The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, September 14, 1916, Image 2

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it BEER HOUNDS” The new breed of clops known as “beer hound” which have been perfected in the city of Des Moines, Iowa, for the pur pose of hunting down blind tingers, et cetera, haven’t got a thing on corn licjuor hounds right herein the city of Atlanta. The difference between the beer bounds of Des Moines and the corn liquor hounds of Atlan ta is that the former walk on four legs, cannot talk and are denied fhe satisfaction of a drink when they run their prey to earth; whereas the corn liquor hound of this vicinity is a two legged creature which can speak the English language when oc casion demands and he never fails to regale himself with a drink on catching his prey. The beer hounds of Detroit work in co-operation and conjun ction with the police authorities Of that city as an aid to law in- forcement, while the corn liquor hounds of Atlanta have nothing in common with the hateful minions of the law. Des Moines beer hounds may be abie to smell a cold bottle of “old style” farther than a corn liquor hound of Atlanta can scent a pint of the stulf that makes light your daddy; but one thing is certain he won’t get to the beer any quicker than his At lanta contemporary will get to the liquor. WIFE OF SOUTHERN BY. ENGINEER UTS ASIDE Magnolia Balm in the Liquid Lace Powder used by famous beauties. If you have. Sunburn, Tan or Freckles try c\Ccpnol<u fTjalru. It quickly Mtopu the burn and removes Tan and iljemishes. Makes your skin soft and turnout h. Easy to u&e and to please. 7Lice Colors: While, ‘Pink, Hose-Red. 75c. at I hunfiits or / u tnatldirect. SAMPLE FREE LIBEL FOR DIVORCE; "Viola Htynnt 1 l.ibcl for divorce in vs. Decatur Superior Court, Kflie ttryuul | November Term 1916. To the Sheriff of said county—Greet ing The defendant, Kllie Bryant is here by cited and required personally or try attorney to appear at the Superior Court to be held iu and for said county on the l-'lth day of May, 191(1 then and there to make answer or defensive allegation in writing to the pluintifT's libel as in default thereof the court will proceed according to the statutes in such eases made and provided, This 11th day of September. 191(1. C. \V. Wimberley, Clerk. G. G. Bower, Ally, for petitioner. Chambetlaio’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is a medicine that every family should be provided with. Colic and diarrhoea often come on suddenly and it is of the greatest importance that they he treated promptly. Consider the suffering that must be en dured until a physician arrives or medicine can be obtained. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has a reputation second to none for the quick relief which it affords. Obtainable everywhere. P. G. Hooks Spent $2,000 Trying to Restore His Wife’s Health—Gains 16 Pounds ©n Tanlac. Another wonderful indorse ment for Tanlac that will be read with interest by thousands of frail suffering women throagh- out the south was given recently by Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks, of Rome, Ga. Mrs. Hooks is the wife of P. C. Hooks a well known Southern railway engin eer. Mrs. Hooks made the re markable statement that she had received more benefit from four bottles of Tanlac than from medical treatment that cost her husband $2,000, which he had paid out in the past two years in an effort to restore her to health. "For about two years,” said Mrs. Hooks, “I have been in very had health and have suffered from stomach trouble, extreme nervousness and a bad form of rheumatism. For more than seven months. I was con fined to my bed and was almost a nervous and physical wreck. My digestion was so poor I had to diet myself and rarely ate anything but soft boiled eggs and milk and things of that kind and even the lightest of foods would nauseate ma and lay heavy on my stomach. “Any sudden noise would effect my nerves, and my husband had to quit setting the alarm olock and the door to my room had to be kept closed so I couldn’t hear the telephone ring. I have had the rheumatism in my left hip and shoulders so bad I could hardly bear anything to touch me. “My condition became so bad my husband took me to Hot Springs, Ark., where I remain ed for a month. I had to use crutches all the time. The treat ment there helped me for a while, and I returned home. I soon relapsed into my old con dition and then I was taken to a specialist in Atlanta. “I had fallen off from one hundred and twenty pounds un til 1 only weighed eighty-nine pounds, just a shadow of my former self. “The specialist prescribed a course of treatment, but before using the medicine I decided to give Tanlac a trial. 1 did this because of what I had read of Mr. Coopers new medicine and because my husband had heard so many railroad men reccom- mend it. "That was the best resolution of my life. 1 am now on iny fourth bottle and feel better than at any time since 1 became ill. 1 can now eat anything 1 want and my food agrees with me—besides, everything I eat tastes good and I enjoy my meals. “I have set my crutches aside and actually feel so much better I told my husband a few days ago 1 believed 1 would turn off the cook, but he insist ed that 1 wait awhile. “I now weigh one hundred land tive pounds, which is a When You View Yourself arrayed for some dress affair, you will have to admit that the dog collar, necklace, bracelets, etc., certainly do add consider ably to your attractiveness. If your jewel case lacks any article of jewelry that should be there come here and select it. That will insure quality, correctness andjgood taste. N. J. SMITH & SON Oldest and Bc*t Jewelers Try an Ad in Search Light, The Post- They pay. gain of sixteen pounds and am J improving right along every day. Before taking Tanlac 1 was so weak and frail 1 was greatly discouraged and could not per- jsuade myself to believe that I ; could ever enjov another Well ! day. But I don't feel that way ! now. I am not nervous like I was i and 1 can see and fee) a great improvement. I sleep better and my strength is returning rapidly. Tanlac is sold in Bainbridge exclusively by Willis Drug Co., in Donalsonville by the Palace Drug Co; Climax by the Climax Pharmacy: Iron City, by Strick- {land & Cordell: Brinson, by H. B, Harrell Supply Co; Babcock, Ga, by Babcock Bros. Lumber Company; Eldorendo, Ga., J. L. Smith. DEATH OF AGED LIST A sad death was that of Mrs. Dicy Ann Yarborough, which oc curred August 15th at the home of her daughter, Mr. A. M. Earp of Brinson, Ga. Mrs. Yarbor ough was for a number of years a member of the Methodist church. She had been in feeble health tor a number of years, and had been living with her daughter for quite a while. She leaves four daughters and one son to mourn her departure from this life. She was nearly 80 years old and one of the mothers of Isreal that helped to hew this country out of the wil derness. Rev. Mr. Stokes of the Methodist church at Brinson conducted the funeral services, took place in the Thursby grave yard in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives. Mrs. Yarborough had 38 grand children and forty two great grand-children, and one great, great grand-child. How to Give Good Advice. The best way to give good ad vice is to set a good example. When others see how quickly you get over your cold by tak. ing Chamberlain’s Cough Re medy they are likely to follow your example. This remedy has been in use for many years and eujoys an excellent reputation. Obtainable everywhere. Children Get Hungry just by looking at our bread. Its golden crust, its snowy white middle are appetizing in them selves. And the taste bears out the looks and the food value matches the taste You cannot give your children a more nourish ing. toothsome fo«d. Why not try it? r Seed? Why Yes As U: Completion of the Georgia Training School for Girls is to be crowning work in the long and useful life of Mrs. W. H. Felton of Cartersville, of the most bril liant and best beloved woman that Georgia has ever produced. Known far and wide for her intellectual ability and literary talents, Mrs. Felton is likewise a woman of splendid executive ability, and was selected to per form important duties in con nection with the women’s depart ments of the great Chicago Ex position, the Cotton States Ex position in Atlanta and the World’s Fair at Louis. Now in her declining years, although an old woman in years but a woman whose spirit has the quality of eternal youth, Mrs. Feltcn has devoted herself to this state institution located near At lanta, which has for its object the reclaiming of wayward girls. The Georgia legislature appro priated $12,500 to the Home at its recent session, and this will be added to a contribution of $6,000 secured from Mrs. Russell Sage through the efforts of Mrs. Felton, making a fund of $18,500 to erect a dormitory. Wiimer L. Moore, of Atlanta, chairman of the board of managers, who has worked day and Right for the success of the school, was reap pointed by Governor Harris. We Will Save TJie People of the county many dollars ini buying their Fall Garden and Field Seed Rye, Oats and Burr Clover ..A SPECIALTY.. We have been your real seed friends for these many years and we will continue to be and all you need to do is to tell us your wants. Bainbridge Drug & Seed Bon Air Block Bainbridg VI FARMERS: Plant Rape for your Horses, Cows and Hogs. We have neti seed in any quanity. Have you ever tried it in the pot with a piece of Bacon; ITS FINE—TRY IT. Chrlich IDruyr Company The 5^222^ Store THE WHITEWAY BAKERY NOW IS THE TIME ...To Save Your Hay... We Sell the Deering New Ideal Mower The Best on the Market Cliett Hardware Company “Everything in Hardware”