The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, October 19, 1916, Image 7

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j^SSlONAL. CARDS JT C. SMITH DENTIST hpjtairs, Belcher Building | Ba inbrh^ GA. [jt SPOONER TORNEY AT law !“ ,11 State and Federa. SCity Court Bainbrjdge L^p 225 BROUGHTON ST. n _ . Georgia. hdge. \uft- O'NEAL TORNEY at law I GENERAL PRACTICE Georgia J. C. HALE TTORNEY at law general practice [bridge. - Georgia JNO. K. WILSON lABBELL SRELL & WILSON rTORNEYS AT LAW [ffi.VER.AL PRACTICE ainbridge, • Georgia L v. CUSTER ItTORNEY AT LAW Practice in all Courts *y Circuit and all Federal Courts life Opposite Court House ■bridge, - Georgia. D. R. BRYAN ItTORNEY AT LAW Iffice in court House FAIRCHILD FACTS Wonder if many attended the debate at Fairchild school house Friday night and how about organizing a book club girls? Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Yeates of Sneads are visiting Mrs. Jno Rich. We were glad to see them as they passed by. , A. J. Yates was in our midst last week attending to business. Think that winter is pro longing the nights, and long nights mean that we should borrow a portion of one for an entertainment and what would be better than a “Leap Year Party.” Mrs. C. R. Coleman spent a short while with Mrs. D. Turn age Sunday morning. Horace M. Simpson and sister. Miss Vera, visited Fairchild last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. C. R. Coleman and son James went over to Donalson- ville last Saturday shopping. Hillard Turnage and Charlie Clarke make a bussiness trip to Bainbridge last Thursday. Messrs. Simmons and Pearson, from off the dredge boat Musco gee, were out in our community Sundav, A. M. Turnage and wife at tended the dance at Chattahoo chee Friday night. J. O. Aldav and family visited in Florida last week. [i5i?i»mitMT»***“***“******‘-‘**‘*****-‘”*-****“*Mt ! Ti r-> big new discovery cigarette blending The big thing about Chesterfields is their unique blend. The Chesterfield blend is an entirely new com bination of tobaccos. This blend is the most important new development in cigarette making in 20 years. As a result, Chesterfields produce a totally new * kind of cigarette enjoyment—they satisfy! Just like a “bite” before bedtime satisfies when you’re hungry. But with all that, Chesterfields are MILD, too! This new enjoyment (satisfy, yet mild) comes ONLY in Chesterfields because no cigarette maker can copy the Chesterfield blend. ffhffltltGjfiy&liJvCaXco Gx "Give me a package of those cigarettes that SATISFY J in CIGARETTES bridge, Georgia. DR, E, EHRLICH YSICIAN & SURGEON iPhones 358, 46 and 18 ] Office 312 Clark St. Bridge, .... Georgia. WIMBERLY, JR, Attorney at law Ilifice in O'Neal Building | Next to Court House bridge, - - - Georgia. H. G. BELL > - attorney at law [GENERAL PRACTICE Joilices in Chason Building Opposite Court House fridge, - - - Georgia. J. M. FLOYD [attorney at law I Dealer in Real Estate Ice,2nd. Floor Racket store [bridge, gegrgia f.E. STRICKLAND [ATTORNEY AT LAW e with Hon. H. B. Spooner Bainbridge, Ga. W. M. ARLINE [county surveyor 1 DECATUR COUNTY p- 0. Strjcklan, Ga. run levels for Terracing, ping and Draining. All let- pidinqu'rues will be prompt- Tended to. R - M. WALSH O. V. M. GRADUATE veterinarian l ro ’ • • . Georgia. German’s Pressing Club [the P! a c e for Good Work.- Clothes, Hats-, and I hid Gloves Cleaned [ 1 - lds °f Busheling Work. An Work Guaranteed— °. 264-L. Bainbridge, GA. Nolly CAMP NO. 28. loodjnen oije $orld Second and Fourth Monday Nights. B| ting Sovereigns Always Welcome. 0 - N Ui, council commander. J - H. Hancock, clerk. ALLIANCE DOTS •Misses Annie Mae and Geor gia Dean, and Fannie Brock gave Fairy Lou Dean a call last Sunday. Lawson Brock and Lewis Newsome accompained Misses Elizabeth Taylor and Ruby Singleton home Sunday. Luby Newsome gave Miss Annie Mae Dean a call Sunday. Mrs. W. R. Horn was visit ing home folks Sunday. Earnest Dean was in Bain bridge Saturday on business. Miss Maud Valentine and Joe Dollar attended preaching at Oak Grove last Sunday. Miss Fairy Lou Dean enter tained a large crowd of young folks last Sunday. 10 for 5c Also packed 20 for I Oc RUB-MY-TISM i Will cure’your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 25c Aunts fb \ e flats Cellular I Guaranteed UQUIDPROOF-HEATPROOF Pricel$2.50 Lane Furniture Company IS 1 * X 686 n'. P 'i’ criptio » prepared eqtecttBr <*,*,'* or CHILLS & FEVER ;•»°* e * *>11 break any cate. ecc r! 81 a tonic the Fever will do oa ,he liTer better that — -o« not gripe or tickes Good American Loaves baked right here in a good American bakery by a good American patriot out of good American flour. What better can you obtain? Where is the flour that’s superior to the kind we use, or the bakery that is more modem and sanitary ? THE WHITEWAY BAKER! ELDORENDO DOTS Ginning season is very near over with here. We seldom hear the gin noise. Harvest time makes many farmers around here wear broad smiles and a new broad cloth habit. Professor J. H. Dean began a ten days singing school at the Baptist church last Monday, J. L. Davis made a business trip to Bainbridge last Saturday. Joe E. Toole and Pet Hatcher and children dined with W. J. Pridgen last Sunday. Mr. Hancock of near Quincy, Fla., was here one day last week buying special stock hogs from W. J. Pridgen. Leon Williams and sister, Mrs. Whigham, spent Thursday in town. Friday, the 27th is set aside as election day for Local School Tax. The question will be. who shall vote right. Mrs. D. V. Powell spent Mon day with her mother, Mrs. Val entine. J. W. Powell and daughters were in our village a while Sun day. H. A. Taylor and wife were out joy riding Sunday evening. Ho* Catarrh is Contraceed. Mothers are somtimes so thoughtless as to neglect the colds which their ehildren con tract. The infiamation of the mucu3 membrane, at first be comes chronic and the child has chronic catarrh, a disease which is seldom cured and that may prove a life’s burden. Many persons who have this loathsome disease will remember having had frequent colds at the time it was contracted. A little fore thought, a bottle of Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy judiciously used and all this trouble might have been avoided. Obtainable everywhere. BETHEL ITEMS Rev. Bluett filled his regular appointment at Bethel Satur day and Sunday. Allen and Miss Henrietta Rich, called on their grand-parents Monday afternoon. We give our new neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Jones a hearty welcome. Allen Rich purchased a load of fine hogs from Mr. James Thomas of Fairchild. Several people of this section are losing hogs with cholera. John Wilson and wife spent Sunday with their parents. Chester Reed left Friday to except his school. Are You Looking Old? Old age comes quick enough without inviting it. Some look old at forty. That is they be cause the neglect the liver and bowels. Keep your bowels re gular and you liver healthy and you will not only feel younger. When troubled with constipation or biliousness take Chamber lain’s Tablets. They are in tended especially for these ail ments and are excellent. Easy to take and most agreeable in effect. Obtainable everywhere. KINKY HAIR jifUnt*. n». y Med. Co. ] 0*nth M*n. !y picture them* JCO 'L»t jf'/t-r Lr.* POMADE baa done tot my balr. Before I u*®d It, my hair allky that I can do it op toy way I wa&t to. * torn* truly. Cllja GkLER. Don't let aovne fake Kink Jtemover fool POM AD K does, remove* Dandruff, feeds the Root* of the hair, and make* it grow lonr. soft and silky. After using a few times you can tell the difference, and after • little while tt will be ao pretty and lonr that you can fix ft up to suit you. If ffxelentodon’tdoaa we claim, we will give your money back. 21c by mail on receipt of stamp# or coin. wn>» Par fwCaslara. — is the twentieth century means of settling disputes. In time, Arbitration should supplant war in deciding differences between great nations. Acceptance of the principle of Arbitration will render great industrial strikes impossible — and even minor differences will come to be settled by this means. Impartial judges can be counted upon to render fair decisions. To impartial judges of roofing, we will always be willing to leave decision as to the comparative merits of roofings, confident that intelligent investigation will result in a decision for Certain-teed Roofing An investigation into methods of manufacturing would show that only the best quality of roofing felts is used in CERTAIN-TEED roofing. This is thoroughly saturated with a blend of soft asphalts— the formula of the General’s Board of Expert Chemists. It is then coated with a blend of harder asphalts, which forms art impervious coating and prevents the inner saturation from drying out. This explains why CERTAIN-TEED outlives ordinary roofing, and why it is possible to guarantee it for 5, 10 or 15 years, according to ply (1, 2 or 3). The responsibility of the world’s largest manufacturer of roofings and building papers is behind this guarantee; which is conservative, as experience proves that CERTAIN-TEED outlives the period of guarantee. The General makes one third of America’s supply of asphalt roll roofing. His facilities are unequaled, and he is able to produce the highest quality roofing at the lowest manufacturing cost. CERTAIN-TEED is made in rolls; also in a slate-surfaced shingles. There is a type of CERTAIN-TEED for every kind of building, with flat or pitched roofs, from the largest sky-scraper to the smallest residence or out building. CERTAIN-TEED is sold by responsible dealers all over the world, at reasonable prices. Investigate it before you decide on any type of roof. General Roofing Manufacturing Company WotU'b Largest Manufacturer of Roofing* and BaiUmg ftptw Hc.Yo.kOtv CUtu. PUWalpkia St.Locio Baatae ——■ • hltitiarrS Detroit Sac Fraociace Lo. Aacoleo Milwaukee Ctedoeaal U.i> rixUta ISIS. Ututrsl Koetui« Memilerterirn Co.