The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, October 12, 1916, Image 6

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PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. E. C. SMITH DENTIST Office Upstairs, Belcher Building Bainbridge, Ga. H. D. SPOONER ATTORNEY AT LAW Will Practice in all State and Federa. Courts Except City Court Bainbridge OFFICE 225 BROUGHTON ST. Bainbridge, - Georgia. M. E. O’NEAL ATTORNEY AT LAW GENERAL PRACTICE Bainbridge, - Georgia REGIMENT OF TO LEAD L PARADE AT THOMISVILLE J. C. HALE ATTORNEY AT LAW GENERAL PRACTICE Bainbridge, - Georgia W. M. IIAKKKLL J NO. R. WILSON HARRELL & WILSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW GENERAL PRACTICE Bainbridge, - Georgia W.V. CUSTER ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in all Courts Albany Circuit and all Federal Courts OITicc Opposite Court Mouse Bainbridge, - Georgia O. R. BRYAN ATTORNEY AT LAW office in court House Bainbridge, Georgia. OR. 8. EHRLICH PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Phones 358, 46 and 18 Office 312 Cljwk St. Bainbridge, .... Georgia. C.W. WIMBERLY, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in O’Neal Building Next to Court House Bainbridge, ... Georgia. H. G. BELL ATTORNEY AT LAW GENERAL PRACTICE Offices In Chason Building Opposite Court House Bainbridge, - - - Georgia, J. M. FLOYD /ATTORNEY AT LAW anil Dealer in Real Estate office[2nd. Floor jacket store bainbridge, ..--xPEGrgia Secretary of War Newton D Baker has been appealed to by the General Arrangements Com mittee for the Thomas County Fair, November 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Paradise Park, Thomasville Ga., to permit a regiment of Unclr Sam’s soldiers to train at Macon and go to Thomasville, on Wednesday, Nov. 1st, for the purpose of heading the monster agricultur al, merchants and manufactur ers Parade. The fact has been pointed out to the Secretary that last year’s fair brought about forty thou sand people from South Ga., North Florida and Eastern Ala bama to Thomasville and that this event affords an execellent opportunity for a review of the troops and practical preaching of the doctrine of preparaedness. He has also been cited to the fact that the Navy Department frequently has sent ships of various classes to Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa, Pensacola and other points and that even troops have been sent to various exhibitions lately. Thomasville unfornunately cannot appeal to the Navy department unless the suggestion made by a citizen be carried out, namely that the ships of line, battleships, sub" marines, superdreadnoughts, might be sent up to Thomas ville via the Apalachicola and Ochlocknee rivers, Bruce and Carroll Creeks and the Bran don canal and anchor near the A. C, L. Station. An effort will be made to have Secretary Baker consider this plea in a favorable light and the good offices of Congressman Park and Senators Hardwick and Smith will be invoked to make the plea stronger. Corns tcosen, ’ Lift Right Off Nothing But “GETS-IT” Will Bo This to Corns and Calluses, * ¥ 0 . u ’ v ® ©ver had corns, you’ve tried lots of things to get rid of them —salves that eat your toe and leave the corn remaining, cotton rings that make your corns bulge out like pop- You Can’t Hide Corn Miaery Stop Fooling Around! U»e GETS*1T ’ Tonight and See the Corns Vanish; eyes, scisHors and knives that make corns bleed and sore, harnesses and bandages that fill up your shoe, press on the corn and make your foot feel like a paving block. What's the use? Why not do what millions are doing, take 3 seconds off and apply "GETS- XT.’ It dries, you put your stocking on right away, and wear your regu lar shoes. Your corn loosens firom the toe, it lifts right off. It’s pain less. It’s the common-sense way, the simplest, easiest, most effective way in the world. It’s the national corn- cure. Never fails. “OETS-TT” is sold and recommend ed by druggists everywhere, 25c a bottle, or sent on receipt of price, by E. Lawrence & Co., Clfi.cago, III. LAME BACK rheumatism, neuralgia, or kind red pains quickly relieved by (TRADE MAR* - WHITE LINIMENT Should be kept in every home. Sold only by us, 25c, 50c and $1.00. MILLS PHARMACY Callahan Bldg. Bainbridge, Ga DIG PROBLEM The biggest problem confront ing Hugh M. Dorsey when he goes in offee as governor will be | the financial condition of the state. For several years the leg islature has been in the habit of making very large and extrava gant appropriations and then cutting off the source of income. Those who have voted for the largest appropriations, as an ex ample, have clamored for the repeal of the tax 1 equalization act, which sounded the doom of the tax dodger. At one bound the tax equaliza tion act, which was passed dur ing the administration of Gover nor Slaton, raised tax values $85,000,000 and has maintained them for the last two years. Without this increase, the state would have been in a hopeless condition financially. In the same administration, on the gov ernor’s recommendation, the li cense f.ees of corporations were doubled, and the inheritance tax was passed. The latter oat alone will bring $100,000 into the state treasury from the James M. Smith estate, or as much as thir ty small counties would pay in a year. These measures cut the tax rate from five to four and one-half mills and marketed Georgia’s bonds at the most ad vantageous sale in the country, besides paving the way for prompt payment o f teachers’ salaries in pursuance of an ur gent recommendation contained in Governor Slaton’s message. Already the whole leeway created by these various meas ures has been taken up, and the problem confronting the next administration will be to hold down expenses within the limits of the state’s income. More spectuiar issues may monopolize the public attention during poli tical campaigns, but in the final analysis a business-like adminis tration is what protects the tax payer’s pocket book, and noth ing is nearer his heart.—Ex. WHAT A WATCH? You can get a reliable time piece at any price you choose to pay. You will find this a differ ent kind of wafeh store, where watches are regarded as staple articles and sold at the close margin of staple goods. Fine jewelry at modest prices, N. J. SMITH & SON Oldest and Best Jewelers "Any «m e yTtl goodies use CaluCl Powder M y m ® 'J i-e’3 tried a |l earned h „ le “.eke to Calumet. Unequalled f or J tender, wholesome J in f' . Wonderful y ' ^thersanri Reived fi~i r,„y| Last call for quilts and blankets before the next rain, better send them in, and be safe for the cool nights. Dixie Steam Laundry. Changing: Seasons Brings Colds “Stuffed-up head” clogged up nose, tight chest, sore throat are sure signs of cold, and Dr. King’s New Discovery is sure relief. A dose of this combina tion of antiseptic balsams sooth es tho irritated membrane, clears the head, loosens the phlegm, you breathe easier and realize your cold is broken up. Treat a cold persistenly: half-way meas ure leaves a lingering cough. Take Dr. King’s New Discov ery until your cold is gone. For 47 years the favorite re medy for young and old. At your druggist, 50c. (3) F. E. STRICKLAND ATTOPNEY at law Office with Hon. H. B. Spooner Bainbridge, Ga. W. M. ARLINE county:surveyor DECATUR COUNTY P. O. Stricklan, Ga. Will run levels for Terracing, Ditching and Draining. All let ters and inqurues will be prompt ly attended to. R. M. WALSH O. V. M. GRADUATE VETERINARIAN Cairo, . . . Georgia, Quarterman’s Pressing Club —Is the Place for Good Work.— Clothes. Hats and Kid Gloves Cleaned All Kinds of Busheling Work. —All Work Guaranteed— Phone No. 264-L. Bainbridge, GA, Big Southeast Alabama Fair DOTHAN, ALA. OPENS TO THE PUBLIC IT’S GORGEOUS DISPLAY OCTOBER 30,31, NOVEMBER 1,2,3,4. EDUCATIONAL AMUSING ENTERTAINING HOLLY CAMP NO. 2». Woodmen ojje world Meets Second and Fourth Monday Nights. Visiting Sovereigns Always Welcome. M. k. o'nkii, council commander. J. h. Hancock, clerk. bi* it a prescription prepared especially > MAtAFUft or CHILLS A FEVER. t ' Oi sis d.'■ > v.-.U b.'c/.b nr-y ewe, aer T taken then U6 a tonic the Fever will no t ■' n. It art* co the ItTer belter .tfiaa . U . iao wou '.Ot g ipcorrackcs " FARM EXHIBITS In the agricultural section will be shown one of the most creditable displays of Southeast Alabama’s resources ever gotten together. You will be amazed at the agricultural wealth that our unrivaled soil produces. The diversity of Alabama’s farm products and the unlimited possibilities of our climate and soil will be a revelation. LIVE STOCK EXHIBITS Those interested in poultry and live stock will have a treat in the dis plays in this section. Stock raising is recognized as one of the most profitable possibilities of the farm, and the wonderful display shown here is an invaluable lesson to the farmer who is alive to the trend of the times. More than 300 Cattle and 500 Hogs already entered in this dis play; and the poultry display will contain more than 1,000 entries. HORSE RACES More than $b,000 will be awarded as prizes in the racinglevents. You will see some of the speediest racers in the country entered "at this meet. FREE ATTRACTIONS The management has already engaged more than $l,500]worth of Free Attractions, thrillers that will thrill, amusements that will amuse, and you will not have one minute’s time to get tired. Something Doing Every Minute—BeduoBd Bates on all Railroads msgaCTir rnr r .aaesa Cheapand bigean Baking Powdsrsdol save you money. Calumetdoea-it'ipT pnd far superior to sour milk and« BREAD AND CAKE from this bakery are li wholesome and toothsome, use only the best materials whi are mixed with extra care ail cleanliness. Why bother «l home baking when ours is| much better and cheaper. TEE WBITEWA'I BAKU gflGHESTE&snU DIAMOND AhTcHI-CHK-TKES.. DIAMOND3UND PILLS n R ' n Gold metallic bores, sealed wvth • •-W Ribbon. Tasb no other. BarV Drurci.. ..a «u fur SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST Farm For Sail Nice 74 acre farm, on r® public highway from Bainbn I to Donalsonville just two mi from Brinson and one mile fro Cyrene, and eight miles ro Bainbridge. One of the best cations in the county. Has ■ 6 room dwelling, fin« he “ Ja painted, deep well and out bu> ings. All in nice condition, acres in cultivation and un ^_ good wire fence—good soil quick sale—Price S160 ( c ^ If you are interested re write me at once. J. B. L. Barbei Hand! Building Bainbridge- Fo