The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, July 13, 1916, Image 3

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*s/ iVivvy ...THE. I^ell Equipped prices Moderate \ 527 E. Shotwell Street (NON-SECTARIAN) Georgia, Decatur county: \\ ill be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainoridge in said county on the first Tuesday in Aug. during the legal hours of sale the fol lowing described property to wit; That certain one hundred acres of land more or less which together with twenty eight acres heretofore sold is known as Dyke Davis place, and said one hundred acres being parts of land lots numbers 1)6, 66, 56 and 65 in the 20th District of Decatur county, Ga , said tract bounded north by Attapul- gus-Whigham public road and Alex Thomas’ land; east by Attapulgus creek and Alex Thomas’ land, south by lands of Edward Hostic, Charley Jordan, Henry Mitchell and Simon Scarborough, and west by Attapulgus- Whigham public road and land of W. K. Thomas, et al. Said land levied on as tlis property of and in possession of Mrs. Annie.I. Booth to satisfy a fi fa from the City Court of Bainbridge in favor of Chatham Bank & Trust Company against said Mrs. Annie J. Booth, Said defendant notified of the levy in said cause. This June 12st, 1916. S. W. MARTIN, Sheriff. BOOTH <Si BOOKER General Contractors special Attention Given to Remodeling Resi- P dences and Store work. Plans and Estimates Promptly Furnished. 5 West Broughton St. Bainbridge, Ga. 506 North Lee St. Valdosta, Ga. 0 FARM LOANS 6 Loans on improved farms in South Georgia promptly made at lowest rates and best terms. Call on or write us stating your needs. =WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY= Sarrow Loan & Abstract Co. fThe Biggest Farm Loan Concern in Southwest Georgia.” PELHAM. GEORGIA. fSBAND RESCUED DESPAIRING WIFE ' Four Years of Discouraging editions, Mrs. Bullock Gave Up in Despair. Husband Came to Rescue. fOn, Ky.—In an interesting latter i this place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock s follows: ‘ 1 1 suffered for lour s, with womanly troubles, and during | toe, I could only sit up for a little p ini could not walk anywhere at i Al times, 1 would have severe pains Nr left side, e doctor was called in, and his treat- |nt relieved me for a while, but 1 was 1 con fi n ed to my bed again. After Mottling seemed to do me any good. 1 had gc*ten so weak I could not stand, and I gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle ol Cardui, the woman’s tonic, and I com menced taking it. From the very first dose, I could tell it was helping me. 1 can now walk two miles without its tiring me, and am doing all my work.” If you are all run down from womanly troubles, don’t give up in despair. Try Cardui, the woman’s tonic. It has helped more than a million women, in its 50 years of continuous success, and should surely help you, too. Your druggist has sold Cardui for years. He knows what it will do. Ask him. He will recom mend it. Begin taking Cardui today. Write to: Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ladles' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special Instructions ®n your case and W-page book, ' Homs Treatment for Women." sent in plain wrapper. J-6* LEGAL NOTICES Georgia Decatur County:- YY’iil be sold before the court house door in and for said county on the first Tuesday in Aug. 1916, within the legal hours of sale for cash to the highest bidder all of the following property, to-wit One house and lot known as lot number 9 in Eureka Heights, in Bain- bridge, Decatur county, Ga. Also three (3) lots on the north side of Col lege street, bemg 52 1-2 x 210 feet each, and being located between Hall and Munroe streets, being the lots convey ed by H. S. Townsend to The Town send Company. Also one lot on the north side of Alice street described in a deed from Joe Collins to The Town send Co., and recorded in Book P-3, page 500, Clerks office, Decatur Super ior Court. All of said property being described in a mortgage from The Townsend Co., to the Citizens Bunk, Brinson, Ga,, Book 56, page 196,Clerks office, Decatur County. Levied on as the property of Decatur County Realy Co., to satisfy a City Court fi fa in fa vor of The Citizens Bank, Brinson, Ga. This July 3rd, 1916. 8. YV. MARTIN, Sheriff. Georgia. Decatur County; YY’ill be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in Aug. during the legal hours of sale the fol lowing described property to wit; One certain house and lot in the city of Bainbridge, Decatur county, Ga., follows: On the south by Campbell street, east by property Twiggs Y'oung, north by property of Rossie Wade and west by Rruton street, and fronting on Campbell street 100 feet. Levied on as the property of John Scott to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court, May term 1916, in favor of Winnie Scett against John Scott. This July 3rd, 1916 S. \V. MARTIN, Sheriff. Georgia, Decatur County: Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in Aug. during the legal hours of sale the fol lowing described property to wit; One bed stead, one bureau and one vvashstand. Levied on as the property of B. L. Jordan to satisfy a City Court fi fa in favor of the Oliver Typewriter Company against B. L. Jordan Levy made by J. M. Richardson, D. S., and turned over to the Sherilf for adver tising and sale. This July 3rd, 1916. S. YY r . MARTIN, Sheriff. Georgia, Decatur County: T< ? ll'e Superior Court of Said County: I he petition of H. S. Richardson and G. C. Heldmann, both of Decatur county, Georgia respectfully shows. 1st. That they desire for themselves, their associates and successors to be incorporated and made a body politic under the name and style of Richard son Engineering & Constkvcting Comt*any for the period of twenty years. 2nd The principal office of said com pany shall be in the city of Bainbridge, State and county aforesaid, but peti tioners desire the right to establish branch offices within this State or else where, whenever the holders of a ma jority of the stock may so determine. 3rd. The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain to itself and its share-holders. 4th. The ousiness to be carried on by said corporation is a general engineer ing and constructing business and to build houses and structures of every character or kind by contract or other wise, also to engage in constructing bridges aud cause-ways, also to per form such services as are usually done in a general architectural business. 5th. The capital stock of said corpor ation shall be Ten thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing same to Twenty-five thousand by a majority vote of the stock holders, said stosk to be divided into shares of One hundred dollars each. Ten per cent of the amount of the capital stock to be em ployed by them has been actually paid in. Petitioners desire the right to have the subscription to said capital stock paid in money or property to be taken at a fair valuation. 6th. Petitioners desire the right to sue and be sued, to plead and he im pleaded, to have and use a common seal, to make all necessary by-laws and regulations, and to do all other things that may be necessary for the successful carrying on of said business, including the right to buy, hold and sell real estate and personal property suitable to the purpose of the corpora tion, and to execute notes and bonds as evidence of indebtedness incurred, or which may he incurred in the conduct of the allairs of the corporation and to secure the same by mortgage, security deed, or other form of lien, under ex isting laws 7th They desire for said corporation the power and authority to apply for and accept amendments to its charter of either form or substance by a vote of a majority of its stock outstanding at the time. They also ask authority for said corporation to wind up its af fairs, liquidate and discontinue its busi ness at any time it may determine to do so by a vote of two-thirds of Its stock out-standing at the time. 8th. They desire for the said incor poration the right of renewal as provid ed by the law3 of Georgia, and that it have all such other rights, powers, privileges and immunities as are inci dent to like incorporations or permis sible under the laws of Georgia. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be incorporated under the name and style aforesaid with the powers, privileges ana immunities herein S6t. forth, and as are now, or may hereafter be, allowed a corporation of similar character un der the laws of Georgia. Harrell & Wilson, Petitioners’ Attorneys. Filed in office June 14, 1916. G. W. Wiinberley, clerk. Georgia, Decatur county: I, c. W. Wimberiey, clerk of the Superior court ot said county, do here by certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the application for charter of Richardson Engineering & constructing company as the same ap pears on file in this office. YV’itness my official signature and the seal of said court, this 14th day of June 1916. C. \\ r . Wimberiey, clerk Superior court Decatur county, Ga. Wifi be sold before the Court House door in said county, on the first Tues day in Aug. 1916, within the legal hours of sale, the following described property to-wit: 10 acres of land in land lot number 355 in the 21st district, Decatur coun ty, Ga., bounded as follows: Outlie north by property of Jno. H, Eman uel, on the east and south by property of Mrs. Annie Rogers, anil on the west by property of Leonard Mills. Levied on as the property of Hob Jackson to satify a tax fi fa issued by T. M. Battle, T. C'., Decatur countyj for state and county taxes for the year 1915. This July 3rd, 1916. S. YV. MARTIN, Sheriff. The Blackstone ITires The Tires That Wear and Last Lhe most careful users of Immobile Tires have pro- ®l ac kstone as L ^ lre * or use in this nty ’ None better and I b P / e seiv iceable has ever L“ °" this market. Once car) j otller s will be dis- I e ^. Get prices on them | J ’L watt &co. Bainbridge, Geogia. Georgia, Decatur county Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in Aug. dur ing the legal hours of sale the follow ing described property to wit; That certain tract or parcel of land lying anil being a part of lot 331 in the loth district of Decatur county, Ga., and bounded as follows; running west 90 feet, thence south 60 feet, thence north 60 feet to starting point, and nore fully described in a deed front S. frinson to Reggie Henry. Levied on is tile property of Clara YY’ade to sutis- y a justice court fi fa in favor of Kar- r ir Lumber Company. Levy made b; J. M. Yereen, L. O., and turned n er to the Sheriff for advertising and sale. This Julv 3rd, 1916. S. YV. MARTIN, Sheriff Georgia, Decatur County: liy virtue of the powers contained in a deed executed by YY r . L. YVood to Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co., there will be sold before the court house door in said county on the first Tuesday in August next, between the legal hours of sale, the following de scribed real estate to-wit: One dwell ing house and lot in the city of Bain bridge, Decatur county, Georgia, and bounded as follows: On the east by Donalson street and running one hun dred and forty-four feet from the cor ner of Donalson and Broughton street northward, thence west two hundred and ten feet to the line between lot known as the Barrett place, thence south one hundred and forty-four feel to Broughton street, thence two hun dred and ten feet to the starting point, oeing the corner of Donalson and Broughton street. Said property will be sold for the satisfaction of si note for the principal -sum of Seventeen hundred and fifty dollars described in said deed, which is recorded in Book M-3, page 735 of the Clerk’s office Decatur Superior Court, also for unpaid taxes due said state and county and the municipality of Bainbridge by the said YV. L. Wood. The proceeds derived from the sale will be applied to the satisfaction of trie principal, interest, taxes due and cost of sale; the balance, if any, will le turned over to the said YY r . L. YY’ood or his legal rep; esentative. Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co By John R. YVilson, Attorney ut Law, FOR SALE—500 bushels of corn. See B. B. Bower. WANTED—We will pay 5 cents each for cotton seed hull sacks and oat sacks. Bainbridge Ice Company. FOR RENT—House with all modem conveniences close in on Brouehton street. Apply at this office FOR SALE — Poto Rico Pota- toe plants at one dollar per thousand. See J. W. Jeter. FOR SALE—Good Royal Type- Yvriter for cash. Good chance to get it cheap. Apply at this office- FOR RENT — Two connecting furnished rooms for light house-keeping. Mrs. I. B. Griffin. FOR RENT — House with 7 rooms, close in to business portion of town. All modem improvements. See or phone Mrs. Roberts, phone 31(i. BOARDERS WANTED—Close in and rates reasonable. Apply to 504 Planters St. Call 389-J LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN: One large mouse colored mare mule, June 24, right eye out and shows all white; large collar scar on each shoulder; small straight in hind legs, peculiar walk; slightly pigeon toed in left front foot. Reward. American Sumatra Tobacco Company, Amsterdam, Ga. FOR SALE—One eight Horse In ternational gasoline engine, one Frenchborro corn mill, price two hundred and ninety dollars if sold in thirty days, can be seen in West Bain bridge, Apply to T. B. Yawn. STORE in Hicks Block for rent on August 1st. Stand now oc cupied by J. C. Cliett. Mrs. R. L. Hicks. FOR SALE—1916 Buick, model D6-45. Run less than four hundred miles. N. Z. Trulock, Whigham Ga. FOB RENR—House on Brough ton street suitable for two families with all modern con veniences. Apply to W. 0. Fleming. Phone 339i WANTED—Bargain in One- Horse wagon and Automobile, must be good and price right. P. O. Box 364, Bainbridge, Ga. FOR SALE OR LEASE-August first Farrar Cottage, 120 Potter Street. Now occupied by Mr. J. G. Garrett. Close to business center, convenient to schools, ideal home. J. K. Farrar. HARNESS STOLEN Two sets of harness, one track set and other buggy set, track harness with open bridle and very light. Rubber bit with wire around the rubber, lines half tan. Buggy harness lines half round, check hook broken on top, bridle square blinds, over check, wire holding blinds to gether. Over an average priced harness. Will pay liberal re ward for any informrtion leading to them. H. C. Allen, at Lake Douglas. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Georgia, Decatur County, Will be sold before the court house door in the city ot Bainbridg, said coun ty on the first Tuesday in Aug. next, luring the legal hours of sale, the fol owing described property to wit; One lot and burnt house in the city of Bainbridge, Ga., and said county, bounded on the north by property of Moore, on the east by property of Floyd; on the south by Planters street, on the west by property of Nussbaum. Levied on as the property of O. M. Ilaire to satisfy a city tax fi fa in fa vor of the city of Bainbridge vs O. M. Haire for city taxes for the year 1916. This July 3rd, 1916. D. It. Barber, chief of polioe No. Thii it • prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or six doses will break any case, end if taken then as a tonic tbe Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 2St Georgia, Decatur County; By virtue of an order granted by tbe Honorable Court of Ordinary for said County, will lie sold before the court house door on the first Tuesday in August, 1916, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, situate, lying and being in the city of Bain bridge, Decatur county, Oa., and more fully described as follows; A certain city lot of land in the city of Bainbridge, Decatur county, Ga., fronting on West street 53 1-3 feet, more or less, and running back East same width as front, 270 feet more or less to a new street, bounded on the YY’est by West street, North by i rop- erty of J. C. Hale, East by s.rect, South by house and lot known as No. 451 YY'est street, and now ociu. led by Y'eates. E. J. Pekry, Administrator, Estate of YY r . R. Newsome. Hat Cleaning cone by experts give us a trial. Julian Hodges. 373. FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN THE SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS To tbe Voters of the Second Congres sional District. Keeling profoundly grateful to you and deeply conscious of the great obli gation and responsiblity resting upon me, I hereby acknowledge the debt of gratitude I feel for the confidence you have so generously reposed in m6 I have spared no effort to serve you faithfully. My record for the short time I have served you is before you and I am willing for you to pass upon it, confi dently relying upon a fair verdict at the polls in September from a great people who are just as well as generous. I hereby announce as a candidate to succeed myself as your Representative in the 65th, Congress, subject to your will and under the rules of the Demo cratic Primary. YY'hile important measures affecting your interests are before Congress and alien ever vote counts, I feel that I should attend to the duties to which you have assigned me, and return only when your interests are not neglected. I expects to be in the district and shall see as many of you personally as possible before the Primary on Septem ber 12th. Faithfully yours, FRANK PARK. DR. E. C. SMITH DENTIST Office Upstairs, Belcher Building Bainbridge, Ga. H. B. SPOONER ATTORNEY AT LAW Will Practice in all State and Federa. Courts Except City Court Bainbridge OFFICE 225 BROUGHTON ST. Bainbridge, - Georgia. M. E. O’NEAL ATTORNEY AT LAW GENERAL PRACTICE Bainbridge, - Georgia J. C. HALE ATTORNEY AT LAW GENERAL PRACTICE Bainbridge, - Georgia W. M. HAKKEf.L JNO. R. WTLSOlf HARRELL & WILSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW GENERAL PRACTICE Bainbridge, - Georgia W. V. CUSTER ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in all Courts Albany Circuit and all Federal Courts Office Opposite Court House Bainbridge, - Georgia. D. R. BRYAN ATTORNEY AT LAW office in court House Bainbridge, Georgia. DR. 8. EHRLICH PHYSICIAN & BURGEON Phones 358, 46 and 18 Office 312 Clark St. Bainbridge, .... Georgia. C. W. WIMBERLY, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in O’Neal Building Next to Court House Bainbridge, - - - Georgia. H. Q. BELL ATTORNEY AT LAW PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS Otlices In Clinson Building Bainbridge, - - - Georgia. J. M. FLOYD ATTORNEY AT LAW and Dealer in Real Estate office 2nd. Floor Racket store BAINBRIDGE, GEGRGIA F. E. STRICKLAND ATTORNEY AT LAW Office with Hon. H. B. Spooner Bainbridge, Ga. W. M. ARLINE COUNTY SURVEYOR DECATUR COUNTY P. O. Stricklan, Ga. Will run levels for Terracing, Ditching and Draining. All let ters and inqu'rues will be prompt ly attended to. R. M. WALSH D. V. M. GRADUATE VETERINARIAN Cairo, . . . Georgia. Quarterman’s Pressing Club —Is the Place for Good Work.— Clothes, Hats and Kid Gloves Cleaned All Kinds of Busheling Work, —All Work Guaranteed— Phone No, 264-L, Sainbridge, Oa. HOLLY CAMP NO. 28. Woodmen »i a* World Meets Second and Fourth Monday Nights. Visiting Sovereigns Always Welcome. M. E. o’neii. council commander. J. H. HANCOCK, clerk. RUB-MY-TISM ' Will cure’your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 25c.