The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, August 10, 1916, Image 2

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h I WVWflWWtfWWWV)^ Plant Now Your Fall Garden WE HAVE ALL FRESH SEED Chrlich ‘Drug Company \g/XjoJUL store The MEN!! Stop Look Listen The rainy weather for the past six weeks, simply ruined busines. We have too much summer stock and for 11 days we are going to sell it FOR CASH at prices which will move it. Shoes Edwin Clapps $7.00 Quality at $5.95 Bion F. Reynolds $0.00 Quality at $5.00 Leonard Shaw & Denns $5.00 Quality at $4.15 All Palm Beach and Canvas Shaes Reduced 25 per cent. SUITS Any $12.50 Crash Suit at $8.50 Any $10.00 Nowate Suit) at $7.15 Any Genuine Palm Beach Suit at $6.25 Other Suits at $4.25 Shirts All Regular $1.00 Shirts $1.50 Monarch Shirts $1.10 $2.00^Wilson Shirts $2.50 ^ Arrow Shirts gQ #5.00 and $6.00 Silk \ CJ Shirts at STRAW HATS Any Straw Hat in our house (regular price from $2.00 to $4.00. Go in this sale for Panama Hats, $6.00 kind for $1.15 $4.00 ALL OTHER GOODS REDUCED IN PROPORTION These prices are named for Cash Only. Nothing will be charged. Nothing will be sent on approval or exchanged and lasts 11 days only. CALLAHAN BLOCK GEO. H. FIELDS “The Shop of Fashion” BA IN BR IDG*;. GEORGIA. Where Draughon Graduates Are ...Employed... Go to the banks, and you will find that Draughon graduates are their cashiers. Go to the factories, and you will find that Draughon graduates are their aecountauts. Go to the wholesale Houses, and you will find that Draughon graduates are their man agers. Go to the Railway oflices, and you will find Draughon graduates are their chief tclerks or officials. Go to “Uncle Sam,” and you wifi find that Draughan graduates are his most trusted servants. Go wherever business requires the most efficient office help, and there you will find Draughon graduates. The aggregate annual income of the graduates of Draughon’s great chain of Colleges, at an estimated average salary of $75 a month is One Hundred and Eighty Million Dollars. DRAUGHON’S PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLECE Cor Forsyth and MitcheH Sts. H. R. TODD, S»pt. Atlanta, Ga. Endorsed by more Bankers than all Other Business Colleges in the South Combined-Enter Any Time—Catalog Free. Georgia, Decatur County:— To the Superior Court of said Coimty: The petition of the Wainhurst Itail- way, a corporation created, organized and existing under and by virtue of a charter granted by the Superior Court of said county, respectfully shows: 1st. That on the 9th, day of July, 190::, G. .1. Hope and .1. K iJoice, of the County of Cook and State of Illinois, and J. A. McIntosh and H. M. Graham, of the County of Decatur and State of Georgia, filed their petition to the Superior Court of said County to be come incorporated under the name and style of “Wainhurst Railway” and said petition was marked filed in the oil ice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county on July 9th, 1903. 1 2nd. That the capital stock of said corporation is Kitty .Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars divided into shares of One Hundred i $100.90) Dollars; with the right to increase the capital stock to an amount not exceeding One Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dol lars. 3rd. That on August 19th, 1903, the Superior Court of Decatur County, Georgia, passed an order granting a charter to the Wainhurst Railway during the August special term of said Superior Court on petition of G. J. Pope, J. K. Joice, J. A. McIntosh and H. M. < Iraham. 1th. That all the proceedings in corporating said Wainhurst Railway was recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Superior Court of Decatur County, Georgia, in book No. 1 of the Records of Superior Court charters on pages 93. 95 et se<|. 5th. That the said Wainhurst Rail way desires to surrender its said chart er and franchise as a corporation and lie dissolved by the order and decree of said Superior Court. 6th. Hie said Wainhurst Railway Company shows to the court that at a meeting of the stockholders of the said corporation, duly called for tire i im pose, a resolution was adopted by the affirmative vote of the owners of two- thirds of the capita! stock of sai l cor poration, resolving that the cor poration shall surrender its charter and franchise to the State and l.c tfis- stilved as a corporation; a certified t py of said resolution being hereto attached marked “Kxhibit A” and made a part hereof. Till Said Wainhurst Railway al leges that such dissolution may he al lowed without injustice to any sloek- ho’der or to any person having claims or demands of any character against corporation. titli That it is the wish of all the stockholders of said corporation that said corporation he dissolved and that its charter and all franchises be sur rendered to the State. 9th. That there is no person having any claim or demand df any character againsi said c.or|>oration. WHK.RKKORE, Petitioner prays that an order and decree be granted and passed by said court dissolving the said corporation of Wainhurst Railway ami surrendering its charter and franchise to the State of Georgia as allowed by an Act of the General Assembly approved August 13th, 1910, and that an order may be passed fixing a lime for the hearing of this petition at the court house in Decatur County, Georgia, either at a regular term or in vacation, not less than four weeks the date of such order, and that an order he passed directing that such petition be tiled in the office of the Clerk of said court, and that a copy of such petition and ordeir be published once a week for four weeks in the newspaper wherein Sheriff's Sales in and for Decatur County, Georgia, are t iublished, and that such further order >e passed as may seem meet and pro per to the court upon said petition. And of this petitioner prays and wNI ever pray. ^ M. K. O’NEAE, Petitioner’s Attorney. KXHIBIT A. Whereas, the stockholders of the Wainhurst Railway Company desire to surrender it charter and franchise to tile Suite and be dissolved aR a cor- ponition: and, Whereas, the Wainhurst Railway does not owe any debts and that said charter can be surrendered and said corporation dissolved without any in justice to any stockholder or any per son having claims or demands of any character against said corporation: Now, therefore, be it resolved that it is tlie request and desire of the staok-' holders ik the Waiahurst Railway that said charter be surrendered and said corjioration dissolved and Lite Directors of the Wainhurst Railway Company ate requested to take such action as may be necessary to surrender said charter and all the franchises of the Wauihurst Railway to the State of Georgia. 1. J. A. McIntosh, Secretary of tlie Wainhurst ItuilViay, do certify that the above and foregoing rs a true and correct copy of the resolution adopted by and trom the minutes of the meet ing of the stockholiters of said corpora tion held at the Office o( the Company in Brinson, Georgia, on the loth, day of May, 1916, at which all of the stock of said corporation was aepresented, and 1 certify ttiat said resolution wrs unanimously adopted. Given under aiv hand and the seal of the corporation, this the l:Jth, dav of May. V916. (seal,) j. a. McIntosh, Secretary. hi Decatur Superior Court, May Term. 1916. The foregoing petition read and con. sidered. It is ordered that the hearing I on said petition be fixed for the Fourth | Monday in August, 1916, at 10 o'clock A. M: that said petition be filed m the mffice of the Clerk of the Superior Court "of said counts- of Decatur, and Hint a copj- of said petition and this onior be published once a week for four weeks in fhe newspaper wherein Sheriff's Sales in aud for Deeatur county, Geor gia, are published and fhal the e\- j pfnse of such publication shall be <te- i frayed by jieAtroner. This the 19th | day of July 1916. E. E. COX, J. S, C. A. C. : Georgia. Decatur County: | 1 hereby certify that the foregoing is l a true and correct copy of the original n petition of Wainhurst Railway for Dis- sojufion and surrender of Charter, to gether with the order fixing the hear ing thereof, now of file in my office. TlRs July 21,191 <i. C. W. Wimberiey, Clerk S. C. 616 CHERO-CDLA PLANT IS BEADY FOR BUSINESS 125,000 Square Feet of Floor Space Required to Care for Constantly In creasing Demand for Popular Drink. Subscribe for Post Search Light The newly enlarged building and warehouses of the Ghero- Cola Company, of Columbus, Ga., together with its new bottling plant, was thrown open to the public for inspection on Wednes day, July 5th. This new addition to the general building, made necessary by the rapid growth of the conpany’s business throughout twelve states where it is now operating, gives the company a grand total of ap proximately 125,000 square feet of floor space. Included in this is 35.000 square feet of concrete floors and 2,200 square feet of tiled floors. All of the Chero-Cola syrup which goes into the making of Chero-Cola, now bottled in twelve states, is manufactured in Colum bus. Its manufacturing depart ment, storage warehonsesforthe thousands of barrels of syrup ready for shipment, and its ware house for the storage of sugar and other ingredients, cover im mense footage. The sugar ware house alone has a capacity of about seven thousand bairels. Forty men, experts in their line, are employed regularly in the manufacturing department. In fact, the most scientific skill is necessary and is employed in the manufacture of Chero-Cola. Four floors are devoted to storage. The laboratory occupies a floor to itself and is presided over by experts. The company has its own cooperage plant for the making of its barrels, and this department occupies considerable space in the northeast wing of the building. The receiving department is located in the east wing of the building, and all incoming freight is received and checked in there. The shipping depart ment is located in the west wing of the building where all syrup and advertising matter shipments to the outside plants are made. Competent men are at the heads •f these two departments with their respective assistants. Rail road Sidetracks on both sides of the building for the convenience of beth the receiving and shipping departments. On the second floor of the we9t wing ot mam budding is located the stock room and ware house for advertising nra’ten. From this stock room and ware house are shipped daily advertis ing matter used by the approxi mate two hundred Chero-Cola bottling plants of the country, and separate stock and shipping clerks are in charge of this de partment, which is directly and personally supervised by the ad vertising department of the com pany. It all of the advertising matter used in the publicity of Chero-Cola was stored here, it would take a much larger build ing, but through the system used by the company, this is unneces sary, as a large volume of signs and other matter are shipped direot from the various factories where they are made, direct to the various bottling plants, on authorisation from the home company. The premium department oc cupies a separate space in the main building, where a large amount of premiums of all kinds, which are given away through live redemption of orowqe from bottles, are kept on hand all times. Some very handsome, use- useful and valuable premiums are given away through this method which has proven quite popular. The Chero-Cola Com pany was among the first to adopt the profit-sharing plan. At the main entrance of the lothj “ lngl ^ound floor an ed the general offices If. | pany and the accountingT rnent. On the second aj, the accounting decant?! located the offices oSt£] mg department. On Tv floor are also located the tion room, the executive and the assembly room telephones connect the departments with each convenience. The entire advertising paign tor Chero-Cola is C n; ed from Columbus, and f 0 purpose an efficient and t corps of advertising men a ployed. In addition to' thi corps of traveling a dve, men are regularly employ) the advertising department] assist the various bottling in their publicity work, The company’s system i pansion during the past foi a half years of outside ment has confined its bu 0U far to twelve states, prim the southeast, but its oppi t : es to expand all over the States have been unlimitei had it so desired, there wc today Chero-Cola bottling in at least thirty-eight oi states of the union. Co applications for territory west, north and east hav made to the company l turned down, as too rat pansion was not deemed able. the li VADA ITEMS Mi9s Mary Lucy Mourn Sasser, Ga., was the guei Misses Clara and Katie Hi Sunday. J. R. Sawyer and family moved to Reynoldsville. Wi wish Mr. Sawyer much sui in his new business. Mrs. J. R. Cowart, of S ville, Miss Ruth Jones, of Mi and Miss Jewell Jones, of W ham were the guests of Mrs H. Harrell Thursday. Mr. and Mys. B. F. Kinj Cotton, Ga., spent Sunday Mrs. J. E. Harrell andfamil Mrs. Scarborough, of Ma is spending some time with haughter, Mrs. J. L. Thigpe: Mr. and Mrs. e. J. Preva are rejoycing over the baby who lias some to stay a while with them. Mr. Henry Swicord of Clm spent a few days with relati here last week. Guess you nil know Vadi the Lvming town of this seet We l*ive had water works some time. Dr. Bowers, is putting in an electric light pi: Misses Katie and Clara Harr took the teachers’ annual e: mination in Bainbridge la Saturday. Miss Stancel, of Sale Ctty guest of Miss Clyde Oliver. Mrs. W. H. Harrell and lit son, Wiliam, spent Tuesday Whigham, with Mrs. Dr. Jon< Mr. Johnny King, of Cottc is with his sister, Mrs. E. Harrell tor a few days. Rev. Dell fiHed his r«gul appointment here Sunday ai Sunday night. ' Col. W. V. Custer, of Ban bridge, attended to legal bus nes6 in our little burg Satur a Mis. E. M. and Miss Ah Harrell and Miss Gertrude Boj well spent Friday in Oaraia taking the teachers’ exaniina Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Swico visited friends and relates Climax Saturday and Stnday. The Reunion-Georgia D* T ’ ion. U. {C, V. will be heW Americus, Ga. August »■■ 1916. Low rates have authorized by all Railroads, advertisement in this issue. esfe f Hod« e Hat Cleaning dons by cave us a trial. Julian