The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, October 05, 1916, Image 4

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THE POST-SEARCH LIGHT Published Every Thursday at Bainbridge, Georgia E. H. GRIFFIN Editor and Proprietor Entered at the Postoffice in Hain- bridRe, Ga., as second class mail matter under Act of Congress March lHth, 1H97. Subscription Rates ONE YEAR fl OO SIX MONTHS 50c Advertising Rates Advertising rate depends on position, number of insertions and other requirements, and will be furnished at the business office. OFFIt IA I. OHO AN OK TUB <TTV OP BAJ NHRI DOE ANI) DECATUIl COUNTY. Telephone No. 239 Good bye old B. V. D,s. You dM well but your day is gone. Can we expect much law en forcement when officers violate the law for profit? All aboard for Donalsonville, the Southwest Georgia Fair and "down in there”. The Democrats need a few dollars now, to keep the Republi cans from getting all the dollars later. Have you sent yours yet? How far would a mile of pen nies go in a modern crap game? Just about as far as a bunch of geraniums in a coal pit. The Shriners are bound for Dalton. We had idea all the time that Dalton was a town that wanted to be quiet. The cool snap of last week did not seem to have much effect on the lenght of the women skirts or either on the top end of the dress. The crowds attending the Fair at Donalsonville this week came away very highly pleased with the great effort of the west side folks. Sarah Bernhardt, cork leg and all has broke into publicity again. "You can bet your life Sarah will get into the lime light if she has to come on one leg. Did you ever see any more of a misfit than a drunk fool in an automobile and at the steering wheel? If so please rise and state when and where and what. Henry George wants a Georgia Rose he says. Alright Henry ‘‘jes ax her” and if it suits her, why alright she has to live with you, not us. Capitol needs Improvement, says a recent head line. Well ai’nt we improving it as fast as we can. We got Joe Hall back and Volney Williams too. What more do you folks want? Every boy in town went to the Fair this week. Even old Bub was there with the new squeak ing shoes and the nickle’s worth of pea nuts. Cant be much of a fair any where without Bub. Richmond County is blowing about having a blind legislator. Does she think that she has any thing on about a hundred more counties. There seems to be a bunch of blind legislators on the job. It seems that Thomasville ob jects to the following registration. T. Watson. Thomasville. Ga. Well who can blame her. Thomas ville is a quiet, dignified and peaceful town, has always took their liquor straight and voted the Democratic ticket. See where circuses are adver tised in several towns about here. Must think that we have no ex perts in Red Lemonade and pea nuts and elephant and ‘‘sich” here but we have. Bainbridge pulled in one of the boldest tigers that she has ever had yet last Saturday night if report be true. They seem to be getting bolder and bolder each month as Christmas draws nigh. Thomasville has crawled on the political map sure enough. With Luke on the Bench and and Fondren Mitchell just elect ed solicitor of the Southern Cir cuit they are very muchly in the lime light. The Leroy Club we understand is going to give a sturgeon sup per just before the election for justice of peace and then go into winter quarters. They may name some candidates for this high of fice. Laying all jokes aside let have that Circus here as soon as it can come. We need it for the sake of the children, of course. Not that we wish to see it but we want no child disapointed. It just ai’nt right to do it. Judge Hopkins has been nomi nated and notified that he was the Senator from that district, the 7th. We had a sneaking notion that the judge knew all about it all the time but just would not say anything. We received a copy of the Herald-Journal of Greensboro this week and added same to our exchange list. It is one of the leading-weeklies of the state and possibly quoted from more than any other paper. Sausage, spare ribs, backbone, blue stem collards with frost just off of them and yet some folks say that times are hard and pleasures scarce around this country of ours. Some folks will lie just to keep in practice. The only newspaper that has much crow to eat is the one that says harsh and mean or uncalled for things about a man they are opposing. When your opposition is based on high toned methods your crow does not tast bitter at all. We dont want to black mail any one but if that fellow who borrowed our last winter over coat dont bring it back we will the man ought to tell us what pawn shop he put it in any way. Might be reasonable about the thing. Poor old Thomasville, right out of one political campaign and on with another one. Dont you fel lows ever get enough over there? How are we going to help you boost your fair when your time is taken up with politics any way. Bainbridge is a pretty good whiskey market but is rather hard on the merchant after his wares are known. You can sell all you can get away with. Get ting away is a more important proposition than finding a market for the boose. Howdy Rosooe, how are you going to live in Atlanta without any of those old yam potatoes and syrup that you were raised on? Just because a fellow is honored by a place on the bench, he does not like good rations any the less. Socialist Watson abuses the rich man then turns around and curses Hardwick because he'.dont pay anything but poll tax. If you got something he hates you and if you are broke he hates you. Oh what’s the use you cant please him nohow. Honest now. Which would you rather that your neighbors owned. A prowling cat that tears up the patch at night or a howling dog? Which is the lesser annoyance. Have you any expert ideas on the difference? The sudden cool snap seems to have brought about a new set of train wrecks this past week or so. A very noticeable thing is the increase of train wrecks right on a sudden change of the weather. Fords are getting more useful every day. Saw one used to haul a pig to the Fair, another ohe to fetch juice to man’s door and another to haul wood with to a bakery. That is putting the Ford on the basis with the old reliable farm mule. Moved and seconded that the Chairman of the Street Com mittee be required to walk down the sidewalks on West and Shot- well streets, the very first dark night. Then they will get the needed attention if the city has the money to attend to them with. Saturday was a busy day in Bainbridge and very noticeable as to who were the busy firms. Those advertising in this paper seemed to be doing all they could while non-advertisers were busy watching the the advertisers do business. Headline in the Savannah Press Friday says ‘‘Roosevelt to Battle Creek”. Well let him battle creek, he has battled eveything else that was reasonable and one or two more battles dont make any more difference. Sorry for the creek though. Wiiaon says that he does not want any disloyal Americans to vote for him. We have a darn sight bigger President than we ever thought we had. Disloyal Americans have never voted for an honest American and they never will. Now let every true American get a loyal vote for the President to go along with his to take the place of the vote of the disloyal American that our worthy presi dent spurns. That’s business. Woodrow wants no traitors vote and he is right. Nope they will not bother the Hon. John Boifeuillet in that House of Represenatives Clerk ship ‘‘nary a bit" for it is “his’n” by virtue ot the fact that he is the most qualified man in the state for the job. Nothing doing. We cant help them from feeling that something will be shaking when Hon Joe Hall arrives on the scene in Atlanta and take a peep at that Capitol removal proposi tion. We do think that the old man will get busy and help Ben Fowler put that thing over. This cool snap puts a fellow to thinking about his winter clothes. It may bother some poverty stricken country editor, but us- never. We have three changes in our winter ward robe. We can pull off, put on or go naked just as we desire as long as the last winter suit holds out. Who can blame Shope of Dal ton from rejoicing over the de feat of Judge Fite. Shope is not the only man that gets great satisfaction out of it. Every man that loved and revered the judiciary of his state is rejoicing with him. Tom Hardwick seems to be corning in for his share of the knocks now. He says that Dorsey got his nomination from the bol ters and we rise to ask who help ed said Tom Hardwick to his nomination to Congress. Both of these gents seem to have been' tarred with the same stick. 1 John M. Parker is going to aid Wilson says all the papers in glowing terms. Well we are too. We got a vote and we are sure going to hand that to Wilson and it will do him just as much good as Mr. Parker’s vote. John M. has’nt got anything on us. Both of us have one vote each. We want several editors that we mention to be sure and at tend the Fair at Donalsonville this week. They are such experts at handling bull we have one we want them to see. Modesty forbids us saying which ones we include in this invitation, but they know who we mean. Fourteen weeklies in the state raised their price of subscription to meet the enormous advance in paper and each week more are being obliged to do so. This paper will have to do the same thing in a very short time and every citizen will do well to take advantage of the delay in the ad vance right now. After January there will not be a weekly in the state with five hundred circula tion that can be sold for less that two dollar per year. Mark it They fined two fellows in Florida for contempt of the court that euchered Catts out of the nomination for governor. These guys doubtless had a contempt for the court alright but there is no sense in a prisoner abusing the jailer. That dont get a man anything. In looking over the exhibits for the Southwest Georgia Fair at Donalsonville and the way that Fair has been handled, the crowds attending and all things of such a progressive nature it makes us wonder “what is the matter with us”. If we cant have a fair, lets have a three ringed circus anyhow. Dangers such as never before have confronted us are right here in that boll weevil proposi tion but every once in a while we pick up some some exchange and see where some man is blow ing off about the boll weevil being all scare. Everytime we see this we feel like the people are being imposed on badly. Atlanta could not miss imitat ing New York and had to pull her off a street car strike this week. Most of the folks are walking it seems. , That has its advantage as some of them will save nickles that they need mighty bad. If the streets car rate had been ten cents instead of five they would have saved more by walking as per Jeff. By the way this fellow J. Gordon Jones of middle Georgia seems to love to talk with his mouth. Some of his chatter seems to have kick as well as come back in it. He bit too hard when he abrased Daniels down there at Quitman however. A guy will get shown up once in a while monkey ing with a country editor in plain light. The Louisiana long horns that have been criticising Georgia for ignorance because of the Veazy Bill will be interested to learn that women in that state have just been removed by an act of legisla ture from the same class as lunatics. Under their commercial laws a woman could not make a contract that was any more bind ing than a crazy person. Then the idiots have nerve enough to talk about Georgia. They not only can practice law in this state but they boss every con tract that lie-Georgia makes as well as his roost. So there old Louisiana critics. The ‘ ‘ceeciety bug” is one that bites a woman and her daughters and will lead them to drive their father and husband deeper into debt when the poor devil is naturally honest and fights against it all the time-IUnhappily such things are going on now all about us. No woman can care for ner family that will drive her husband into everlasting debt just to try and keep pace with the mad moves of recent society. The finger can be pointed at a number right here in Bainbridge. Bland Atkins of the Soperton Sentinel says that Laurens county needs a new jail. Now what we are wondering is, how the dickens did Bland know. Surely he has only second hand information for the last time we heard of him he was leading the Salvation Army. However that Sentinel begins to show the master hand of old B. W. al ready. He will get out a good paper whether thier is jail or no jail. Ground limestome sweetens and builds up the soil, assuring bigger crop yields and larger profits. Write for delivered prices. Live Oak Limestone Co. o get the word Damn anguage say whethe j that would stop folks J mg. Thereisno i aw T that forces a man £*« cause the word can be i the book. The,,* things, time to cuss the oth T°^S. UtneV f forhimt °i Let the word stav, [ t j s 81 valve at times. The papers that herald.i mg as a piece of news mj mistake. The least said them the better f or a ll „ concerned. It keeps down a tion of embarasement f 0 poor woman that is ihevicf tends to keep down a note pess for the community tl not deserved. There i s any need for useless disci of the matter for so long a crime of rape appears ii community just that quick its twin evil lynch-law;! The northern papers that fits over the man that is for rape seem mighty sp with their sympathy for the woman that was his victin is a foregone, absolute fact when a man is guilty 0 f crime in this fair southland neck will surely hang f n limb. No need to talk abou all- This is no moral bu God’s truth. For a Muddy Complexion Take Chamberlain’s T and adopt a diet of vege and cereals. Take outdoi ercises daily and your cor ion will be greatly imp within a few months. Obtainable everywhere. It seems impossible for Dorsey to convince the Albany Herald and the Macon Papers of his loyalty to Wilson despite the de claration at Macon. These papers cant keep from nagging the governor-to-be it seems. They make a booger out of the fact that Dorsey did not attend a blow-out in Atlanta while others think that Dorsey will show good manners to stay out of such public demonstrations where the state officials are to participata until he sworn in. Harris is governor now and not Dorsey. Quit nagging gentlemen, take your dose like all the balance of us that opposed Mr. Dorsey, take it without grimacing. . Tax Collector’s Round FOR 1916 Iron City, Rock Pond, Lela, Donalsonville, Steam Mill, Lela, Court House Spring Creek, Kendricks, Faceville, Recovery, Fowlstown, Attapulgus, McRaeville, Bells, Bird’s store, Johnson’s Store, Climax, Parkers, Bell’s Store Belchers, Strickland, Lynn’s Sta. Bainbridge, Brinson, Monday Oct 2 A. Tuesday “ 3 " Tuesday “ 3 P. 1 Wednesday “ 4 A. Thursday “ Thursday “ 5 p. ; Friday “ 6 A.l Saturday “ . ... 7 " Monday, “ 9 " Tuesday “ 10 ” Wednesday “ 11 “ Thursday “ 12 “ Tnursday, “ 12 P. 1 Friday “ 13 “ Friday “ 13 A. Saturday “ 14 “ Monday “ 16 Monday, “ 16 P.f Tuesday “ 17 A. Tuesday “ 17 P. Wednesday “ 18 SECOND AND EAST ROUND Iron City, Rock Pond, Lela, Donalsonville, Steam Mill, Lela, Court House, Spring Creek, Kendricks, Faceville, Recovery, Fowlstown, Attapulgus, McRaeville, Johnson's Store, Bells, Bird’s Store, Climax, Parkers, Bell’s Store Belchers, Court House Strickland, Lynn Sta. Bainbridge, Brinson, Thursday Oct 19 20 a. i Friday “ 20 p. i 21 ... 23a.i Monday “ .... 23p.i ... 24 ....25 26 ... 28 . 30 a. i . 30 p-r .31 a. i . ...31p-i .. 1 2 a.r Thursday “ 2p-i . 3 a. i Friday “ 3p.i Saturday “ 4 Yours, very truly, T. M. BATTLE. T. C. Decatur W After Saturday, Novemoer 4th, I will be in my °® continually at Bainbridge, until the Final Closing 0 Books, April 1st 1917. CHEAP MONE^ On Farm Loans for $2,000 and over *'« JJ now in position to offer money at Five and half per cent. No charge for inspection. Now Is the Time to Finance for the Coming W CUSTER & BARBER Opposite Court House Bainbri-ige-