The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, August 03, 1916, Image 9

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family were Sunday- Campbell, and ,, L p and Vasta Duke, %. , , hort while y evening’* « Butler made a busi- Sainbridge Saturday. de Usserv, attended jn Eldorendo Sunday. Johnnie Mae Butler visit indmother, Mrs. Caro- atier last week. Frank Reed, was m Bain- a short while Saturday. s j, Griffin, is visiting s here this week. ur Roberts, visited Edwin Sunday evening. Andrew Campbell, has serysick. We hope that || soon recover. Chester Reed, attended , jn Eldorendo Saturday Sunday School is fine , e hope all will be there Sunday. .and Mrs. William Griffin, relatives below Bain- eSunday. jytody come to the debate Bethel schcol house on y night. The subject is bed that Whiskey has more harm than war in ’uitedS’a'es.” Giace Reed, visited Miss Robeits Sunday evening, -een the mosquitos and we are having a bad time here. TO MIHTS FOR LIGENSEJO TEACH You are hereby notified that the date for the examination of applicants for license to teach will be held on Friday and Saturday August the 4th and 5th 1916 in the public schuol building in the city of Bainbridge. The exa mination will embrace the fol lowing: Primary and General Elemen tary and High School and Super visory. Those teachers desiring to renew first grade licenses granted in 1913 will take the folio pving Reading Course: Man ual of Methods for Georgia Teachers, free: Cubberley’s Rur al Life and Education, Southern School Book Depository, Atlanta Ga; Colgrove’s, The Teacher and The School, Charles Scribner’s Sons, Atlanta, Ga; Hollister’s High School Administration, Southern School Book Deposi tory, Atlanta, Ga. The examination will begin promptly at 8:30 a. m. and no applicant will be admitted after 9 o’clock. Pencils and tablets will be free. J. S. Bradwell, C. S. S. mmsm EC HPJimWHJ Gall Stones, Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines, Auto-Intoxication, Yellow Jaun dice, Appendicitis and other fatal ailments result from Stomach Trouble. Thousands of Stomach Sufferers owe their complete re covery to Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy. Unlike any other for Stomach Ailments. For sale by Druggists everywhere. B-MY-TISM cure your Rheumatism eia, Headaches, Cramps, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and . ,01_d Sores, Stings of Insects Antiseptic Anodyne, used in- y and externally. Price 25c. Our rates are right, our work first class, give us a trial and be convinced that we are first cla s cleaners. Julian Hodges, phone 373. ARMES—You can find ’sSwine Lixir, at my store it is the best hog medicine < market. Now is the best to begin its use. Jule Cliett, street, Bainbridge, Ga. k for our special 4 cents per d rate on flat work. This Price you have wanted so Dixie Steam Laundry. W. G. B. Clements , No. 2859. In Ke ys. Annie Clements catur Supe ior Court. May Term, 1915. Libel For Divorce Verdict for total divorce on the 8th day of May, 1916, in favor of the plain tiff. Notice is hereby given that on the Hth day of July, 1916, the undersigned filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Decatur county, Georgia, an application for removal of the disabilities resting upon her under the verdict in the above stated case. Said application will be heard at the Ter/n of said court which commences on the second Monday in November, 1916. Annie Clements, Step into this picture —wherever you are, the same content and the same refresh ment are yours for the ashing in a cool, delicious glass of Demand the genuine by hill name— nicknames encourage substitution The Coca-Cola Co. Atlanta, ga. Send for free hooMct ■ - The Romance c/ Cccu-C’o/a’* Georgia, Decatur County:— Tb the Superior Court of said Comity: 1 he petition of the Wainhurst liail- way, a corporation created, organised and existing under and by virtue of a charter granted by tlie Superior Court of said county, respectfully shows: m, , „ . at on the 9th - <>f -fuly, 191'ii, G. .1. Pope and J. K tfoice, of the County of Cook and State of Illinois, a “ d J- A. McIntosh and H. M. Graham, of the County of Decatur and State of Georgia, filed their petition to the Superior Court of said County to be come incorporated under the name arid sty e of “Wainhurst Railway" and said petition was marked filed in the orhce of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county on July 9th, 1903. 2nd. That the capital stock of said corporation is Fifty Thousand (150,000.00) Dollars divided into shares of One Hundred t$ 100.00) Dollars; with the right to increase the capital stock to an amount not exceeding One Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dol lars. 3rd. That on August 19th, 1903, the Superior Court of Decatur County, Georgia, passed an order granting a charter to the Wainhurst Railway during the August special term of said Superior Court on petition of G. J. i’ope, J. K. Joice, J. A. McIntosh and H. M. Graham. ■1th. That all the proceedings in corporating said Wainhurst Railway was recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Superior Court of Decatur County, Georgia, in book No. 1 of the Records of Superior Court charters on pages 94, 95 et seq. 5th. That the said Wainhurst Rail way desires to surrender its said chart er and franchise us a corporation and be dissolved by the order and decree of said Superior Court. (>lh. The said Wainhurst Railway Company shows to the court that at a | meeting of the stockholders of the said corporation, duly called for the pur- j pose, a resolution was adopted by the affirmative vote of the owners of two- | thirds of the capital stock of said cor- • poration, resolving that l h e cor poration shall surrender its charter j and franchise to the State and he dis- | solved as a corporation; a certified copy j of said resolution beinghereto attached I marked “Exhibit A" and made a part hereof. I 7,h Said Wainhurst. Railway al- , leges that such dissolution may tie al- | lowed without injustice to any stock- . ho'dcr or to any person having claims [or demands of any character against corporation. 8th That it is the wish of all the stockholders of said corporation that said corporation be dissolved and that its charter and all franchises be sur rendered to the State. 9th. That there is ro person having any claim or demand of any character against said corporation. WHEREFORE, I’etitioner prays that an order and decree be granted and passed by said court dissolving the said corporation of Wainhurst Railway and surrendering its charter and franchise to the State of Georgia as allowed by an Act of the General Assembly approved August 13th, 1910, and thatan order may be passed fixing a time for the hearing of this petition at the court house in Decatur County, Georgia, either at a regular term or in vacation, not less than four weeks the date of such order, and that an order he passed directing that such petition be filed in the office of the Clerk of said court, and that a copy of such petition and order be published once a week for four weeks in the newspaper wherein Sheriff’s Sales in and for Decatur County, Georgia, are published, and that such further order be passed as may seem meet and pro- I per to the court upon said petition. And of this petitioner prays and will ever pray, M. E. O’NEAL, Petitioner's Attorney. EXHIBIT A. Whereas, the stockholders of the Wainhurst Railway Company desire to surrender it charter and franchise to the State and he dissolved us a cor poration; and, Wltereas, the Wainhurst Railway does not owe any debts and that said charter can be surrendered and said corporation dissolved without any in justice to any stockholder or any per son having claims or demands of any character against said eor|»ration: Now, therefore, be it resolved that it is the request and desire of the stock holders of the Wainhurst Railway that said charter be surrendered and said corporation dissolved and the Directors of the Wainhurst Railway Company are requested to take such action us may he necessary to surrender said eharter and all the franchises of the Wainhurst Railway to the State of Georgia. I, J. A. McIntosh, Secretary of the Wainhurst Railway, do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and oorrect copy of the resolution adopted by and from the minutes »f the meet ing of the stockholders of said corpora tion held at the Office of the Company in Brinson, Georgia, on the 13th, day of May, 1916, at which all of the stock of said corporation was represented, and I eertify that said resolution was unanimously adopted. Given under mv hand am! the seal of Hie corporation, this the 131 h, < ay of Mav, 1916. (seal) J. a. mcintosh, Secretary. In Decatur Superior Court, May Term, 1916. The foregoing petition read and cun. sidered. It is ordered that the hearing on saiil petition lie fixed fur the Fourth Monday in August, 1916, at lw o'clock \. M; that said petition bo filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county of Decatur, and that $ copy of said petition and this order be published onee a week for four weeks in the newspaper wherein Shealf s Sales in and for Decatur sounty, oeor- (■a, are published and that tlie ex pense of such publication shall tie de frayed by petitioner. This the 19th day of July 1916. ^ E. E. COX, J. S, C. A. U. Georgia, Decatur County : I lieieby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original petition of \Vainhurst Railway for Dis solution an I surrender of t barter, to gether with the order fixing the hear- ing thereof, now of hie in my office. This July 21. 1916. O. W. Wimberley, Clerk S. C. ' - T - '- AUGUST Special .sale: On account of bad rainy weather we have carried over lots of summer goods. In order to dispose of same to make room for Fall and Winter goods, the people of Bainbridge and vicinity will find displayed on our counters and tables the biggest bargains ever heard of. We don’t aim to carry over summer goods if low cut prices will move ’em A call at the Busy Corner will convince the most economical buyer that our prices are lower and our goods are better. The Goods Most be Sold—Cost Mark Forgotten Notice prices below on few items only as the space is small 12 l-2c Lawn to go for only 15c Nainsook to go for only 15c Colored Organdie for only 15c assorted colors Voile for 10c Curtain Netting for only 12 i-2c Towels for only 75c Sheets to go for only 81c 9c 81c 9c 7c 7c 47c 20c Ribbon to Qa 50c Marviusette to go AQa tor only 25c German Embroidery-! AIa to go at 1m2v $1.50 Fancy Parasol to 79c 75c Corset to go for eh only ‘llC Palm Beach suits, all A *70 colors, at 9mi «F $20.00 Blue Serge QC suits at qPvhVW $5, $6 and $7 mens QC pants at $1.50 mens Sport 7ft#* shirts to go at m Ov 36c Mens Namsick ■€ Q#» Underwear at ivv Mens $2.50 val. Palm 4 70 Beace shoes at.. Mens $2 value white {ft-! OQ canvass shoes attpXvwv $1.50 ladies and Misses QQft white can. Mary Jane vOv $1.50 and $2 childrens AOp and Misses slippers vOv 200 pair Mens low cut Shoes CQ $4.00 and $5.00 values at Ladies trimmed and untrimmed hats going at 1-2 price—SEE THEM. .Sale Starts Saturday. Come, bring your friends and get the bene fit of real low prices at the Busy Corner Bainbridge, Georgia AUTOMOBILES ...FOR SALE... $285 $450 $250 ONE 1914 Ford Touring Car, Good Shape, New Tires. ONE Jeffery Roadster, Good Condi tion, Good Tires. ONE Haynes Touring Car, Good Con dition, Good Tires, All above Cars Guaranteed to be as Represented. P. T. RICH