The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, September 21, 1916, Image 4

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THE POST-SEARCH LIGHT Published Every Thursday at Bainbridge, Georgia E. H. GRIFFIN Editor and Proprietor Entered at the I'ostofTleein Bain- bridpe, Ga., as second class mail matter tinder Act of Congress March 18th, 1897. Subscription Rates ONE YEAH. -J1.00 BIX MONTHS Me Advertising Rates Advertising rate depends on position, number of insertions Bnd other requirements, and will be furnished at the business office. OFFICIAL OKOAM OK TUB Cl’l V OF I1AINBRIDGB ANIl IJEfATl K COUNTY. Telephone No. 239 'When a woman speaks a dead j langauge what are you going to i do about it. Georgia is saved, in fact gets j saved every two years. She also; gets redeemed every two years, i o Decatur county gave Roscoe! Luke a splendid vote. A fine! fellow that we appreciate over j here. We could not get all of “ourn” I but we got the most of them so j we are satisfied with what our portion was. Quite a number of useless ones go into the discard this year. Fite, Eichelberger and Bryan, but we couldn’t get Newt. The defeat of Jet Bowden in | the 11th district was a distinct; blow to jet. Jet admits himself that he is a very smart man. Uncle Nat .“fit” a good fight but half that crowd that “sont him word” that they were with him got there too late. See where a fellow bought his marriage license on a credit. If that gink has to run out ot it he wont be out much money. The friends of John Knight of Berrien county and Jim Tipton of Worth will regret to learn of their defeats at the polls Tues-| day. T. R. Marshall has just found out that he has been nominated for Vice president on the Demo cratic ticket. McLuke says that he has known it for some time. Candidates Hughes, whiskers and all are doing good work right now boosting president Wilson from one end of the Union to the other. We would like to know when Thomasville is going to give that big feed this fall as we missed the one last fall. Ai’nt you fellows ready over there yet. If Gussie Gardner still wants war we are ready to give it to him. Having just passed through a state campaign we are ready for any kind of a scrap. Dick Russell resigned one job j to run lor another and now all he i has is those 14 children to feed with meat 18 cents per pound.: Dick has some job right on. Notice where they wont let divorcees marry again if the law of the church is carried out. Wonder what they think a| divorce is for anyway? The guy that wanted to stay home from church that was mean enough to suggest to his wile that her hat was on crooked lives in Bainbridge. He stayed home too. fact being drawn out all the summer is over and the boys can all go back to work. Mr. “Darsey” is a runner and the state is safe. The election tnisyear promises some very warm political fights in the next few years as the dynasty is liable to either be changed or it will have to battle to stay in the saddle. Brother Barber of Grady was beaten for re-election by Captain Stone in a spirited race. Barbei was a conscientious representa tive but many good men are beaten? The tell us that all the Bull Moosers are going to support Mr. Dorsey, that will be alright if they will just include Mr. Wilson in that, their support of the Soli citor will be welcomed. The defeat of Jim Price for Commissioner of Agriculture car ried with it consternation to the friends of that gentleman, as Jim was supposed to be one of the strong men of the state. We would like to know some thing about the popular vote for the Judges of the Appeleate Court. We wager that Roscoe Luke and Henry Fullbright were way up in the lists there. How will the Atlanta Journal stomach the sight of Albert Howell directing and other wise sitting at the first table of the Macon Convention. Such a terri ble sight will indeed afflict them. Jet Bowden says that the folks made a congressman out of him Randall Walker and a Christian out of him. Jet will find that a lot of others were made Chris tians at the same time. The Valdosta Times dubbed Hugh Dorsey the “Man of Des tiny” while all the time we thought that he was the “Man of Votes*’ but we are willing to ad mit that we are wrong. The election of J. J. Brown as Commissioner of Agriculture verifies the old adage ot “if at first you dont succeed try again’’. He made three races against J. D. Price and finally beat him. Ex-senator Lorimer ot Illinois was beaten for congress in the primary of last week. Lorimer is a big man regardless of the little digs that have been made at him for many years. Mitchell county had a regular rattling of dry bones last week, beating out their old Ordinary, Clerk of Court and Representa tive. These three men having been in office quite a long time. The Southwest Georgia Fair boosters were in Bainbridge again Friday morning and they sure have been putting out the advertising matter. They have carried the news to Mary alright. Now who is be Dorsey’s chief Vizier, Tom Watson, Albert Howell or J. R. Smith? If you ever hear of politics making strange bed fellows will you tell us how this mix-up will bunch. The defeat of Jim Price and Crawf Wheatley will remove from the state capitol two very lamilair faces that will be missed by quite a number of folks. Price’s defeat was a distinct sur prise to his friends. Ed Jerger of the Times Enter prise says that he will be glad when the day comes for women to vote. Now Ed if you will keep enough stove wood chopped and kindling handly you wont to go such extremes to square things. Take an older head’s advice on such matters. a soldier recently says an ex change when one next to him wanted to know what on. Grub mustbnean something over there just as it does in dear old Geor gia. The millinery opening last week came very eclipsing the ex citement of the campaign as it was pretty hard for Dad to get hit twice in the same day. For that reason the openings were held over until Thursday. In mentioning the alternates that go to the convention at Macon next week we made an error and had D. R. Bower when we should have had Judge D. R. Bryan. This error was due to the similarity of their initials. It is now just a question of getting down to it and giving Wilson that big old fashioned Democratic vote in this state. It is a worthy custom that we must keep up in spite of those that trim and balk at democracy. A prominent Bainbridge At torney gives as his reason for being very bitterly opposed to Hughes is because he has “so D— much whiskers” and we reckon that is a far better reason than any one could get up against Mr. Wilson. Decatur county seems pretty well satisfied with her “gittin” in the last primary. We went into it without anything and came out with the Superior Court Judgeship just as this paper predicted many months ago. We just had to hve it. We just cant help from making love a little to those Grady county fellows for the way they supported the Decatur county candidate for the judgeship. Every precinct in the county went for him. A fine thing on their parts we think. It is rumored that a certain candidate in Florida hired a hall to speak in and then had to hire an audience to listen to him. That is what you call rough sled ding sure enough. That’s a sure and safe way to go about it. The election of Herschel Elders to the senate from one of the eastern districts of the state will be news that will give pleasure to that gentleman’s friends over in this section. Mr. Elders has a brother in Bainbridge, Mr. A. A. Elders. That old Mitchell boy over in Thomas county is some runner when you figure up all the step pers. If we had lived there we would have helped him along with a big vote. Everybody knows that an Irishman’s vote counts more than the average man. Fondren deserves every thing the folks will do for him. The streets are peaceful now and one can walk two blocks without being bantered for a bet on a election. That is one of the shameful things about an election. Betting on them is prohibited by law and should be enforced to the letter. The sides walks on West street are in bad shape and the atten tion of the city is invited to the condition ot the prettiest street in the city, one that all strangers walk down and fall in holes or else twist their ankles off in try ing to keep out of them. Marion Jackson, Tom Felder and Eichelberger did great work in this state campaign just pass ed. Great work for Dorsev though. If ever a man was beaten by his fool friends it was that dear old man Harris was butch- | ered by this long faced set of * buzzards. They crucified the old man verily. campaign was the re- election of Newt Morris as judge of the Blue Ridge circuit. Just as the state got rid of old Fite in the Cherokee circuit here Newt is hoisted back on it. Verily Georgia has a hard time. Uncle Nat takes his defeat like a man and shows another streak of that old gameness that he showed in his younger days. We never voted for him but we ad mire him and always will. A game loser is as grand as a game winner. The boys will be leaving a few days for the State Convention and they are going to let a few fellows go along but make them sit in the gallery and eat at the second table. Gonna get even for not being invited to the sturgeon supper. Having received quite a large number of letters about the school book business and the confusion resulting we must have voiced the general complaint in kicking on the confusion. This confusion could be easily re medied by just a little business application to the situation. In 12 months from today Wat son will be trying just as hard to destroy Hugh M. Dorsey as he has tried to elect him Governor. Mark the prediction. If Tommy cant be the whole show, red lemonade, peanuts and clown too he will break up the performance if he can. Friends of Hon Lee Branch of Brooks county in Bainbridge were glad to see his name urged for the vacancy on the Supreme bench of the state. Mr. Branch is one the real learned lawyers of the state and he will fill any judicial position with honor to himself and credit to the state. that they carried the county for Dorsey. We are indeed glad that they admit this for all the time we have been thinking that it was the tall boys from out in the woods that did it. We always want to keep the record straight about these things. Sometimes though the tali boys do such things. The election of some school trustees comes off in a few days and it will be good idea for the citizens to begin to cast about for some men with old ideas of common business judgement. They are the kind of men need ed for this kind of a job. If we get those kind of men backed up by a good bunch of teachers it is better than any combination that can be gotten. Let us pick them well. One of the nicest things that occurred during the recent cam paign was the high and honorable manner in which the campaign of Judge Harrell was conducted for the Judgeship of the Albany circuit. Not a sore, not a hard word, not an unkind expression or unfair thought will have to be lived down by either he or his distinguished opponent, Judge Johnson. It is said and undisputed that the head ot the “Guardians of Liberty” the anti Catholic organ ization is Nelson A. Miles, the man that put shackles on Jeffer son Davis. Now that is a pretty kettle of fisn for the average southerner to eat out of is’nt it? You cant explain to an old Con federate soldier that Nelson Miles could be connected with anything good. What you gonna Ido about it? If that stench is not removed we can see the final wind-up of this organization in Georgia. A man ought to repect the dead—politician and let him die ir. peace. Requiescat in pace Judge Fite, Nothing gives the state more pleasure than your end. Falling from your high estate where you could jail every man that did not agree with you, you will now feel the sting of public opinion like some foul, unclean thing. Two weeks from today and the Southwest Georgia Fair will be open and all Decatur county must take time to see just what our brethren are doing over there. They are making a big things for this county and every good citizen of the county will do his best to encourage them by his presence at their displays if no other way. Several days ago we predicted that Decatur county would give Roscoe Luke as big vote as his home county and dog gone our buttons if we did not come mighty near topping Thomas on the vote. We gave him 1486 just off hand like. If he had any contest on over here we would have given him more. The face of John Knight of Berrien will be sadly missed in the next general assembly but that of Uncle Joe Hall will once again be in evidence. Uncle Joe Hall will once again be in evidence. Uncle Joe and Ben Fowler, who said that the capitol removal was dead? The vicious attacks on Georgia published in out of state papers stirred the people into a frenzy of resentment not many months ago and the vicious attacks on hei now by certain elements will stir them up again. The only thing that can prevent it is for the local papers not to print any of it. A paper from Louisian^, the state that stands first in illiterancy in the Union is having quite a bit to say about ignorance in Georgia. They should look well into statistics ere they make such untruthful statements. Dont it make you mad to see a a man beating a horse to make him go into some place where he could get down and lead him without any trouble. Makes you almost as mad as an overbearing man who thinks that all men are fools who differ with them and whose God is a dollar. Such men never do any community any good and they have a streak of yellow a yard wide down their back bones. They abuse real men to their backs but never [to their faces. Brother Marion Jackson whose vindictive spirit is consistent with his hatred of truth and facts went down into Bill Burwell’s county and assisted all he could the effort to beat said William. William snowed the entire crap game Under so far that they wont find themselves before Xmas. Marion helped defeat Governor Harris and like the blight he hurt every man he wanted to help and helped every man he wanted to hurt. The defeat of Governor Harris is said to mean that it will re open the prohibition fight. There is one thing that is as true as the stars and that is, this matter will never be settled until the people of Georgia vote on it at the bal lot box. Theorists may rant and rave and abuse the men that think it ought to be settled that way but that will never change the stern fact that the citizens will never be satisfied until it is voted on by the people. Great indignation brepks out every time it is suggested but there is no more reason for the prohibition element to deny the people a vote on so important a matter than there was for the liquor element to deny the legislature the right to pass on it. So long as paid agitators keep the matter alive jusf that long will the desire to pass on it by the people of the state live. It is the people’s right and when their rights are abridged it has never been done successfully and lived. USEFULNESS On Januarv Nr it, . well wil i retire C nu of county school S,r.- h after many year, j P nn1 short appointment well will leave the office, best wishes of those Z love the schools 0 f L county, he has served thJ long [and faithfully words of appreciation?,, of place just before he id the office that hehasser! in. Many of us may l time to time differed - on minor matters but citizen of the county J had any other idea that : was a man who had the of the county near his hi was the old commissioner haps not keeping time ym more modern, or advance sometimes very foolish and ideas advanced as p, sive educational ideas he the same time rendered thj pie splendid service by a tl going more to common J the conduct of the school! than to theory and high soj ethics brought cut by the from college. To say that the people appreciate the service 0 f| Brad well is putting it mild his v> ork has been done ■ days of cramped educational port and understanding. 1 he has, has carried with education ot the people as as the education of the chili He has had to break awa most through an educa wilderness to accomplish in the work but year aftei he has steadily battled ft cause of education and h often times opposed by mi ignorance at the same tin his last few months of off Lost-Search Light feels good citizens oi the coun join it in wishing Mr. B the best of luck in vvhatei ness he may see fit to ( retiring from the schoo and wishing he and his splendid health always man’s earnestness in beha work he was engaged in his name and imprint educational foundation county that will live Ion he has passed away. They say according to the annah Press that Britt Davis a policeman found a wolf Britt’s yard down in Savam A great many years ago and the writer used to see elephants, ‘ ‘yaller tigers’’ etc. on that Mitchell county 1 lightning but we never saw wolves. A fellow gets up ideas when he gets to a city way and we don’t know w Britt can see now since he moved to town and changed brand. Britt seems to have len on strange kinds here of li Have your quilts and blank laundried before thelcool nig call for them, 25 cents Dixie Steam Laundry. For sale 125 acre far® about 3 miles southeast of Faceville—in good com munity—65 acres in cu ti- vation—six room -ra® dwelling, nice stock bam, 3 room tenant dwelling all built last winter. good school and chine • Improvements worth t e price. Good soil—Price S1L J, B. L. BARBER iS Office Hamii B ■ - ‘ n ^ Bainbridge