The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, September 07, 1916, Image 7

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MR. ADVERTISER! A WORD WITH YOU... [•'his paper now has a circulation of 2500 paid subscribers 2 nd that circulation is in Decatur, Mitchell and Grady Coun ties in Georgia and Gadsden and Leon Counties in Florida. [f You Want Local Business This is your medium and we are below publishing the advertising rates and they are just 25 per cent! less than any sir; iar publication in the state with the subscription list that this paper carries. The List is Here And the fact that it is a PAID List of Subscribers war rants us in the statement that the folks that get it read it. The rate the same to everybody. 45 weekly publications with less subscription in the section charge even more than this very low rate we are offering. 1 he Post-Search Light is a family paper, a county and a local paper. It is the paper that everybody reads. ....Advertising Rates •••• Display Space One Page One Insertion $15.00 “ “ Two “ Without Change Per Insertion 12.50 “ “ Four “ “ “ “ “ 12.00 less Than Page: One Insertion, Per Inch 15c “ “ “ Two “ “ “ Without Change .., 12*c “ “ “ Four “ “ “ “ “ 10c Readers 25 Cents Per Inch, Per Insertion ' Penny Column One Cent Per Word Per Insertion. Electros Display Rates Apply We want your business, we can give you the results. For any other information apply at this otfice. Bainbridge, Georgia. STBSCRIBE FOR THE BIG PAPER, [THE POST-SEARCH LIGHT GET THE COUNTY NEWS LEGAL NOTICES NOW IS THE TIME ...To Save Your Hay... We Sell the Deering New Ideal Mower The Best on the Market tliett Hardware Company “Everything in Hardware” Georgia Decatur County:- To Whom it May Concern: Take notice, thut an application seeking the establishment of a new Public Road, tiled with the County Commissioners, has been submitted to Reviewers, and the same has been laid out and marked, conformably to law, and a report thereof made recommen ding its establishment, said Road described as follows: Commencing at a point on the Climax and Yada road on land lot 99 in the Sixteenth District of Decatur county, on the properly of I. A. Allen, and running due east near the line between I. A. Allen ami .1. A, R. Sikes to the corner of said lot: thence southeasterly across land lot tilt, inter secting with tho Zim Trulock old roud on said lot, and on the line between .1. M. Maxwell in lot 64 and Eliza Wilson and Cilia Douglas, through part of lot 64. thence southeast through lot 56 to the County line near Poplar Spring Church. If no good cause to the contrary is shown by persons interested in (lie matter an order will lie passed grant ing (be application and establishing said new public road by the County Commissioners at their meeting on the tirsl Monday in October, 1916. Pone bv order of the County Com missioners, this the Ith, day of Sep tember, 1916. L. HALL, Chairman. < 1 eorgia, 1 iecatur i ounty: Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Rainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in (let. during the legal hours of sale the fol lowing described property to wit; Fifty acres of land located and being in the Southwest Corner of lot of land no. 44 in the 15th, district of Decatur county, (la., Notice of levy posted on said l»nd and claimants H. O. Brock and W. A. Brock notified Levied on under and by virtue of a li fa of the Cairo Guano Company vs W. A. and 11. C. Brock issued from the city Court of Bainbridge June term 1916. This 6th, day of September 1916. S. W. MARTIN. Sheriff. Georgia, Decatur County-; Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on thetirstTuesdiy in <>ct. dur ing the legal hours of sale the follow ing described propel ty towit; 10 acres of land bought from Jim Griflin and hounded on the North by lands of Judge Rower, easl by lands of Luke Yeates, South by lands of Riley Swicord, west by lands of the widow Jim Griffin. Levied on as the property of Chairs Harris to satisfy ii fa in favor of McDonald Bros. This Sept. 6th, 1916. S. W, MARTIN, Sheriff. Georgia, Decatur county, Will he sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the Iirst Tuesday in < let. dur ing the legal hours of sale the follow ing described property to wit; Three barber chairs, eight, straight chairs, and all property in the barber shop now occupied by L. L. McCall. Levied on as the property of L. L. McCall to satisfy a distress warrant in favor of D. I). Stulls. This Sept. 6th, 1916. S. .MARTIN, Sheriff. Georgia, Decatur county Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the Iirst Tuesday in < >cl du ring the legal hours of sale the follow ing dsscribed property to wit; One vulcanizing plant, one black smith outfit, one air compreseer, one eijiory stund, five automobiles, up stairs, one ^1911 5 passenger Maxwell automobile', one two ton Graham truck, one stock of accessories, one iron safe made by the Cary Safe Co., one type writer underwood make, one large roller top desk, three-fourths barrell greecc, two tanks aad oil therein, one barrell Cylinder oil, one automobile Thomas make, Tools of every kind, both upstairs ard down stairs in the building in which Baughman Automo bile Co. is doing business, levied on under a distress warrant issued from Justice Court of the 514th, District G. M., said County, in fuvor of J. S. and J. T. Shingler against Baughman Automobile Co. and C. II. Baughman. Levied on as the property of Baugh man Automobile Co. and C. II Baughman. This Sept. 5th, 1916. S. W. Marlin. Sheriff. Personal J^ocals The Hon. Bill Kline after sevj eral weeks in New York seeing the sights and a bunch of other things that were not sights has come back home and gone back to work. He brought along as a diversion a magnificent line of fall and winter goods for the|big store of Kline brothers. Have your quilts and blankets laundried before the'cool nights call for them, 25 cents each. Dixie Steam Laundry. Misses Vivian and Rena Ellis and Inez Roberson returned this week from an extended visit to River Junction and [other points of (interest around the city of Chattahoochee. Misses Mabel and Doris Pow ell of Cyrene, and their guest, Miss Ruby Hopkins, of Savan nah spent the day in Bainbridge Monday as the guests of Miss Annie Sharp Garrett. Palm Beach suits are 50 cents, but they are nicely done. Dixie Steam Laundry. Mr. Hackett, the chief Booster in command of the publicity forces of the Lime-Cola folks is in the city, telling of the virtues of their product and otherwise instructing the populace as to the good and the mysteries of the famous Lime Cola. We want your laundry work call and will treat you right, us any time. Dixie Steam Laundry. Hon Byron Bower is with triends and acquaintances this week. Dr. J. C. Moore returned Sat urday Irom Atlanta whereihehad been for several days on busi ness. P. P. Perkins of Attapulgus was in the city Tuesday on busi ness. Sam Seigel returned Friday to the city after spending several days in the markets selecting the big fall stock for the Busy Corner We advertise our city with our work, send yours all the time, and help us. Dixie Steam Laun dry. Judge Harrell has just come back from Baker County where he has been holding converesa- tion with the voters up there and the boys are all lined up right, Rev. Shell of the Baptist church is at home again after a restful vacation of a few weeks. J. H. Tmkersley, a well known traveling man was in the city for a short while this week. Georgia, Decatur County:- Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainnridge in said coHnty on the first Tuesday in Oct. du ring the legal hours of sale the follow ing described property to wit; One store house in DilTce on South side of road leading from Brinson to Bainbridge, one ice box, one refriger ator, two pair scales, one oil tank, one meat block, 21 cans tomatoes, 44 package soda, 11 bottles soda, 46 cans potash, 24 cakes soap, one cheese cutter and two lamps the same levied on under a distress warrant issued from Justice Court in favor of Joel A. Warren against W. H. (.'handler. Haid property levied on as the property of w. H. Chandler. 'Phis .Sept. 4th, 1910. H. . Martin, Sheriff. Gorgia, Decatur County N. S. Salter vs Hughes Buggy Com pany, Peoples National Bank, United Loan A: Trust Company. Equitable Petition, for Cancellation of Morgage, and other relief. In the Superior Court of Decatur County, Georgia. Filed June 13th, 1916. The Defendants, 11 uglics Buggy Com pany, Peoples National Bank, and United Loan and Trust Company, are hereby required, jiersonally or by at torney to be ami appear at the next Superior Court to he held in and for said County of Decatur, on the second Monday in November next, then and there to answer the plaintiffs com plaint, as in default thereof the Court will proceed as to justice shall ap pertain. Witness the Honorable E. E. Cox Judge of said Court this the 16th, day of June 1916. C. W. Wimberley, Cl£k. Hats cleaned and reshaped. Phone 373. $25.00 REWARD The Trustees of the Parker School Will give a $25.00 reward for evidence to convict party or parties for breaking the windows of the Parker School building. Marion Harrell, Chairman. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is a medicine that every family should be provided with. Colic and diarrhoea often come on suddenly and it is of the greatest importance that they be treated promptly. Consider the suffering that must be en dured until a physician arrives or medicine can be obtained. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrheoa Remedy has a reputation second to none for the quick relief which it affords. Obtainable everywhere. RUB-MY-TISM Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 25c. Georgiu, Decatur County: Wiil lie sold before the court house door in and for said county on the first Tuesday in Oct. 1916, within the legal hours of sale for cash to the highest bidder ail of the following property, to-wit One Thomas automobile Model 1909 Touring ear 120 levied on as the pro perty of C. H. Baughman to satisfy a fi fa issued from City Court of Bain- bridge in tavor of J. R. Wilson and J. It. Wilson and J. M. Floyd. This Hept. 5th, 1916. S. W. MARTIN, Sheriff. CI> a? c-t- P 3 w 3 CD O p C/3 3 C/3 P cr CD i—■ • o 1—* • CD o CE ft> C/3 o Q- IT O p ►§ 3 ►—* • O 3 3 3 | Oq’. g- & Gd n> ( % s *•& g* 3 Oq oq ST P r* B