The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, October 05, 1916, Image 8

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EVERYBODY GET REMIT On Wednesday night, Oct. 11th, Rev. E. F. Morgan, whom we all know as Presiding Elder, and one of the best' preachers •we hear these days and one of the biggest in the South Georgia Methodist Conference, will be here and preach on “Evangel ism in the Churches.” Dr. T. D. Ellis, one of the most brilliant orators and attractive preachers in Georgia today will preach and lecture on “The Union of All Methodisms—We Be Brethren,” and on ‘Christain Education, Our Duty to Educate, with special reference to our LEGAL NOTICES Georgia, Decatur County: Will lie sold before the court house door in the city of Bain bridge in said county on the first Tuesday in Nov. during the legal hours of sale the fol lowing described property to wit; All of that certain tract or parcel of land, situute, lying and being in the 20 th, District of Oeeatnr County, Georgia, and being known and describ ed in the plan of said District as all of forty acres of land clear across the North side of lot of land Two hundred and fifty-nine (259), and being bound ed on I lie |North, Mast and West by the orignal land lines of said lot anil on South by part of same ■ lot. Levied on as the property of Ebbie Ward to satisfy a City Court fi fa against Ebbie Ward and .1, II. Ward in favor of Bainhridge State Hank. Tenant in possession notified. This 2nd, day of October 1916. 8. W. MAKTIN, Sheriff Georgia, Decatur Lounly:- Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the firstTuesday in Nov. dur ing the legal hours of Hale the follow ing described property to wit; All of land lots 175 and 168 in the loth, district of Decatur county, Oa. containing 250 acres each; said land levied on as the property of David Mathews, deceased, in the hands of bis administratrix, Mrs. David Mat, hews, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the City Court [of Bainbridge in favor of George M. Eorman against David Mathews, deceased, and Mrs. David Mathews, administratrix of his estate. This October 8, 1916. H. W. MARTIN, Sheriff. Georgia, Decatur County: To Whom,it May Concern: Take notice, that, J. E. Davis and other citizens of Pine ilill district, said County, having applied to the County Commissioners for the establishment of a new publtc road beginning at Eldorendo ott the west side of the right-of-way of the Ga. Ela. A Ala. Railway and running thence south along tjtic west side of said railroad a j distance of about five (5) miles; upon [which Reviewers were, duly appointed, I and having made their report under oath that said road will be of public utility and that they had marked out the same conformably to law: now, if no good cause be shown to Ilia contrary by persons interested in this matter, an order will be grunted by the County Commissioners at their next regular meeting on the first Monday in No vember, 1916, establishing said new road. By order of the Board, this 2nd. day of October, 1916. I,. BALL, Chairman. Rev. Arthur Moore Georgia,Decatur county:- To Whom it May Concern: Take notice, that Robert Donalson and olher'citi/.ens of Kendrick’s dia-" triet, said County, having applied to the County Commissioners for the establishment of a new public road beginning at Rhode's Perry on Spring Creek on land lot 180 in the 21st, dis- New University we ore build- Diet, and running thence in a nortli- • oiuveisuy, we are DUiia- easterly direction through said land mg, ‘ 1 he Cost and Purpose of lot to the line between lots 109 and It ” Those famous tlermnn I 130, and thence east along said land u. i uesc famous bermon-Lec-, lol b etween lo i s joo and mo, no and tures, Dr. Ellis will deliver on 1 12», ill and ms 112 and 127, ua and the eveilinirs of Thnrsdav and! 126 ’ 114 and 12& , lI &and 124, 116 and inc evenings 01 inursciay ana ho,1 to an intersection with the Bain- rnday the 12th and 13th. Every- bridge and TIutchenson's Kerry road, bodv in Decatur rnnntv hoar 11 distance of about five (5) miles; upon uuuy in oecaiui county near which neviewers were duly np|>ointed these sermons without fail. ... .... Arthur Moore thep on Sunday fChe 15th. What can we say of 'Brother Moore? Indefatigable, Unrelenting, Masterful Moore. We all know him, we all love him and we all aim to hear him. These great and good men will be with us. God is coming to attend and supervise our great church institute. Come. Lovingly, M. A. Morgan.' Gin Days at iron City My Gins will run only Friday and Saturdays after Sept. 23rd. I. STRICKLAND. and buying inude their report under outh that said roiul will be of public utitlity and that they had marked out the same oonformubly to law: now, if no good cause be shown to the con trary by persons interested in this matter, an order will be granted by the County Commissioners at their next regular meeting on the first [Mon day in November, 1916, estrblishing said new road. By order of the Board, this 2nd, duy of October, 1916. L. BALL, Chairman. Georgia, Decatur County-: Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in Nov, dur ing the legal hours of sale the follow ing described propel ty towit; All of the East half of lot of land No. 84 in (he 15th, District of Decatur county containing one hundred and twenty-five acres. Levied on as the property of A. G. iHarris to satisfy a city court fi fa in favor of A. c. Shi\er against A. \V. cuinbie and A. G. Harris. Tenant in posession notified. This Oct. 5th, 1816. 8. \V. MARTIN, Sheriff. Hog (3holer a Vs. Hog Health Every Hog raiser is anxious to know how to keep his hogs from dying with CHOLERA. % For one ($1.00) dollar we will send you the cause and cure, GUAR- ANTEED if you follow perscriptions. Send today before you forget it. Swine Gure Gompany 197 South Pryor St. Atlanta, Ga. Gorgia, Decatur C >unty Notice is hereby giver, that on the first day of November, the undersigned will apply to his Honor E. E. Cox, Judge of the Superior Court of "said County, for leave to sell the following properly of her ward, Rainelle B. Palmer, a minor, to-wit: That city lot in the City of Bain bridge, Decatur County Georgia, com mencing at the South property pine of Mrs. II. E Morris and running thence South along Academy Street Seventy (70) feet: thence East One Hundred and Twenty-five (125) feet more or less: thence North along the West side of Potter Street Seventy (70) feet to the South line of Mrs. H. E. Morris; thence along said South line to the point of beginning. Said property to be sold at private sale for the pur|x)se of maintenance and education of petitioner's said ward. MRS. RAMELLE B. STRONG, Guardian. CITATION Georgia, Decatur county, To all Whom it May Concern. T. C. Kundcrburke, having in proper form applied to me for permanent Letters of Administration on the estate of Mary Dollar (Wife of Adam Dollar, deceased.) late of said County, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of the said Mary Dol lar, to be and appear at my office on the first Monday in November 1916, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent Administration should not be granted to said T. C. Khnderbtirke on said Mary Dollar estate. Witness my official signature, Oct. 4. 1916. T. B. MAXWELL, Ordinary. Bread You’ll Envy our produce is what we ask you to try. Made from the best materials, mixed with the most expert care, fnJ baked in modern ovens, it is bread that no home could duplicate for quality of every sort that makes for per fection. THE WHITEWAY BAKERY Boen ar.d Elmer Belcher are in Atlanta this week buying bargain stuff for their respectiva stores. CMESTili S FILLS D. H. Andrews, the fish |man has installed a new refrigerator or receptacle for the keeping of Sresh oysters. The box is one that will keep them sanitary' at all times and in splendid shape. No dust or anything can get in them while they are being hand led. Don’t forget Andrews, the fish man when you want either oysters or fish. Phone 254. All loyal Democrats can send in their subscription to the National Democratic campaign fund to this office and it will im mediately be forwarded to the Treasury of the National com mittee. The party needs the funds and all that wish to contri bute can do by mailing theijc amounts to this office. Bad Colds From L Sneezes Q rovv Many colds that ham, i winter start with a 8 °1 smffie, a sore throat H chest You know hf S ..J of colds, and von u treatment wilf breakV^ Dr. King’s New Wo t 001in u Z a, *tiaeptic bail has been breaking up cowl heahng coughs of y U o P un C g 0l J for 47 years. Dr. Ringt 1 Discovery loosens the n j clears the head sootu T irritated membrane and ? !S? a 55c ngeasier - Atyour < Last call tor quilts and blai before the next rain, better them in, and be safe t ( cool nights. Dixie Steam L a , for ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ CITATION Georgia, Decatur County, To all Whom it May Concern: Mary Lou Dollar, having in proper form applied to me for permanent (Let ters of Administration on the estate of II. .1. Dollar late of said county, this is to cite all and singular it lie creditors and next kin of the said FI. J. Dollar, to be and appear at my of fice on the first Monday in November, 1916, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent Adm inist ration should not be granted to said Mary Lou Dollar on said H. .1 Dollars estate. W'itness my official signature, 4th, day of Oct. 1916. T. B. MAXWELL, Ordinary. ladies | . , Art your UruKtiit for CHPCHES-TER S DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Rkd and/ Gor.n metallic boxes, scaled with Bluef Ribbon. Taxis no orni::i. Tin, ... TO Draff*l*t and ask for CHI-CHK8-TE1! DIAMOND 11 It A N 1> PILLS, for twentv-fiv© years regarded as Bert, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS NOTICE TO'ADVERTISERS Wg wish to give our advertisers the very best possible service I and we earnestly ask them not to wait until press hour to give t their advertisements. We cant get the ads up in good shape, » cant give them good position and it is about as useless a proposition I as one can follow is to wait until the last minute and expect atiad to get results that is just thrown together any kind of way to get it in the paper. The paper comes out Thursday noon and all aiher- tisers should have their copy in not later than Tuesday night and we can givethemsuch position that they will get good results. We have been obliged to turn down advertisements this week because of their eleventh hour coming in. Give us the copy in plenty of time and we can please you. Wait until the last minute and you have to take what is left and you are not satisfied but still at the same time you have no one to blame but yourself. Give us the matter right and let us sell your goods for you. Georgia, Decatur county Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the firstTuesday in Nov du ring the legal hours of sale the follow ing described property to wit; 68 acres of land more or less being the center one third of lot of land no 116 in the 20th, district of Decatur County Georgia botjnded as follows. On north and south by original land lines on eest by land of M. E. Whit taker and west by lands of Georgia Whittaker. Levied on as the property of J. .f. Whittaker to satisfy fi fa in favor of W. N. Long. This Oct. 4th, 1916, W S. .MARTIN, Sheriff. Georgia, Decatur County. Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in Nov. 1916 during the legal hours of sale the fol lowing described property to wit: 50 bushels of corn more or less, 80 bushels of corn more or less in field and 500 bundles of fodder, more or less. Levied on as the property of B. .1. Hal! to satisfy fi fa in favor of Bain- bridgel State Bank for use of II. G. I’ughsley. This October 3rd. 1916. S. W. Martin. Sheriff. Georgia, Decatur County: Will be sold before the court house door in and for said county on the first Tuesday in Oct. 1916, within the legal hours of sale for cash to the highest bidder all of the following property, to-wit * 77 1-2 acres of land on south side of lot no. 64 .in the 16th, district of Decatur County. iLevied on as the property of George Martin to satisfy li fa In favor of J. M. Floyd. This Oct. 4th, 1916. S. W. Martin, Sheriff. Dissolution Notice Notice is given that by (mutual con- sent.the firm of Harrell & Swicord has this day dissolved. All accounts are payable to H. H, Harrell and debt have iieeti assumed by him. This October 3rd. 1916. B. B. Harrell, R. A, Swicord. HERE’S PROOF A Bainbridge Citizen Tells of His Experience. You have a right to doubt the statements of people living far j away but can you doubt the, Bainbridge endorsement? W. W. Nisbet, mechanic, 515 Broughton St., Bainbridge, says; “I am on my feet a good deal and I believe that was the cause ■ of the severe pains I had across! the small of my back. On two different occasions, when having such a spell, Doan’s Kidney Pills have brought me relief.” Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills —the same that Mr. Nisbet had. .Foster-Mildurn Company, Props., Bufialo, N. Y. Subscribe for The Post- Search Light. “The Big Paper” *and get the county M aufg ^ . MR. ADVERTISER! ...A WORD WITH YOU... This paper now has a circulation of 2500 paid subscribers and that circulation is in Decatur, Mitchell and Grady Coun ties in Georgia and Gadsden and Leon Counties in Florida, If You Want Local Business This is your medium and we are below publishing' the advertising rates and they are just 25 per cent, less than any similar publication in the state with the subscription list that this paper carries. The List is Here And the fact that it is a PAID List of Subscribers war rant us in the statement that the folks that get it read it. The rate will be the same to everybody. 45 weekly publications with less subscription in the section charge even more than this very low rate we are offering. i The Post-Search Light is a family paper, a county and a local paper. It is the paper that everybody reads. •••• Advertising Rates.... Display Space One Page One Insertion $15.00 “ “ Two “ Without Change Per Insertion 12.50 “ “ Four “ “ “ “ .“ 12.00 Less Than Page: One Insertion, Per Inch 15c Two “ “ “ Without Change. 12|c “ “ “ Four “ “ “ “* “ 10c Readers 25 Cents Per inch, Per Insertion Penny Column , One Cent Per Word Per Insertion. Electros. Display Rates Apply We want your business, we can give you the results. For any other information apply at this office. (£ltr Sigltt Bainbridge, Georgia.