The Post-search light. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1915-current, November 09, 1916, Image 6

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I CANDIDATE DIED ON [LECTION OAT " Grand Island, Nebraska, Nov. 7,—S. R. Barton, a Republican candidate for Congress in the Fifth district of Nebraska, died here to-day from an attack of acute pneumonia. He was run ning against Congressman Ash ton C. Schallenberger. Barton closed his campaign here last night. He was a mem ber of the Sixty-third Congress. WARE COUNTY WILL RAIIE TO HOLD SPECIAL ELECTION Atlanta, Nov. 8—The election in yesterday’s voting of L. Vol- ney Williams as a member of the house of representatives from Ware county.will have to hold a special election later, to fill a vacancy in one seat in the house, or that Mr. Williams •will have to resign a state job, which pays him *150 per month and expenses. It is admitted offically in At lanta that Mr. Williams can’t be a member of the house and at the same time, hold the Jop of umpire to settle for the state disputed claims, or all claims, made for damage done by the Tennessee Copper com pany. Mr. Williams, it is held officially will have to resign one place or the other, and it is not believed here he will resign the Job. NOTICE OF BIDS Georgia, Decatur County. Notice is hereby given that the County Commissioners will receive bids on the 1st Monday in December, 1916, and let contracts for the year 1917 as follows: County physician, furnishing medi cal and surgical attention to all con victs under the charge of the Commis sioners, the inmates of the 'pauper farm and the prisoners in jail, also furnishing all medicines and dress ings. Let bids be made in the alter native for compensation cither on a salary basis or a fee basis, county mil eage to be specified. County advertising, publishing all advertisements or notices eminating from the County Commissioners office. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. By order of the Commis sioners, this November 6tlf, 1916, I.. BALL, Chairman. I OR SALE There will he sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge, on tlie 1st Monday in December, 1916. at 11 o'clock a. in., at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash 12 to 15 head of county road mules which have become inellectual for heavy road work, but which will do excellent ser vice _on the farm. By order of the Commissioners. L. BALL, Chairman. NOTICE OF NEW ROAD Georgia, Decatur County. To Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given that citizens of the Iron City district have applied for (lie establishment of a new public road, which lias been laid out anti marked conformably to law by the Beviewers appointed and a report thereof made and filed by them under oath, said road being described as fol lows; Beginning at a point on Bain bridge and Gordon road on the east line of land lot 154 in the 27th district at John Martin's residence, and run ning thence north on a continuation of said land line to intersection with the public road from Iron City to Kl- dorendo, a distance of about 7-6 of a mile. If no good cause is shown to the contrary by persons interested in tbis limiter, an order will be granted by the County Commissioners on the first Monday in December, 1016, estab lishing said new road. By order of the Commissioners, this the 6th dav of November, 1910. L. BALL, Chairman. NOTICE OF NEW ROAD Georgia, Decatur County. To Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given that citizens of tlie iron City district have applied for the establishment of a new public road, which lias been laid out and marked conformably to law by the Beviewers appointed and a reyort thereof made and filed by them under oath, said road being described as fol lows: Beginning at a point on the Bainbridge and Gordon road on land line between lots 115 and 126 in the 27th district, and running thence north on an extension of said line about it-4 of a mile to an intersection with the Iron City and Colquitt road. If no good cause is shown to tlie con trary by jiersons interested in this matter, an order will be granted by the County Commissioners on the first Monday in December, 1916, estab lishing said new road. By order of tlie Commissioners, this the 6tli day of November, 1916. L. BALL, Chairman. CITATION Georgia, Decatur County. To Whom it May Concern: Anna Chancy, having in proper form applied to me for permanent Let ters of Administration on the estate of A. L. Chancy, late of said County, this is to cite all and singular tlie creditors and next of kin of the said A. I,. Chancy, to be and appear at my office on the first Monday in December 1916, and show cause, if any they can. why permanent Administration should not be granted to said Anna Chancy on said A. L. Chancy's estate. Wit ness my official signature, November 7th, 1916. T. B. MAXWELL, Ordinary. Georgia, Decatur County. By virtue of an order passed by his Honor E. K Cox, Judge of the Super ior Court of said county, on the 28th day of October, 1916, there will be sold before the courthouse door, on the first Tuesday in December, sixty-two and one half (62 1-2) acres of land, same being the northeast quarter of land lot number three hundred and sixty (660) in the fifteenth (16th) district of said county. Said land being sold for the pur]K>8c of a partitioning of same. Henry Held, William Yates, C. K. C. Ausley, Commissioners. Georgia, Hecatur county:. Will be sold before tlie court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in Dec. during the legal hours of sale the fol lowing described property to wit: 50 acres of land lying and being in the lot of land No. 127, in the 14th district, Decatur county, Ga., lying in center part of west half, except 12 acres. Also one black mare mule, 5 years old named Ada, and one bay inure mule, 7 years old named Anna, und also one top buggy.# Levied on as the property of B. J. Hopkins and Donalsonville Live Stock Company to satistiy a fi fa in favor of Bank of Donalsonville. This Nov. 6th, 1916. 8. W. MARTIN, Sheriff. Georgia, Decatur County: Will be sold before the court house door in and for said county on the first Tuesday in Dee. 1916, within the legal hours of sale for cash to the highest bidder ail of the following property, to-wit 175 bushels of corn, more or less, 800 bundles of fodder, more or less, 10 bushels of lieanuts, more or less. Lev ied on as the property of John Scott to satisfy a 11 fa in favor of 8. C. Blaum. This November 7th, 1916. 8. W. MARTIN, Sheriff, J, P, ELECTION NOTICE An election will be held on the First Saturday in December, 1916, for Jus tice of the Peace and Constable in the various districts of thecounty. Blanks for this election will be furnished by the Ordinary. Ever Salivated by Calomel? Horrible! Calomel is quicksilver and acts like dynamite on your liver Calomel loses you!a day! You know what calomel is. It’s mer cury; quicksilver. Calomel is dangerous. It crashes into sour bile like dynamite, cramping and sickening you, Calomel attacks the bones and should never be taken into your system. When you feel bilicus, sluggish constipated and all knocked out and believe you need a dose of dangerous calomel just remember that your druggist sells for 50 cents a large bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone, which is entirely vegetable and plesant to take and is a perfect substitute for calomel. It is gauranteed to start your liver without stirring you up inside, and can not salivate. Don’t take calomel! It makes you sick the next day; it loses you a day,s work. Dodson’s Liver Tone straightens you up and you feel great. Give it to the childreh because it is per fectly harmless and does not gripe. The registration books of the city of Bainbridge are now open in the office of the Clerk. All qualified voters are given notice that the books will remain open during the month of November. W. O. Fleming. FOR SALE Believing that penuts mu take the place of cotton in t boll weevil section and lest the be a scarcity of seed for plai ing, we have left off crushii ior 30 days and will offer o stock of Spanish peanuts f seed at 6c per pound F. O. Shellman, Ga. They are Whi Spanish, the kind that find reai cash sale at .the oil mills. Orde filled as received, while sto lasts, prior to Dec. 1st. Shellman Oil Mill. Shellman, Ga. C. C. NORRIS Jewelry Headquarters For Xmas Gift ♦ The time has rolled around once more. I have Thousands of Gifts awaiting you. Never before has the stock been so large. Gifts to suit everybody. A few suggestions are shown Watches Special prices from now on until Xmas Ask For Prices Gold Signet Rings Large assortment ranging in prices from $2.00 UP Monograms Free CUT GLASS The Most Elegent Line of Cut and l^ngraved Glass at Popular Prices. m Ear Screws A Large Assortment Gold Mount ad vwiW^' PRICES TO SUIT ALL Ladies Gold Rings Nothing could be more suitable or more pleasing that! ortte of these handsome Gold Rings all Styles from $1.58 up Wrist Watches $14.50 Excellent American movement,' guar anteed to keep accurate time. 20-year gold filled case, extension bracelet. $17.50 Elgin or Waltham movement in a new small size, adjustable bracelet, with 20-year gold filled cases, white, gold or silver dials. $20.00 Rmall size, thin model, 20-year gold filled case with extension bracelet, fine imported movement guaranteed to be., an accurate timekeeper, gold dials. $21.50 Tonneau style, beautifully engraved 25-year gold filled case, patent adjust able bracelet with catch, Swiss move ment, warranted perfect timekeeper. OTHERS FROM $5.00 UP LAVALLIERS Large Assortment o\ Watches. For Ladies and Gentlemen Elgin, Waltham, Howard, HamiltiJ All Sizes and Prices—All Guaranteed $5.00 up Handsome 1915 Calendar Free to CUSTOMERS French Ivory Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets Brushes of all kinds for bot Ladies and Gents. Novelties in Great Variety. Mesh Bags, Vanity Case Almost Any Kind of a Gift For Sweetheart, Wife, Sister or Make your selections early, Have the engraving done early and avo the rush. e. e. norris West Street ‘The Leading Jeweler’ Bainbridge, G Georgia. Decatur County: Will be sold before tfie court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in Dec. during the legal hours of sale the fol lowing described property to wit; Fifty acres of land loeateil ami being In the Southwest corner of lot of land No, 6-1 in the 15th, district of Decatur county, Ga. Notice of levy' posted on said land and claimants It. G. Brock and W. A. Brock notified. Levied on under and by virtue of a fi fa of the Cairo Guano Company vs. W. A. and H. C. Brock issued from the city court of Bainbridge June term, 1916. This 6th, day.of November, 1916. Georgia, Decatur countv. Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Bainbridge in said county on the first Tuesday in Dee. dur ing the legal hours of sale the follow ing described property to wit; All of twenty acres of land lying and being in the southwest corner of lot of land No. 106 in the 14th, Distsict of Decatur county, Georgia, being known as the Jane and Arthur Hopkins prop erty. Tenant in possession notified. This November 4th, 1916, S. W. Martin, Sheriff. FOR RENT—Brick store in Hicks Block. $35.00 monthly, ssion given about Jan. 1. R. L. Hicks. Mr. J. K. Farrar and wife at tended the Fair in Thomasville Friday. Mr. C. C. Lewis, the boll weevil expert attended the Fair at Thomasville last Friday and reported a splendid time and show. Fred Harrell and wife of Jack sonville are spending a few days with his mother Mrs. E. A. Har rell. Miss Ruth and Edith Stegall after spending last week in Thomasville returned the latter part of the week. E. R. Ward of Iron City was in town Sunday afternoon a short while with friends. Miss Vera Miller of Iron City was in town Wednesday after noon a short while on a little visit to friends. Judge Mtlkr coming over with her in the car. W. B. Johnson and wife, and a party of friends werejn the city Sunday afternoon for a short while. Mr. J. W. Napier of Climax was in the city Sunday afternoon a short while. Mr. C. V. Bell and wife of near Whigham were in the city short while Sunday afternoon with friends. Miss Piety Hurst of Iron City was in town several days this past week with friends. Mr. Logue of Whigham was in the city a short while Sunday. *Mr. E. D. Alday of Lake Hin ton Neighborhood was in the city Monday on business for a short while. Mr. T. N. Burke of the Lake Hinton neighborhood was among the visitors in the city the early | part of the week. | Attention is called to the vartisement of the Palace Ma in this issue as they have ins ed a modern method of kee] all their stuff for their tr They are the one market w city that have invited the es fishing of a meat inspector Bainbridge. The Bainbridge Shoe SI has a few words ef deep in ( to the trade to say on the question. They a fe 0 some splendid shoe bargains will open the eyes of those have been paying the shoe p dow that are prevailing. Well if it is corn want to sell, see or Farmers Seed Co. will buy it for cash. r. Office Box 94, Bainbri Ga. Messrs. Otho Benton and._