The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, October 19, 1916, Image 4

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THE POST-SEARCH LIGHT Published Every Thursday at Bainbridge, Georgia. E. H. GRIFFIN 1 Editor and Proprietor ). - . Entered althcJ'ostofficein Buin- briclpc, Oa., an second class rnail I matter under Act of Congress March lhth, 1S97. Subscription Rates ONE YEAH. *1.00 SIX MONTHS r ‘0c Advertising Rates Advertising rate depends on position, number of insertions and other requirements, and w ill be furnished at the business office. OFFICIAL OttOAN OK TIIK <Tl V OF .BAINIilUDOK AND DKCATt R COUNTY. Telephone No. 239 Well, we “aint not got no fair” nor a circus but we got a lire truck to look at any way. It is said that every time an old maid strokes a cat on the back she imagines that she is getting a kiss. Kitty, poor kitty. When a man writes a story of his own death by suicide, then goes out and kills himself it is carrying the joke too far. Say bob; do you know of any man that will trade an overcoat for a well worn B. V. D. outfit. •Just asking for a friend of mine. They say that Hughes wanfs a good man elected president. Well why dont he vote for Wilson and insure the election of the best in the batch. Mother England gets a hunch in the ribs every once in a while that wakes her up and makes her take notice of Germany’s navy. Sixteen cents cotton seems to be a big booster for Ford Cars. One Ford means two good mules less on the farm. Will it work well? ‘‘Whilom in Albion” there dwelt a youth named Randolph Rose. Oh what’s the use now of going any further, he is selling buttermilk. Say bi/b; has the pig eaten up your yard ? is the way our citizens greet each other every morning now. A salutation used in meet ing each other at the Post Office. Of course Cliff Walker being a trained lawyer cant render as good an opinion on a legal ques tion as Bishop Keiley but we can manage to get along with Cliff on the job as attorney General. There is always something pathetic about a spindle shanked woman in a short skirt on {a windy day. They seem as it they have just found out that tney are in the wrong pew. A goat in cold storage in Savannah last week was one of tne novelties of the time. Our goat has been in a pickle several times and we did not blow up with pride about it at all. The more one thinks about the deal that Col. Bloodworth got in that state convention, the more disgusted one gets with the con vention method of nominations. The convention is doomed. Lady got as mad as a wet hen with us last week and said that she never would read our old paper again. How thankful her neighbor must be for ihe old hen had never subscribed for it or spent one nickle with it Maybe the lady across the street can read hers in peace now. She has been paying for it but never had much chance to read it. Governor Harris’ threat to tell the people about Dorsey if made will be love’s labor lost. The people evidently know Dorsey well, well enough to have elected him governor over said uncle Nat. The whiskers of Sir Charles Hughes are Ipretty close to the first and the most comprehensive trimming the will ever get on the First Tuesday in November. Woodrow’s razor will be in fine working order. If you have not sent that dollar do so instanter. It might get one of the purchaseable and un sullied votes of some doubtful district in Indianapolis. If we cant outbid the republicans there we are lost. Luther Rosser has been engag ed to help prosecute Vason for sticking a pin into Tom Felder. If Luth does as well prosecuting Vason as he did defending Frank, Vason has a whole lot to worry about. One thing that we have been unable to find out is where the gink wants to lead us to when he leads us away from Wilson. What better is promised us. Hughes himself says that Wilson did .wrong but cant make him say what he would do with a bolt of lightning. Some of our friends have re sponded promptly to our request for their subscription for the coming year. Every one that knows what economy mean^ will take this opportunity to save money by paying for their paper now. There is according to the ex change a scarcity in gas in Ger many. Let’s be kind and charit able and loan them two or three of our local gas-bags until they can do better. Want us to name ’em? A lady in Macon broke up her sister’s wedding with an axe and the preacher lit a rag. The girl must have been going to marry one of these tennis dudes. Dont blame the woman, she ought to have used a lariat. The Donalsonville Fair and the World’s series of baseball game are all over and we will halve to return to the well used custom of talking about our neighbors again. We have never been able to locate the man that smote Billy Patterson, nor have we divined the age of Ann but we do know that unless you follow out the government plan of fighting the boll weevil vou are not going to raise any cotton Seborn. Every citizen can get space in this paper at the same rate. Every man out of the section can get it at the same rate. The Post- Searchlight has one rate for all and we dont carry foreign matter for nothing and charge the man at home a price but it we give an advantage it is to the home man. ■ O- ■■■■ The friends 61 prosperity will be careful to observe the govern ment regulations as to how to plant cotton to avoid the boll weevil. If every man will act as advised the weevil can be handled very easy. Non-attention to ex pert advice is often a costly vitrue. The most despicable skunk in the world is a man or woman that will mail an unsigned com munication to a paper attacking some other person and have not the nerve to sign their name. We have often told folks that we would not publish any such rot hut some seem to think that it will be done. One of the largest advertisers | in the country picked this paper as one of the best six weeklies in the state to place a contract with. The compliment was highly ap preciated as was the contract. One of the largest, in fact the largest advertising contract that we have ever had. The Evans who fleeced several dozens of Grady county farmers out of money on the fake Indian claim business has gotten fifteen yeras. We know some guys that if he could fleece he would de serve a crown and two harps. Brown of the Richland News has figured it out thusly. Ac cording to the price that Dr. Hardman pays for a campaign in 490 years, 11 months and 29 days more he will be financially able to run for coroner. When the time comes to run we “shore are gwine to vote for him”. Local merchant hailed us a few days ago and asked us to open up a campaign againsc the mail order business and while engag ed in the conversation with him saw a bunch of out of town stationery laying on his desk. With this inspiration everybody knows that we ought to just for his special benefit. We got so mad a few days ago watching a man trying to drive a pair of mules into a place that he could lead them that we had to just leave and go around and get E. J. to play the grafo- nola for us a short time to get back together. Music soothes a mad man as well as a mule. The Farmer that fails to ob serve the ruling of the govern ment on the boll weevil proposi tion is going to find it hard to get credit this spring and he ought to begin right now to tear down and destroy his stalks. Roscoe Luke is going to have 500 good looking Thomas county girls serve that Barbecue over there. Why the thunder did’nt the fellow run for Governor or President or some big job sure enough it he had this up his sleeve. The Scare has been taken out of the boll weevil talk and turned into of the saddest realities this county ever «aw. Our triends over in east Georgia that still think it talk wNl spend good money and get good sound ad vice to come over here and see what he means. They triedVason for sticking a knife under the fifth rib of T. Bosh Felder and made a big booger over it. If that puncture let some of the dirty rascality out of T. Bosh’s hide they ought to pay the man something in stead of try him. Doing the country a service as well as Bosh. Now in the event that we do get a circus here we wish to ask permission to let the city’s elephant (the fire Truck) parade along side of the circus elephant and lead the parade. [Twould be so edifying. A true and living example of municipal economy that will handed down to future generations. Every smart guy in the para graph business tries to marry Jack Howell ot the Cuthbert Leader off. Leave him alone boys, leave him alone. Meat is too high and cotton getting scarce. Ease up on him and let him build his own fires this winter anyway. The Hon. T. Watson ought to run for President with the Bull Moosers and let all see just what he will do in his native state. He ran once in the interest of the Republicans and might as well do it again if they will come on with the same per. Everybody will be pleased if he will just bring the ( per this way. Colonel Orville Hall, Atlanta handsomest officer on dress parade occasions seems to be some pretty tyrant. When he can cast the vote of the entire re giment for a new officer he jugs the majors that oppose him. Hall is asparently a flop-eared dandy rather than a soldier. If a man went out to shoot a soldier and met Hall he would never cock his gun. A college prfessor jam full of new and “progressive isms” has just found out that Alcohol is the best fuel. Bill Sikes contended that a hundred years ago. These highfaluting professors do give you the bellyache when they are trying to play smart and get up something new. They get so afraid that you will not know they have been “eddicated” that they must blow off or bust. The Post-Searchlight is all home print paper. It puts one thousand dollars per month into the chan- nells of trade in Bainbridge by pay-roll and expense. Is it a help to the merchants or not? Is it worthy of your strongest sup port or not? You are giving it your strongest support and we only mention this to let you know that every cent you spend with it goes right back into the channels of trade. Fellow from Schley county named J. B. Smith embezelled a whole lot of money and went off with another woman after being the Tax Collector of the county. We knew this gink when he was school teacher and class leader and it did not look right then but it could pray so darn loud that our advice to the community could not be heard. Now he gets two years in the pen for stealing everything in sight. There is no question at all bub, this feei-ball business dont pan out well for the Bainbridge bunch. They did not do much in their last outing. A boy has got to eat hog jowl and collard greens to muster up the muscle up the muscle necessary to perform well in a foot ball game. A little corn bread goes a sight further in a game like that than a Pied mont cigarette. The Hon. Jonathan Doolittle will soon ‘‘nounce for the Jestis of the peace” at the urgent re quest of many friends. This very important and much maligned job will soon be filled and our very habit of not taking the job serious is responsible for inferior men getting in the job and using it to oppress others. That is one of the reasons that so little in the way of fair [results ever ac crues from the existence of the office. Moultrie is blowing around about her new fame. A barn yard full of hens got drunk and cut up. That’s no big thing, we have seen several old hens with dresses on with a load aboard that would sink a sub marine right here in Bainbridge but we made no blowing horn of it. Some people are mighty easy when it comes to fame anyway. These hens we mention spoke plain English and could ask for another drink with human in telligence. We have seen newspaper fight a man, seen them oppese a man but never have we seen such time, space, vituperation and abuse used by any paper to fight a man as has the Tallahassee Re cord used in fighting Catts. Men as experienced in the game as the editors of the Record ought to know that they aie making a martyr out of the man and doing him far more good than they are harm and making votes for him every day and every time they use such bitter and vieious bil- lingsate in referring to him. A campaign of abuse in this state once elected the man abused by an overwhelming majority. Doctor Ainsworth of Macon is trying to stick his finger in the' eyes of the editor of the Tele graph by setting out this kind of a doctrine. It dont make any dif ference what kind of a bull a parson makes, he must not be at all criticised but same parson can lambast everything under the sun that he sees and wants to. Doc ought not try to come that game on the public for it wont stick. The eight wonders ot Georgia. Dick Russell out of a job, Bain- bridge’s fire truck at a fair in Thomasville, Rosco Luke bossing five hundred girls at a barbecue, A Donalsonville man praising Bainbridge, A Bainbridge man praising Donalsonville, Perry Rich and his long tailed coat at a singing convention, Cebe Scott too busy to rag the boys on politics, Home made Decatur county liquor, These eight are enough to make any one wonder. This paper went deep into debt buying reserve stock of paper to keep from having to raise the price of subscription. Loading itself with a heavy and hard burden to take care ot the read ers and it begins to look like that bit of foresight will not avail for the scarcity gets more evident and the paper panic seems longer lived than we thought. Pay for your paper this fall while you can and save the difference in the advance that is coming as sure as shooting. out Mr. Rambler. preaches his far^l and he wi)l shoot yo f 1 holes and dont care mil how close he stick; to rt and then leave ing and you are left lookinl In spite otahtftj medicine he gives you, yo ] like him though for he nJ be a lovable fellow. ™ A town school teacher! wonderful limitation Their lordly air and Won l conceit completely 0 v e ,avJ bulldozes an humble tax H They are the masters J people and not servants! most folks that draw J money. Any citizen that! see all virtue in their i sm l foolish ideas of progressij guilty of lese maieste, going to be a rattling 0 I bones in this school busine] fore many moons that will! some ol the towns we know! center to circumference. 1 ago educational teaching |i and walked hand in hand | common sense but our new L have no patience with tha of common sense. They and jeer at the old fash! ideas that made the men! made this country, hoot al traditions of the country, anl together they have about g<| ire of the old fashioned taxp aroused to the point tha wants to know why he canll something besides theory: money. They said that the Governor was and he said he was not ‘‘sore with Mr. Dorsey” the governor elect. Well if a man had beat the very filling out of us like Hugh did uncle Nat we know darn well we would not send him any love ditties or chocolate drops. Turn ing the other cheek reads mighty fine on paper but we find the practice looks a little foolish to the off ox. A soft answer may turn away wrath but it is too late to talk sugar when the eye has been knocked out. Oh yea doubters and scoffers at the boll weevil [you will soon be on the anxious bench. You will soon wish to gently shoot with a 16 inch cannon the gink that told you that the Boll weevil was a scare or a game gotten up to sell special cotton seed. You will want to wallop with a fence rail the man that preached that he was’nt coming and when he did come he would do no harm. People of Georgia, harken unto advice and prepare to take care of yourselves against his coming for he is as sure to come as washerwomen come on Saturday afternoon for her money, yea as sure as death or taxes. This paper wishes that it had some way to let our fellow citizens in other counties that have not been visited yet see and know of the havoc that he wrought in this county. We hope that every ex change we have will repeat our warning to the people of the state so that they might be saved dire distress and great loss. We want every paper to tell their people to listen to no man that makes light of his destruction but get ready as best they can for him. We have met; him face to face and we know whereof we speak. Thank Goodness we are safe at last. The Rey. Walter Anthony is at it again and in a volcanic eruption in [Cordele recently he charged that town with being the most immoral in the world. When said gent was here he called us by the same name and we are relived to find that some other city meets hisjdisapproval. He set out to clean us up and left us with a two rotten factions that we have just loved and lived down. That was the sum of his doings in Bainbridge. Anthony is a good man but has two sad faults, one his love of notoriety and the other bis lack of judge ment. Seems to have been quot- Attorney General Walker! that the school laws of the have been violated by the s authorities in Savannah and| the Catholics have been considerations denied tothej denominations and that an i on their parts to join church) state is apparent. The factfl put out Mr. Walker are different from those that advanced by the authoritid the schools. Well watch bil Keiley, the notorious blaitherl who blackgaurds every one [ does not agree with him a| Walker and charge him ignorance. This old hellionj propriates to himself all brains of this state and wheij governing bodies disregard | you can hear him yell from to.Beersheba. This matter bij out only another reason why| institutions should be subje inspection. Keiley and his have no more right to violate] law than a bunch of race and the sooner he learns it | better. Ever Salivated b| Calomel? Horrib| Calomel is quicksilver i acts like dynamite on your liver Calomel loses youja day! know what calomel is. It s cury; quicksilver. Calome dangerous. It crashes into bile like dynamite, cramping sickening you. Calomel at the bones and should neve taken into your system. When you feel bilicus, slug constipated and all knocked and believe you need a dose dangerous calomel just remen that your druggist sells fo cents a large bottle ot bods Liver Tone, which is c ntl vegetable and plesant to 1 and is a perfect substitute calomel. It is gauranteed tos your liver without stirring up inside, and can not sain Don’t take calomel! It nm you sick the next day: it you a day,s work. Dod* Liver Tone straightens you and you feel great. Gi ve 1 the children because it i ? fectly harmless and does gripe. Harvard’s pressing cluo . f? antees all work to satisfy Phone 373.