The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, November 09, 1916, Image 10

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p THE POST-SEARCH LIGHT Published Every Thursday at Bainbridge. Georgia. E. H. GRIFFIN Editor and Proprietor Entered at the Postoffice in Ham- bridge, Oa., as second class mail matter under Act of Congress March mil, 1H!17. Subscription Rates ONE YEAR 11.00 MIX MONTHS 50c Advertising Rates Advertising rate depends on position, number of insertions and other requirements, and will be furnished at the business office. OFXtCIAI. ORtlAN OF TIIK CITV OF BAINDKIOOK A Nil IlKCATUB COUNTY. Telephone No. 239 How soon we forget iolks and what they do. How many of re call that the late C. H. Caldwell and some of the good turns he did in a charitable way around this place. Fellow down in Vaidosta'claims to have found a muskless pole cat and we rise in our seats to remark that we dont believe a darn word of it and wont believe it if we see it, so there. It some of these fellows that are buying autos as a result of the high price of cotton would invest in a few seven passenger plows they would get better re sults says Abe Martin land it is pretty near true. We told you so. 1 ' This little ex pression covers many sides of many subjects. One good thing and that is we wont have to read any more about Catts and Knott in the Florida papers. Pastor Russellis dead and with out being unkind we would like to know where he went, if he fol lowed some of his own teachings. Did you hear the old song Tues day night “Bringing in the sheaves”? It sounded like an old time rally for a while did’nt it?. Notice the way that some of our tellows are walking now, strutting as it were. They are eating meat, not drinking whiskey. The price of liquor has gone lip in Savannah an exchange says. We rise to ask is that caused by under-production or over-consumption? Either of both, which? There will be no joy in Thomp son this week. The great Dis gruntled did not have the ex treme pleasure of seeing Georgia turn down an old fashioned Dem ocratic administration. 65 automobiles in front of the Callahan Theater Thursday night indicated that there was some in terest in the affair pulled off by the out of city folks. Well we got a carnival any how and there may be an eleph ant in that carnival after all. if there is not we have a tiger to loan them anyway. There will be more folks re penting around here over wasting money from 20 cent cotton than you can count before another crop is made. Georgia in every way is the most fortunate state in the union but we have more grouches it seems than those states that really have a right to kick. The community smart Aleck will always bob up at the very wrong time. Did you ever notice that? He is getting busy again in this city. Some of the Democratic papers over the state allowed their columns used as channels ot at tack on the Democratic nominees for pay and very small pay at that. Nothing doing around here. Well you can look for that auto accident here in a very few days. It is just as sure to come as the sun rises unless some fools we know hold down the speed of their cars. Bound to happen. We thought that the Elberton Star was a Democratic paper but its last issue makes it look very much like, that if not a Republican paper it is allowing them to hog the columns of the paper under the guise of Progres- Can you play a ukulele? If you cant your social standing is in as bad fix as the woman who does her own house work. You cant shine without this particular kind of a distinction in “cee- ciety”. Tom Dixon wants to build a monument to perpetuate the Ku Klux Klan and we are of the opinion that such a thing is not needed as the Klan will live in the minds ot the Southern people. We hope that Watson, the daddy of truthless journalism got his 30 pieces out of this cam paign. It would be terrible to think that after going back on his people that he did not get the pay for his perfidy. Valdosta is to have a cleaning up to judge from the looks of the papers out of the city. Valdosta has lost a generation or so of good boys by the fact that she has ignored certain things in her government and we believe that she is to wake up now. Thomasville pulled off a big thing of it last week and every body that went over seemed to have enjoyed their day to the uttermost. That Thomasville bunch can give you a good time when they set out to do that thing. Why is it that a thin skinned man loves to see others ragged and joke all his friends but when you joke him it is time for a row. We have some ginks here that delight in deviling other folks but when you get after them you hurt their feelings something terrible. It’s Judge Strickland now, the tall good looking slender gentle man with that imposing look. Fred will make a good justice and the boys say that it is writ for him to have the honor. It could not go to a more worthy young man in all the section. to If our styled leaders could find as much pleasure in seeking out the great advantages thi9 country has over any other under the sun and the many great privileges that we are enjoying in this re public as they do in hunting things to curse about and abuse .he country about they would be far more busy at the latter work than the former. Did you ever feel sorry for the human misfit? The fellow that seems born to do the wrong thing every time and a fellow that no body at all likes. When you know of a fellow like that in your community and if you want a real friend, throw that kind of a fellow a kind word occasionally and you have a friend that will die by you almost. Kind words to him are so scare that he prizes them above everything. Hand him a few kind words and you make a life long friend out of him even if he is a misfit. The Lone Hater, the Sage of McDuffie has gotten all the glory that he can get and the next time that he wants Georgia to go against a man it will be good political judgement for him to favor that man and his native county and state will sure turn him down. Those Georgia Democrats and voters that went into the white primaries of the past summer and than voted the Republican Ticket are welcome to all the glory they can get. Their treason may benefit them whatsoever they can find. Editor Camp of the Walton Tribune has an attack of Con gestion of the uniform multiplex. We knew that something was wrong but thought it was the old fashioned printers colic. Wonder if a man suffers much with that disease as he does a wore out drunk. There has been some consider able comment on the fact that a Bainbridge man has found a panacea for the boll weevil and we believe that when it is fully tested out that it will prove a great aid to the farmers. The Lee County Journal still clings to the proud habit of send ing out her single copies wrapped in the leaves from the Congres sional record, this brings to one a breath of weekly journalism a few years agone sure as you live. The most useful thing that a Record was ever made for. We note that Mrs. Henry M. Flagler is to wed again and we are also as glad to note that the old gal will not have to buy up a a Florida legislature to pull off a divorce as old Henry did when he got her. A disgrace that the state of Florida repukiated as quickly as she could. In the throng you can sort out the man who voted the straight democratic ticket because he will look you straight in the eye with a clear conscience behind that same eye. He does not lower his eyes in recollection of broken primary obligations and sad memories of a violated gentle man’s agreement. Fellow said to us the other day ‘ ‘if you were to publish all you know you would have to leave town” and whereupon we informed the gent that if we did that half the folks that were here would have to leave and leave a darn sight faster than we would. Presented a fellow a bill a few days ago and he got mad but not mad enough to pay the bill and then we got mad. Now if that gink had paid spot cash for that work there would not have been so many folks getting mad, while we would have been better satisfied had said gink got mad enough to pay that bill. The friends of Rev. Arthur Moore were glad co see him in the city Saturday afternoon on his way to Tallahassee where he will be leading a revival this week. Quite a number of his Bainbridge friends have been preparing to go down and attend as much of his service as they can. The first thing anybody knows we are line up all the kids in town in a row and march through town with big banners inscribed thereon ‘‘we dont want bread, we want a circus with a big elephant in it” and down with prohibitory city ordinances. See if we dont. The only way that Bainbridge can ever hope to fill the place that it was intended that she should is Dy concentrated effort through a trade body and one not established to advance any particular interest to the detri ment of another but to aid all of them. Such a body can be or ganized and put through. The Federal Trade Commis sion has exposed the fact that the publishers all over the country are being gouged by the paper manufacturers but what is the remedy for us now? How will their exposure help the poor devil that has to pay the price or else miss publishing his paper? A good old fashioned horse race hasjnever lost its poyer to thrill the native born southerner and it will continue to thrill him regardless of how may laws may be passed. Any man would rather see a horse race than an automobile race. The auto race lost its prestigs in a few years but the good old horse race still makes folks sit up and take notice. It is so edifying to hear a woman growl about the high cost of living when you know almost that she has not swept her own floor or made up a bed in her home in forty months and is wearing out a pair of high priced shoes every month on the pavements up town. Did you ever hear that? If a local newspaper spoke as disparagingly of others peoples business as they do of the local paper at times because they cant boss it there would be war in the camp all the time. But when we find a man big enough fool not to know that the paper is worth more to the community than he is we just hold our noses and pass on. He is dead and dont know it. A Poughkeepsie preacher was unfrocked a few days ago because he had the small sum of 8 wives concealed about over the country and it seems thatfgink had been marrying them for the money there was in the business. As a punishment we suggest that he be made to buy ’em all a new fall hat at one time and a beef steak. Put him in bankruptcy all at once. ‘‘You failed to publish my wife’s social in behalf of the Belgain suffers, stop my paper” is one of the things that we all heEr as set out by puklishers journal. When the fool folks that think themselves society folks wake up to the fact that no one takes them serious out of their own set they will find out just how much a paper regards them as an asset to the business. We have had just such darn foolishness as this to contend with. Honest now dont you feel like reaching for a club when you hear a woman gabbing about the cost of keeping house when she never stays off the streets an hour a day and only uses her house to sleep and eat? Dont you want a billet when you hear one like this kicking on the grocery bill and she has not known for twelve months what the cook is buying or who she is buying for? Enough to make anybody dis gusted. The Gadsden County Times of Quincy, one of the best weeklies in North Florida has had to raise their subscription prices. With paper ranging as it is the people can not expect a first class paper at the price they have been pay ing. A farmer a few days ago sold cotton at 18 1-2 cents per pound and then had the gall to kick on advanced price of paper. It dont seem to have occurred to him that cotton consumers are paying that price for his cotton but he does’nt want to pay any advance on anything himself. The good countv paper at noth ing per year is a thing of the , past. The rip-rearing, hell-bust : ng Mad Mullah of McDuffie did the democratic party one favor this time that he did not intend to do. His dirty act in drawing a dead woman’s name into a campaign roused the white men of the state and they turned out good and hard and showed that he could not make dogs out of his fellow citizens even if he was willing to wallow in the mire. Quite a lot of discussion is go ing the rounds about banks ad vertising and we do sincerely hope that some of the Bainbridge banks will read that discussion for they need it. The first con sideration that a paper renders in a community is to the banks, the men that they induce to come into a town are first bank patrons but we find it like pulling eye teeth to get this bunch here to realize that. Yea, and in squally times when the banks get into trouble the very first person they call on for publicity that will tend to soothe excite ment and keep their doors open is the editor of the town paper but as patrons for a paper they are slow, very slow in this part of the the moral vineyard. That lean hungry looking fel low you see with patched britch es on and that furtive look dodg ing around, the fellow that never made a success out of anything and who sat on the dry goods box talking ‘agin’ the government and let the grass eat up his crop, who tries to lay at the door of the administration all responsi bility for his laziness and lack of energy, that is the guy Jthat fol lowed ‘‘the gutless wretch” of Thompson in to treason against his own people. If cotton was a dollar a pound and corn five dol lars per bushel he would have neither to sell because he wont work and make some and wants a living without staining his hands. We have too many of that kind now. If they were made to work they would find less to growl about. The Jeffersonian arrived in Bainbridge Sunday morning and its front gage was again smeared with a dirty reference to the grave ot Mrs. Wilson and the president. The Dog ot McDuffie has bayed again and every de cent man in the state is ashamed that he calls himself a Georgian. In the days of carpet-bagging and scalawagism there was never one of those that went so low that he would drag the name of a dead woman in a political campaign and it is nauseating to think that at this late day it was the misfortune of this state to produce such a thing. A man with the first pretensions to de cency and manhood would not do such a thing and self-respect ing person will not uphold such conduct. Mr. Watson may be a tin-jesus in the eyes of some but he looks just like any other ruffian that would rob a grave to us. No man, not one on earth could stoop this low and retain his own self respect to say noth- oi any one respecting him. People can be fair if they want to. If a negro with a large family thinks that he can get enough to feed them on in the north who can blame his move. He most certainly cant work for $1 per day and feed them in this country now. We may need his labor ever so much and object! to his going but the fact still remains that he cant live at present prices of rations on the pay that he receives and after all the average farmer cant give any more. THIS QUESTION NEEDS STUDY more than it does feel ing or abuse. What can you do? You surely would not blame a negro for wanting to eat, even an animal has that right but can he eat if he has a family on one dollar per day at the price he has to pay now for groceries? ' w “0 to d S3* ™ -o long, 1 Wa !‘°" Tribal * atlon - We know J FiZ t0h , earthe °W 8 j Found ation'’ Hundred” and all classics What bec am | organist? Bishop Keiley 9ays Veazy bill will not hold 2!f““ rt8 - Bish ought. But the right of sea , man s private home f or has been held good and see how the Supreme 8 do a somersault turn right of search of a home is legal we will be to a doughnut that the search of a public ma , be sustained now. \y bill was first agitated had invited its passage have never passed but h made all the people thinn had something to conceal its passage. When a m j like he is hiding someth! inviting criticism that may not be warranted, hop and the Disgruntled McDuffie will keep stirrii thing until they maketroi of it yet. Neither of th doing any good. A lot ot somethings themselves socialists havj speaking in this county at! the democratic administid affairs. We have not to learn which branchl cialism they belong to, Tli so many breeds, some that) work iand envy and abJ man that has thirty cen| an extra clean shirt, Son believe in free love and! that dont love anybody of thing, not even themselvesf that think a man ought to b daily honored because he | gets up any higher in life! hod-carrier. We have all I and they follow every kind! ism but when you cast upl tax list you will find as f( the lists as you will fiddler; casionally some real servl man will get led off inti vague shadow of an ism bij often. Ever Salivated Calomel? Horril Calomel is quicksilven acts like dynamitq on your liver Calomel loses youja day know what calomel is. It's cury; quicksilver. Caloro dangerous. It crashes into bile like dynamite, crampinj sickening you, Calomel al the bones and should nev taken ii^to your system When you feel bilious, slu; constipated and all knock and believe you need a <3 dangerous calomel just remel that your druggist sells f" cents a large bottle of D ( Liver Tone, which is ent vegetable and plesant to and is a perfect substitut calomel. It is gauranteed to your liver without stirring up inside, and can not sail Don’t take calomel! It you sick the next day: it you a day,s work. D°“ Liver Tone straightens :• and you feel great, Gi ye 1 the children because it 15 fectly harmless and d<* s gripe. The registration books ° ^ city of Bainbridge are no* in the office of the Cler ’■ qualified voters are given m that the books will remain during the month of Novt • W. 0. Flemw