The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, August 10, 1916, Image 9

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...THE. Well Equipped Prices Moderate 527 E. Shotwell Street (NON-SECTARIAN) FARM LOANS 6 01 Loans on improved farms in South Georgia promptly made at lowest rates and best terms. Call on or write us stating your needs. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY= arrow Loan & Abstract Co. 'he Biggest Farm Loan Concern in Southwest Georgia?” PELHAM. GEORGIA. J. I. You Need a Tonic There are times in every woman’s life when she needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that time comes to you, you know what tonic to take—Cardui, the woman’s tonic. Cardui is com posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, and helps build them batck to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its past half century of wonderful success, and it will,do the same for you. You can’t make a mistake in taking CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., says: “1 thi|k Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for women. Before 1 began to take Cardui, I was so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and as strong as I ever did, and cm *af tamU anything.” Begin taking Cardui today. Sotel by fiS issiresx Has Helped Thousands. Iiiiiiiiiom THE VOTERS OF THE ALBANY CIRCUIT. lliis method of announcing to you nay candidacy for the position of of the Superior Courts of the Albany Circuit, subject to the action of roocrul White Primary, and invite your careful consideration and active '■ I am 54 years of ape and have been a practicing attorney actively en- o Uie practice of law, for thirty years with the exception of eight years which time I served as Judge of the City Court of Bainbridge. My s "Pen to all. The unanimous endorsement of the Decatur t'ounty Bar iji"n isan approval of tny services as Judge of the City Court of Bainbridge. the people of this Circuit confer u|ton me the high honor I now seek. I veu my undivided time anil attention will be given to the duties of the will stand at all times for the enforcement of our lawR as written. I m e<|ual justice to all and partiality to none, ssuring you that 1 will appreciate your sup)>ort, I am, Most respectfully yours. W. M. f t A BUELL. FOR SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE i eeple of the Albany Circuit: hereby announce myself a candidate for Judge of the Superior Court of Ubany Circuit subject to such action as the Democratic Party may to made in reference thereto. I believe in the prompt and economical tration of the law to the rich and poor alike, and in the curtail- tlilatory tactics as far as is consistent with the principles of justice Plat’. Should the people see fit to bestow upon me tfiis honorable pledge them faithul service. I respectfully solicit your support and Very Truly Yours A. S. ’.Johnson. Andrew College 'tesm&rf _ w FOR G*HLS AND YOUNG WOMEN ^feature 0 ’ ant * The training of Teacher*. Homemaker* to and laboratory for acienae. A real college homes ** r -a»rtabi.* V.? 1 ,, democratic student life and spiritual atxnoephere of highest type. NHOt for ,ul1 information.ddrcw br S V r COLLEGE,, Georgia i 1'ALONe, President. Established 1854 Mrs. H. D. Wilson, nee Annie Clifford Harrell, was born April -’7, 1766- she was educated at Wesleyan College; married Dr. H. D. Wilson; died at Bainbridge, Ga., July 1G, 1917. She was the youngest of a family of five children born to W. W. Harrell and wife Ann Bird. Her father is said to have been the first white child born in Decatur county. Descended from the very best of the families of the ‘'old south,” Mrs. Wilson evidenced in her character and bearing the fine modesty combined with the splendid courage and strength which have immortal ized Southern womanhood in history. There are three magic words which better than all else, give insight into the beautiful life which we are considering: Mother, Christain, and Friend. Mrs. Wilson was an expression of much that is best in all three. She had the “mother-heard” for all, the poor, the suffering, the wayward, a»d the lost; I feel sure that none ever came to her for that most precious of all human gifts, sympathy, who failed to-receive the comfort and comfort and inspiration of her great soul. And to her own | children, Harrell and Camille, she was the embodiment of that ! mother love which gives ever and “never fails”. The devo tion in which she enshrined this son and daughter was deep as her own great heart, and vast with the reaches, of the mother soul. First, last, and best, our dear friend was God’s most precious gift to men; a mother. Sne was a Christian. When but a girl she connected herself with the Methodist church; and the passing years only deepened her devotion to Christ and His cause. Hers was not a negative Christian life; people knew for what she stood; and they knew her to be uncompromising. She had to a degree the militant con cept of the Church, and no de gree of inconvenience or sacri fice sufficed to turn her aside from those measures which she believed to accord with the best interest of that humanity to whose service she and her husb and gave their lives. It was ap propriate that such a life should have had an ending in peace. She was a Friend,—and my friend. It is not easy to write calmly of those we love and have lost for a while. Mrs. Wilson made LASTING friendships; she sought rather the intensive than the extensive fellowship;* and those friends she made, she bound them to her soul with en during bonds. The circle in which she moved will not soon fill the place made vacant in the going away of this regal woman, whose strong, classic face, and crown of snowy hair set her apart as one born to lead, and born to bless. Mother, Christian, Friend,— ' this all was she. We mourn her going from us; but we are richer to have known her. We shall see her again. (signed) Walter Anthony. FOR REPRESENTATIVE j 1 hereby announce my candidacy for Representative from Decatur county, subject to the action of the Democratic i Primary of September 12th. I ask the usual consideration at the hands of the YOters. If I am re-eleeted I will en deavor to fill the position to the satis faction of the best interests of the county. Respectfully, E. H. Grikfi.v. ! FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the General Assembly from Decattrr county and if I am elect ed will serve the people to the best of my ability. Respectfully, A. B. CO-NCiEK RUB-MY-TISM ’ Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramips, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally and eatecnally. Price 25c. Everybody Knows it By JVame Soda Fountains and other Refreshment Stands sell Chero-Cola in the original sterilized bottle with the label on it. You get your Chero - Cola~“In* a Bottle-- Through a Straw,” and it is always pure, wholesome, delicious and absolutely uni form in flavor. This is impossible under ordinary soda fountain methods. Get your Chero-Cola in the bottle that is the best way At Soda Fountains and other /■* Refreshment Stands , , . , vC ~Everybody knows it by its name MEAT CURING IN SUMMER IN COLD STORAGE On the afternoon of April 12th, Mr. J. F. Fain of R. F. D. killed two hogs for the purpose of testing the killing and saving of meat in hot weather by cold storage. On the morning of April 13th the meat was thoroughly salted and placed in our meat curing cold storage. At the^end of thirty days half the|meat was taken out of storage and put through the usual smoking process for ten or twelve days. Fifteen days later Mr. Fain came for the balance of his meat and stated that he had made a thorough examination of the first lot and found it thoroughly preserved nicely cured and as fine as any meat hejhad ever cured during cold weather. We are prepared to take care of all meat brought us for curing. — »♦« —' Cambridge See Company Ice, Coal and Cold Storage * » i-ym _ . Teleplnmei 192 BAINB JUDGE. GEORGIA.