55 it i > PARIS GREEN 'ST? 50c 10 pounds 4C. per pound. . 100 pound kegs per pound If you need Paris Green this price is below the market. As we have a large supply. Will sell at these prices for a short time only. Ohritch ^Druy Company The 1Store LEGAL NOTICES Gorgia, Decatur County Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbr.dge in said county on the first Tuesday in July du ring the legal hours of sale the follow ing described property to wit; A certain house and lot in the eity of Bainbridge, Georgia said county and bounded as follows; on the north by property of A bra hum Holmes, on the south by T. J. Thomason, on the east by Charley Watts and on the west by Elder Clayton. Levied on as the property of Julia Bush to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by T. M. Battle T. C. Decatur county for state and county taxes for the year 1915. Levy made by J.M. Vereen L C. and turned over to the Sheriit for sale and advertising. This J une 1st, 1916. 8. W. Martin, Sheriff. Georgia, Decatur Count;, : — j Will be sold before the court house door in and for said county on the first Tuesday in May 1916, within the legal hours of sale for cash to the highest bidder all of the following property, to-wit: Lot of land number .109 in the 15th, District of Decatur county, Georgia. Levied on as the property of P. c;. Ward to satisfy tax fi fa issued by T. M. Battle, Tax Collecter of Decatur county for taxes, stale and county for the year 1915. This June 1st. 1916. S. W. Marlin, Sheriff. Georgia, Decatur County:- Wiil be sold before the court house door in and for said county on the first Tuesday in July 1916, within the legal hours of sale for cash to the highest bidder ah of the following property, to-wit: 011-2 acres of land, more or less off of lot number .'509 in the 11th, District of Decatur county, Georgia said tract being the north hull of the south half of land lot number 30:5 in the 14th, District of said county and more fully described in a deed from F. M. Miller to J. W. Butts in the year 1909. Said property levied on as the property of Archie Campbell to satisfy a tax li fa for state and county taxes issued by T. M. Battle, Tax CLlleetor of Decatur county. Levy made by J. M. Vereen L. (J. and turned over to the Sheritf for advertising and sale. This June 1st, 1916. S. W. Martin, Sheriff. Georgia, D<*uur county,— Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge said county on the first Tuesday in .1 uly next during the legal hours of sale, the following described property towit; One certain vacant city lot in Bain bridge, Georgia said coutny and bound ed as follows; on the north by property of Powell, east by Washington Street, south by property of Brown and west by property of Mrs. Snook. Levied on as lire property of Oscar Powell list, to satisfy a tux li fa issued by T. M. Battle Tax Collectorof Decatur county for state and county taxes. Levy made by J. M. Vereen L. C. and turned over to the Sheriff for advertising and sale. This June 1st, 1916. S. \V. Martin, Sheriff. Georgia,Decatur county:- Will be sold at public out-cry before the court house lit or in said county on the first Tuesday in July next, during the legal hours of sale the following described property, to-wit; 28 .'1-10 acres of land more or less and part of lot 945 in the 14th, District of Decatur county, Georgia and hounded as follows; on the nortli by property of Harrison Wright, on the west by property of John E. Donalson, on the east by John Gray and James and on the south by Gussie Gibson's lands. Levied on as the property of Linton Wright to satisfy a fi fa issued by T. M. Battle, T. C. Decatur county for state and county taxes for the year 1915. Levy made by J. M. Vereen L. C. and turned ouer to the SherilT for advertising and sale. This June 1st, 1616. 8. W. Martin, Sheriff. Georgia, Decatur county, Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in May dur ing the legal hours cf trie the follow ing described property to wit; That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being a part of lot Bill in the filth, District of Decatur county, Georgia and bounded as follows; run ning west 90 feet, thence south 60 feet, thence east 90 feet, thence nortli 00 feet to starting point, and more fully described in a deed from S. Brin son to Iteggie Henry, Said property of Clare Wade to satisfy justice court fi fa in favor of Farrar Lumber Com pany. Levy made by J. M. Vereen L. C. and turn d over to the Sheriff for advertising and Sale. This June 1st, 1916. 8. W. Martin, Sheritf. Georgia, Decatur County. Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in May 1916 during the legal hours of sale the fol lowing described property to wit; Forty dhe and two-thirds acres of land oif of lot of land number 304 in the loth, District of Decatur county, Georgia. Bounded on the east by 83 1-3 acres of the same lot owned by If. J. Bruton, on the north by lot of land number .305, on the south by lot 303 and on the west by the remainder of said lot no 304. Said land running across said lot 304 north and south. Levied on as the property of Win. E. Harris to satisfy li fa in favor of Janie Cook. This June 1st. 1916, 8. W. Martin, Sheiff. Georgia Decatur County:- Will II. Krause and T. S. Hawes, vs Missouri Moore and Heirs of Fannie Johnson. Cnder and by virtue of an order passed by Hon E. K. Cox, Judge of Superior Courts of Albany Circuit on May 8th, 1916. appointing the under signed commissioners to sell land in ipiesiion in abo\ e cause under petition for partition and sale, we ilie under signed will sell before the court house door in Bainbridge, . Ga. during the legal hours «t sale on the First Tuesday in June 1916, all the Hast half of land lot No. 114 in thill. District of Decatur County Ga. containing 125 acres more or less. Said sale to be for cash to highest bidder and for purpose of dis tributing the proceeds of said land among the co-tenant owners thereof. This May 8, 1916. A. 15. Conger, D. K. Bryan, A. E. Thornton, Commissioners. Georgia, Decatur County:- Will be sckl before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in May du ring the legal hours of sale the follow ing described property to wit; Three acres of land" off of lot no. 230 in the 20th, District of Decatur county aiiu bounded as follows; on the north by the A. C. L. It. R.on the east by- Jane Baker and Everette estate, oh the south and west by the Everette estate. Levied on as the property of Elsie Bowman estate to satisfy a tax ti fa for state and county taxes issued by T. M. Battle T. C. Decatur county. Levy made by ,1. M. Vereen L. C. and turned over to the Sheriff for advertis ing and sale. This June 1st, 1916. S. W. Martin. Sheriff. Georgia Decatur Couniy; To the Superior Court of said County: Tile petition of S. H. Brantley, L. A Freidinan, M. H. Xussbaum, id. F. Hamil, J. C. Moore, W. A. Wheeler, Id. W. Cassidy, Quiinby Melton, M. E. Xussbatim and F. A. Cohen respect fully shows: 1. That they desire for themselves, their associates and successors to be incorporated and be made a body politic for a period of twenty (20) years under the name and style of "The Bainbridge Baseball Associa- toin.” 2. The office and place of business of said corporation to be in Bainbridge of said State and County. 3. The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain to itself and its share holders 4. The business to be carried on by said corporation is the furnishing of amusement and recreation to its patrons, owning, maintaining, con trolling and operating a baseball club or baseball clubs in the Dixie League or such other leagues as said corpora tion may desire to enter; promoting and carrying on baseball games be tween opposing teams and charge ad mission to the grounds on which said games may be played; owning, build ing, controling and leasing grounds and parks on which said baseball games are to be played; furnishing re freshments to the patrons to said games and otherwise providing for their comfort and charge a monetary consideration therefor, and do such other acts and things as are incident to like corporations or permissible under the laws of Georgia. 5. l’etitioners pray that said cor poration may have ail of the power necessary for its organization ami operation and for the purpose of carry ing on the business here in above mentioned and particularly that they may have the right tc secure members of the professional baseball leagues, make contracts with players such as are usual and necessary for the purpose oi obtaining the servicesof professional baseball playeis; lease, own or build grand stands and bleachers, elect of ficers and directors and prescribe the powers, duties and terms of office and compensation and pfovide for their removal from office and buy and own stock in other corporations and to do all such other acts and make such other contracts as may be necessary in the operating of a professional baseball team and to the proper execution and purpose of said organization. 6. The capital stock of said corpora tion shall be One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), with the privilege of in creasing the same to Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($13,1)00.00) by a majority vote of the stock holders, said stock to be divided into sltares of One Dollar ($1.00) each; ten per cent (10 per cent) of said amount to be employed lias already been paid in. 7. Petitioners desire the right to sue and be sued; to have and use a com mon seal; to make all necessary by laws; to buy, hold, own and sell real estate and personal property suitable to the corporation; to borrow money, to execute notes and bonds and other negotiable papers as evidence of in debtedness incurred or to be incurred in tlie conduct of said business and to secure the same by mortgage, security deed or other form of lien. 8. They desire for said corporation tlie right of renewal which is provided by the laws of Georgia, and they desire to liaye all such other right, privileges ami immunities as are incident to like corporations and permissable under the laws of Georgia. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be in corporated under the name and style aforesaid with all the rights, privileges and immunities herein set forth. Hcspectfully submitted, C. \V. Wimberly Jr. Attorney for Petitioners. Filed in office May 25th. 1916. C. W. Wimberly, Clerk 8. C. Georgia, Decatur County:- I, C. \V. Wimberly <«!erk of the Superior Court in and for said county hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Petition sor charter of “The Bainbridge Base Ball Association” as appears of tile in ray office. This 25th, day of May 1910. C. W. Wimberly, Clerk 8. C. PROFESS10I DR - E - C.-S5] DENTIST-. Office Upstairs, Belcher L Bainbridge, GaI H - b. spoonepi attorney - Ai rl Will Practice in all State 'I Courts Except City Court d OFFICE 225 BROUGHtoJ Bainbridge, . M - E- O’NEAL Attorney - at -[1 general practice] Bainbridge, j- C.HAlT Attorney - At . lJ general practice] Bainbridge, . (jeJ W. M. HARRELL JN0 H HARRELL & WlLsj Attorneys at Law] GENERAL PRACTICE L Bainbridge, • Georg] W. V. CUSTL Attorney at Law] Practice in all Courts i Albany Circuit and all Fa Courts Office Opposite Court HouJ Bainbridge, - () eoi D. R. BRYA Attorney At La office in court House! Bainbridge, GeoU Dr. S. Ehriid Physician and Surge| Phones 358, 46 and 181 Office 312 Clark St. Bainbridge Geol STOP IN ATLANTA AT HOTEL EMPIRE Opposite Union Depot on Pryor St. Renovated and refurnished throughout. Reservations made on application. Hot and cold water, private baths, electvic lights and elevator. Flrat class accommodations at moderate prices. Rooms 60c rK,,1 ' Ay Balm Beach suits cleaned and pressed, 50 cents buys a card and d„i^ u e , , , „ . ’ r „ , 7 . 0 “ Palm Beach Suits cleaned and get them for 3t-l-_ cents. Phone pressed according to directions. 373, Julian Hodges. Dixie Steam Laundry. C. W.Wimberley attorney at Law Office in O’Neal Build Next to Court House.l Bainbridge H. Q. BELL ATTORNEY AT LAW, PRACTICE IN ALL C0UB1 Offices in Chason Building Bainbridge, - - 1 GeorgJ Quarterman’s Pressing (M —Is the Place for Good Worlt Clothes, Hats and Kid Gloves Cleaned All Kinds of Busheling Wol —All Work Guaranteed-! Phone No. 264-L. Bainbridge, 1 F. E. Stricklam Attorney at Law Office with Hon. H. B. Spoon Bainbridge, Ga. W. M. Ariine COUNTY SURVEYOR| Decatur County P. O. Stricklan, Ga. Will run levels for Tert'acinJ Ditching and Draining. All ters and inqu'rues will be promp( ly attended to. J. M. FLOYD Lawyer and Dealer in Real Estat| office 2nd. Floor Racket store I B UXBRIDGE, C.EGRG| HOLLY CAMP NO. 2». Woodmen «Tie Worldl Meets Second and Fourth] Monday Nights Visiting Sovereigns A*w®> s | Welcome. M. i;. o’nku. council commando- j. h. -HANCOCK, clerk.