The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, July 06, 1916, Image 2

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> Prince Albert gives smokers such delight, because — its flavor is so different and so delightfully good; — it can’t bite your tongue; — it can’t parch your throat; •—you can smoke it as long and as hard as you like without any comeback but real tobacco hap piness ! On the reverse side of every Prince Albert package you will read: "PROCESS PATENTED JULY 30th, 1007'* That means to you a lot of tobacco en joyment. Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality I e Albert Copyright 111* by K. J. Reynold* Tobacco Co. the national joy smoke in goodness and in pipe satisfaction is all we or its enthusi astic friends ever claimed for it! It answers every smoke desire you or any other man ever had! It is so cool and fragrant and appealing to your smokeappetite that you will get chummy with it in a mighty short time ! ”OU'LL find a cheery howdy-do on tap no matter how much of a stranger you are in the neck of the woodn you drop into. For. Prince Albert is rifiht there — at the first place you pa as that sells tobacco ! The toppy red bail sella for a nickel and the tidy red tin fora dime; then there's the hand- mome pound and half-pound tin humidors and the pound cryatal-filasa humidor with aponfie-moistener top that keeps the to bacco in such band-up trim ali-the• TOBACCO IS PREPARED FOR SMOKERS UNOERTHE PROCESS DISCOVERED IN MAKING EXPERIMENTS TO PRODUCE THE MOST DE- | LIGHTFUL AND WHOLE SOME TOBACCO FOR CIG- ARE Process patented! _ JULY 30™I90; RvJ. KEYTOLofiHflHSwCO M PAMY WisstonSw.em.NC.US-A. DOES NOT BITE THE TONGUE | ■K ,: ■ ■■■ Will you invest 5c or 10c to prove out our say- so on the national joy smoke? R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. This Is the reverse side of the Prince Albert tidy red tin. Reed this " Petented Process” message- to-you and realize what it means in making Prince Albert so much to your liking. 1SOOTII BOOKER General Contractors Especial Attention Given to Remodeling Resi dences and Store work. Plans and Estimates Promptly Furnished. 225 West Broughton St. Bainbridge, Ga. 506 North Lee St. Valdosta, Ga. TO THE VOTERS OF THE ALBANY CIRCUIT. I take this im'thod of announcing to you my candidacy for the position of Judge of the Superior Courts of the Albany Circuit, subject to the action of the Demoernt’White Primary, and invite your careful consideration and active so|>!>ort. I am MJyears of age and have been a practicing attorney nctively en gaged in (he practice of law, for thirty years with the exception of eight years (luring which time 1 served as Judge of the City Court of Bainbridge. My record isopeu to ail. The unanimous endorsement of the Decatur County Bar Association is an approval of my services as Judge of the City Court of, Bainbridge. If the peoplejof this Circuit confer upon me the high honor 1 now seek, 1 pledge you my undivided time and attention will be given to the duties of the office. 1 will stand at all times for the enforcement of our laws as written. 1 believe in equal justice to all and partiality to none. Assuring you that 1 will appreciate your support, 1 ntn, Most respectfully yours, \V. M. II Alt KELL. BETHEL ITEMS FOR SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE To the People of the Albany Circuit: 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Judge of the Superior Court of the Albany Circuit subject to such action as the Democratic Party may Bee fit to made in reference thereto. I believe in the prompt and economical administration of the law to the rich and poor alike, and in the curtail ment ol dilatory tactics as far as is consistent with the principles of justice and fair trust 1 influence Very Truly Yours A. S. Johnson. r play. Should the people see fit to bestow upon me this Honorable pledge them faithul service, i respectfully solieil your support and m ^ You Need a Tonic > There arc times in every woman’s life when she needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that time comes to you, you know what tonic to take—Cardtti, the woman’s tonic. Cardtii is com posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, and helps build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its past half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same for you. You can’t make a mistake in taking Mrs. J. R. Yearty and son, J, W. visited Mrs. E. Hatcher last Monday. Quite a large crowd attended Sunday school last Sunday. We sure had a nice lesson. One of our young men is look ing very sad. I hope he isn’t disappointed. Cheer up old boy and try again. Mr. J. T. Wilson and family spent Sunday with their chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hatcher, The sing at Mr. E. Hatcher last Friday night was quite a success. Everybody present seemed to enjoy themselves. Prayer meeting was held at the home of Mr. E. A. J. Rich, last Wednesday night. We had quite an enjoyable service, but few attended. We hope to see more present at Mr. E. Hatcher this Wednesday night. Mr. Eddie Williams spent last Saturday and Sunday with Mes sers Charlie and Jessie Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. E, J. Wilson spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. N. Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wilson visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Martin Sunday. Mr. Frank Reed visited our Sunday school Sunday after noon. Mr. E. J. Wilson and J. R, Yearty made a business trip to town last Monday. Everybody is invited to Sun day school next Sunday morn ing at 10 o’clcock. BETHEL DOTS The people of this community are enjoying eating water melons this rainy weather. Mr. E. Hatcher and daught ers made a business trip to Bainbridge Thursday. Misses Katie Ruth Hatcher and Lucile Hatcher spent Sun day with Misses Maud and Mollie McGlanery. A party of business men of Iron City, were attending to business in our neighborhood Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Yeater and little son were out driving Saturday evening. Everybody is boasting on a good time at the barbecue July 4th. Prof. R. C. Reed and otheis have returned from Valdosta where they have attended the summer normal. Mr.jand Mrs. J. W. Wilson visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. Will Martin Sunday. Quite a number of our young peoole attended revival service at Pine Grove Sunday night. Mr. Eddie Williams visited Mr. Charlie Wilson Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. F. W. and R. C. Reed, were out driving Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wilson, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Hatch er Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Johnson and children, were out driving their car Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wilson visited his daughter, Mrs. E. Hatcher Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Campbell visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Donal- son Sunday. We regret that Mrs. Donalson is very ill, but hope she wili soon be better. Mr. Jesse Wilson, of our com munity and Jesse Williams, of Eldorendo left Saturday morn ing to visit friends at Bethany. Our Sunday school is progress ing nicely now. Quite a large crowd attended Sunday. Messrs. Charlie Wilson and Eddie Williams were out driv ing Sunday afternoon. Black Eyes. FARM LOANS Long loans on improved farm lands at low rat s of interest. The conditions are such that any man can improve his farm and let the farm pay for itself and the interest. F. E. STRICKLAND BIKES FOR BOYS RDUI VII The Woman’s Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., says: "I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for women. Before I began to take Cardui, 1 was so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and as strong as 1 ever did, and ca« set aavUnnfk” Begin taking Cardui today. SoKl by A dsatea. Has Helped Thousands. Should Sloans Lini ment Go Along? Of course it should! For after a strenous day when your muscles have been exercised to the limit an application of Sloan’s Liniment will take the soreness fand stiff ness away and get you in fine shape for the morrow. You should also use it for a sudden attack of toothache, stings, bites and the many accidents that are incidental to a vacation. “We would as soon leave our baggage as go on a vacation or camp out without Sloan’s Liniment.’’ Writes one vacationist: “We use it for everything from cramps to toothache. ” Put a bottle in of all ages here for your selec tion. The best makes, the best brakes and the best prices. See our latest mode). It’s a dandy and its use will be a daily joy. All sorts of bike accessories too. THE MOTOR-BIKE CO. | J. Robert Ilaire, Proprietor Magnolia Balm is the Liquid Face Powder used by famous beauties. If you have Sunburn, Tan or Freckles try Magnolia g>a/m. It quickly stops the bum and removes Tan And Blemishes. Makes y#ur skin soft and smooth. Easy to use and sure to please. Three Colors: White, ‘Pink, Rose-Re J. 75c. at Druggists or hv mail direct. SAMPLE FREE LYON MFG. CO- 40 S.- 5th St.. Brooklyn. N.Y. Monthly Rates. $1.50 prompt! FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN Offers best facilities for Music, Art and Expression. The training of Teachers. Ht and Religious Workers a feature. Three modern buildings with gymnasium and laboratory for science. A real colli Charges reasonable. for full information address ANDREW COLLEGE, Cxithbert, Geo Dr. J. W. MALONE, President. Established 185 ARCHITECTURE and COMMERCE GeorgiaTech is educating young men for positions of t T fulness, responsibility, and power in industrial and business 1 1 Its graduates are trained todo as well as to know. Their met I is the school’3 greatest asset. Students have won highest honor various competitions. Thorough courses in Mechanical, Electri Civil, Textile and Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Architecture andC I . merce. New equipment, including a $200,000 Power Station i k Engineering Laboratory for experimental and research w< 1 Excellent climate. Complete library. High moral tone. Free g tion to fifteen students in each county in Georgia. For catalogue address, K. G. MATHESON, Pres., Atluti, (ieomaScnoolofTem \\')\ ^Tfred mn JTo ™ -More" ZOfe-Save after shoppy You can get your Chero-Cola ‘‘In a Bottle-Through a Straw at Soda Fountains and other Refreshment Stands. Everybody knows it by its name DRINK' Chero-Cola THERE 'S NONE SO GOOD W,