The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, July 27, 1916, Image 3

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Well Equipped prices Moderate 527 E. Shotwell Street (NON-SECTARIAN) UWM AA^AAAAAA Georgia, Decatur county: Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in Aug. during the legal hours of sale the fol lowing described property to wit; That certain one hundred acres of land more or less which together with twenty eight ncres heretofore sold is known as Dyke Davis place, and said one hundred acres being parts of land lots numbers 96, 66, 56 and 65 in the •20th District of Decatur county, Ga., said tract bounded north by Attapul- gus-Whigham public road and Alex Thomas' land; east by Attapulgus creek and Alex Thomas' land, south by lands of Edward Bostic, Charley Jordan, Henry Mitchell and Simon Scarborough, and west by Attapulgus- Whigham public road and land of W. It. Thomas, et al. Said land levied on as ths property of and in possession of Mrs. Annie.I. Hooth to satisfy a fl fa from the City Court of Bainbridge favor of Chatham Bank & Trust Company against said Mrs. Annie .1. Booth. Said defendant notified of the levy in said cause. This June Hist, 1916. S. W. MARTIN. Sheriff- FARM LOANS 6 8 |q r ans on improved farms in South Georgia promptly S e at lowest rates and best terms. Call on or “ us stating your needs. -WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY== Harrow Loan & Abstract "The Biggest Co. arm Loan Concern in Southwest Georgia.” PELHAM, GEORGIA. >• Saved Girl’s Life "1 want to tell you what wonderful benefit 1 have re- I cetved from the use of Thedford’s Black-Draught,” writes jKft Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. “It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl’s life. When she had the measles, they went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford’s Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no I more trouble. I shall never be without , THEDFORD’S Lack-Draught Georgia Decatur County:- Will be sold before the court house door in and for said county on the first Tuesday in Aug. 1916, within the legal hours of sale for cash to the highest bidder all of the following property, to-vit One house and lot known as lot number 9 in Eureka Heights, in Bain- bridge, Decatur county, Ga. Also three (ft) lots on the north side of Col lege street, bemg 5’2 1-2 x 210 feet each, and being located between Hall and Munroe streets, being the lots convey ed by H. 8. Townsend to The Town send Company. Also one lot on the north side of Alice street described in a deed from Joe Collins to The Town send Co., and recorded in Book P-ii, page 500, Clerks office, Decatur Super ior Court. All of said property bemg described in a mortgage from The Townsend Co., to the Citizens Bank. Brinson, Ga., Book 56, page 196,Clerks office, Decatur County. Levied on as the property of Decatur County liealy Co., to satisfy a City Court fi fa in fa vor of The Citizens Bank, Brinson, Ga. This July 3rd, 1916. S. W. MARTIN, Sheriff. Georgia, Decatur County; By virtue of the powers contained in a deed executed by W. L. Wood to Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co., there will be sold before the court house door in said county on the first Tuesday in August next, between the legal hours of sale, the following de scribed real estate to-wit: One dwell ing house and lot in the city of Bain- bridge, Decatur county, Georgia, and bounded us follows: On the east by Donalson street and running one hun dred and forty-four feet from the cor ner of Donalson and Broughton street northward, thence west two hundred and ten feet to the line between lot known as the Barrett place, thence south one hundred and forty-four feet to Broughton street, thence two hun dred and ten feet to the starting point, oeing the corner of Donalson and Broughton slieet. Said property will he sold for the satisfaction of a note for the principal sum of Seventeen hundred and tiftv dollars described in said deed, which is recorded in Book M-3, page 735 of tiie Clerk’s office Decatur Superior Court, also for unpaid taxes due said state and county and the municipality of Bainbridge by the said W. L. Wood. The proceeds derived from the sale will be applied to the satisfaction of tne principal, interest, taxes due and cost of sale; the balance, if any, will be turned over to the said W. L. Wood or his legal representative. Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co. By John It. Wilson, Attorney at Law. in my home.” For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzi- J ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar jp ailments, Thedford’s Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, gj reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. fl If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- f Draught It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five J years of splendid success proves its value. Good for JP young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. jp TO THE VOTERS OF THE ALBANY CIRCUIT. 11 take tln> method of announcing to you my candidacy for the position of teof the superior Courts of the Albany Circuit, subject to the action of (Democrat White Primary, and invite your careful consideration and active “““ 1 ’' years of age and have beert a practicing attorney actively em port- It.. . , Min the practice of law, for thirty years with the exception of eight years line which time I served as Judge of the City Court of Bainbridge. My (ord is open to all. The unanimous endorsement of the Decatur County Bar Georgia, Decatur Count/: Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in Aug. during the legal hours of sale the fol lowing described property to wit; One certain house and lot in the city of Bainbridge, Decatur county, Ga.,bounded as follows; On the south by Campbell street, east by property Twiggs Young, north by property of ltossie Wade and west by Bruton street, and fronting on Campbell street 1U0 feet. Levied on as the property of John Scott to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court, May term 1916, in favor of Winnie Scett against John Scott, This July 3rd, 1916 S. W. MARTIN, Sheriff. KNOW YOUR MIN BEFORE DRINKING Georgia, Decatur County: By virtue of an order granted by the Honorable Court of Ordinary for said County, will be sold before the court house door on (lie first Tuesday in August, 1916, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, situate, lying and being in the city of Bain bridge, Decatur county, Ga., and more fully described us follows: A certain city lot of land in the city of Bainbridge, Decatur county, Ga., fronting on West street 53 1-3 feet, more or less, and running back East same width as front, 270 feet more or less to a new street, hounded on the West by West street, North by prop erty of J. C. Hale, East by street, South by house and lot known as No. 451 West street, and now occupied by Veates. E. J. Perry, Administrator, Estate of W. R. Newsome. Asking a member of the Georgia legislature for a drink is mighty dangerous business unless you know your man, as recently demonstrated in the case of a “rum hound” who entered the hotel room of a distinguished senator and got himself severely slashed w ! th a pocket knife be cause he insisted and grew angry when the senator could not quench his thirst. On the rum hound’s first visit the senator treated him good naturedly and explained that he would like to come across with a drink if he had one, but he didn’t have one. The thirsty stranger took his departure and the senator thought he had seen the last of him. But presently the rum hound returned and this time de manded that the senator furnish him a drink, where upon the senator lost his patience and ordered the stranger out. The stranger threw an empty bottle, the senator drew a knife, and the affair ended in police court with a judgement in favor of the senator. DR. E. C. SMITH DENTIST Office Upstairs, Belcher Budding Bainbridge, Ga. • H. B. SPOONER ATTORNEY AT LAW Will Practice in all State and Feder*.' Courts Except City Court Bainbridge OFFICE 225 BROUGHTON ST. Bainbridge, - Georgia. M. E. O’NEAL ATTORNEY AT LAW GENERAL PRACTICE Bainbridge, - Georgia NOTICE J. C. HALE ATTORNEY AT LAW GENERAL PRACTICE Bainbridge, - Georgia W. M. HARRELL JNO. R. WILSOl* HARRELL & WILSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW GENERAL PRACTICE Bainbridge, - Georgia W.V. CUSTER ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in all Courts Albany Circuit and all Federal Courts Office Opposite Court House Bainbridge, - Georgia. FOR Georgia, Decatur County: Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in Aug. during the legal hours of sale the fol lowing described property to wit; One bed stead, one bureau undone washstund. Levied on us the property of B. L, Jordan to satisfy a City Court fi fa in favor of the Oliver Typewriter Company against B. L. Jordan Levy made by J. M. Richardson, D. 8., and turned over to the Sheriff for adver tising and sale. This July 3rd, 1916. S. W. MARTIN, Sheriff. Wi'l be sold before the Court House door in said county, on the first Tues day in Aug. 1916, within the legal hours of sale, the following described property to-wit: 10 acres of land in land lot number 355 in the 21st district, Decatur coun- • j ty, Ga., bounded as follows: On the nation Ran approval of my services as Judge of the City Court of Bainbridge. | TTpT^nr^the’eastiuid'sout'h bv'nmp'errv '< Hie people , f ibis Circuit confer upon me the high honor I now seek I | “?1, on the east and south by properlj dee vou my undivided time and attention will be given to the duties of the pee-1 will slum! at all times for the enforcement of our laws as written. I pure in equal justice to all and partiality to none, assuring you that I will appreciate your support, I am, Most respectfully yours. w. m. Harrell. FOR SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE |l> the 1’enplc- of the Albany Circuit: i I hereby announce inrself a candidate for Judge of the Superior Court of f Albany Circuit subject to such action as the Democratic Party may fi, f° nl!1, le in reference thereto. I ljglieve in the prompt and economical Fffliiihtr.iti.,n nf the t 0 th e r j c )] lln( ] j,o 0 r alike, and in the curtall- Efij 'lihttorytactics as far as is consistent with the principles of justice L,, j r I'lav. should the people see fit to bestow upon me this Honorable ■Much - ^em faithul service. I respectfully solicit your support and respectfully Very Truly Yours S. Johnson. Andrew College for girls and young women 0$* r t . ; ■;for Music. Art and Expression. Tke training of Teachers. Homemakers il vrith gymnasium and laboratory for science. A real ooMejaJiome: C.’-i-- s r . '' ev ery pupil; democratic student life and spiritual atmosphere of highest type. - uonabto. For full information address x pRE\V COLLEGE, Cuthbert, Georgia ^ r J. W. MA.ONE. President. Established 1834 of Mrs. Annie Rogers, am) on the west by property of Leonard Mills. Levied on as the property of Bob Jackson to satify a tax fi fa issued by T. M. Battle, T. C., Decatur county^ for state and county taxes for the year 1915, This July 3rd, 1916. S. W. MARTIN, Sheriff. REPRESENTATIVE IN THE SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS To the Voters of the Second Congres sional District. Keeling profoundly grateful to you and deeply conscious of the great obli gation ami responsiblity resting upon me, I hereby acknowledge the debt of gratitude 1 feel for the confidence you have so generously reposed in me. I have spared no effort to serve you faithfully. My record for the short time I have served you is before you and I aln willing for you to pass upon it, confi dently relying upon a fair verdict at the polls in September from a great people who are just as weli as generous. I hereby announce as a candidate to succeed myself as your Representative in the 65th, Congress, subject to your will and under the rules of the Demo cratic Primary. While important measures affecting your interests are before Congress and when ever vote counts. 1 feel that I should attend to the duties to which you have assigned me, and return only when your interests are not neglected. I expects to be in the district and shall see as many of you personally as possible before the Primary on Septem- o All owners of dogs are hereby put on notice that the ordinance prohibiting dogs from running at lodge on the streets of the city will be strictly enforced. On next Monday July, 31, every dog found on the streets will be impounded and unless redeemed will be shot. It is hoped that every one will co-operate in en forcing this ordinance. D. R. Barber, Chief of Police. D. R. BRYAN ATTORNEY AT LAW office in court House Bainbridge, rer 12th. Faithfully yours, FRANK PARK. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce my candidacy for Representative from Decatur county, subject to the action of the Delnocratfc Primary of .September 12th. I ask the usual consideration at the hands of the voters. If I am re-elected I will en deavor to fill the position to the satis faction of the best interests of the county. Respectfully, E. H. Ghi h is. For Rent at Lanark A nice screened cottage with bedsj stove, etc. Ten dollars per week. Write Mrs. F. S. Shingler, Donalsopville, Ga. Our rates are right, our work first class, give us a trial and be convinced that we are first class cleaners. Julian Hodges, phone 373. TALK WITH A BAINBRIDGE MAN Georgia, Decatur county Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in Aug. dur ing the legal hours of sale the follow ing described property to wit; That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being a part of lot 331 in the 15th district of Decatur county, Ga., and bounded as follows: running west 90 feet, thence south 60 feet, thence north 60 feet to starting point, and more fully described in a deed from H. Brinson to Reggie Henry. Levied on as the property of Clara Wade to satis fy a justice court fi fa in favor of Kar- rir Lumber Company. Levy made by J. M. Vereen, L. O., and turned over to the Bheritf for advertising and sale. This July 3rd, 1016. 8. W. MARTIN, Sheriff. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the General Assembly from Decatur county and if I am elect ed will serve the people to the best of my ability. Respectfully, A. B. CoNflEK Georgia, Decatur County, Will be sold before the court house door in the city ot Bainbridg, said coun ty on the first Tuesday in Aug. next, luring the legal hours of sale, the fol owing described property to wit; One lot and burnt house in the city of Bainbridge, Ga., and said county, bounded on the north by property of Moore, on the east by proi>erty of Floyd; on the south by Planters street, on the west by property of Nussbaum. Levied on as the property of <>. M. Haire to satisfy a city tax fi fa in fa vor of the city of Bainbridge vs O. M.. Haire for city taxes for the year 1916.1 This July 3rd, 1916. D. It. Barber, chief of poliae | No. 666 i This it a prescription prepared especially for MALARIA o/ CHILLS A FEVER. ; Five or aix doiea will break any caae, and i if taken then as a tonic the Fever will do return. It ecu on the lrver better than Calomel and doet not gripe or lickea. 25: Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Every family without excep tion should keep this prepara tion at hand during the hot weather of the summer months. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is worth many times its cost when needed and is almost certain to be needed before the summer is over. It has no superior for the purpose for which it is intended. Buy it now. Obtainable everywhere. Magnolia Balm la the Liquid Face Powder u»ed by famoua beauties. If you have Sunburn, Tan or Freckles try jOCagnoliu !Balm. It quickly stops the burn and removes Ten and Blemishes. Makes your skin soft and smooth. Easy to use and j sure to please. Three Colors! White, "Pink, Rose-Red. 75c. a! Drugghb or bu mall direct SAMPLE FREE Mr. Hillman of Calhoun Street, Tells of an Enteresting Experience. There is nothing like a talk with one of their own citizens for giving hope and encourage ment to the anxious suffer from the dread kidney disease. We therefore, give here and inter view with a Bainbridge man: J. G. Hillman, 543 Calhoun St, Bainbridge, says: “The secre tions from my kidneys were too frequent and scanty in passage and broke my rest at night Often they were very highly colored and scalded in passage My back felt sore and lame Whenever this trouble come on, I have taken Doans Kidney Pills and they have always fixed me up ali right again.” Price 50c at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy —get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the kind that Mr. Hillman had. Foster-Milburn Co., B u ff a lo, N. Y. Georgia. DR. 8. EHRLICH PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Phones 358, 46 and 18 Office 312 Clark St. Bainbridge Georgia. C.W. WIMBERLY, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in O’Neal Building Next to Court House Bainbridge, - Georgia. H. G. BELL ATTORNEY AT LAW PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS Olllces In Cliason Building Bainbridge, - - - Georgia. J. M. FLOYD ATTORNEY AT LAW and Dealer in Real Estate office 2nd. Floor Racket store BAINBRIDGE, GEGRGIA F. E. STRICKLAND ATTORNEY AT LAW Office with Hon. H. B. Spooner Bainbridge, Ga. W. M. ARLINE COUNTY SURVEYOR DECATUR COUNTY P. O. Stricklan, Ga. Will run levels for Terracing. Ditching and Draining. All let ters and inqu’rues will be prompt ly attended to. R. M. WALSH D. V. M. GRADUATE VETERINARIAN Cairo, . . . Georgia. Quarterman’s Pressing Club —Is the Place for Good Work.— Clothes, Hats and Kid Gloves Cleaned All Kinds of Busheling Work. —All Work Guaranteed— Phone No. 264-L. Bainbridge, ga. Hat Cl eaning done by experts give us a trial. Julian Hodges. W. O. B. Clements , vs. Annie Clements | No. 2859. In De catur Huperior Court. May Term, 1915. Libel For Divorce Verdict for total divorce on the 8th day of May, 1916, in favor of the plain tiff. . . Notice is hereby given that on the 14th day of July, 1940, the undersigned filed in the office of the Clerk of the Huperior Court of Decatur county, Georgia, an application for removal of the disabilities resting upon her under the verdict in the above stated case Said application will he heard at the Term of said court which commences nii the second Monday in November, 1916. Annie Clements, HOLLY CAMP NO. 28. Woodmen ojje World Meets Second and Fourth Monday Nights. Visiting Sovereigns Always Welcome. M. E. o’neil council commander. J. H. HANCOCK, clerk. RUB-MY-TISM ' Will cur* your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 25c.