The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, September 28, 1916, Image 7

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/OUR satisfaction means more to us than the amount of -our purchase. The House of Born makes more clothes j measure than any other tailoring house - seventy - five per :ent of our yearly ales are made to sat- sfied customers — heir friends make up he other twenty-five r cent. So we can’t afford to let you pay for a Born gar ment that does not please you in every detail of the style, fit, material and needle work. Reiident Born Dealer J. BRADY Successor to J. M. Laing) Ass’t Sec’y-Tres. L. C. Busch of the Thomas County Fair As sociation, has sent out the tollow- ing abbreviated program for the Thomas County Fair, to be held at Paradise Park, Thomas- ville, Ga., this year Nov. 1. 2, 3, inclusive. Many features are included this year which broadens the scope of this South Georgia exhibition considerably. Also one day has been added thereto fore but two days were used for the fair. Wednesday, Nov. first, the morning program will include an agricultural, merchants and manufacturers parade at eleven o’clock, which will be headed by one regiment of United States soldiers if present plans mater ialize, In the afternoon the fair will be formally opened; school children’s contests will be parti cipated in by two thousand child ren of the cities and county and a joint convention of Batchel ors and Maiden Ladies from all over south Georgia, north Florida eastern Alabama, will be held at the court house. Senator J. Ham. Lewis of Illinois and Ex- Postmaster General, Hitchcock, will be the principal speakers al- ) though Drs. Anna Shaw and ( Mary Walker have also been invited. That night a torch light procession of Vashti Home Girls. High Scheol girls and boys and citizens will be held with street dances and band concerts. Thursday, Nov. 2nd, the sec ond day will open with an Auto mobile Parade headed by 1000 Fords for mail sections, in charge of Hon. William A. Logan, as director general. In the after noon judging of exhibits with sgeeches by Hon. John W. Sib ley, of Birmingham and several other prominent men will be ha<J. The night program will consist of a Riff Raft parade by masqueraders and citizens, street dances and band con certs. Friday, November 3rd, the third day, Hon. Hugh M. Dorsey newly elected governor of Georgia will speak. Proceed ing the speaking a parade will escort Mr. Dorsey from his hotel to the park and 1000 mounted men will head # this parade. At noon the monster barbecue will be served by Hon. Roscoe Luke and his cohorts. Already 15,000 pounds of meat and 7500 loaves of bread have been engaged for this occasion. In the afternoon awarding of prizes, Judging of county ex hibits and a big free for all Mule Race will be events while the night program will consist of an Old Fiddlers convention suc ceeded by old fashioned dances and band concerts. Yep; he is here. Jack Baer, the Goodyear Raincoat Company man with a splendid line of men, womans and misses raincoats. He came to keep the wintry winds and rain from freezing our folks. Knowing that a hard winter is coming he has located in the Callahan Block next to the Theatre and has on hand a line that covers the entire held. Recently having visited the factories and knowing Just how high rubber has gone and is go ing before the year is out he laid in a splendid line of the latest styles in fashionable rain coats and is here with them. In this paper he quotes you rock bottom prices on the stock and you will save money by getting that new coat now while he is here and before more advances take place in the rubber market. How to Give Good Advice. The best way to give good ad vice is to set a good example. When others see how quickly you get over your cold by tak ing Chamberlain’s Cough Re medy they are likely to follow your example. This remedy has been in use for many years and eujoys an excellent reputation. Obtainable everywhere. Freezing Temperature Coal Famine Great Suffering Head lines like the above will be read next winter. Bainbridge will probably not have freezing temperatures, but Bainbridge homes will all need Coal] and from present indications Coal may be hard to get next winter. -The mines sell coal much cheaper in summer than in winter and the dealer can sell the customer cheaper in summer tthanlin winter. Let us deliver your winter’s supply NOW at summer prices. Save money without advancing any. Payj us for the coal when you begin using it. We are equipped to give you the best coal and the best service to be had. Telephone us—Come to see us— write us, or let us call on you. Cambridge See Company Telephone i 152 Exclusive Agents lor Genuine “MONTEVAUO COAL,” . . . THE WORLDS BEST - - - BAINBRIDGE. GEORGIA. —BIG— CLOSING OUT SALE AT THE New York Racket Store Commencing Promptly at 9:00 O’clock Sat. October 7. On account of the Boll Weevil, which will be in this country for the next few years. I have decided to sell out my store business—Goods, Fixtures and everything. The lower floor of the store will be for rent. January 1st. I am going to sacrifice prices until the stock is gone. That is all there is to it, it must go. The Lowest Prices on Everything. Come Here and Save Money Ladies Dresses at 98c 2 Dozen Pearl Buttons for only 5c 2 Dozen Safety Pin going at only 5c 2 Ladies Handkerchiefs for only 5c $2.00lMens Shoes going at only $1.44 $3.50 Shoes go in this sale for $2.48 Good Large Corsets 48c Mens Suits Boys Suits. . . $5, $6, $7 and Each $2.00 Nice Broom for only 23c Good Cologn 4 _ at 5 and lUC Two Thimbles for only 5c 5000 yards of Laces and 4 ft* Embroideries at 5 and.. 1 UC Two Bars Sweet Soap for only 5c Tinware and Crockery of all kinds going cheap in this sale. See our Cloth of all kinds going cheap. 5 and 10c Glassware. Come and get your share of these bargains before they are gone. Two Automobiles for sale or trade for land. T7DI717 A Nice 25c Genuine Whet Stone fer F JvH/F/ Each Farmer Trading Here F LVALU/ J. M. Floyd Bainbridge, Georgia.