The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, July 06, 1916, Image 8

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SUGAR ATTENTION MERCHANTS! Buy Sugar direct from sugar dealers. We can save you money. We ship from both Savannah and Brunswick. Write us and you will be surprised the saving you make. . . . 8.L. SMITH & CO. Fitzgerald, Ga. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby nnnounce my candidacy for Kepreaenl.ative from Decatur county, subject to the action of the Democratic I’rinjary of September ilitli. I uslt the usual consideration at thchands of the voters. If I am re-elected I will en deavor to fill the position to the satis faction of the best interests of the county. Respectfully, K. II. (lull TIN. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the Oencral Assembly from Decatur county and if I am elect ed will serve the people to the best of my ability. Respectfully, A. H. Co.noku You know what Ajax Tires are if you know any thing about Tires. Get prices on them from Kwiecki. That’s all. Palm Beach Suits Cleaned 35c. Julian Hodges. Phone 373. CHICHESTER SPiLU UK A N l> 1*1 LLH, foi .1) I A M O N years regardr.l n.i Best, Safest, Always Reliable’ SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Council met in regular session Monday July, 3 1916. Those pre sent were Mayor Callahan, Al dermen, Laing, Lane, Carter, Wheeler and Nussbaum. The minutes of the previous meet ing were read and approved. Resolutions were passed renew ing two notes at the First Nation al Bank for 84000.00 each, a copy of said resolutions being hereto attached marked exhibit “A:” Resolutions were passed author izing the mayor to borrow 84000.- 00, $2500 00, from the Decatur County Bank and $1500.00 from the first National Bank of Bain- bridge. Copies of said resolu tions being hereto attached mark ed exhibits “B” and “C”. Representives of the Skinner Engine Co:, were present and submitted a tentative proposition for improvement at the \V. &L. plant. It was upon motion of Aid. Nussbaum seconded by Aid Wheeler moved and carried that the purchase of the new equip ment be referred to the W. & L. committee and for them to sub mit a contract covering purchase and payments at the next re gular meeting of council for ap proval or rejection of contract. Upon motion the building com mittee were authorized to con fer with H. S. Richardson in regard to building a band stand in the park not to exceed $100. There being no further business council adjourned. DEATH OF MRS. ROBERSON On Monday June 28th, the death angle visited the home of Rev. W. P. Roberson, of Thomas- ville Ga., and took his beloved wife, known as Octava Donal- son around Iron City her native home. After a spell of illness the Lord saw fit to take her to a better resting place. She leaves a dear old mother, seven brothers and three sisters to mourn her death. Tis sad to part from our loved ones here. But still we have a great con solation when we think what a good Christian worker she was for years. It was her delight to work to win souls for Jesus. She has gone now to reap her reward a beautiful home the Lord has prepared lor his children. Before she went away she sang three beautiful songs, and said she would soon be with Jesus. 1 pray God that he will send more workers in the vine yard like her. We can never see her face again on earth, but some sweet day we expect to meet her in that Celestial City where there will be no sad good byes. Her many friends sympathize greatly with the bereaved ones. Her remains were laid to rest at Red Hill cemetary. Written by a Friend. Georgia, Decatur County: lly virtue of the powers contained in a deed executed by \V. L. Wood to JefTerson Standard Life Insurance Co., there will be sold before the court house door in said county on the first Tuesday in August next, between the legal hours of sale, the following de scribed real estate to-wit: One dwell ing house and lot in the city of Rain- bridge, Decatur county, Georgia, and bounded as follows: On the east by Donalson street and running one hun dred and forty-four feet from the cor ner of Donalson and Broughton street northward, thence west two hundred and ten feet to the line between lot known as the Barrett place, theme south one hundred and forty-four feet to Broughton street, thence two hun dred and ten feet to the starting point, oeing the corner of Donalson and Broughton street. Snul property will be sold for the satisfaction of a note for the principal sum of Seventeen hundred and fifty dollars described in said deed, which is recorded in Book M-ll, page I'.lo of the Clerk's oflice Decatur Superior Court, also for unpaid taxes due said state and county and the municipality of Bainbridge by the said \V. L. Wood. The proceeds derived from the sale w ill he applied to the satisfaction of tne principal, interest, taxes due and cost of sale; the balance, if any, will he turned over to the said W. L. Wood or his legal representative. .fellerson Standard Life Insurance Co. By .lolin U. Wilson, Attorney at Law. Rev. W. B. Sams announces that as he will not be able to go to Cuthbert next Sunday he will conduct the regular services in the Episcopal Church here. See notice of the services in another colume of this paper. Palm Beach Suits Cleaned 35c See me and get a monthly rate. Julian Hodges. Phone 373. ■ ^ ^ 'X'I i n\ i i ECONOMY IS THE Slogan of this big Sale We have proven the truth by selling just as we advertised. This Money Raising Sale will continue 8 days longer. More and bigger bar gains are awaiting you. Just a Few of Our Many Bargains A /i> to /\ /i\ * i § ■ Palm Beach Suits for men, 25c Ties for ....12 l-2c light color $4 89 $5 and $6 Mens Pants 53.95 Palm Beach Shoes for men .1.48 Keep Cool Coats for men. All samples $5 and $6 Panama Hats 52 98 at reduced prices- $1.50 Mens Shirts 89c $1.00 Muslin Gowns 47c One lot Misses and Childrens Corset Covers 19c Shoes, odd and ends . 98e 35c and 50c Dress Goods at .... 23c $2.00 Misses patent leather baby 40 inch White Lawn 9c doll slippers 98c 15c English Nainsook — 9c 10c Socks for ... 7c $1.00 Embroidered Undersk irts... 48c 25c Socks for ...17c 81.50 White Wash Skirts . 98c Extra Specials for Saturday the 8th and Monday the 10th of July. Come prepared as the low prices will tempt you to buy. The Busy Comer k ft fete, to BH Cor. Broad and Water Sts. Bainbridge, Ga. w I V»> vt/ vl/ v»> VI/ vl/ VI/ VI/ VI/ VI/ <♦/ VI/ vl> I VI/ VI/ Vfti VT Like a coot drink. * when, you’re thirsty- .. they satisfy i i 2% % rfl 1 When you’re real thirsty—cold wai satisfies! When you want to ami Chesterfields! They satisfy ! But, Chesterfields are mild\ too! This new kind of enjoyment— together with ft satisfy**— offers what no other cigarette can offer, no cigarette maker can copy the Chestt blend! Get this new kind of enjoyment X Get Chesterfields! smj 10 for 5c Also packed 20 for 1 Oc CIGARETTES , r*»yS42£Q'/ —and yet they re Ml Mrs. H. L. Gans entertained the Friday afternoon silk stock ing club at her apartments in the Callahan hotel. Mrs. Henry Coombs made top score. Those playing were Mesdames Mercer Baggs, Pearl G. Myers, Laurel Tonge, H. L. Gans, Henry Coombs and the Misses Stella and Edna Nussbaum. A delightful picnic supper was given on Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Helen Morris whose marriage to Mr. Paul Trulock takes place on Thurs day evening at the home of her bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Morris. Those enjoying the evening were: Misses Florine Randall, of Lake City, Fla.,i Pearl Floyd, Nina Morris, of Fort Gaines, Helen Morris. Irene Hall of Forsyth, Messrs. Jack McCaskill, Thad Morris, Paul Trulock, Owen Fields, Ben Rus sell. Charlie Trulock of Climax, Mr. and Mrs. Brinson were the chaperones. A beautiful prenuptial affair of Thursday evening was the affair given tor Miss Helen Morris and Mr. Paul Trulock. whose marriage take place on Thursday. Mrs. W. M Latham and Miss Pearl Floyd were host- essess. fhe house was beauti fully decorated in ferns and crepe Myrtle and red hearts. Mrs. J. D. Gray, Misses Helen Morris and Lyda Green won the prizes. Others present were: Misses Marie Lewis of Eufala, Ala., Florine Randall, of Lake City, Pearl Floyd, Messrs. Paul Tru lock, H. G. Bell, Owen Fields, Jack McCaskill, R. H. May, Harry McCaskill, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mathis, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gray. Misses Alice Holloman and Eva Floyd served punch. HiyrTOMAiw BB135aMIIS3agBBBa Gall Stones, Cancgr and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines, Auto-Intoxication, Yel'ow Jaun dice, Appendicitis and other fatal ailments result from Stomach Trouble. Thousands of Stomach Sufferers owe their complete re covery to Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy. Unlike any other for Stomach Ailments. For sale by Druggists everywhere. Spend Sunday at Lanark-0 n- The-Gulf where Gulf breezes blow. The “Special” leaves Bain bridge G:45 a. m. Fare for round trip $1.50. MR. AUTOMOBI OWNER j? i* if Let us do your Palm Beach Suit, at 50 cents. The Dixie Of— T 1 — TDit&ii? Reach are the Forman Farm Loans. Ten years time, annual instalments if desired, and reasonable rates. Write or see me for in formation. R. G. Hartsfield, Rainhrliln* M Hot weather is coming. Your Tires will heat. The rubber will softee a come more elastic. Greater tension will be t on the fabric. You will not dare run the and you will not dare innate hard. The result will be a BLOWN-OUT-TIRES. USE RIM-GRIP SUB-CASINGS jand head of this annoyancf j expense. Rim-Grip Sub-Casings wj ply that additional stren? . essary to carry a full 1 without danger of blovuoi the tires. This small outlay will» you for the season a» t can then be worn out- The Sub-Casings can bets other tires. -Sold by- Brooks Garag * ComP* J. T, Watt - have a compiC*,® the famous Blacks* Tires and >o<* can splendid prices trom