The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, November 09, 1916, Image 1

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/ Hr HE POST-SEARCH LIGHT JJJE.2. NO. 33 BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA THURSDAY NOVEMBER 9, 1916 $1.00 PER YEAR ILSON IS RE-ELECTED 2:10 P. M- ANNOUNCED THAT HE HAS 273 VOTES IN ELECTORIAL COLLEGE WHICH INSURES HIS ELECTION. Have C ut Lghes’ Lead Down to k Votes. Eleven Dis- |cts Yet be Heard From [((CHESTER, N. H. Nov. 9.— ■suit of the election in New Ipshire was still in doubt to- 7 With 21 precints missing trial returns gave Hughes a §yof 1,869 votes, the vote Hughes 42,325, Wilson jorge E. Favrand, Demo-. |c state chairman, notified Jetary of State Bean today |he would call for a recount e presidential vote, ary W. Keyes, Republican, j elected governor by a tlity of 8,500. while the two nblican congressman were re- Ikile the Republican state nittee had announced that 121 precincts still to be 1 from Hughes had an un- ial plurality of 1,867, revised Ispaper figures this afternoon Iced the Hughes lead to 275, ]eleven small precincts out. lublican leaders said the mted vote was in Republi- Iterritory, ATIDHAL IS CLAIM l‘ w York, Nov. 9. — Demo- Jic Chairman McCormick said (y this afternoon: ften the count is finished »n will have more than 300 loral votes.” I e adde J that his advices that West Virginia had t Democratic by ten thousand. P York, Nov. 9.—Republi- |Chairman Willcox at 12:50 , \ lssue d this statement: California and Minnesota are |., or Hughes, as are Oregon f • ew Hampshire. This means Fes is elected by 277 electoral 1 a statement, he said, was upon advices from the Pfh'e state headquarters, California by 10,000 Sar,d Minnesota by 20,000. THE WORLDS GREAT SNAR In the role of Myra, the fasci nating heroine 6f E. Phillips Op ^enheim’s thrilling story, “The Woild’s Great Snare,” Pauline Frederick is eedowed with nu merous opportunities to display the charm, magnetism, and em otional power that have made her one of the foremost favorites of the screen. As a cabaret dancer, who smiles gaily upon the world, but whose heart conceals crush ing sorrows and despairs, Miss Frederick contributes one of the most powerful and symprthetic characterizotions in all filmdom: The Famous Players Film Corn pany’s production of this famous story prossesses all the superb qualities of pictorial and dramatic strength for which this leading producing company is noted. At the Callahan Theatre on Monday night. BIG INCREASE Atlanta, Ga.~If shipments of booze into Atlanta continue to in crease for the next few weeks as they have since the new new pro hibition laws went in to effect last May 1, the city’s record for the month of December will be in the neighborhood of 100,000 pack ages.. In September the ship ments numberer 31,789. In Oct. they jumped 50 per-cent, to 45,273. If they jump fifty per cent in November, which seems likely, they will go to 78,000, and if they jump fifty per-cent again in December they will go above 100,000. In view of the celebrations in cident to the Christmas holidays, it appears to be quite likely, not to say certain, that Atlanta will require at least 100,000 packages during the closing month of the year. F?m November the 20th to inclusive, the Temple Guild conduct, i n the Callahan „‘ n f a Trade Bazaar. Be- ^ large lineof groceries, . drygoods, clothing, ^tc. uted by enterprising bus- nouses, there will be a full II , made novelties suitable i da y gifts, also home made it an d candies each day. ? and Postum will be served ^ Jr !ngthe bazaar, and there ,, acan dy wheel in operation ‘ e children and grown ups f -'gh grade candies, will be , 6 " tour patronage, or a social call from you will ated by the ladies. COUNT! FOB WILSON Both, the good old state ot Georgia and the county of De catur went into the Democratic column by the old fashioned majority route. A swift and Strong rebuke was given the bolters and the element of men that would deliver the state to influences that we know not of. The men who love the south and its traditions stuck by the old party that brought them safely through the most stormy days of our history and rolled up the usual vote in its behalf. This election will mark some very de cided changes in the future con duct of democratic matters in this state and the rank and file of democracy will see the dawn ing of the day when party will mean something. The opposition to Wilson polled about 300 votes in this county from the socialists, progressives, republicans and colored voters and the democrats polled something like 1000. These facts will bring out some study in the future. We are sorry to learn of the illness of little Dorothy Cohn, weo has been confined to bed for the past week. The Greatest American of the Age Put up the Greatest Battle of the Age for Democracy. “Nobody Home but the Voters and They Are all Gone for Wilson”. NEW YORK, Nov. 8.—At noon today the result of the election was still doubtful. It depended on the outcome in a dozen doubful states and from a number of states from which the results are coming in slowly. ■ The chair of both national committees claimed handsome - majorities in the electorial college for their candidates, but actual figures failed to make good the claim of either. . At 11 o’clock Democratic Chairman McCormick claimed that Wilson would have 288 electoral votes. % Wilson is leading in Kansas by more than 11,000 with half of the precincts in. He held Jfi 3 lead °f 900 in one-t^ird of the North Dakota precincts. He was nearly 10,000 ahead in one-fourth of the Minnesota voting districts. Delaware returns at 11 o’clock indicated that Hughes had carried that state by 800. He also led in Indiana by more than 10,000 majority, with less than 1,000 precincts out. Hughes had a lead in California with about 3,500 precincts out of 5,917 precincts missing. The states counted safely in the Huges column this morning were: Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michi- hnn, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Ver mont and Wisconsin. Arizona. Arkansas, Colorado, Kentucky, Maryland; Missouri, Montana, Nevada, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, Utah and south ern states are all for Wilson. Depends on Doubtful States NEW York, Nov. 8. — With both sides claiming victory de cisive result today depended on the vote in California, Delaware, Idaho, Indiana, Kantas, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Mexi co, Oregon, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming. Reports from Montana and, Washington, said that indications were that Wilson would carry these states by 2,000. Wilson led in Kansas, Oregon, New Mexico, Wyoming, Minne sota, Idaho and California on latest returns this morning. A An old fashioned family re union was held at the country home of J. M. Barber, eight miles south of Bain bridge last Sunday, all of the members being present. Mr. and Mrs. Barber have been married forty-three years and are to [be congratulated upon raising a family of thirteen children, of which number nine are married. It is interesting to remark that this large family was raised at this home without ever having moved until the married ones sought homes of their own, All of the children reside near the old home stead except Chief Barber and Mrs. Edd Sapp and Mrs. Will Sapp who live in Bain- bridge. The family spent a very pleas ant day together, and enjoyed a sumptious Idinner. This remarkable family con sists of thirteen children and seventeen grand children all of whom seem to enjoy the best health. Will Appear in Bainbridge Again This Fall Under the Auspices of Base Ball Association. of FALL MEETING OF TIE ! ARGHDEAG OF MUCH INTEREST Marked with elegant simplicity, and beautiful in every detail was the wedding ceremony of Miss Elise Slappey and Mr. Charles William King, consummated at the home of the bride’s mother Mrs. J. W. Slappey, on Wednes day afternoon at five o’clock. The stately mansion lent it self to graceful decorations that made bowers of fragrant bloom in parlors, halls, and stairway, emphasizing the color moti of white and green. Sprays of feathery ferns festooned the parlor walls, bask ets of white carnations breathed spring odors, roses, ferns and carnations banked the mantel and the improvised altar was artistic with canopy above of wedding bells and ferns and tall floor vases holding white carna tions. The halls and living room showed a wealth of chrysanthe mums and potted plants, a charming background for the tables loaded with gifts, evincing the loving esteem and good wishes of many friends for the young couple. The stairway was draped with smilax and festoons graced molding, cornices and pictures. Preceding the cere mony Mrs. D. B. Frederick sang ■'Thou Art My All”. Miss Mary Niles was the accompanist and played “Mendelssohn’s Wedding March” as the -bridal party en- NEW BOOKS REGEIIIED IT PUBLIC L1BRAR! Following is a list of new books received at the Library: “Chole Malone,” by Lea: “The Wall Street Girl.” by Bartlett: “Peace and Quiet, ”by Author of Squaw Mar: “The Voice in the Wildrness,” by Lutz; “Betty at Frost Bilzzard,” by Sea well; “Bright Eyes of Danger,” Fos ter; “Sins of the Children,” by Casmo Hamilton; “Second Choice,” by Will N. Harben; “Damaris, ” by Lucas Malet; “The Worn Doorstep ,” by Sher wood; “The Rising Tide,” by jibe Will be held at the St. John’s Episcopal Church next week. The people are invited to attend all the services. The program is given below. TUESDAY NIGHT, 7:20 P. M. Evening Prayer and [Sermon, by the Rev. John Moore, Walk er, of Cordele. WEDNESDAY, 10:00 A. M. Holy Communion and Sermon by Rev. Wm. H. Higgings, of Thomasville. 7:30 p. m. Evening Prayer and Sermon by Rev. W. W. Webster, of Douglas. An address by Mr. John A. Davis of Albany, on the subject, “St. Paul’s Men’s Bible Class.” THURSDAY, 10:00 A. M. Litany Service and Sermon by Rev. J. W. Blocker, of Fitz gerald. 7:30 p. m. Evening Prayer and Sermon by the Bishop of the Diocese, Rt. Rev. F. F, Reese, D. D. On Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock there will be a series of Cottage Prayer Meetings at Following places, Mrs. C. The personel and shows of the Metropolitan Shows which are to appear here all next week un der auspices of the Base Ball Club need no introduction to the amusement loving public, as they have proven to the public they carry one of the best carnivals in the south. Mr. Barfield, the Manager, has spent every effort and considerable money to get the best attractions and is to be. congratulated upon the conduct and appearance of his people and shows. There will be seventeen attrac tions, some of which are of the educational class, and will cause the people to study and talk for many months. Two free acts of high class are carried with this show. Two bands will render concerts every day. The famous Italian band will play each after noon in the City Park, and their concerts will be enjoyes by all. The Georgia Minstrels have added many new features that have proven more interesting than ever. The Merry-Go-Round and Venetian Swings for the children. Let’s all get together and make it a banner week for all trades of the city. Week of November 13-16. » Mary Deland; “Painted Scene,” by Webster; “Bonnie May,” by Dodge; “The Circuit Rider’s Widow,” by Coma Harris. . tered. The flower maidens came first, Miss Hannah Neil Jones and Miss Emily Rice, gowned in dainty white frocks and pink ribbons, carrying baskets of pink sweetheart roses. The bride entered with her brother Mr. McGehee Slappey, from the hall. The groom and his best man, Mr. Marshall King coming in from the side hall met them at alter where |Rev. T. W. Darley performed the ring ceremony with impressive solem nity. . After the reception Mr. and Mrs. King left for Albany and Bainbridge, which latter town will be their future home. R. Graham’s residence on Shot- well street; at the residence of Mrs. Frank Brewer on Brough ton street, and the residence of Mrs. George Sexton on Wash ington street. It is earnestly hoped that the people living in the neighborhood of these resid ence will attend this service which will last thirty or forty minutes. Everybody is cordi ally invited to attend all ol these services. The Business Sessions will be held immediately after the morning services and in the afternoons. Mr. »W. J. Brady, the South Broad street merchant who is in the store house formerly occupied bv Mr. J. M. Lainer has adver tisement in this issue that all wise shoppers will do well to •can. "THE AMERICAN BEAUT!” In the panic created by the burning of an ocen liner at sea. the Ellsworths become separat ed from their infant daughter. The babe is rescued and grows to beautiful womanhood as Ruth Cleave—a fisherman’s daughter. Paul Keith, an American artist is seeking the ideally beautiful woman, whose soul will inspire him to a great picture; this picture is to compete in an international contest of femin ine loveliness. Keith paints several disappointing pictures be fore he discovers in Ruth Cleave in a most unexpected way, the beauty of soul that he has been seeking. The love story of the beautiful model and the young aristocratic painter has many tangles and unwonted turns. Ruth becomes enmeshed in the snare of Lor- rimer, multi-millionaire art pat ron, in the latter’s Orientally magnificent studio-palace. This ieade Keith to cast aside all the barriers ot his aristocratic upbringing and propose to Ruth. Ruth most unexpectedly refuses. Why, and of the results—this story relates with a thrilling charm. At Callahan Theatre next Thursday. The wife of Abner Guy, an old and well respected colored citizen died Tuesday night after a short illness. This was a well thought of old eouple and they have the sympathy of all their friend*. *